THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEPFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909. 8 7 (Continued from Page 6.) Lot H and the Houlli 11 feet of lot 7 in block 2. I'm rk addition in tlio eitv of Medford, Oreeon; frontneo 01 fuel on west bide Newtown street. 01 feet, ltulo per foot, 05 cents. Amount duo. $39.05. AsSCSSIIICIll No. 101). JoSSO Hoilck. Lots II iiml 10 ill block 1. Turk ud ililion in tlm L-itv of Medford. Ore gon; Irontnco 100 foot on enst side Ni'wlown street. 100 foot. Hula per foot. 05 cents. Amount duo, $05.00. Assessment No. 170. B. O. Simon. -Lots 11 mid 12 in lilock 1. Turk addition in tlio citv of Modford. Oro irnn. 100 feet. Huto per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $05.00.' Assessment No. 171. Ada nnd L. 0. Porter. lit 13. 14, 15 und 10 in block 1. Turk addition in tlio citv of Medford. Oreiront frontuco 200 feet on eiiHt sido Newtown Htreet. 200. Hato iter foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $13).00. ASSESSMENT KOI I A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWER IN ALLEY BETWEEN NOKTI1 OAKDALE AVENUE AND NORTH ORANOE STREET. DISTANCE. :i:ir FEET. IN CITY OK MEDFOKD. OKK OON. Assessment No. 172. Airntlm A. Brandenburg. A lot 50 feet frontage on Oukdalo avenue. North, and fronting 110 feet on Fourth Htrcot. Went, and marked AE on map of oitv of Medford. Oregon; f routine 0 feet on alley on rear of said lot und described Vol. 51. pace 022. county recorder's records of Jiiekson coun tv. Oregon. 70 feet. Htito per loot, 05 cent. Amount duo. $45.50. AHHCHHmei.t No. 173. 11. K. Marsh. Comeiicine at a point situated ij decrees. 30 minutes wcHt 00 feet and ....nil :i5 decrees 30 minutes west 200 feet from tlio northwest rnor of block 70 in original lowu oi -r..-.i n,-....ii und running thonoo north 05 decrees 30 minutes west 00 feet parallel with Oakdale uyontic, theneo smith 54 decrees 30 minutes U l :ir. feet, thence south Jeei thence south 35 decrees 30 minutes east 33 feet, thenec north 54 decrees 30 minutes east 147 feet to place of beginning, fronting 50 feet on alley in rear of said lot and described ol. 7". pace 254. counlV rccorm.i .. eords of Jackson countv. Orciroii. u0 feet. Hato per foot. 0a cents. Amount duo. $32.50 Assessment No. 174. Dolrov Getch ell. Commencintf at a " ee south. 54.30 decrees west. 100 feet south. 35 decrees 30 minutes cast of the northwest comer block 80 ot tlie town now citv of Medford. Oregon, according to the recorded plat there of and runninc thence south 3j de crees 30 minutes east alone the west line of "J" street 50 feet, thonco south 54 decrees 30 minutes west 147 northerly parallel witn said' "J" street 50 feet, thence north 64 decrees 30 minutes, east 147 foot n til unit fi f beginning, frontneo oO feet on nllev in rear of said lot do ....A vl. fin. naeo 457. countv re eorder's records of Jackson county. Orecon. 50 feet. Hato per foot. Oo cents. Amount duo $32.j0. uuu..,i.i.t No. 1(5. John D. OI well. Beginning at the northwest corner of the property bought of Cleo. W. Isaacs bv J. P. True, the deed . - ..,. for which is rccordod Vol. 52. pace 580. deed records of Orecon, thence north 54 decree 30 minutes, cast 100 feet to the comineneinc place: thence ' . ... ;.., ,,n..lcs 145 feet, north west Ht. ,.; rA p . M docroos 30 minutes, oast oO feet theneo east at richt ancles i Mil ioci , . ru deirrees 30 minutes lUCIlCU buu.u - r.n feet to Place of commencing known as lot 4 in Brandenburg s ad .... nr...nv...,l ,.lnt not recorded flllion lO l,lt:, ,--- , . frontaco 50 feet on alley in rear of said lot. described Vol. 00. pace ,166. countv recorder's records of J son countv. Orecon. 5C I feet Rate , iir. o.onts. Amount duo, I rut Aslsmont No. 170. W. W. Wfert -Commencing at a o mt s .Hint; aw. 54 decrees 30 minutes 00 feet and HO foot in a northerly direction alone Oakdale avenue from the N. W. cor nor of block 70. of tho oricmal town site of the city of Medford. Orecon. thonco in a westerly direction 147 feet parallel with Fifth street, theneo 50 . .' twlv direct on pnrallol .hOakdo Avenue, thence 147 feet in an easterly direction para lei with Fifth street, theneo southerly alone he west property lino of Oakdalo Mt ft. to i.lneo of commeno- ,; frontnee 50 feet on alloy in rear o t'uAi Wot. dosoribod Vol. 66. pace D-Jt. COUIll.Y "' rft f l . . .,(.. Orciron. 50 loot. i i MnH Amount duo ,r,ft v.. 177. W. S. IsnatH. -Commoncine 00 feet 35 decrees 30 . ,. n. n.,,1 nn feet, north 54 c "es 30 minutes of ioHfA corner of block 70. citv of Medford S, thence north 54 decrees 30 minutes, east 50 foot, thonco west at "I ancles 145 foot, theneo south ,j -i Oft mittntnn. wefit 00 inOl honco east - rieht ancles 145 feet I" nf heirinn ne: frontaeo 50 feet on -alley In rear of aid lot, de scribed Vol. 73. pace 150, county re corder's records of Jackson countv, Orecon. 