Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 18, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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(Continued from Pace fl.)
- Lot H unit (lot south 1 1 feel ..(' I
7 in block 2. Park iiilililion in tint
cilvnl Medium, Oregon ; finnlngo
i 1)1
l ci'l on west hiiiii iM'wlon ii hi reel.
, (II
IccI, Hull! nni' fool, lifi ceiils.
Amount (lint, $30.05.
Assessment No. 1(111, Juxmii lloiirk.
- l.oU I) iiikI in in block I. I'lirk ud
ditiou in llii I'ilv of Mcdfiird. Ore
gon; IrniilutM' KID feet on cunt hiiln
Newtown hired. 1(10 feel. Hate tier
foot, 115 i Is. AiiioiiiiI ilim, $05.00.
Assessment No. J 70. S. (I. Simon.
Lots 11 iiml 12 in bloek , 1'nrk
addition in tho citv of Medford, Ore
gon. KJO feet, Itntii per foot, (t.r
cents. AiiioiiiiI (Inc. $115.(10.
Assessment No. 171. Ada anil I;.
O. Porter.- JiIh l:i. I I. l.'i mid 111 in
liloclt 1. Park udililion in dm citv
of Med ford. Oregon': froiilnco 200
fuel oil oust Hide Newtown Htreet.
200. Hutu Her fool, 05 ceiitH. Atnoniit
due. $130.00.
(ION. AsKcHHiiient No. 172, Acntliu A.
Itriiiidunliurc. A lot 50 feel fronluco
on Oukdulo iiveniie. North, and
fronting 110 feet on Kuurtli Hired,
Went, anil marked AEm map of eilv
of Medford, Oregon; fronting 70
font on nllev on rear of Hiiid lot and
diiHerilieil Vol. Til, puce (122, fount v
recorder's records of Jackson eiiun
IV, Oregon. 70 feet. Halo per foot,
(15 cent. AiiioiiiiI due, $ l.'i. 50.
Assessment No. 1T., II. K. Marsh.
Comciiciuc ul a point situated 51
degrees. 110 ininnleH went (10 feet mid
liorlli -.'15 decrees H0 minutes went
2110 feet from tlni iinrlhwest corner
of liluek 71) in original town of Med
lord. Orecon, and running thenee
north (15 degrees 30 ininiiteH west 50
feel parallel with Oakdule avenue.
Ihonco south 51 degrees 30 IniniiteH
west 135 foot, thence Honlh 20 feet,
thence south 115 decrees 110 ininiiteH
eilHt :i,'l feet. (Iieueii north 51 degrees
HO minutes cast M7 feet to plnci! of
beginning, fronting 50 font on alley in
rear of said lot anil described Vol.
72. pace 251. eountv recorder's ro
eonln of Jackson connlv. Oregon. 50
root. Kate pur foot. 05 cents.
AiiioiiiiI due. $32.50.
Assessment No. 171. Delrov (letch-
ell. Commencing at u point (.0 leet
south, 51.30 decrees west, 100 feel
south. 35 decrees HO minutes ciihI of
Ihu nurthwoHl corner block HO of tlio
town now citv of Medford. Oregon,
according to tho recorded plat there
of mid running thenee south :i5 de
grees HO minutes east along the west
lino of "J" street 50 feet, theneo
ftoiilh 51 decrees HO minutes west 1 17
fuot. thence northovlv parallel with
said ".I" street 50 feet. Iliotieo north
54 decrees .'10 ininiiteH. piihI 117 feet
to pluee of beginning, frontneo 50
feet on nllev in rear of Hiiid lot do
scribed Vol. 50. pace 457. eoiinlv re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oreiton. 50 feet. linte per fool, (15
contH. Ainoimt duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 175. John 1). 01
woll. Beginning nt (lie northwest
eonier of the properly bought of (loo.
W. Isnnea hv .1. I. True, tho deed
of eoiivcvanee for whieh ih recorded
Vol. 52. piil'0 5S0, deed reeoidH ol
laekHon . eoiinlv. Oregon, theiioe
north 54 demees HO ininnleH. east 1(10
feet to the iioinmiMieinir plnee; Ihenee
west at riuhl anules 145 fuel, north
54 decree 30 miniitoH. onHt 50 icot
theneo oust ut r'nrhl aiiLden 145 feet,
theneo Bouth 54 deitreoH 30 minutcH.
went 50 feet to plaee of eoinmeneiiie,
known iih lot 4 in llraiidenhnrii'H a -dition
lo Medford. plat not worded :
frontimo 50 feet on nllev in rear ol.
Hiiid lot. deHcrihed Vol. (111. pn ll.
emilitv rceorder'K re-ord of .liiek
hoii count V. Oreu'on. 50 feel. Wale
per foot. 05 eent. Amount dun.
$'1'' 50
"AHHeHHment No. 170. V. W. Kifert
Commoneinu at a point Hitimtod W.
