Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 20, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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All Ol'llilltlllCO UHKOHHUIg lllU OOHt of
tho iniiiii and laliiriil sowers in how
or district Nn. 7. in tlio city of Mod
ford. umiiiiHt tlin properly directly
hciiol'ilml liv Hitiil Honors mill ndjii-
it tliurtito, 1A11I providing fur llio
tinlrv thoroof in tliu docket of city
limm of Hiiiil oily.
Tim imIv of Mod l ord doth ordain
its follows:
Tluit no protests Intviinr been filed
llgllillHt till) IIHKOMHmilllt Of (III) OOHt of
inn Iii sowers and laterals in sower
district No. 7. of llio oily of Mndforil,
notinu tliuruof having burnt givou to
ihn respective owners of property
thereby ufl'ooted us provided liv the
charter of Maid city. of Medford, tin;
I'oimiiil has considered tliu mutter and
hereby dllllllircH till) COHl of Hllid HOW
IT lUlll IlllOlolH (0 1)1) USSOKHOd uguiust
I bit respective parcels of property in
I ho nmpootivo u mo on t s heroin Hiit
oiUHisito Haid respective parcels,
which Haid parcels of land uro hnro
liv declared to bo directly bunofitod
thereby iii mich respective ninoiintM in
hiii'Ii proportion, nil uh hereinafter mil
1'orlli in clgtuil.
Assessment No. 1, William L. Mil
ler Commencing at a point situated
I 'J chains '11 links north und 1011.(53
reel went of tliu S. E. corner of the
S. W. quarter of t ho N. K. nuorlor of
section 25, in towiiHbin 37 hoiiiIi.
ranee 2 wost of tlio Willnmiitto mor-
idian. and from uaid point runtime:
west iU(l foul, thenen nortli 100 lent,
thence cast 100 fi'iit. thonco hoiiIIi 100
fool to placo of beginning, frontage
100 toot on nortli sido Fourth street,
W.. doseribud Vol. 5 ). pago (18. coun
ty reoordor'n records of Jackson
nonntv. Oregon. 100 foot. Kuto per
font (15 cents. Amount duo 05.
Assessment No. 2. Lizzie Wieein
Commencing nt a point situated 12.40
links north and 280.(13 foct wost of
tlio 8. K. conicr of tlio 8. W. quar
ter of tlio N. K. iiunrtor of section
25. in township 117 Houtli. rnngo 2 wost
of tlio Williunot to meridian, und from
Haid point running tlicnco west 50
feel. Minima north 100 foot, thonco
oiLst !i0 foot, thenoo Boiith 100 foot to
plueo of beginning.
Coinmonoinc nt a point 12 chains
1il links north ii ixl (i chains 42 links
west of tho 8. K. corner of tlio 8.
W. quarter of thn N. K. nunrtor hoc
tion 25. in township 37 south, range
2 wont of tho Willamette meridian,
and running thenoo north 100 foot,
thoiioo miKt 84.0 foot, tliono.o Routh
100 foot, thenco west 84.0 font to
plnco of beginning; frontairo 134.0
foot on nortli side of Fourth stroet.
W'.. described Vol. 40. pngo 353, Vol.
42. pace 50-1 count v recorder's roc
ord of .Jackson counlv, Orocnn. 134.0
fool. Unto per foot 65 cents. Amount
duo $87.70.
AsKOMHiiioiit No. 3. Georuo II. Kads
Lot 13. block 3. Palm addition, in
tlifi nitv of Modford. Orocon; froni
niro 00 foot on north sido Fourth
stroot. W.. described Vol. G3. pnu'o
82. countv recorder's records of Jnck
sou countv. Oroiron. 50 font. Hate
nor foot 05 cunts. Amount duo
Assessment No. 4. Claronco Ends
Lot 12. block 3. Pnlm addition in
tho city of Modford. Oroiron: frontneo
50 foot on north sido Fourth stroot.
V described Vol. 03. Patio 83. coun
ty rooordor's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 50 foot. Unto per
foot. 05 cents. Amount duo $32.50.
Assossmont No. 5. Clnronco Ends
Lot 11. block 3. Pnlm addition in
tho city of Modford, Orceon: frontline
40.5 foot on north sido Fourth stroot.