50 feet. Hato per foot, 05 cunts. Amount duo, $32.50. Assessment No. 178. F. S. Hollis, Coinmeiieiiie 00 feet south, 54 de crees 30 minutes west of the north east comer block 70. cilv of Med ford, Orecon, thence soulh 54 de crees 30 minutes, west 147 feet, theneo west 35 decrees 30 minutes north 00 feet, thence north 54 de crees 30 uiin ut oh. eust 147 feet, thence east 35 decrees 30 minute, south 00 feet to place of bceimiine: frontaco 00 feet on alley in rear of said lot; described Vol. 05, pace 30H, county recorder's records of Jneu son countv. Orecon. 00 feet. Halo per foot 05 cents. Amount duo. $30.00. Assessment No. 170. W. S. Holli. Commoncine 219 feet 64 decrees 30 minutes west of tho northwest corner block 79. citv of Medford. Orecon, thence south 54 decrees 30 minutes, west 190 feet, theneo nortn 72 feet, thonco north 64 decrees c'O minutes.' eust 35 decrees 30 minutes, south 00 feet to place of commencing. frontaco 00 feet on ullev. described Vol. 05. puce 308. paragraph No. 2. countv recorder's records of Jack son countv, Orecon. ,00 feet. Kate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $30.00. Assessment No. 180. F. W. Weeks ot nl. Commencing ut a point situ- atod soulh 54 decrees JO minutes, west 1511 feet and north 35 decrees 30 minutes, wct 60 lect from ths northwest comer of block 79 in or iental town of Medford. Orecon. run ning thence north 35 decrees 30 min utes, west 60 feet parallel with Oak dalo avenue, theneo t-outh 54 degree 30 minutes, west 120 feet, theneo soulh 00 feet. t'i?nert north 54 de crees 30 minutes, east 158 feet to iilaco of'. frontaco 5') feet on alley east end of ..ud lot; do scribed Vol. 72. pace 111. countv re eorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon. 50 feet. Pule per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $3.'.50. Assessment No. 181. A. A. Hrond- enbure. A lot fronting 5'i feet on nllnv on cast end 'mm luiiiiinc back on south side 120 feet marked AE on miiD of tho citv of M-.doid. Ore gon, frontage icci on ir.-cv run imii! of said lot: dese-i'.ic.l Vol. ol page 022. county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Orcein. SO lec;. Hutn nr foot. 65 csnls. Amoun. due. $32.50. Assessment No. l-2. Priddv, Commoncine 100 feet norU-, 54 de grees 30 minutes cast ai.d 35 do- orees 30 minutes south. 21 lcet west of tho .lor'hwcst coiner of uiocK iv. citv of Medford. Oregon, tiienco west t.r decrees 30 minutes, south 9d tect thenefl north 63 fee;, thence east . decrees 30 minutes, north 57 Ice'., theneo soulh 50 decrees do minutes, ii-nu fin feet to nlncd cl i.-omnicncin frontoiro 50 feet on o!!ev eust end of u.ii.l lot; described oi. ') pnee 41 ennntv recorder's record ol JacK- ann ennntv. Orecon. iiO lect. Rate nor foot. 05 cents. Vnount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 193. A. A. Bran- .Innhnri'. A three corncrca piece o lunl frnntini? on nllev on rear of lo at present owned bv Delrov Gctcholl ,.,,,! mnrked Ate Oil mat) OL 1110 Cl, of Medford. Orecon: frontaco 75 feet on nllev east side or said lot: no scribed Vol. 50. pace 51. countv re crdor's records .of Jackson countv. Orecon. 75 feet. Hato per foot. 05 annln Amount due. $48.75. Assessment No. 184. Clara Mcln .! I.nt. o. hlnek 1- Bnnenlow ad ditio'n in tho citv of Medford. Oro .rnn-. frontaco 50 feet on alley in said lot. 50 feet. Rnto per fnni r;-, omits. Amount due $32.50 AuUnuinnt No. 185. A. H. Svncox Lot 1. block 1. Runealow addition ;., ntv nl Medford, ureeon frontaco 50 feet on alley in rear oi fini.1 lot. 50 feet. Hato per 1001 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50 ASSK.SSMKNT FOR A SIX INCH T ATVIJAT. RK.WF.H UN Min t UVj TOK STRKET. BETWEEN MAIN STREET. WEST. AND EIGHTH WEST. LENGTH OF SAME. 400 FEET. ABnasment No. 186. S. A. White. Tho north half of all blocK & oi uai to Mod ford. Oro con, cxcoptinc tracts dosenbea in in and BZ: frontaeo 200 foet on east cwln Mistletoe street. liUU leot. nni fnnt. 65 cents. Amount duo $130.00. Assessment No. 187. W. M. Cnmp l.nll TI,n west hnlf of lot 2. block 2. Gnllowav's addition in tho city of Medford. Orecon; trontnee zno icei on enst sido Mistletoe strcot. 200 foot. Rato per toot. U!) cents. Amount duo, $130.00. Assessment No. 188. Mary A. Km kaid. Lot 8 and tho south hnlf of lot 7. block 1. Park addition in the citv of Medford, Oreeon; frontaeo 75 foet on west sido Mistlotoo Rtroot. 