THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORP, OREO ON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1909. tt ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL!1 Mm. Jiiiik'h Ifoek iiml hihlcr, MInh McMnenger of TlniiniMin Creek Hiint TkiiKriluy in Medford. Holme wmilil like to talk with you ti bout lliu iiihiiriinee cnmpuiiicH he reprcHontH. 150 llcv. Robert ICiiniH wiih u Mudl'nrd culler on Tlmrnduy. Phone 3303 tor tea or coffoo. Mrn. Nellie Newbury mill daughter Minnie, who huve been attending 'I"' Portland liimini.'MH colleen for four iiionlliH, returned home Tliiii'hdny. Spice mid cxtriiclH lit 30 Ho. (1 hlreot. Dr. It. T. lliirnell mid fiimily and Minn Mnry Peter Kpcnt a few bourn in i Medford TlmrKdiiy evening. Bent ineiil for tba IouhI money at the Spot cafe. W. H. MorriM wn o vinilor in Atdi Innd Friday. Scinl mimic every evening dur ing dinner at tb NuKh Grill. Mr. ('. If. Lor.icr in vihiting her pnrentH in Axhliind. For homo grown nurnery atock and n square deal, nee Cook. Office 25 Went Main Ktrcct, Medford. 60 It. A. llnmdney panned through Medford Friday on bin way from Crater Luke to ii h houm in Yrckn. It wouldn't bo nurpriHing to kco an epidemic of nlreet iuiprovcment broak out nn tbo Kiiht Siilo at any timo. There aro a few fellows over tbero that ean Ke tlmt it will double, and triple tbo value, of their properly. Mr. and Mr. It. A. Campbell of Edgcwood. Col., have returned home after a vihit in this pity with friend. Order for nwet cremn or butler, milk promptly filled. Phono the' creamery. J. Calhoun of I'boenix Iiim been (pending a few days with fricndH in Medford. Hear Professor Romanoff in vio lin hoIoh every evening the NiihIi drill. ' K. I. Chandler of Woodvillo i via itinif in Medford. If the F.iiHt Side will warko up now Oakdnle avenue and Vest Eighth treet won't have it all their own way, nn the best residence distrietH of tho pity. guru comu and go und more general. biiHiuexM triiiiHiieled hero than at any other Hlnlion between those eilieH. Why riiHh homnT Try the Spot CiiIVh 2?i dinner. FlNworlli Aduum of 1'ortliunl, uni form police, wiih in town Saturday with Mm father, J. W. AiIiiiiim of Tal ent. Klrtworth in a hiiKky ehap and he kllOWH his IjIIH) ik-kh. TIib' NiihIi drill make a Kpccialty of Hpeciul dinnerH, biinquctH etc. Mil Hiu overy evening. J. F. Muni'ly Iiiih returned from Koscburg. . I Tohh nnd eoffcoH at 30 So. 0 lit. A large building on South Bnrtlctt Ih being fixed up for the accommoda tion of a loeal furniture company. I.arrupin (food truck, Hill those hot waffles nt tho I.MUvro. JiiHtieo of tho Pence James IIol inan and wifo of UraiilH I'iihh at tended tho encampment this week. Imperial addition Stop right now and look up tho Imperial addition ad vertiMempnt in Una issue. C. C. Eurly of Louisville, Ky., wrh in town Friday looking over the vol ley. See I'rof. Anton Romnnoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for leSHotis on violin, guitar and mandolin.' Lpuvo orders at Nash hotel. ' Mr. K. II. Smith of Ashland stop ped here on her return trip from the HoldicrK reunion, fchc !h mi old pion eer and she and her husband eonduct pd n store in the valley before there wero any railroads. Ten dollars down and $10 a month buys a nice residenee lot ; pripe $200. Hpiihoii Investment Co. 1'ifl J. K. Peterson, who has been at tending (he enciimiimeiit. has return ed to his home at Grants Pass. Nash Grill open all tho time. Fin est service between Portland and San Franeispo. ' 'll. K. Hoyden will soon move into his new $.'i000 house on North C street. Aro yon from Missouri 1 If so. Cook, the nurseryman, would like nn opportunity to show you. .lO Of the (14 Southern Pnpifie lots pliiped on the market two months niro all have been sold but seven, showing netivo demand for city prop erty. F.lln Gaunynw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. . A simp 0-room modern bungalow. elose in, furnished, now Twine rented R M Ftmler of Ashland is IilllkiliL' n social visit with M. M. Wiser of this' f'r -'0 lM'r month: price this week $;MO0 ensh. Henson investmem Co. lr' Ilornee Orenr of Sun Francisco, who has been visiting Medford on a fishing excursion, has returned to his home. pity. An inspection or our nursery will convince tho most skppticn). Call or mail vnur list of wants nnd let us save you $$$$$$$. R- It. V. Nur series Office, 25 W. Main St. fiO The new Pacific & F.astem engine will be put into service as soon as the track pan be repaired, which will be in about a week. Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co., 3(1 So. O street. A Southern Pacific conductor states that Medford is the most im- Ven; fee! fine bad dinner nt the Louvi". Furnished rooms and housekeeping rooms arc in demand. Only one dollar per month to keen them rented. Hen- son Investment Co. , i:w-u.1 . Topsrery Bill escorted a party of Sun Francisco fishermen to the portnnt station between Portland and j Rogue Friday nnd found that the San Francisco, from a rnilroad man's racks below Bybee bridge are effect point of view. There is more bng-'ually blocking the progress of the gage received and sent, more passen- trout ns wen as saiinou upsi .,.,... K. M. Brooks, who was janitor of tho high school last year, was in Jacksonville on the jury Saturday. I. II. Chase of Portland is regis tered at. tho Moore, loo Chandler of Berkeley, Oil., is a Medford visitor. The Louvre cafo for tho best. K. P. Chandler of Woodvillo is in Medford for a few days. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. pot-man of San Francisco are Medford visitors. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Stowen of Portland arc in Medford, John Oreenberg of Portland came down to Medford for a few dnyn' visit. It costs no more for good insur ance than tho other kind. See Holmes, the insurance man. 150 A. S. Clarfk of Frcoport ore stop ping at the Hotel Nash for a few days. II. G. Stevenson of Seattle, Wash., is a late arrival in Medford. J. B. Morlc of New York is in the city on business. P. A. Greniske of Portland is in the city, a guest of the Nash. I.. MeAunherg of Chicago in a bus iness visitor in Medford. O. F. Johnson of Portlnnd is in the city. F. R. Sheridan of Roseburg is a recent arrival in Medford. If. L. Finlayson of San Francisco is in Medford for a few dnys. J. P. Guiss of Portland spent Sat urday in Medford. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 4000 Maurice Abraham et al. to Waldemar K. Hummel,. 1000 acres in township '.in, range 1 W United States to William II. Shepherd, 80 acmes in sec tion township 30, range 2 K patent United States to W. II. Shep herd, 40 ncrps in section 28, township 30. range 2 E. patent United States to William H. Shepherd, 80 acres in sec tion 10, township 40, range 2 K '. . patent C. E. Wiksfrom to Sadie P. Stnrgis, lots 4 nnd 13, block 1, Liunsden addition to Med ford Frederick C. Page to Corn P. Knight, property in Ala Vis ta orchards peWitt Goodpasture to Thom as B. Goodpasture, 80 acres in section 32, township 32, range 2 E Clarence C. Pierce to A. S. Pierce, 14 neres in D L C 42, township 3",fl range 1 W Anna Piekett to J. II. McFall, lot C, block 67. Central Point 8550 747 500 300 FIRST WESTERN RATE HEARING, SALT LAKE $30,000 NOT ENOUGH FOR KATE GOULD CHICAGO, Sept. 18. Members of the interstate commerce commission arc now preparing for their tour through the west, which will begin next week. During their westward journey tbo commission will hear cases regarding rates, in all the prin cipal cities of the west, nnd the re sults of their decisions will bo impor tant and far reaching. The first complaint that will be heard by the commission will be at Salt Lake city. The Suit Lake traf fic bureau und the Commercial club claim the rates into Utah are discrim inatory and that they are so adjusted us to favor tbo coast cities. Mr. and Mrs. John Gore of this city have left for