Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 20, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medeord Daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at
Medford, Oregon.
One year, by mail $5.00One mouth by mail or carrier. .$0.50
The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.;
Ferry News Etnnd, San Francisco, Cal.
Sunday's Oregonian contains a Roseburg dispatch pub
lished under the caption, "Unipqua Valley Pear Ship
ment Brings Highest Price of Season to Date," which
reads as follows :
"With a banner 25 feet long bearing the words "Ump
qua Valley Pears, shipped by the IV. C. Harding Land
Company," a carload of d'Anjou and Clairgeau 2ears left
Rpseburg yesterday for New York city.
"Tim fruit was raised by Dr. George A. Bradburn on
his Edenbower, orchard. The shipment comprised 660
boxes, for which Mr. Bradburn received $1485, or $2.25
per box. So far as known this is the highest pricce ever
paid the grower for Umpqua Valley pears, and higher titan
tcogue liiver valley is saia 10 nave received so ur utt? sen
This is part of the advertising campaign being con
ducted by the Harding Land company and otner umpqua
valley land speculators to inflate the value of the untried
fruit lands they are selling the public. Portland papers
all carry large' ads from Harding and others offering
tracts on easy terms.
There is no objection to Umpqua valley growers boom
ing their product, but they should not try to do so at the
expense of other localities, by means of deliberate false
hoods. - No returns have been received on d'Anjou pears by
Rogue River valley shippers as yet, but over one hundred
cars of Bartletts have been heard from, which with a few
exceptions, due to tardy arrivals and delay in transit, net
ted an average of $2.25 a box to growers.
The Burrell orchard netted i. o. b. Mediord ifL'.oo a
box on one car of Bartletts shipped to Chicago, and $2.45
a box on a car shipped to Boston. The Bear Creek, the
Gore, the Buckeye orchards, the Rogue River Fruit Grow
ers' union and other shippers have netted similar aver
ages. " i a -"S':?TaKi:! ami
Several cars of Howells from Medford have brought
better average prices, equal to those brought by the Bart
letts. The Hillcrest orchard sold two cars of Howells m
"Chicago at $3.40 gross, or $2.70 net to the' growers.
D'Anjou pears bring higher prices than either Jiart
lett or Howells, and when the returns are received, Rogue
River d'Anjous will be found leading the world for high
prices, as other varieties have this year, and all varieties
have in years gone bv, for the Medford district is now ac
knowledged the world's greatest producer of fancy pears.
The Umpqua Valley d'Anjous brought a good price,
but bv no means a record breaker, and the value of Ump
qua Vallev land as a pear producer is still to be deter;
mined. Twentv vears of production back Rogue River
valley, so it is small wonder the Umpqua Valley speculative
sharks try to enhance the value of the land they are dump
ing upon the public by false comparison with those of a
tried and proven district. - '
The last circular letter from Sgobel & Day, the .New
York commission men, under date of September 14, states
that Medford Bartletts sold at an average of $2.89 a box
as against $2.50 for Hood River, and $2.22 for Proyo.
"Medford Bartletts," states the circular, " are. generally
very handsome and beautifully packed, but those from
other sections leave something to be desired in one way or
another. Comment is superfluous." i
The Oregonian is not to be blamed for printing the
false statement. Harding is a good advertiser and then
the Oregonian is jilst discovering southern Oregon, and
its voyage of exploration is only partially completed.
When it discovers the pear records of the Rogue River
valley it will nail the American flag above them as beat
ing the world, as Cook and Peary nailed it to the north
pole. ' ' ''-
(ton in the negative. I am not here to defend those who
voted tortlie ratine (till, but to suiinort tin in.
The president praised Payne, Tawney and Aldrh'h and
pronounced all the new schedules O. K. except that of
wool, and denied that it was the purpose of the republican
l-iany to re im- uit lariri downward.
Party solidarity is placed ahead of evervthinir else bv
the president. " believed the interests of the country,
utc nirertsTs or ine party, required me to sacrifice the ac
complish ntent of certain things in tariff revision which J
had hoped for, in order to maintain imrtii solidaritu. which
I believe to be much more important than the reduction of
rates in one or two schedules." asserted the president.