75 foot. Rnto per foot. 65 conts. Amount duo. $48.75. Assossmont No. 189. Ilattlo S. Day. T.nt n and tho north half lot 7, block 1. Park addition in tho citv of Modford. Orctfon : troniaee a-ieev on west sido Mistletoe street. 75 feet. ute per foot, 05 cents. Amount due, $48.75. Assessment No. 190. Florence onth Hcrrick. lt 6 and the south 5 feet of lot 4. block 1. Purk addi tion in the citv of Medford, Oregon; rootage 05 feet, west side Mistletoe street. 95 feet, Huto per root, u.j cents. Amount due, $01.75. Assessment No. 191. Jacob A. Lvon. Lot 3 and tho north 5 feet of lot 4. block 1. Park addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, front age 55 feet, on west side Mistletoe street. 65 feet. Hate per foot, 05 cuts. Amount due $35.75. Assessment No. 192. Anna C. and K. Nullev. Lots 1 and 2. block Park addition, in the citv of Med ford. Oregon; frontage 100 feet on est side Mistletoe street. 100 leet. Hato ner foot. 05 cents. Amount $05.00. ASSESSMENT FOR A TRUNK SEW EH FROM MANUULr, i OAKlMLE AVENUE. NORTH. AND FOURTH STREET, WEST. TO MANHOLE ON WEST FOURTH AND NORTH ORANGE STREET. IN SEWER DISTRICT NO. 7. TEN-INCH CAST IRON PIPE. Assessment No. 193. Aeatha A. Brandenburg. A lot fronting 50 eel on west side Onkdule avenue, ,.rlli. nnd running buck along the south side of Fourth street. West, 100 feet, bcine on the northeast come' i Oakdale avenue. North, ana 'onrth street. West, and marked AE man of the citv of Mcdrord. ure i. described Vol. 51. pace 622. countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon. frontage 100 feet on south side Fourth street, West. 50 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cuts. Amount due. $.)J..)0. Assessment No. 194. A. 11. bvneox. I.t 1. block 1. Bungalow addition in the citv of. Medford. Oregon: front age 100 feet on soulh side rourui street. West, described Vol. 2. pace 405. countv recorder's records of iielt son countv. Oregon. UU ieci. Hate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $39.00. Assessment No. VJ:. Agntna A. Uriini1r.nhiir(r. A three cornerca piece of land on the intersection of ourth street. West, and uaKaaie avenue. ..Norm, ana bu.ioohm !.- irui Ocrmiin Evangelic Lutheran on tho oast and marked AE on map of the citv of Medford. Ore con: frontace 75 feet on north sjae Fourth street. West, described vol. 51. puce 072. county recorders re cords of Jackson countv. ureeon. id feet. Rate per foot.' bo cents. Amount due. $48.75. . Assessment No. 190. rirst Uerman Evnneelic Lutheran Church Com mencing at a point situated 12 chains nnd 40 links north and 14.63 feet est of the southeast corner or me southwest ounrtcr of the northeast onnrter of section 25. in township 37. S.. R. 2 W. of the W. M. and irom said point running thence west 85 feet, thence north 100 feet, thence enst 85 feet, thence south 100 feet t place of beginning, commencing nt a point situated 12 chnins 40 links north and 99 63-100 feet west of the cnnihciist comer of tho southwest ounrtcr of the northenst quarter of i n - r o O TV section Jo, townsnip oi r u. t. of the W. M. nnd runnin" thence west on feet, thence north 100 feet. thence east 90 fce.t. thence south 100 feet to.plnce of beginning; frontage 17.1 feet on north side Fourth street West, described Vol. 36. pace 202. Vol. 48. pace 625. county recorders records of Jackson county. Oregon. 175 feet. Rate per foot, bo cents. Amount due. $113.75. Assessment No. 197. C. W. mm. et ux. Lot 1. block 3, Palm addition in the citv of Medford. Oreeon; frontnee 100 feet on -west side Oak- dale avenue. North. 100 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $65.00. And it is hereby ordered that the recorder cnuse a statement of said respective assessments to he entered in tho docket of city liens and give notice thereof by publication as re quired by law, and that said liens be enforced as provided by the ordi nances of the city of Medford, for the enforcement of liens for the im provements of a street. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 14th day of September, 1909, by the city council of the city of Modford, Oregon, by the following vote : Welch nve. Merrick ave. Emer ick absent. Wortmnn nve. Eifcrt ave. and Demmor aye. Approved September l;th, 1U0U. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: IiOBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 225. An nrdinnnco dcclnrinff the assess ment on tho property benefited for the cost of laying a water mnin on West Main street and diroctine tho rotfordor to enter a statement there nt in the. wider main lion dookot. " The citv of Modford d6th ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lay an 8-incb water main on West Muin street from Laurel street to west corporation boiindarv and to assess the cost thereof on the property fronting on xuid portion of said street in pro portion to the frontage of said prop erty, and did fix a time and place for bearing protests against the laving of said water main and the cost of the assessment thereof on the property fronting on said portion of said street : And, whereas, said resolution was dulv published and posted as requir ed bv section 110 of the charter of said citv; And. whereas, a meeting of said council was held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for the purpose of considering any such pro tests, but no protests were at said time or at any other time made or received bv the council to the laving of said water main or the assess ment of the cost therefor as afore said, and said'. council deeming that said water main was and is of mate rial benefit to said citv and that all propertv to be assessed therefor would be benefited thereby to the extent of the probable amount of the respective assessments to be levied against said propertv. did order said water main luid: - And. whereas, the cost of laving said water main is hereby deter mined to be the sum of $4839.90: Now. therefore, it is herebv fur ther determined that the proportion ate share of the cost of laving said water main of each parcel of the property frontinc on said portion of said street benefited bv the laving of snid water main in the full extent of the amount so set opposite the des cription of ench parcel and that said respective amounts represent me proportional benefits thereof to snid respective parcels of propertv and the citv council docs herebv declare that each of the parcels of propertv des cribed below to be assessed and the sumc herebv is assessed the nmonnt set opposite each respective descrip tion for the cost of laving said water main. ASSESSMENT FOR AN EIGHT- INCH WATER MAIN ON -,r.Si l MAIN STREET. COMMENCING AT LAUREL STREET AND RUN NING WEST ON SAID MAIN STREET TO CORPORATION LINE: Assessment No. 1. S. A. White Lot 1. block 2. Galloway's addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon; front age 200 feet on south side of West Main street, and recorded in Vol. 40. page 379. county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 200 feet. Rate per foot 883i cents. Amount due $177.50. Assessment No. 2. Annie C. and R. K. Nallev Lot 1. block 1. Park ad dition to the citv of Medford, Oreeon : frontace 103 feet 5 inches on south side of West Main street, and record ed Vol. 63. page 478. countv record er's records of Jackson countv. Ore con. 103 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 883,i cents. Amount due $91.80. Assessment No. 3. Idn nnd L. G. Porter Lot 16. block 1. Park addi tion to the citv of Medford. Oreeon: frontaco 103 feet 5 inches on south side of West Mnin street, and record ed Vol. 53. pnee 92. county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 103 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 883A cents. Amount due .f'Jl.sO. Assessment No. 4. Carrie E. Georec. wife of F. ' W. Carnahan Lot 1. block 2. Park addition to tho citv of Medford. Oregon; frontace 103 feet 5 inches on south side of West Main street, and recorded in vol. 53. pace 92. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 103 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 883i cents, Amount due $91.80. Assessment No. 5. Mary B. Orr Lot No. 16. block No. 2. Park addi tion to the citv of Medford. Oreeon frontaeo 103 feet 5 inches on south side of West Main street, and record ed in Vol. 47. pnee 62o. county re eorder's records of Jackson county, Orecon. 103 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 883,i cents. Amount due $97.80, Assessment No. 6. Ella Carney Lot No. 1. block No. 3. in Park ad dition to tho citv of Medford. Ore con; frontnee 100 feet on south side of West Mnin street and recorded in Vol. 44. pneo 373, county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oreeon 100 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents, Amount duo $88.75. Assessment No. 7. Ella Arnold- Lot 16. block No. 3. in Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon : front neo 100 feet on sonth side Mam street. West, and recorded m Vol 59 pneo 244. countv recorders records of Jnckson countv. Orecon. 100 feet. Rato per foot 883,i cents. Amount due $88.75. Assessment No. 8. Mnrv E. Wilson The north 150 feet of lot No. 1. block No. 