W doscribod Vol. 03, pneo 83. coun
tv recorder's records of Jnckson
county, Orocron. 40.5 foot. Kntp por
foot 05 conts. Amount duo $30.20.
. Assessment No. 0. William Hoff
uor Lot 1. blook 1, Olson addition,
in the citv of Modford. Oregon front -
niro 54 foot on north sido Fourth
Htroot. W.. doscribod Vol. 02. pneo
200. countv rooordor's records of
Jackson county, Orceon. 54 foot. Hate
.r font (15 . cents. Amount duo
A HHOHsmon t No. 7. T. A. Olson Lot
'.. blonk 1. Olson nddition. in tho cilv
of Modford. Oroiron; frontairo 54 foot
on north sido Fourth street. W.. des
cribed Vol. 72. pneo 203. county re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
'Orceon. 54 foot. Rato per foot 05
.cents. Amount duo $35.10.
Assessment No. 8. William Toneuo
--Lot 1. block 0, Olson nddition. in
thn cilv of Modford, Orwrnn ; frontneo
54 foot on north sido Fourth street.
W.. (Inscribed Vol. 71. pneo 211, eoun-
. tv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Orceon. 54 foot. Rntn per
foot 05 conts. Amount duo $35.10.
Assessment No. 0. Willinm Toneuo
Lot 2. block 0. Olson ndditon, in
tho city of Modford, Orocron; front-
. neo 54 foot on north sido Fourth
,i)t.rnot, W., doscribod Vol. 71, pneo 211
county recorder's rccordH of Jnckson
county, Orceon. 54 foot, Halo per
foot 115 cents. Amount dun $35.10.
AsHOSMinuut No.' 10, William I'nl
mnn Ileuiiiuiii" lit a point 2 chains
85 links vust and 12 chuiiiH 40 links
nortli of tint center of section 25, in
township 37 south, raueu 2 west of
thn Williimotto ineriiliiin and running
Ihiinuo north parallel with tho west
lino of tho N. 10. nunrtor of said sec
tion 0 chuiiiH 23 links, tlionco cast
parallel to thn south lino of suid N.
K. iniiirtor of miid section 1 chain
(10 links, tlionco west 1 chain 00 links
to plane of beginning, contuiuing 1
('omiiienciiig nt a point 4 elniins 45
links uiist and 12 chains 40 links
norlh of the 8. W. comer of tho N.
F.. (inartcr section towiishin 37
Houth, raugu 2 wohI of Willamette
moridinn. and running thuiico oast
parallel with tho Houth lino of tho said
iiunrtor section 2 chains 75 links,
llinuco north parallel with the west
line of said nuartur Hoctiou 12 chains
44 . links, thenco wast 4 chiiius 35
links, tlionco south 0 chains. 22 links,
tlionco east I chain 00 links, tlionco
south 0 chains 22 links to placo of
beginning, contuining 4.41 acres;
froutngo 287.10 foot on north side
Fourth street, W.. described Vol. 22.
pneo 134, and Vol. 22, pneo 153,
countv recorder's records of Juckson
countv, Orocon, 2H7.10 foot. Hate
per foot 05 coots. Amount, due
Assossmont No. 11, l'unl Demmcr
Commencing 12 chains 40 links
north of tho 8. K. corner ol
the N. W. iiimrtor section
25, township 37 south, range 2 west
of Willamette moridian, running
tlionco wost 8 chains 53 links, thence
north 0 chains 22 links, tlicnco cast
10 chains 38 links, tlicnco south 0
chains 22 links, tlionco wost 2 chains
85 links to place of beginning, con
tnining 4.008 acres, in tho citv of
Modford. Orogon; frontugo 432.3 foot
on north sido Fourth direct. W., des
cribed Vol. 20, page 250. countv re
corder's records of Jnckson countv.
Orogon. 432.3 foot. Unto per foot 00
cents. Amount duo $281.
Assossmont No. 12. Josephinn F.
