1 THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFOK1). OHKaOX. ttTW'-'V: S K I T KM (i K If 12 1 !))!). REV. W. C. REUTER GOES 10 NEWBERG WALSWORTK CASE IS UNDER WAY Jury Chosen and Taken Out to View Premises Witnesses Under Examination. Local Pastor Transferred to New berg Hillsboro Man to Come . Here. At the Methodist conference, which was held at Cottage Urovc last week, Id. i Belknap was sent from Ilills boro to Medl'ord and W. C. Renter was assigned to the church at New berg. Mr. Renter will move to'Xewberg in n short time ami lias nntinea ins wife, who is in the east,' of the ehnuge MULHAN DEMONSTRATES UTILITY OF AEROPLANE TOURXAI. France, Sept. 21. M. I'nulhan has put nn aeroplane to practical use. Pressing to pay a visit to the Chateau Taintiguies, some miles from the aerodrome, he pointed his ma chine in that direction and flew leis-. nrely cross-country, settling gently near theentrance to the chateau. E. F. Fordyce of Eureka, Cal., is a . " visitor in Medford. j S. R. Byars of Portland is in the ... t ?" ' Frank V Smith, W. P. Smith and d B. H. Trumbull are recent arrivals . . in Medford. . pea vine m abundance and large gob- E. S. Patnrns of Seattle, Wash, is lets of P. sparkling, cold wnter a Medford caller. . besides many other good things to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Beeman of . eat and dring. Smoking in bed after Portland are visiting the city. the banquet will be strictly prohib- F. H. Prior of Hartford, Conn., ited. is a recent Medford arrival. . I A lodge can be instituted but once Charles H. Kewell of San Francis- and we want yol, here at ,he eere. co is a business caller in Medford. monies. Charles J. Bush is one of Penver's Come, help fill out the circle, get latest arrivals in Medford. your horns readjusted, let us shake R. Thomason of Hilt came up for hands with you. Come and sing and a few days on Tuesday. . j dance and talk and break bread with Mr. and Mrs. II. Setoenfele of "s- Portland are Medford visitors. ' 1 i hen the big time is all over, Fred A. Burbank from the state .. ... . . . of Maine has wandered out to our valley for a n investigation. W. C. Wallace of Portland is a visitor in Medford. J. W. Barton and wife of Pacific Grove, Cal., are visiting in Medford L. P. Burdick and son of Modesta, Cal., are in the' city. S. A. Beck of Poriland 1s spend ing a few days in Medford. Edgar Priddy of Findlay, Cal, is a guest at the Nash. Miss Florence French of Seattle arrived in Medford Tuesday. Walter Moore of Phoenix spent the early part of the week in Medford. A. C. Lehnan of Boston is among Medford's recent eastern arrivals. Sam Lebary of Montana is in the city- Leon Moen, a San Francisco resi dent, is paying Medford a visit. '.. Miss Lunn E. Becker of Lexington, Til, is a guest at the Nash. C. H. Curran of Fresno is in the city. Teas and coffees at 36 So. G st. Larrupin good truck, Bill those hot waffles at the Louvre. C. H. Esbell of Champaign, is in town looking for a location. Mr. Esbell is a well known Illinois rail road man. WANTEP First-class G-mule team ster. See Price, the blacksmith. 4-4- 4----4- 4-4- 4-4-4-4 4-4 4 f WV'll'l.WWIWWMFWII I HI .111.1 rfjLj: & !- .m- IftWMNUMHHHIHHI k will HELLO BILL BOYS HAVE ISSUED BIDS TO BIG TIME (Continued from Pnga 1.) feed. Xow you will sure come, won't you? For in the mangers nnd on 'and umler the tables tiiere will be You'll want to come again, F'or you'll find there's no one in the bunch But a happy lot of men." We will be glad to see you all and will try to make you feel at home. Fraternally yours, THE MEPFORP ELKS. Medford, Oregon, September 10, 1909. One of the bits of verse with a serious vein reads: The thing that goes the farthest, Towards making life worth while, That costs the least and docs the most, Is just a pleasant smile. The smile that bubbles from a heart That loves its fellow men, Will drive away the cloud of gloom And coax the sun again. It's full of worth and goodness, too, With manly kindness bent, It's worth a million dollars And it doesn't cost a cent. j Then there are the ones to provoke ; a smile, such as Here's to the temperance banquet, With water in glasses tall, And coffee and tea to end with, An' me not there at nil. Attention Elks The Medford B. P. 0. Elks' committee extends a hearty welcome to all members of the order to take pariin the celebration of the institution of Medford lodge, No. 1108, Thursday afternoon and evening. Septem ber 23. 1009. Owing to a shortage, invitation were mailed neighboring lodges only. , All Elks are cordially invited. Bring your cards. (Signed) ELKS COMMITTEE. 