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontneo 50 feet on south sido of West Mnin street, nnd running back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol. ,71. page 396. countv recorder's reoords of Jack son oountv. Orecon. 50 feet. Rate per foot BWt cents. Amount due $44.40. AssesHmeiitNo. 9. Alfred Colmcn The north 150 feet of lot No. 2. block No. 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and running back 150 feet, and re corded in Vol. 68, page 43, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 10, Alfred Colmcn The north 150 feet of lot No. 3. block No. 4. Pak addition to the city of Medford. Oreeon; frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, nnd running back 150, and recorded in Vol. 68. page 43, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Orecon. 0 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 11. Alfred Colmen The north 150 feet of lot No. 4. block No. 4. Park addition to the city of Medford. Oregon; frontage 30 feet on south side of Main street. West, and running back 150 feet. and recorded in Vol. 68. page 43, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 30 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amouni due $26.65, Assessment No. 12. Kittie Smvlie The north half of lot 5. block 4. Park addition to the city of Medford, Ore gon: frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 72. page 471. countv record ers records of Jackson countv. Ore gon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cenuts. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 13. Sarah A. West- fall The north half of lot No. 6 block No. 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon: frontaee 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 72. pace 221. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 14, Svlvia E. Hal lev Lot No. 7. block No. 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 58. page 273. county record er's records of Jackson countv. Ore gon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 15. Svlvia E. Hal ley Lot 8. block 4. Park addition to the city of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 58, pace 273. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 16. P. J. Head Lot 9. block 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Orecon : frontaee 50 feet on south side of Mam street, West, and recorded in Vol. 68. paee 0. countv recorders records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 17. P. J. Head Lot 10. block 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon; frontaee 50 feet on soth side of Main street, and recorded in Vol. 68. pnee 3"n countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Ofecon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 18. Eliza Corwin Lot 11. block 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon; frontnee 50 feet on south side of Mam street. West, and recorded in Vol. 40. prv- 242. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 19. Eliza Corwin Lot 12. block 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford'. Oreeon: frontaee 50 feet on south side of Main street West, and recorded in Vol. 40. pi"- 242. countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 20. Eliza Corwin Lot No. 13. block 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon front aee 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, nnd recorded in vol. 40 pnee 242. countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate per foot S8 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 21. D. B. Soliss The north hnlf of lot 14. block 4, Park addition to the citv of Medford, Oreeon: frontaee 50 feet on south side of Mnin street. West, and re corded in Vol. 67. paee 327. c recorder's records of Jackson conn tv." Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate per foot S8 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 22. D. B. Soliss The north hnlf of lot 15. block 4, Park addition to the citv of Medford Oregon, frontnee 50 feet on south side of Mnin street, West, nnd re corded in Vol. 07,'pnee 327. countv recorder's records of Jnckson conn tv. Orecon. 50 feet. Rate per foo 88 cents. Amount duo $44.40 Assessment No. 23, Ella F. Perrv BM. Lot 8, Morev's nddition to the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontnee 9 feet on the north 'Hn of Main street, West, and reeowed' in vol. 40. 407. oountv recorder's reoords Jnckson oountv, Oregon. 95 foet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $84.30. Assessment No. 24, A. S. Bliton B. N. Lot No. 9, Morev's addition to the (itv of Medford, Oregon; frontace 162 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 64, pace 211, countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oreeon. 