a visit in Seattle. They were accompanied by Miss Beulah Winner, who has secured a splendid position in the Spokane high school. $54,250.00 CITY OF MEDFORP, OREGON. IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Medford, Oregon, Sentcrnber 10th. 190D. The Citv Council of iMedford. Ore gon, will receive sealed bids up to 6 o'clock n. m.. September 30tb. 1909, for the sale of $54,250.00 6 per cent 10-year improvement bonds, bids to be accompanied bv a certified check eaual to 5 per cent of the amount bid for. The riulit to retcct any and all bids is reserved. Bids to be addressed to Robt. W. Telfer. Citv Recorder. Certified check to be made payable to the Citv of Medford. ItOBT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. Dated Medford. Oregon. Septem bcr Kith. 1009. 101 NEW YORK, Sept. 18. Thirty- six thousand dollars a year is not enough for Katharine Clemmons Gould, if the suggestion of one of her attorneys, to the effect that consid erable more alimony will be asked, no matter what further legal action is taken by her husband, can be ac cepted. Yesterday Justice Dowling passed upon the findings submitted to him by Howard Gould's lawyers in his wife's suit for separation. More than 200 findings were submitted and most of thcrn weret rejected. Mrs. Gould was allowed alimony of $3000 a month, following her success ful suit for separate maintenance from her husband in June. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. - Notice is hereby given that the city council will receive bids for the construction of a five-foot cement sidewulk on the east Hide of Onkdale avenue from Seventh to Eighth streets, same being three hundred (300) feet in length; and also for a five-foot cement sidewalk on the south sidu of Sixth street from the corner of d'Anjou street to a point 140 feet east. Bids may be filed with or mniled to the city recorder np to 4 o'clock, p. m. September 21st, 1909. Dated September 15, 1009. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS WILL FORM A POOL LA GRANDE, Or., Sept. 18. Own ers of automobiles in Union county will call a meeting in a short time for the purpose of organizing an auto mobile club. The purpose is to form a pool for the purchase of supplies. There is talk of arranging for races here the first two days of the Union county exposition, although nothing definite has been done. Best paper in southern Oregon The Tribune. The A B C of Advertising Advertising ttracts Mention Brightens ackward usiness Catches isculating oin LOST About a week ago, a small memorandum book, red cover; eon tents of no value except to owner. Leave at this office and pet re ward. 157 . PEARY SAYS "NEVER AGAIN" FOR HIM ST. JOHNS. Sept. 18. Commander Peary is quoted here today as deny ing thnt he intends to search for the south pole and as declaring that he will never make another expedition into Arctic or Antarctic territory. The Moore , Hotel W. F.RAU, Prop. This hotel under new management is rapidly taking its rightful place as one of the lending hos telries of the northwest. Everything strictly first class. Buffet in connection. - mm m I 1 II 5 !U M J 'k)- ' i VSi E -..-V.iU y i Boarding' and Day School For Girls and Young Ladies DEPARTMENTS PREPARATORY, GRAMMAR. HIGH SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL. MUSIC INCLUDING PIANO, VIOLIN. GUITAR. MANDOLIN, ZITHER, BANJO, 'CELLO. ART INCLUDING PEN AND INK, CHARCOAL, PASTEL, WATER COLORS, OIL, PORCELAIN. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Medford, Oregon. BE INDEPEND" OF A LANDLORD AND OWN A HOME OF YOUR' OWN. ACT NOW, WHILE TRERE IS YET TIME, AND Buy a Home in Mountain View THERE ARE ONLY A BAKERS' DOZEN OF THESE CHOICE BUILDING SITES LEFT AND , YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY ONE ON THE REMARKABLY Easy Terms of $10.00 Down and 10.00 A Month THAT ARE NOW IN FORCE. THEY ARE CHEAP, TOO, ONLY $260 FOR INSIDE AND $300 FOR CORNER LOTS. Benson Lnv est men t Comp'y