Clark Hcginning 12 chains 40 links
nortli of tho 8. K. comer of tho N
W. nuartur section 25, township 37
south, ran go 2 wost of Willamette
moridinn. running thenco west 8
chains 53 links, thenco north 0 chains
22 links, tlionco oast 11 chnins 53
links, tlionco south 0 chains 22 links,
tlionco west 2 chains 85 links to place
of beginning, containing 7.008 acres,
moro or less, mid from said 8. W.
comer or beginning point miming
thenco north 0 chains 22 links, thence
oast 4 chains 83 links, south 0 chains
VI links, tlionco west 4 chains 83
links to place of beginning, contain
ing 3 nores: frontugo 318.78 foot on
nortli sido Fourth street. West, in the
cilv of Madforri. Urcgon, (tcscriDcu
Vol. 50, pago 404, countv recorders
records of Jackson countv. Oregon.
318.78 feet. Unto por fool 05 cents,
Amount duo $207.20.
Assessment No. 13, M. C. Martin
Commcncim: at n point situated 12.40
elniins north and 8.53 chains west of
the 8. K. comer of the N. W. nunrtor
section 25. township 37 south, range
2 west of Willametto meridian, and
from said point runnine Ihcnco north
0.22 ehnins. thenco wsst 1.01 chains,
south 0.22 ehnins. cast 1.01 chains to
pluco of beginning, continuing 1 acre.
more or less: frontneo 100.2(1 feet on
nortli sido Fourth street. W.. des
cribed Vol. '40. pnee 153. countv re
corder's rooords of Jnckson countv
Oregon. 100.20 feel. Unto per foot
05 conts. Amount duo $00.05,
Assessment No. 14, J. C. Smith
Iloeiniiine nt tho S. W. cornor of
Lewis-Martin 1-ncro tract or 1 chain
01 links west of tho S. W. comer of
tho Paul Demmcr tract, in tho 8. K
nunrlcr soction 25. township 37 south
rnneo 2 wost of Willametto moridinn
niul i-iinninc thonca west 3 chains 23
links, thenco north 0 ehnins 20 links
Ihonco east 3 chains 23 links, soutli
0 chains 20 links to placo of bcein
nine, coiitninini' 2 acres, moro or loss
frontneo 213.18 feet on north Midi
Fourth street. W.. described Vol. 51
pneo '155. countv rooordor's record
of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 213.18
foot. Unto per foot 05 cents. Amount
dun $138.55.
Assossmont No. 15. D. McDonald
Uoginninc 7.57 chains south nnd 5.20
ehnins east of tho N. K. cornor of the
jS. E. nunrtor of tho N. E. nunrtor soo
Ition 25, township 37 south, rnneo 2
wost of Willnmetto moridian, and run
nine thenco north 0.20 chains, east
I. HO ehnins. south 0.20 chains, wosl
3.00 ehnins to plnco of beginning, con
mining I, moro or oss: ironingc
11)5.0 foot on north sido Fourth stroot,
W.. described Vol. 72. pngn 3(8 conn
Iv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oroiron. 105.0 foot. Unt
nor foot 05 cents. Amount , due
Assossmont No. 10. A. C. Vureoss
Commencing nt a point 7.57 chain
soutli nnd 3.00 chains oust of the
N. W. cornor of tho S. E. nuarlor o
tho N. W. onartor soction 25, town
ship 37 south, rnneo 2 wost of tho
Willainelto moridian. runine thenco
north 0.20 chains,-, tlionco oast 1.00
chains, tlionco south 0.20 "'ains, west
3.00 chains to placo of beginning, con
taining 1 acre, moro or less; front
age 105.0 feet on norlh sido Fourth
stroot. W., (Inscribed Vol. 73., pago
407. county recorder's records of
Jnckson countv. Oregon, 105,0 feet,
Kale por foot 05 cents. Amount dun
Assessment No, 17. Edward 8.
Slinsnn Commencing ut n point 1.37
chains south of tho N. W. corner of
thn 8. E. (inartcr of tho N. W. ouur-
r section 25. township 37 south,
raugu 2 west of Willametto meridian.
running thence east 3.00 ehnins, Mouth
20 chains, west 3.00 chains, north
20 chains to placo of beginning.
oiitainiug 2.23 ucres, moro or less,
saving, excepting and reserving from
in foregoing strip of land 30 foot in
idth along the entire west Hide of
said premises, containing .28 of an
acre, moro or less: frontugo 207.00
feet on north sido Fourth street, W.,
escribed Vol. 57, pago 257. countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv.
b-cgon. 207.00 feet. Unto por foot
") conts. Amount duo $134.05.