162 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $143.80. Assessment No. 25. John A. Morev B. P. Lot No. 11. Morev's addi tion to the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontaee 100 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. . .. pace . ., countv recorder's ecords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 100 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $88.75. Assessment No. 26. A. O. Jove BS. Lot on north side of Main street West, and situated between the lands of John A. Morev on the northeast and the lands of I. W. Thomas on the 'west and marked BS. on the citv map of Medford, Oregon ; front age 80 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 72. page 264, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 80 feet Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $71.00. Assessment No. 27. I. W. Thomas BR. Lot on north side of Main street. West, and marked BR. on map of the citv of Medford, Oresroa; frontage 75 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 50, paee 600. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 75 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $66.60. , Assessment No. 28. E. N. Warner and H. G. Wortman AY. A tract of land adjoining I. W. Thomas on the east and Jennie M. Root on the west, and lot 8. of block 1. Bunga low addition on the north, and mark ed AY. on the map of the citv cJ! Medford. Oregon: frontage 125 feet on the north side of Main street. West .and recorded in Vol. 51, pnee o99. county recorders records of Jackson countv, Orecon. 125 feet Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due-.$110.95. Assessment 29. Jennie M. Root AX. A tract of land: fror'ee 55 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and running back 100 feet on Orange street. North, and marked AX. on man of the citv of Medford, Oreeon. and recorded in Vol. 71, page 194. countv recorders records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 55 feet Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $48.85. . Assessment No. 30. May Anderson Lot 13. block 2. Bunealow addition to , the citv of Medford.- Oreeon: frontaee 60 feet on north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 66. paee 603, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 60 feet. Rate per foot 88 ents. Amount due $53.25. Assessment No. 31. Mav Anderson Lot 14. block 2. Bungalow addi tion to the citv of Medford. Oreeon: frontaee 60 feet on the north side of Mnin street. West, and recorded in Vol. 60. pnee 603. pountv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 60 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $53.25. Assessment No. 32. William Lewis et ux. Lot 13. block . . . Lewis nd- ition to the citv of Medford, Ore eon: frontaee bl tect on the north side of Main street. West, and record ed in countv recorder's records of Jnckson courtv. Oreeon. 61 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount ue $54.15. Assessment Nn. 33. Wi'linm Lewis et nx Lot 14. blneV . .. Lewis nddi tion to the city of Medford. Or--frontnee 61 feet on the north side of Mnin street. West, and recorded in Vol. ... pace ... countv recorder's records of Jnckson coun Oreeon. 61 feet. Rate rer foot 88 cents. Amount due $"1.15. Assessment No. 34, Wi'linm Lewis et ux Lot 15. block . .. Lewis nddi- ion to the citv of Medford. Oregon frontnee 61 feet on the north side of Main street. West, nnd recorded in Vol. ... pnee ... county recorder's records of Jnckson coontv. Oreeon. 61 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $54.15. Assessment No. 35. John M. Root Lot 1. block 1. Crowell's nddition to the citv of ' Medford, Oregon ; frontaee 56 feet 9 inches on the north side of Mnin street. (JVcst, and re corded in Vol. 70. pace 293, countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv, Oreeon. 56 feet 9 inches. Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount due $50.00. Assessment No. 30. John M. Root Lot 2. block 1. Crowell's addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; front age 56 feet 9 inches on tho north side of Main street. West, nnd recorded in Vol. 70. pace 293, county recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 56 feet 9 inches. Hate per foot 88 cents. Amount duo $50.00. Assessment No. 37. John M. Root Lot 3. block 1. Crowell's nddition to the citv of Medford, Orecon; front aee 56 feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street.,West, nnd recorded in Vol. 70. page 293. county recorder's ' of (Continued on page 8.)