THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFQRD, OREOON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 10i. EXHIBIT AT FAIR Big Time Expected This Week in Portland Many Colonists Coming. POHTLAXL), Or., Sept. 20. The Portland fair and livestock show is the big event of the week in this city. Bigger and better than ever, the an nua! event is attracting wide atten tion all over the northwest. The at tendance is outdoing that of last year and the attractions offered are far . ahead of last season. ' The exhibition of livestock is val ued at more than $1,000,000 mid is 23 per cent larger than last year. The state fair at Salem exhibits of live stock were brought to Portland, and numerous attractions have been add ed that -will make the week's show a notable one. Stock entries have beeu added that will make the week's show a notable one. Stock entries have been made from the central and east ern states that have never been shown west of Chicago and Denver. Xearly 500 harness horses will con tend for the .$25,000 in race purses this week. Livestock entries will bring close to 3000 head of horses, rattle, sheep, swine and goats here Rialroads serving this territory are preparing estimates of travel during the colonist period, September 15 to October 15. They expect no less than 60,000 new settlers for the Pacific northwest during the 30 days the low one-way rate are in effect. Extra equipment is being assembled by the various lines to handle the heavy . traffic expected and the passenger agents believe they will have all they can do to care for the flood of new comers. ' Inquiry at eastern ticket offices is reported to be wide and the west bound trains bearing the vanguard of this great colonist movement are heavily loaded. During this week the travel is expected to be at its height , and will undoubtedly be heavy. To Deepen Channel. Coos Bay is going to deepen its own harbor channel without waiting for government aid. The port of Coos Bay is preparing for the sale of bonds' amounting to' $500,000. The proceeds will be used in digging out the channel, making the docks at the Coos Bay ports accessible at all times for vessels of deep draught. Proposals for the bonds have been asked and will be received at the First Xational bank, Xorth Bend, up to Xovember 9. Portland's Union stockyards in the peninsula packing house district were opened during the past week and now this city, which is to be the livestock center of the northwest, offers the most modern and complete stock yards in the country. Hundreds of business men of the city attended the oKniiig, and all were forced to ad mire the perfect arrangements for handling livestock that have been provided. The big union yards will have a strong influence in developing the livestock industry throughout this territory. According to tho records of the government forestry service and the state board of forestry, Oregon has beeu remarkably fortunate this sum mer in escaping the usual heavy toll taken by forest fres. The season has been marked by less destruction of timber than any in the past decade. Fires this year have been few and widely separated, while losses have been small. This is thought to be partly due to an aroused public in terest in preventing forest fires and a largely increased force of fire war dens throughout the forests this season. NOTICE. Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the next meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, Oc tober 5th, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon at lot 10, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period, of six months. BASS & HALE. Dated September 15, 1909. Advertising is the breath of life for weak business lungs how is yours? F. "Knight for a Day." There are lots of good things in "A Knight for a Day," which come lo the Medford theater on Thursday. September 211, direct from Chicago. where il has had a t nil years sui cess ful run, and is now to be seen in a few of the largest cities. Ami the verdict, after the jokes have been heard, all the dances done two or three times for they are extremely fetching in their way and all the choruses have been snug with the ne compauimeut of twirling lights and flashing skirts, will likely be that the new piece will hold its own with any other musical comedy, and in many respects do a little better. The or ganization of .ill people comprises many comedians, singers and ac tresses from the comic opera stage Occasionally the "plot" concerning two Corsican lockets nnd a fortune in stage money, and a missing heir or two, and a forged wul and various other complications, becomes lost or sidetracked in the swirl of choruses and dances. Edward Hume, a cleve! comedian is the real hilarious main spring of the piece, nnd with Oruev Demar, a comic maid given to chat ter nnd elopements, create more than enouirh fun for everybody. They have some outrfugeously amusiiib bits. The burlesque by Edward Hume and Grace Demur of the "Merry id ow" waltz always calls for many en cores. The large company is a ca pable one and the music by Mr. Ray mond Ilubbell is entirely new nnd original, has many good jingles and pretty songs, also choruses that call o o SEE o o o o v -3E oo zz o o u o OO z z oo oo Ulil OO zz OO oo UJ UJ E oo zz o o oo UJ UJ ECONOMY I ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY JUST A WORD To the Wise Housekeeper Is Sufficient Order Now And Be Sure of The Choicest Cuts THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY n n oo z-z oo XS -- m m o o oo z z oo zz -- o o o o zz o o o o o o zz - oo o o zz mm o o o o zz oo ' ZZ - for exceptionally capable talent to do full justice to. The "Eight English Dancing Madcaps" are a Jeature to their heads, and every try to do that. A big effect is tiiiule at the close of I lie piece by an electric display thai makes the entire sluge seem aglow with fire of all colors aild hues Lou don was recently stirred over this device and now patrons of "A Knight for a Day" will find it equal ly beautiful. The sale of seats will begin Tuesday morning ut Haskius'. GRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5-10-20 Acres Adjoin llillcrest orchard and contain unoxcclod deep, rich soil. Reasonable, price nnd generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS . ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard? If So --A I Have a Full and Complete Stock of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and You will Find It to Your Interest to get our Figures Before you Buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed ROGUE RIVER NURSERY C. F. COOK, Proprietor MEDFORD, OR. ' OFFICE IN PHONE 583, . RO(JUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT N O W AS EYE R You will find the Best Stock of Building Material Mikado Rubber Roofing Portland Cement Hard Wall Plasters 5 air Fibre Woods Procurable at the um oer C rt )i GompV