THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1909. ( Continued from page 5.) Kate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 73. D. B. Soliss The north half of lot 14. block 4. Park addition to the city of Medford. Ore eon; frontage 50 feet on south side f Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 67. page 327. county recorder's records of Jackson count v. Oregon; 50 feet. Rate per foot 63 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 74. D. B. Soliss The north half of lot 15. block 4. Pnrk addition to the city of Medford, Ore con: frontaee 41 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 67, paee 327, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 41 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $26.65. Assessment No. 75. Annie M. Root feet on the north side of Main street. West, and runnine back 100 feet on Orange street. North, and marked AX. on map of the city of Medford, Ore con, and recorded in Vol. 71. pace 194. county recorders records of Jackson county, Oregon. 55 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount $35.75. Assessment No. 76. May Ander son. Lot 13. block 2. Bunealow ad dition to the city of Medford. Ore con: frontage 60 feet on north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 66. paee 603. county record er's records of Jackson county. Ore iron. 60 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $39.00. Assessment No. 77. May Ander son. Lot 14. block 2. Bungalow ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore con: frontaee 60 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. ... paee ... county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 60 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amuont due. $39.00. Assessment No. 78. William Lew is, et ux. Lot 13. block . Lewis addition to the city of Medford. Ore con: frontaee 61 feet on the north side of Main street. West., and re corded in Vol. 66. paee 603. county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oreeon. 61 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $39.65. Assessment No. 79. William Lew is, et ux. Lot 14. block . Lewis addition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontaee 61 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. . paee . county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $39.65. Assessment No. 80. William Lewis, et nx. Lot 15. block . Lewis ad dition to the citv of Medford, Ore con; frontage 61 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. . pace . county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $39.65. Assessment No. 81. John M. Root. Txt 1. block 1. Crowell's addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontaee 56 feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 70. paee 293, coun- tv recorder's records of Jackson coiintv. Oreeon. 56 feet 9 inches Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $36.90. Assessment No. 82. John M. Root. Lot 2. block 1. Crowell's addition tn the citv of Medford, Oregon fmntnixA ?ifi feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 70. paee 293, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson ennntv. Oregon. 56 feet 9 inches Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, 3fi .00. Assessment No. 83, John M. Root Lot 3. block 1. Crowell's addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon X front aee 56 feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 70, page 293, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 56 feet 9 inches. Rate per foot 65 eents. Amount due $36.90. Assessment No. 84. Bertie H. Ben nett. Txit 4. block 1. Crowell's ad Hitinn to the citv of Medford. Ore gon : frontage 56 feet 9 inches on the nnrth side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 71. paee 383. county recorder's records of Jackson (coun tv. Oreeon. 56 feet 9 inches.' Rate ner foot. 65 cents. Amount due S36.00. Assessment No. 85. Gold- Ray Realty Co. Lot'l. block 2. Crowell's nnditinn to the citv of Medford. Ore con; frontage 59 feet 3 inches on the nnrth side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59. paee 247, county recorder's records of Jack enn pntintv. Oreeon. 59 feet 3 inches. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due, $38.50. Assessment Nb. 86. Gold Rnv Realty Co. Lot 2. block 2, Crowell's nddition to the citv of Medford. Ore con: frontaee 59 feet 3 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59. page 247, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 59 feet 3 inches. . Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due $38.50. Assessment No. 87. Gold Ray Realty Co. Lot 3. block 2, Crowell's addition to the citv of Medford, Ore- m,n? frnntnire 59 feet 3 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59. page 247. coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 59 feet 3 inches Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due $38.50. . . X'.. aa ftM.) Rnv I Assessiuunt u'i w , , i- . T - A I.1....1, O IWnll'a li e a 1 1 v o. uvfc -xt mi., n. m, w addition to the citv of Medford, Ore- o z A f Q !n,ili.j .11 t eon; frontage 59 feet 3 iuches on the north side of Maui street. st. and recorded in Vol. 59. page 247, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 49 feet a inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $38.50. Assessment No. 89. Fred II. Cook et ux. Lot No. 1. in block 1. Roan oke addition to the city of Medtord. Orecon; frontage 45 feet 8 inches on north side Main street. West, and described Vol. ... page ... county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 45 feet 8 inches. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $29.70. Assessment Nn. 90. Fred H. Cook, et ux. Lot No. 2. block 1. Roanoke addition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon : frontage 45 feet 8 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and described in Vol. . pace . county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oreeo". 45 feet 8 inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $29.70. Assessment No 91. Fred H. Cook. Lot No. 1. block No. 2. Roanoke addition to the citv of Medford, Ore- nn frnntneo 49 feet 1 inch on north side of Main street. West, de scribed in Vol. . paee , county recorder's records of Jackson cuntv, Oregon. 49 feet 1 inch. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.70. Assessment No. 92. Fred H. Cook. et nx. Lot 2. block 2. Roanoke ad dition to the city of Medford. Ore 49 feet 1 inch on north side Main street. West, and describ ed Vol. . paee . county re corder's records of Jackson county. Oreeon. 49 feet 1 inch. Rate Oregon. 49 feet. 16 inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.70. Assessment No. 93. Fred H. Cook. et ux. Lot 3. block 2, Roanoke ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontaee 49 teet a incnes on north side Main street. West, and north side Mam street. vtesi, ana , T ', '', nn j ;ua vi nnnnrvleords of Jackson county. Ureeon. described Vol. . paee . county l. recorder's records of Jackson coun recoraers reirurus ui onunwu tuuu- ty. Orecon. 49 feet 2 inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $33.30. Assessment No. 94. C. D. Wolver- ton, et ux. Lot 3. block 1. Wolver- ton's sub-division of the citv of Med iUrU. VICCUU i 11UI11UKC T. ac. 1 inches on north side Main street I fnrd. Oreeon: frontage 47 feet 5 West, and described Vol. , paee countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot, 6o cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 95. C. D. Wolver- ton. et nx. Lot 2, block 1. Wolver ton's sub-division of the city of Med ford. Oregon : frontage 47 feet 5 inches nn nnrth nine Main street. West, and described Vol. . tinge county recorders records oi Jackson county. Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 96. C. D. Wolver- ton. et nx. Lot 1, block 1, Wolver- ton's sub-division of the citv of Medford. Oreeon. and described vol. . nnee . countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 65 eents. Amnnnt due. $30.80. Assessment No. 97. C. D. Wolver- ton. et nx. Lot 1. block 2. Wolver- ton's sub-division of the citv of Afen'fnrnV Oreenn : frontaee 47 feet 5 inches on north side of Main street. West. renrneri Vnl- -. naee . countv recorder's records of' Jack son countv. Oreeon; 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 98. C. D. Wolver- ton. et nx. Lot 2, block 2, Wolver ton's . subdivision of the citv of Medford. Oreeon: frontaee 47 feet 5 inches north side of Main street West, dscribed in Vol. . pace , countv recorder s records of Jack son countv. Oreeon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 99. C. D. Wolver ton. et ux. Lot 3. block 2, Wolver ton's sub-division of the citv of Medford, Oreeon; frontaee 47 feet r inches nn nnrth side of Main street. West, described in Vol. . paee countv recorders records of Jack son countv. Oreeon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 100. Pickle, Klum and Murphv. Lot 14, block 1. Sum mit nddition to the citv of Medford. Orecon: frontaee 62 feet on north side of Main street. West, described in Vol. 72. pace 121. countv record er's records of Jackson countv, Ore eon. 62 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $40.30. Assessment No. 101. Pickle, Klum and Murphv. Lots 13. block 1, Sum mit addition to the citv of Medford, Oreeon; frontaee 51 feet north side of Main street. West, described in Vol. 72. page 121. countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 51 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount duo, $33.15 Assessment No. 102. C. W. Snyder. AW. A tract of land 113 foot frimtiiLFA nn JacksnnviP. rami or ' Main street. West, and 140 foct deep along Summit uvenue, and mnrke AW miiti nf the I'itv fit Mntlt'.iril. .... ....... - - - - - - - lWin frnntilim 113 fiinr. mi Milin v.,'...'