President Taft's declarations show that "stand-pat-tism"
and "Cannonisin" and "Aldrichism" have won him
over and are in triumphant possession of the republican
party. The "Interests" are again in the saddle, as they
were under McKinley, and one by one the "Roosevelt pol
icies" of reform are being sidetracked for the benefit of
those who contributed the campaign funds.
if tlio 1'ilv Medford aiu hereby
Uoiul bus been signed liv the iiiuvor
niiil attested I, thu rci-flrdei' uI' said
I'itv of Medford mill tho cornnratc
soul of tlui fit v of Medford hereto
ill lifted Hum fifteenth ,uv of Scpleui-
iter, A. I. imni.
Notice is hereby given that the
city council will receive bids for the
construction of a five-foot cement
sidewalk on the east side of Oakdale
avenue from Seventh to Eighth
streets, same being three hundred
(300) feet in length; and also for a
five-foot cement sidewalk on the
south sidu of Sixth street from the
corner of d'Anjou street to a point
140 feet east.
Bids may be filed with or mailed
to the city recorder tip to 4 o'clock
p. m. September 21st. 1909.
Dated September l.". 1909.
City Recorder.
$54,250.00 CITY OF MEDFORD,
President Taft took a bold stand at Winona last week,
when he virtually read out of the republican patty the
"insurgents" who voted against the Payne-Aldrieh bill,
which he declared "the best tariff bill the people have
ever known" and pronounced tariff revision at an end
during his administration.
The president asserted that the "insurgents" who vot
ed against the bill had abandoned the republican party.
"IF ik Hp dutu of the. members of congress who be
lieved that the bill 'did not accomplish everything that it
ought to accomplish, to vote against, tf" asitea tne presi
dent. "I'am here to justify those who answer tins ques-
Medford. Oregon.
September lfith. 1909.
The Citv Council of Medford. Ore-
eon, wilf receive sealed bids up to 0
o'clock p. m.. September 30th. 1909.
for the sale of $54,250.00 6 per cent
10-vear improvement bonds, bids to
be accompanied bv a certified check
eoual to 5 per cent of the amount bid
for. The riiiht to reject any and all
bids is reserved.
Bids to be addressed to Robt.: W.
Telfer. City Recorder. Certified
check to be made payable to the Citv
of Medford.
Citv Recorder.
Dated Medford, Oregon. Septem
ber 16th. 1909. .. 161
. - ;
An Ordinance providing for proper
sanitation of Theaters and Public
Halls in the Citv of Medford, Ore
eon. The Citv of Meilford doth ordain
as follows:
See. 1. The owner of every theater
and p-l-'ic Jin'! "it'c- te- davs
from the oassairc hereof, provide
and maintain a water closet and have
the same proper! v connected with a
water main and sewer of said citv.
Sec. 2. Every person' who shall
violate the provision hereof shall
upon conviction be fined not less
than five nor more than fiftv dollars.
Whereas the health of the Citv of
.Medford. is beine endnneered bv the
unsanitary conditions of certain halls
of said citv. an ernorirenev is duly
declared to exist, and this ordinance
shall take effect and be in full force
from and after its passoee.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the Citv Council of the Citv of
Medford. Oregon, on the 14th day
of September, 1909, by the following
vote: Welch, ave; - Merrick, ave:
Wortman. ave: Eifert, ave, and Dem
mer aye, Merrick absent.
Approved September 16th. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER.
Citv Recorder. 157
An ordinance authorizing the issu
ance of $54,250 of the Improvement
Bonds of the city of Medford, Jack
son County, Oregon, directing the ad
vertising of tho same for sale in ac
cordance with Chapter V of Title
XXVIT of liclliingcr & Cotton's Anno
tated Codes and Statutes of Die State
of Oregon.