Assessment No. 18. Lillin Sample
ommencmg at a point situated
501.0 foot north of the 8. W. comer
f tho 8. E. (iiinrtor of the N. W.
(inartcr section 25. township 37 south.
range 2 west of Willametto meridian.
mid from said point of com
mencing running thence north
07.4 feet to u point, being the
intersection of south line of
tho countv road, tlicnco cast 125.3
ect. south 107.4 feet, west 125.3 feet
o place of beginning; frontage 125.3
feet on south sido Fourth street. W..
no record in the citv of Medford.
Oregon. 125.3 feel. Unto per foot 05
cuts. Amount due $81.45.
Assessment No. 10, Mnrv M. Chil-
dcrs Commencing ut tho N. E. cor
ner of tho 14.55-ncre tract of land
bought bv Geo. W. Isaacs and Silas
J. Dnv of C. Mingus and wife, on
Januurv 30. 1809. as recorded in Vol.
17, pages 553 and 55, deed records of
Jackson countv. Orogon: thence
south alone tho westerly line
of said tract of , lnnd 3
bains 00 links, thenco north 80 de
grees 45 minutes oast to tho west line
of said land, sold to one Kenworthv.
tlicnco north to the N. W. comer of
said Konworthv land, tlicnco west
along tho north lino of the land here
by conveyed 6.54 chains to placo of
beginning, 'containing 2.55 acres,
more or less, but reserving nnd ox-
online from this conveyance 1 acre
of land heretofore conveved to Lillie
8itmplo off of tho westerly portion of
said described premises: frontage
142.07 feet on south sido Fourth
street. .. described vol. 50. page
)05. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv Oregon. 142.07 foct,
Unto per foot 05 conts. Amount due
Assessment No. 20. Ida M. Cor
nover Commencing at a point sit
untcd 200.03 feet cast of tho point
of intersection of south lino of wost
Fourth street nnd tho cast lino of tho
countv road, in the S. E. onartor of
tho N. W. quarter section 25. in town
ship 37 south, ran go 2 west of Wil
lnmotto moridian. and from said point
riming tlicnco east 103.07 feet, south
132.10 feet, west 104.25 foot, north
32.10 feet, east 103 feet, north 100
foot to place of beginning; frontugo
103.07 feet on south sido Fourth
street. W described Vol. 69, pace
155, countv recorder 8 records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 103.67 feet.
Unto por foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 21. Mrs. Ida Kon
worthv Beginning nt the S. W. cor
ner of land 28 degrees 438, and run
ning thenco north on west lino of
said Surans lot 757 feet to cornor
of streot. thenco wost on south line of
said stroot 112 foot 3 inches to cor
nor on said streot. thonco south 757
feot to corner on north line of the
countv road lending from Jackson
ville to Medford. thonco cast alone
north lino of said countv road 112.3
feet to plnco of beginning, contain
ing 1.05 ncros. and located on S. E.
ounrter of N. W. quarter section 25,
township 37, 2 west, Jackson, countv.
Orceon; frontneo 112 feet on south
sido Fourth Btroet. W., described Vol.
52. page 337. county recorder's rec
ords' of Jackson countv, Oreeon.
112 feet. Rate por foot 05 cents.
Amount duo $72.80.
Assessment No. 22. E. H. Pickcl. B.
Khun nnd W. C. Mnrphv Lot 1,
block 2, Summit nddition, in tho cilv
of Modford, Oregon; frontneo 103
foot on south sido Fourth street. W.
103 foot. Unto per foot 05 cents.
Amount duo $00.05.
Assessment No. 23. E. B. Pickol,
B. Klnm nnd W. C. Mnrphv Iot 1.
block 1. Summit nddition, in tho city
of Modford, Oreeon; frontneo 103.5
foot on south sido Fourth , stroot,
Wost. 103,5 foct. Unto por foot 05
conts. Amount duo $07.30.
Assossmont No. 24, C. D. Wolvor
ton Lot 15. block 2, Wolvcrton sub
division, in tho citv of Modford, Ore
eon: frontneo 132.50 foot on south
sido Fourth stroot. West. 132.59 feot.
Rnto por foot 05 cents, 'Amount duo
Assossmont No. 25. C. D. Wolvor
ton. ot ux. Lot 15. block 1. Wolvor
ton's sub-division, in tho citv of Med
ford, Oregon: frontneo 132.517 feet
on Houlli siiln Fourth street. West.
132.5!) feet. Unto per foot 05 cents.
Amount duo $80.20.
,. Assessment No. 2ti. Fred II. Cook
ot ux. Ut 15. block 2. Uounoko ad
dition, in the cilv of Modford, Oro
gon; frontugo 137.50 feet on south
sido Fourth street. West. 137.50
foot. Unto per foot 05 cents. Amount
duo $80.15.
Assessment No. 27. Fred II. Cook
et ux. Ut 15. block 1. Itonnoke ad
dition in the citv of Medford. Oregon;
frontugo 137.50 feot. on Houth Hide
Fourth street. West. 137.59 feet.
Unto per foot 05 cents. Amount duo
Assessment No. 28. O. T. Lnwrontz
Ut 5. block 3. Crowell addition,
in the citv of Medford, Oregon; front
age C9.3 feet on south Hide Fourth
street. West. 59.3 foet. Hate per
foot 05 cents. Amount duo $38.55.
Assessment No. 29. E. U. Pcch
Lot 6, block 3. Crowell'a addition, in
the citv of Medford. Orceon; frontage
50.J lcet on soutli sido Fourth street,
West. 59.3 feet. Ifnte per foot 05
cents. Amount duo $38.55.
Assessment No. 30. Cold Ilflv Real
ty Co. Ut 7. block 3. Crowell's ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontage 50.3 foot on south side
Fourth street. West. 59.3 feet. Kate
per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $38.55.
Assessment No. 31. Gold Hay Ueal
IV Co. Lot 8. block 3. Crowell's ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 59.3 foct on south side
Fourth street. West. 59.3 feet. Hate
per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $38.55.
Assessment No. 32. E. H. Pech
Ut 24. block 4. Crowell's addition, in
the citv of Medford, Orceon; front
age J DO tcet on south hide fourth
strcei, west, luu loet. Kate per
foot 0.) cents. Amount due $08.90.
Assessment No. 33. J. E. Toft
t 1. block 4, Crowell's addition, in
the cilv of Medford. Oregon; front
age 100 feet 'on south side Fourth
street. West. 100 feet. Hate per foot
05 cents. Amount due $08.90.
Assessment No. 34. William Lewis
ot ux. Ut 1. Lewis addition, in the
citv of Medford. Orceon: frontage
178 feet on south side Fourth street.
West. 178 feet. Rnto per foot 65
cents. Amount due $115.70.
Assessment No. 35. Anderson &
Toft Ut 1. block 2 Bungalow addi
tion, in the citv of Modford. Oreeon
frontage 105 feet on south sided
rouna sireci. vvesi. iuo ieei. itaie
per foot 65 cents. Amount due
GON: Assessment No. 30. Anderson &
Toft Lot 1. block 2, Bungalow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontage 50 feet on west side
Orange street. North, described Vol.
... page ... county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount
due $32.50.
Assessment No. 37, R. E. Holmes
Ut 2. block 2. Bunenlow addition, in
tho citv of Medford, Orceon: front
neo 50 feet on west sido Orange
street. North, described Vol. 72. pace
370. countv recorder's records pf
Jackson xrpnntY.. Oreeon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot .6$ cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 38. Mrs. Selena T.
Corliss Ut 3. block 2. Bunenlow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on west side
Orange streot, Nortli, described Vol.
00, page 500. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Orceon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount
duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 39. Marv Alsdorf
Ut 4. block 2. Bungalow addition, in
tho citv of Medford, Oregon ; frontage
50 feet on wost sido Ornneo stroot.
North, described Vol. 07, pngc 12,
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv, Oregon. 50 feet. Rate
per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 40. L. J. Quiirbv
Ut 5, block 2. Bungalow addition, in
thy citv of Medford. Oregon: front
age 50 feet on west sido Orange
street, North, described Vol. 00. page
501. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rato por foot 05 conts. Amount due
Assessment No. 41, Bel Ticsse
Ut 0, block 2. Bunenlow nddition. in
the citv of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on wost sido Orange
street. North, described Vol. 72, page
247, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon. 50 feet.