.. . -. . v.. street. West, described Vol. 05, page "lOl niMiiitv VAnntli1ni,iil vnitunl it 321. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orecon. 113 foet. Rato per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $73.45. Assessment No. 103, Mrs. Ida Kenworthv. AV. A tract of land 113 feet frontage on Jacksonville road or Main street. West, and run ning back to Fourth street. West. 759 feet and marked AV on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 112 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 42. page 337, county recorder's records of Jack son cuuntv. Oregon. 112 feet. Kate per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo, $72.80... Assessment No. 104. Mrs. S. J. Ilavze Lot 16, block 1. Bryant's nd dition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontage 46 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 68, page 152, county recorder's re cords of Jackson county. Oregon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $29.95. Assessment No. 105. Mrs. S. J. Havze. Lot 15. block 1. Bryant's addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontaee 46 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 68. pace 152, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 106. L. J. Quielev Lot 14. block 1. Bryant's addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 46 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 72. page 151. county recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 107. Pnvette and Storah. Lot 13. block 1. Bryant ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore con: frontaee 4r feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. paee . county recorder s re ....r Amount due. $29.9j. Assessment No. 108. T. J. McAn- drew. Lot 12. block 1. Bryant ad- dition to the city of Medtord. Ore- eon: irontaee io ieei on norm woe of Main street. West, desoribed Vol. 66. paee 190. county recorder's re- ' ' - cords of Jackson county. Oregon 46 feet .08. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 109. T. J. McAn-' drew Lot 11. block 1. Bryant addi tion to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontaee 46 feet on north side oi Main street. West, described Vol. 66, page 190, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 46 feet 8 inches. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount $29.95. 110. Pavette and Slnrnh. Lot 10. block 1. Bryant ad dition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon: frontaee 46 feet on nnrth side of Main street. West, described Vol. 72. pete c-:;::,!v i--n:c-'s re cords of Jackson county, Oregon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 111. Pavette and Slorah. Lot 9. block 1. Brvant ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontage 46 feet on north side of Main street. West, desenbed Vol 72. page 435, countv recorder's re cords of Jackson countv, Oreeon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 112. Scott V. Davis. Lot 2. block 2. Highland Park addition to the citv of Med fnrd. Oreenn; frontaee SI feet on south side of Main street. West, de- seriheH Vnl. . naee . county recorder's records of Jackso- coun tv. Oreeon. 51 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $33.15 Assessment No. 113. Scott V. Davis. Lot 1. Block 2. Highland Park addition to the citv of Med fnrd. Oreeon: frontaee 51 feet on south side of Main street. West, de scribed Vol. ' , paee , countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv. Orecon. 51 feet. Rato per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $33.15. Assessment No." 114. Scott V. Davis. Lot 6. block 1, Highland Park addition to the citv of Med ford. Oreeon: frontaee 49 feet 11 inches on south side of Main street. West. described Vol. . nnee . county recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon. 49 feet 11 inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $32.40. Assessment No. 115. Scott V. Davis. Lot 5. block 1. Hiehlnnd Park nddition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on sonth side of Main street. West, described Vol. , paee i ,, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No.. 116.' . Scott V. Davis. Lot 4. block' 1, ' Highland Park addition to tho oitv of Mod ford, Oregon; frontage 50 foot on south side of Main street, West, de scribed Vol, , pueo , Countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 50 feet. Kate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 117, Soott V. Davis. Lot 3, block 1. Highland Park nddition to' tho citv of Med ford. Oregon : frontage 60 foot on south side of Main street, West, de scribed Vol. . paga , countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv, Oregon, 50 feol. Rate per font, 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Asscssmoift No. 118, Scott V. Davis. Lot 2, block . 