The city of Medford doth ordain as
Section 1. Whereas the city of
Medford has heretofore caused cer
tain streets of said citv to bo im
proved, and lias duly assessed the
cost thereof to tho property benefited
Ihnrnbv in accordance with the char
ter of said citv:
And whereas certain owners of
sundry pieces or property each as-
s u in exceeding twenty-five dollars
have duly made and filed application
to pay said several assessments in
installments in accordance with sec
tion 2727 of said Bellunger & Cot
ton's Annotated Codes and Statutes:
And Whereas an assessment and
bond lien docket has been duly made
lip in accordance with the provision
of said section and of section 2728
of said codes and statutes, and the
total amount of unpaid assessments
for such street improvements and for
which application to pav under the
provisions of said sections above
cited has been made and filed, as
aforesaid is the sum of $54,348.80
dollars, as shown bv said bond lien
Now. therefore, said citv of Med
ford doth ordain as aforesaid that
there is hereby authorized to be is
sued the bonds of said citv in total
j amount of $54,250 dollars, in dcnoin-
nations of two hundred and fiftv and
five hundred dollars each, as mav be
Section 2. Said bonds shall be in
the following funn :
S No
Citv of Medford ,
Jackson Comitv
State of Oreeon
Improvement Bond
PRESENTS, that the citv of Medford
in the county of Jackson, state of
Oregon, for value received, hereby
agrees and promises to pav the bear
er the sum of dollars
in gold coin of the United States of
America, on the presentation and sur
render of this obligation on the 15th
dnv of September in the vear of our
Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Nineteen, without grace, with in
terest thereon from the date here
of until redeemed or until the time of
the scmi-tfniiual interest payment
next ensuing the publication of no
tice by the city of Medford that
this bond will be taken up and can
ceiled and that interest thereon will
cease at the interest payment period
next following such publication, at
the rate of 6 per cent per milium,
payable semi-annuallv in like coin on
the fifteenth day of March and Sep
tember of each year, on the presen
tation and surrender of the proper
coupons thereto annexed. Principal
and interest payable at the office of
the treasurer of the citv of Medford.
This bond is one of a scries author
ized bv an Act of the Legislative As
sembly of the state of Oregon, en
titled. "An act to provide for the is
suance of bonds for the improvement
of streets and the laving of sewers in
incorporated cities and for the pay
ment of the cost of such improve
ments and laving sewers by install
ments." filed in the office of secre
tary of state February 22nd, 1893. as
amended bv an act entitled "an Act
to amend Sections 1. 2, 3, 4, !i. C and
7 of an Act entitled "an Act to pro
vide for the issuance of bonds .for the
improvement of streets and the lav
ing of sewers in incorporated cities,
and for the payment of the cost
of such improvements and
laving sewers bv' installments, filed
in the office of the Secretary of
State February 22nd, 1893," ap
proved February 28th, 1901, and is an
obligation of the city of Med
ford aforesaid, and is not deem- j
ed o r taken to bo within
any pnrt of tho limitation bv law as
to the indebtedness of said citv, and
it is further certified that all require
ments of laws have been fullv com
plied with bv the proper officers in
tho issuing of this bond, nnd that the
total amount of this issue does not
exceed the limit prescribed b.v said
This bond is r';dceml.'!i . the of
fice of said treasurer at the option of
the citv of Medford upon payment of
the face value thereof with accrued
interest to the date of payment at anv
soini-annmil coupon period at or after
one year from (ho date hereof, us
provided in said act.
For the fulfilment of (lie conditions
Recorder of the citv of Medford.
N'clnii J. Kneli of said bonds
shall have attached thereto twentv
coupons, each of which shall be in the
following t n mi :
State of Oregon
will pav to the bearer dollars
in gold coin of the United States of
America, at the office of tb (num.
urer of said citv. on the 15th duv of
being six months inter.
est on improvement bond, Ni
unless said bond is sooner red emiiftil
as therein provided, which redemp
tion will render this coupon void.
Recorder of thu city of Medford.
Said coupons shall bo iiumbred
mini one to twenty respectively.
Section 4. The mavor of said nilv
is hereby authorised and directed to
sign said bonds and the city recorder
to countersign tho sumn bv attaching
thereto the seal of said citv. all on
behalf of said city.