Unto per foot (15 conts. Amount duo
Assessment No. 42, John L. Dem
mcr Lot 7, block 2, Bungalow nddi
lion, in tho citv of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on wost sido Ornngo
street. Nortli, described Vol. 08. page
002, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate
per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assossmont No.- 43, Oris Crnwford,
Trustee Ut 8, block 2. Bungalow
addition, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on west side
Orange street. Norlh. described Vol.
72. page 473, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50
feet. Unto per foot 05 cents. Amount
due $32.50.
Assossmont No. 44. W. A. Alden
hugnn Ut 0. block 2, Bungalow ad
dition, in tho citv of Medford, Ore
gon: frontage 50 feet on west side
Ornneo street. North, described Vol.
Of), pate 004, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount
due $32.50.
Assessment No. 45. W. C. Green
ii. li. l.ot 10. nnd the north half of.
lot 11. in block 2. Bungalow addi
tion. in the citv of Medford, Oregon ;
frontage 75 feet on west side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 69, page
127.' countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon! 75 feet. Rate
por foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 46. F. C. Page
Ut 12 and south hnlf of lot 11. block
2. Bungalow addition, in the citv of
Medford. Oregon; frontaee 75 feet on
westrside Orange street. North, des
cribed Vol. 70. pace 233, countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Oreeon. 75 feet. Rate per foot 65
cents. Amount due $48.75.
Assessment No. 47. Mav Anderson
Ut 13. block 2 Bunealow nddition.
in the citv of Mcdfojd. Oreeon: front
nee 90 feet on west side of Ornnee
street. North, described Vol. CO. page
603. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oreeon. 90 feet,
Rnto per foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 48. A. II. Svmcox
Ut 1. block 1. Bungalow nddition,
in the citv of Medford, Oregon:
frontage 50 feet on east side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 72. paee
405. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 49. Clara Mcintosh
Ut 2. block 1, Bunealow addition,
in the citv of Medford, Oreeon:
frontnee 50 feet on east side Oranee
street. North, described Vol. 69. paee
489. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 50. Anderson and
Toft Ut 3. block 1. Bunealow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
eon: frontage 50 feet on east side
Orange street. North, described Vol
. .. paee ... countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oreeon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due $32.50. . ,
Assessment No. 51. Georeo Priddv
Lot 4. and the north 16 2-3 feet of
lot 5. in block 1. Bunealow addition,
in the citv of Medford, Oreeon ; front
age 66 2-3 feet on east side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 70, pace
53, county recorder's records of
Jnckson countv, Orceon. 66 2-3 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 52. Anderson and
Toft Tho south 33 1-3 feet of lot 5.
and the north 33 1-3 feet of lot 6.
block 1. Bunenlow addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon; frontaee
66 2-3 feot on Orange street, North,
described Vol. ... page ... countv
recorder's records of .Jacksou coun
tv. Oregon. 66 2-3 feet. Rate per
foot 65 cents. Amount duo $43.35.
Assessment No. 53. Sarah E. Weeks
Tho south 16 2-3 feet of lot 6 nnd
lot 7. in block 1. Bunenlow addition.
in the citv of Medford. Oreeon; front
age 66 2-3 feet on east side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 06, pnee
005. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv, Oregon. 06 2-3 feet.
Rate por foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 54. Anderson and
Toft Lot 8. block 1. Bunenlow addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on east side Orange
street, Nortli, described Vol. . .. page
countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv. Oreeon. 50 foot.
Rate por foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assossmont No. 55. E. N. Warner
and II. G. Wortman AY. A tract of
land fronting 180 feet on east side
Orange street. North, in the citv of
Medford, Oregon; frontage 180 feet
on cast sido Orange street. North,
described Vol. 51. pago 599. countv
recorder's records'bf Jnckson countv,
Oregon. 180 feet. Rate per foot 65
cents. Amount duo $117.
Assessment No. 56. Annio M. Root
AX. A lot fronting 55 feet on
Main street. West, and 140 foot deep
on cast sido Oranee street. North,
and marked AX. on map of the city
of Modford. Oreeon; frontneo 00 feet
on cast side Orange street, North,
described Vol. 71, pnee 194, countv
recorder s records of Jnckson conn
tv, Oregon. 90 feet. Unto por foot
05 cents. Amount duo $58.50.
Assessment No. 57, Marv B. Orr
Ut No. 16. block No. 2. Park nddi
tion to tho citv of Medford, Oregon
frontage 103 feet 5 inches on sonth
side of West Main street nnd record
ed in Vol. 47, pngo 025, countv re
corder's records of Jnckson countv
Orogon. 53 foot 5 inches. Rato per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $34.75.
Assessment No. 58, Ella Carney
Ut No.l 1. block No. 3. in Park addi
tion to the city of Medford. Oregon ;
frontage 100 feet on south side of
West Main street, und recorded in
Vol. 44. page 373, county rocorder'c
records of Jackson countv, Oregon.
50 feet. Rate per foot 05 conts.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 50..Elln Arnold
Ut 16. block No. 3. in Park nddition
to the citv of Medford, Oregon ; front
age 100 feet on south Bido Mair
street. West, and recorded in Vol.
59, pace 244. countv recorder's rec
ords or Jackson county, Oregon, 5.0
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due SJ2.50.
Assessment No. 60. Marv E. Wil
sonPart of lot No. 1, block No. 4,
Park addition to the citv of Mod
ford. Oregon ; frontage 50 feet ' on
sonth side of West Main street and
runnine back 150 feet, and recorded
in Vol. 71. paee 396, county record
er's records of Jackson countv. Ora-
eon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 61. Alfred Colmen
Part of lot No. 2. block No. 4, Park
addition to the citv of. Medford, Ore
eon: frontaee 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and runnine
back loO feet, and recorded in Vol.
68. paee 43. county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv, Orceon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
Assessment No. 62. Alfred Colmen
Part of lot No. 3. block No. 4,
Park addition to the citv of Medford.
Oreeon: frontaee 50 feet on south
side of, Main street. West, and run
nine back 150 feet, and recorded in
Vol 68, paee 43, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon.'
?9 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount dne $32.50.
Assessment No. 63. Alfred Colmen
J'urt of lot No. 4. block No. 4. Park
addition to tho city of Medford. Ore
eon: frontaee 30 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and runnine
back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol.
03, paee 43, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 30
loet. Kate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due $13.50. ,
Assessment No. 64. Kittie Smylie
The north half of lot 5. block 4, Park
addition to the city of Medford, Ore
eon: frontaee 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 72. paee 471. county recorder's
records of Jackson countv, Oregon.
50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 65. Sarah Westf all
The north half of lot No. 6. block
No. 4. Park addition to the citv of
Medford. Oregon : frontaee 50 feet on
south side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 72. paee 221. coun
ty, recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oreeon. 50 feet. - Rate per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 66. Svlvia V. Hal
lev Lot No. 7, block No. 4. Park ad
dition to the eitv of Medford. Ore
eon: frontaee 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 58, paee 273. county recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oreeon.
50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 67. Svlvia V. Hal
lev Lot 8. block 4. Park addition to
the citv of Medford, Oreeon : frontaee
50 feet sonth side of Main street.
West, and recorded in Vol. 58. paee
273. county recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oreeon. 50 feet. Rate
per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 68. P. J. Head
Lot 9. block 4. Park addition to the
citv of Medford, .Oreeon; frontaee
50 feot on. south side of Mam street.
Wost. and recorded in Vol. 68. page
370. countv recorder's rccotds of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rnte per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 69. P. J. Head
Lot 10. block 4. Park addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon : frontaee 50
fact on south Bido of Main street,
and recorded in Vol. 68, page 370,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Orceon. 50 feet. Rate per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 70. Eliza Convin
Lot 11. block 4, Park nddition to tho
citv of Medford, Oreeon : frontage 50
feot. 'on sonth sido of Main street.
Wist, und recorded in Vol. 40, paee
242. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
RiUe per foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 71. Eliza Corwin
Lot 12, block 4. Tnrk addition to the
citv of Medford, Oreeon: frontairo 50
feet on south sido of Mnin street.
West, end recorded in Vol. 40. pnee
242, countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv, Orceon. 50 foot,
Kate per foot 05 cents. Amount duo
Assessment No. 72. Eliza Corwin
Ut No. 13. block 4, Park nddition
lo tho citv of Medford, Oreeon; front
neo 50 foct on south sido of Mnin
street. Wost, and recorded in Vol. 40,
pngc 242, countv recorder's records
of Jnckson county, Oreeon. 50 feet.
(Continued on Pag 6.)