1, Hiehland Park addition to tho citv of Medford, Orecon; frontngo 50 feet on south sido of Main street. West, described Vol. . page . countv roeordor s records of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo, $32.50. Assessment No. 119. Soott V. Davis. Lot 1, block 1, Highland Park addtion to the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 50 foot on south sido of Main street. West, described Vol. , pace , countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feot. Rate per foot, 65 conts. Amount duo. $32.50. Assessment No. 120. J. C. Brown. et ux. Beginning nt the northeast corner of government lot 5. of sec tion 25 in township 37. S. R. 2 W. of the W. M. in Oregon, thence west on the north line of said lot 5, 5 chains, ' thence south to tho north lino of R. R. V. R. right of way across said government lot, thonco ensterlv alone tho north lino of snid railroad rieht of way to tho east line of said government lot 5, thence north along snid cast line .of lot 5 and 465 feet to the place of beginning. containing 3.62 acres, more or less: frontage 330 feet on south sido of Main street. West, described Vol. 05, page 75, countv recorders records of Jackson county. Oregon. 330 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $214.50. Assessment No. 121. Mrs. L. E. Price. Beginning nt the northeast comer of Knst Bomhen's D. L. C. in section 25. township 37. S. R. 2 V. of the W. M. in Jackson countv, Oregon, thence south 1.67 chains to corner of D. L. C. 86. thence enst 4.05 chains to a post from which a white oak tree 20 inches in diame ter bears north 46 degrees, west 116 links, thence north 19.67 chains to center corner section 25. township 37. R. 2 W.. thence west 7.32 chains. thence south 18 chnins, cast 3.27 chains to place of beginning, contain ing 13.80 acres: frontage 483.12 feet on south side Main street. West, de scribed Vol. 69, page 498, countv re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon. 483.12 feet.' Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $314.05. vAssessment No. 122. Fred H. Cook. et ux.1 Lot 3. block 1, Ronnoke ad dition in the citv of Modford. Ore gon; frontage 45.8 on north sido Main street. West. 45.8 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $29.75. ASSESSMENT FOR LATERAL SEWER FROM SOUTH ORANGE ST. BETWEEN MAIN ST. W. AND EIGHTH WEST; LENGTH OF SAME. 400 FEET. Assessment No. 123. Ella Carnev. Lot 1. block 3, Park addition in the citv of Medford, Oreco-' front ago 50 feet on west sido Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 124. Jackson Building and Loan Association. Lot 22. block 3. Park addition in the citv of Medford. Orecon; frontage 50 feet on west side Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot, On cents. Amount , due, $32.50. Assessment No. 125, Elizabeth Brown. Lot 3. block 3. Park addi tion in the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on west side Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 120. A. B. Butler. Lot 4. block 3. Park addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 feet on west sido Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rato por foot, 65 cents. Amount duo, $32.50. Assessment No. 127. A. B. Butler. The north half of lot 5. block 3, Park addition in the citv of Medford, Orceon: frontaee 25 feet on west side Orance street. South. 25 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due $16.25. Assessment No. 128, Margaret F. Noble. Lot 6 and the south half of lot 5. block 3. Park addition in the citv of Medford. Orceon: frontage 75 feet on west side Orange street, South. 75 feet. Rate por foot, 65 cents.. Amount duo. $48.75. , Assessment No. 129. Goo. H. Ends, Lot 7. block 3, Park addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon; front ace 50 foot on west sido Orange street. South. 50 feot. Rnto per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50, Assessment No. 130. Homer II Harvcv. Lot 8, block 3. Park ad dition in tho citv of Medford, Ore eon : frontage . 50 feet ' Orange street, South. 50 feet. Rato nef foot, 65 cents. . Amount due, $32.60. i'liiU".. Assessment No. 131, O. C. Boggs, Lots U. 10, 11 and tho south 42 foot of lot 12 in block 2. Park addi tion in the citv of Modford, Oregon; frontage 192 foot on oust sido Orange street. South. 11)2 feet. Rato pur foot, 65 conts. Amount duo, $124.80. Assessment No, 132, Mary B. Orr. tots 14, 15, 16 and the north 42 feet of lot 13, in block 2, Park addition in tho citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontuge 192 feot on oast side Oraugo street, South. 192 feet. Ruto per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $124.80. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWKR ON NORTH PEACH ST. BETWEEN MAIN ST. WEST. AND FOURTH ST.. WEST. LENGTH OK SAME 677 FEET. Assessment No. 133, William Iw is. et ux. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, ft. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Lewis addition in the citv of Modford, Oregon; front age 600 foot on east sido Peach street. North. 600 feet. Rato por foot, 65 cents. Amount duo, $390.00. Assessment No. 134, Dolrov Gotcholl. Lot 12. block 4. Crowell's addition in tho citv of Modford, Oro gon; frontage 50 feet on wost sido Peach street. North. 60 feet. Ruto per foot, 05 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 135. Ida SIvbsv. Lot 10 and 11, Crowell's addition in the citv of Modford. Oregon; front age 100 feot on west sido Poach street. North. 100 feet. Ruto per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo, $65.00. ABsessmont No. 136. Churlos J. Mizor. Lots 8 and 9. block 4, Crowell's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 100 feet on wost side Peach street. North. 100 feot. Rato por foot. 65 cents, Amount due. $115.00. Assessment No. 137, Murguret J. Riimsov. Uit 7. block 4, Crowell's nddition in tho city of Moufm-d. Ore gon: frontage 50 feet on west sido Peach street. North. 50 feot Rule per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 138. H. G. Har vcv. Lot 6, block 4. Crowell's ad dition in the citv of Modford. Ore gon; frontage 50 feot on west sido Peach street. North. 50 foet. Rato per foot, 65 conts. Amount duo, $32.50. Assessment No. 139. R. II. Toft Lot 5. block 4, Crowell's addition in the citv of Modford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on wost sido Peach street. North. 50 feet. Rate per foot. (15 cents. Amount due, $32.50, Assessment No. 140. Ereso J. Pol tor. Lot 4. block 4. Crowell's addi tion in the citv of Modford, Oregon; frontaee 50 feet on west side reach street. North. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 141. Margaret J. Rumscv. Lot 3. block 4. Crowell's nddition in the citv of Modford. Ore gon; frontaee 50 foot on west sido Peach street. North. 50 foot. Hate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 142. J. E. Toft Lots 1 nnd 2. block 4. Cro'woll's ad dition in the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontage 100 feet on west side Peach street. North. 100 feet Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $65.00. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATEHAL NEW Ell U.N JNIUUII QUINCE STREET BETWEEN MAIN ST.. WEST. AND FOURTH STREET, WEST. LENGTH OK SAME 580 FEET. Assessment No. 143. Gold Rnv Ronltv Co. Lot 8. block 3, Crowell's addition in the citv of Medford. Ore gon : frontage 104.H leet on wost side Quince street. 104.9 foet. Rntc per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $107.20. Assessment No. 144. Gold Rnv Realty Co. Lot 1. block 3. Crowoll's uddition in the citv of Medford, Ore enn : frontage 164.9 feet on west side Ouinco street. 164.9 foet. Rnto por foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $107.20. Assessment No. 145. Gold Rnv Realty Co. Lot 8. block 2. Crowell's addition in the citv of Medford. Ore gon ; frontage 164.0 feot on west side Ouihco street. 164.9 foot. Rato per foot, 65 cents. Amount duo, $107.20. Assessment No. 146. Marearnt J. Rumsev. Lots 13. 14. 15. 16, 17 in block 4. Crowell's addition m the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 250 feet Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $162.50. Assessment No. 147. Elizabeth M. Smith, Lot 18, block 4. Crowoll's nriilit.inn in tho citv of Medford. Oro gon; frontago 50 feet on oast sido Ouinco street. 50 feet. Rnto por foot. 65 cents. Amount duo. $32.50 Assessment No. 148. Westl.v Vo eoli. Lot 19. block 4. Crowoll's ad dition in tho citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontngo 50 feot on east sido Quinco street. 50 feet. Rnto per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo. $32.50 Assessment Nn. 149. Margaret J Rumscv. Lots 20. 21. 22. block 4, Onwoll's addition in tho city of Medford. Oregon; frontngo 1,50 feot on enst sido Quince street. 150 feot. Rate por foot. 05 cents. Amount duo, $07.50. Assessment No. 150. Charles J Fickes. Lot 23, block 4. Crowell's addition in the cjty5of Modford. Ore- con; frontngo 60 feet on east sidn Quinco street 60 foot Rale per foot, 65 cents. Amount duo, $32.60, Assessment No. 161. E. R. Pock tot 24, block 4, ('rowell's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 50 foot on vast side Quince street 50 foe' Rain per foot, (15 cents. Amount duo, $32.60. ASSESSMENT KOH A SIX INCH LATEHAL SEW Eli ON SOUTH PEACH NTH EE f BETWEEN MAIN STREET. WEST. AND EIGHTH ST.. IN THE CITY OK MKDEOKD. OIIKGON. Assessment No. 152, Mary E, Wil son. Tho north 150 foot of lot 1, block 4, Park addition in tho oitv of Medford. Oregon; frontago 100 feet on west sido Peach street. South, de scribed Vol. 71, pugo 330, county re corder's records of Jackson count v, Oregon. 100 feot. Rato per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo, $65.00. AisoHHinont No, 153. J, E. Dvor. Part of lot 1. block 4, Park addition in tho citv of Modford, Oregon, nd joining Mnrv E. Wilson on the north and D. B. Soliss nn tho south; front ago 75 feot on wost side Pouch street, South, described Vol. 62, page 215, countv recorder's rocords of Jackson countv, Oregon. 75 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents, Amount duo. $48.75. - Assessment No. 154, D. B. Soliss. Part of lot 1. block 4. Park addi tion in tho citv of Modford, Oregon, adjoining J. E. Dver on the north and August Lnwrontz on tho south, described Vol. 72, page 631, countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv, Oregon: frontngo 75 feot on tho west sido Pouch stroot. South. 75 feet Rnto per foot 65 cents. Amount due, $-18.75. Assessment No. 155, August Lnw rontz. The south 100 feet of lot 1. block 4. Park uddition in the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontago 100 feet on wost sido Poach street. South, de scribed Vol. 58. pago 44(1, countv re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon. 100 feet Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount dun. $05.00. Assessment No. 156. Mnrv E. Howling. Utt 9, block 3, Park addi tion in the citv of Modford, Oregon: frontage 60 feet on east side Poach street South. 50 feot Rato per oat. 05 cents. Amount due, $32.60. Assessment No. 157. W. E. Sun ders. Iit 10, block 3. Park nddition in tho citv of Medford, Orfgon: frontage 50 feet nn east sido Pencil street South. 50 feet Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount dun, $32.50. Assessment No. 158, Ella Arnold. IiOt 11. block 3, Park addition in the citv of Modford, Oregon: front age 50 feet on east side Pouch street South. 50 feet Rute per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 150. Ellu Arnold. Lot 12. block 3. in Pork addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon; front- nee 60 feet on onst side Poach street. South. 60 foot. Rato per foot 05 cents. Amount duo, $32.50, Assessment No. 100, Ella Arnold. M 13. block 3, Park nddition in the citv of Medford. Oregon: front ago 50 feet on cast sido Poach street. South. 50 feet Ruto per foot, 65 cents. Amount du-'. $32.50. Assessment No. 101, Ella Arnold. Lot 14. block 3, Pnrk addition in tho citv of Medford, Oregon: front ngo 50 feet on cast sido Peach street. South. 60 feet Rnto per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 102. Ella Arnold. Lot 15, block 3. Pnrk addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon; front ago 50 feel on enst sido Peach street , South. 50 feet , Rnto conts. Amount duo, $32.50. Assessment No. 103. Ella Arnold. Lot 10. block 3, Pnrk addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon: front ngo 50 feet on cast sido Poach stroot. South. 60 feet Rnto por foot, 05 conts. Amount duo, $32.50. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWER ON NEW- . TOWN ST. BETWEEN MAIN ST.. WEST. AND EIGHTH ST.. WEST. LENGTH OF SAME 400 FEET. Assessment No. 104. Cnrrio E. George. Lots 1, 2, 3 and tho north 42 feet of lot 4 in block 2. Park nd dition in tho citv of Medford. Oregon, frontago 192 feot on wost side Now town street. 192 foot. Rate por foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $124.80. Assessment No. 105. A. L. Ohn stend. Tho north 9 foet of lot 6. block 2. Pnrk addition in tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontngo 0 foot on wost sido Newtown street 0 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $5.85. Assessment No. 10(1. It. L. Burdic. Tho south 33 feet of lot 5 nnd tho north 28 feet of lot 0. block 2. Pnrk addition in tho city of Medford, Oro gon ; frontngo 01 font on west side Newtown stroot. 01 feet. Rnto per font, 65 conts. Amount duo, $30.65. Assessment No. 167, Henry V. Pat terson. Tho south 22 feet of lot 6 and tho north 39 foot of lot 7 im block 2, Park nddition in tho citv of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 01 feet on west side Nowtnwn si root 61 foet. Rnto per foot, 65 oonts. Amonnt; duo. $39.65. ' Assessment No. 168. B. 0. Simon (Continued on Page 7.)