Section ,r. The recorder of said city
is ticreliv directed to register said
bonds and number the same on hlenk
provided therefor in the foregoing
form in iicordunce with Section 2730
of said code and statutes of tlin stntc
or Oregon.
rseelnni 0. The recorder of the
citv of Medford is hereby directed to
Ivcrli.-e said bond" for sale mid (lint
the same wiM be sold for the highest
price obtainable, not less than nnr
and necnted interest, and in sniil ml.
verlisernent he shall announce that he
will receive sealed proposals for the
purchase of said bonds or anv nor
lion thereof t his office at anv lime
before 4:.'!0. p. m. on the .loth dnv of
.N'ptemher. 1909. He shall publish
said advertisement three times in n
daily newspaper published anil print
ed in said citv. nnd shall submit the
sealed proposals received in accor
dance with said advertisement to the
council at its next meeting thereafter.
The forogoing ordinance was
passed bv the city council of the citv
of Medford. Oregon on tho 14th dnv
of September. 1900 bv the following
vote, to-wit: Welch ave. Merrick nvc.
Emeriek absent, Wortman ave, Dem
mcr ave. Eifert ave.
Approved September 15th,1009.
Lr'0 ' Mavor
Local Girl Appears In Concert, win
ning Praise From Cities
and Press Alike.
Why rush homcT Try the Spot
Cafe's 25c dinner.
Host meal for the least uicv.oy at
the Spot cafe.
Spices and extracts at 3fi So. 0
Phone 3303 for tea or coffee.
Mrs. .Inines Rock and sister. Miss
Messenger of Thompson Creek spent
Thiisrday in Medford.
Miss Oraco llrowu of this city re
cently appeared ut I he Chamber Mu
sic concert in San Fruncinco winning,
high praise from the critics mid the
press generally.
Miss llrowu Iiiih studied with Her
man (leiiss only seven months, her
only other instructor being her moth
er, Mrs. Helen M. Itrowu. It is some
thing most satisfactory to go itnu u
it.V like Sun rriinciscn and immedi
ately receive notice and praise of art
ists like Gens and Minetli, also the
musical public mid press. Miss Brown
is a singer of whom any community
would be proud anil Meilford cargerly
awaits her return that it may also
show its appreciation of this gifted
young lady. It may be mentioned in
cidentally that Miss Hrowu was re
called twice after the rendition of tint
eight songs which comprise the cycle.
From the San Francisco dailies
come these encouraging crlicisms:
"An, interesting aciiiiiintaucu was
iuiiiIh in Miss Grace llrowu who snug
Schumann's Song Cycle "Woman's
Love," and displayed a ridi and
sued conlrnllo, cultivated in an ex-'
(-client school, n refined taste mid
"The vocalist of the evening, Mi-
Grace Itrown, delighted everybody
with the artistic rendering of Schu
mann's Son Cycle, "Woman's Ixive.''
Her rich and mellow contralto showed
excellent training, her enunciation
nas clear and distinct, ami her ex
pression was full of emotion.
"Miss Grace Hrown may anticipate
u brilliant future. She is eminently
dramatically gifted, and it was a full
enjoyment to listen to her beautiful
The Nash Grill makes a specialty
of special dinners, banquets etc. Mu
sic every evening. .
ep; tec! fine bad dinner at tho
Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
Nash Grill open all tho tiine. Fin
est service between Portland and San
The Louvre enfo for tho best.
Southern Oregon Ten and Coffee
Co., 30 So. G street.
If the East Side will warke up now
Oakdale avenue and West Eighth
street won't have it all their own way,
as the best residence districts of the
Dorothy-Dodd Shoes
New Fall Models
At Medford's Popular Shoe Store
If, when you pa big prices for a pair of shoes, you could
be assured of receiving any more actual shoe value than
we deliver in "Dorothy Dodd" at $3.50 and $4.00, you cer
tainly would be justified in paying out the extra money.
But whether you are most interested In originality of design,
or leather quality, or fine shoemaking, or comfort we will
put our "Dorothy Dodd" assortment against any other col
lection of shoes in Medford, and you will quickly discover
a big margin in our favor.
We Positively Give the Biggest Shoe
Values in the City
Edmeades Bros.
i I
nested for Biich improvement in a of iliin obligation, tho fuitb and credit j