4-4- W'AI'TY CIIOKTK TO APPEAR IN" "A KXIf'iU'P VtH IHV" Tlli l,' i.w i.vrvivr Or this: When you're dead and the flame are hot, You'll be surprised at things forgot. You'll wipe your brow, and heave u sigh,' For wuterwagons you let gu by. ( The committees in charge of the big doings on Thursday are: Executive John S. Orth, J. P. Heard, J. G. Goble, C. L. Kennies. Frank Mollis. C. W. Heilbromer, W. T. Beveridge. Programs and Invitations C. L. Reames, W. S. Crowell, A. C. Bur gess. Banquet C. W. Heilbromer. .1. W. Jacobs. John J. Wilkinson. T. E. Daniels, D. B. Russell, H. L. Mont gomery, i Decorations J. G. Goble. M. G. Mordorff, Earl C. Gaddis, Fred Col- vig. J. l. flileyn. Finance Frank Mollis, A. It. Mil ler. Ed Van Dyke. Parade A. C. Burgess. George! Merriman. L. L. Jacobs, P. II. Hus sev. EUGENE CHILDREN TAKE 55 TEACHERS EUGEXE, Or.. Sept. 21. The Eu gene public schools opened today with the largest attendance they have ever had. The increase in population during the past year is well demon strafed in the enrollment this morn ing. Although two additional builrf ings were erected during the summer, all are nearlv full and it is apparent that. more buildings will be required in a couple of years if the increase in population is as rapid in that time as it has been in the past tivo years. There are 55 teachers employed. Henry Lttdlev of Seattle is a bus iness visitor in Medford. The only daily market report in southern Oregon in The Tribune. F See Prof. Anton Romanoft. formerly-court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, gnitar !and mandolin. Leave orders at Nash hotel. 4-4-4-4-4-V4-4-4-4-4- 4-4- ' 4-4-4- 4 4 -' 4- 4-4- 4-4-4- ' 4-4-4 ' 4 4-4-4-4-4-'4 4-4- 4-44- 444-4'4-4-4 444--4-44 DENNIS TWOHY. BUILDER OF RAILROADS, IS DEAD SPOKANE, Wash.. Sept. 'Jl. Contractor Dennis P. ' Tvvohy. imed 71, father of T wohy Brothers, who are building the IVvhutei Valley railway- in Oregon, dim! here yester day afternoon. He leaves a widow and five chidlren. He was a heavy stockholder in the Old National bank. Spokane, in tho Union Trust company and laud and timber companion. Ho wns widely known as a railroad con tractor. B. E. Muling of Portland came down on Tuesday for a few days. C. M. Honey of San Francisco is registered at the Xash. J. W. Grennl! of Portland is at the Moore. Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So I Have a Full and Complete Stock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to $et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583, MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP PAYS WELL FIRST DAY NEW YORK. Sept. '.'l.-This city's first municipal ownership railroad is an uuiiies'tioiiiilile success. It has been in operation one day, and in that time carried IS, 1100 passengers across the new tjiifcnsboniugh bridge between Manhattan and. Long IhIiiih! City. With a 'i'i-cenl faro the city finds that it can make a largo profit. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Alexander and W. 'G. Winningham of New York oily are among eastern visitors to Med ford. V. F. Macke.v of Sun Francisco is a business caller in tho city. E. J. Niogol of New York city is in the citv. Do You STL-, C. F. COOK, Proprietor The ca-.e of thi slate vs. ( haihw II. WnlsMoI'lh, Iminiciile, vas culled Monday in the circuit court, mid m Mill continuing. The following jury has been chosen n henr llm cum': li. It. I'miis, J. i. MrlMinhl, Carl liiebusindt, Samuel Malhis, F. M. Iti'ookor, P. V. Ilerriu, lb N. Bunch, J. I. Colbert Andrew llui'n, Fori Hubbard, J. K. Olson nnd C. L. Carr. Soon after the jury was chosen thev were taken to view the premise, al'ler which taking of tosiiuiony was begun. In tlui previous trial Charles If. Walswoith ami his son, Norval, wcio tried jointly. Each will bo tried tin term. The two men are licensed of I bo murder of James F. Mnnkins diirini; a quarrel over tho possession of liu.il. Thrilling Pictures at The Savoy. If you want to see some thrilling diainalic subjects lluil will bold your interest from Marl to finish, you md bettor at tend Medford's popular the- liter, "The Savoy" tonight. Snob strong story pictures ns ' 1 77l" nnd "Measure fur Measure" are seldom seen. I lorn is your chnnco. Don't miss it. No wails or delays tit "Tim Savoy." We don't have to close our performance because of breakdown, fir we hnvo the finest equipped mo lion picture house in southern Oregon. Entire change of program tomorrow niu'lit. One dime. Meet me at The Wigwam toniuht for if good waltr.. 153 m OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT