12 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR K( 1 OK. M ON PA V, S K I 'TKM H Kk 20, !!)()!). Weeks 6 McGowan The Largest Furniture Store in Southern Oregon Tremenous Crowds and Fast and Furious Selling Marked the Opening Today at This Weeks 6 McGowan G GAN C RJRN TUBE SALE Of The Weeks & McGowan Stock Sale began tbis morning. Don't delay one minute as this stock can't last long at this rate of selling. This is your opportu nity. It niny never come again. Act now. Never before in the history of Medford has furniture been sold so cheap. Dolivi-riiiH not prom ised tli day linnet. V will do I ho liVNt we run. i ''ijiii.J Dining Chairs, sim ilar to above; sale price $2.75 There Isn't a home in Medford but what needs new or better furniture. Wonderful opportunity for hotels and rooming houses. EVERYTHING GOES NOTHING RE SERVED. Don't expect to see everything adver tised here and don't wait until every thiug has been picked oyer. Be nere to morrow morning when the doors open at 9 o'clock CENTER TABLES Bound or square. Biff as sortment. Sale prices from The first $25 sale turned in to our cashier Tuesday morning entitles the pur chaser to one HANDSOME AXMINISTER RUG, ABSO LUTELY FREE. Don't be discouraged if there are sev eral in line ahead of you. They may not buy $25 worth or it may take them longer OAK F1XISH VISISG CHAIRS Like ill itsf ra tion ; sale price $1.15 $1.15 and Up to select than you. Princess Dressers Big assortment of Dressers and Chiffon- teres; sale prices from $6.85 Large assortment; beautiful designs and grains of solid oak; sale . price $14.35 IRON BEOS AT TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS. NOTHING RESERVED. STOCK MUST GO $25.00 HEAVY BRASS BEDS, WHILE THEY LAST, ' $17.85 Sanitary Wire Couches Greatest bargain of nil. Only a few Iff t. While they last; sale price $6.85 BEAUTIFUL OAK ' HOC K Eli Like illustration ; sale price $5-60 No distance too great. You can save your rail road fare on the first ar- Beautiful Oak ticle ou bu Rockers, similar to illustration; sale price $7.45 y See the large yellow sale tags on every article in the store. Nothing has escaped the tremendous price cutting. GO-CARTS Endless variety; sale prices $3.90 up WEEKS & McGOWAN'C Over 15,000 Square Feet of Floor Space Covered with W. F. U. Furniture Main Street, West Side of Railroad Across from Moore Hotel Medford, Oregon