54 dearocH HO ininnleH 00 loot and
110 foot ui n nortlmrlv direction nloinr
Oakduln nvcmie from the N. Vv. cor
ner of block 71). of (he oriLniml town
Rita of tho city of Medford, Oregon
theneo in a westerly direction 14 1 tee
parallel with Fifth Hlreet. (hence ..I
foot in a northerly direction pm-iil e
with Onkdolc nveniie. thenee 147 feet
in nn o-iHterlv direction para lei with
Kifth Btroet. thenee smitherlv almiu'
tho wchI property line ol Onltdulc
r.n ..( I., iil.'iee of cnnilliene-
ii,Lr- frontniffi 50 feel on alley in leal
of flaid lot. dcHeril.e.1 Vol. (in. puee
... .,.,. ,.,Wu records ot
.laeksnn conntv. Orecon. 50 Iee4;
Unto per foot (15 cents. Amount due
fl'' r)0 '
" AHMesHinent No. 177. W. S. Isaacs.
-CommoncinK 0 I'ect 35 decrees .40
. . i l an W . north 54
minnies noun " " ,. .
.leerces 30 ininntes of the nnrt hwPMl
corner of block 70. eitv of Medford,
i no north 54 deirrecs
minutes, east 50 feel, thenee west nt
right ancles 145 feel, ineneo sou .
(henco oast ritht. nntrles 143 loot
. W...n.,iwr! (rOIltlll'e !)U
foot on nllev in rear of snul lot, tie
scrilied Vol. 73. piiire 150, conntv re
corder's records of Jackson connlv,
OrcL-oii. 50 feel. Hutu per fool. (15
fcnlH. AiiioiiiiI d $32.50.
AKHi'Hhinent No. I7H. K. S. Mollis.
Coiiimeiiciiitr (10 feel t-uulli. 51 de
crees .10 mi ii ul im wi'Mi ol the noi'tli-
eiiHl eonier block 70. eilv of Med
ford, Orcunti, thenee south 51 dn-
L'l-ees .10 iiiiiiiiIch, wifst 1 17 leel,
Ihenee ivust .'l.'i dctrrees HO miiinlcs
norlli 110 feet, Ihenee north 54 di.
trices HO ininnleH. east 1 17 feel.
Ihenee east 35 ileirrees 30 minutes,
ho ii I Ii (II) feel to place of liccinuhilr;
IronlaL'ii (10 feet on alley in rear of
said lot; (IcHcrilual Vol. Ii.), pauo .J0.
connlv reirordcr's records of Jock
son cmiiHv. Oreirnn. (ill feet. Ita'u
per fool (15 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 171). V. S. llollin.
Coiiiineneini: 21!) feet 51 dcirrers
HO ii in ii ( om west of the northwest
corner block 7!). eilv of Medford,
Orcirmi, thence soulh 54 deyrces 30
iniuiiles, west 1110 feet, llicnee tiorln
72 feel, tlience north 54 dccri'es ''0
iniiiiiles, east 35 decrees 30 minutes,
south till feel lo plnee of coininencini;:
t'liinliurc (10 feet on nllev, described
Vol. (15, i mi.'e 3(IH, pariiL'raph No. 2,
connlv recorder's records of Jack
son connlv, Oregon. (10 feet. Hate
tier foot, 05 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. ISO. V. V. Weeks
el al. Commciiciiii; at a isiint situ
ated soulh 54 decrees HO iniiiiiles.
west 150 feet and norlh 35
10 ininiiteH, ve! (10 leet froin th'i
iiorlhtt'cst ooriier ol 70 in or
iginal (own of Medford, Oreiron. run
ni ui; thence north 35 liefrces HO mill-
iiIch, wesl 5(1 feet pi'iallel wilh Oak-
dalo avenue, then.'.! loath 54 decrees
HI) minutes, west 12'l feel. Ihciice
south III) feel, lb iiee norlli 54 de
crees .10 minuter, ':ih! I. in Irel m
place of'; I'l'onlairc 5)
feet on alley cast end of .lid lot ; de
scribed Vol. 72, paire 111. count v re
corder's records of J:i'ksnii coun'.v.
Oli'L'oil. 50 feet, i.'alc per Tool, (l.'i
cents. Ainouut due, $3 '..").
Assessnieiil No. 1S1. A. A. liraiid-
eubiii'!;. A lot frontiui; 50 feet on
alley on east cm) cio! i iiimiiitr back
on south side 12'i feet marked AH
on map of the citv of M'.ii.'i'id. Ore-
con. l'rontUL'c 50 feel on n!!ev ea-it
ml of said lot; dcse-i!ie.l ol. 51.
paire UTJ. connlv recorders i-ecoros
of Jackson eountv. Ore-ion. 50 fee..
Wato isr fool, 05 i::miI.j. Amoun:
due. $32.50.
Assessment No. lt-2. (.(;. l'r'nUlv.
CoiiimenciiiL' lt!0 fi't iiort.'. 54 do-
crocs .ui imnulcH eas, ii ii ,t; ue
crees 30 minutes soulh. 210 Tret wesl
of tho .lorlhtvest coiner of block 70.
eitv of Medford. Orcein, thence west
35 decrees 30 minute t. so.itb !13 feet.
Ihenee north 03 fee;. Iliene" enst H"
decreCH 30 minutes, nm lb 57 fee1,
thoneo south 50 decree 30 minutes,
west 50 feet to nliiei of cuiunioncinir:
froutaeo 50 feet on nllev east end o!'
said lot: described Vo'. 5') pace 471
county recorder's record of Jack
son eountv. Orecon. in) tict. Hale
per fool. (15 cents. Vnonut due.
Assessment No. 1S3, A. A. Hriu.-
denhurc. A three eornereo piece (If
liilid'froiitinc on nllev on rear of lot
at present owned hv Delrov (letehell
mid marked AB on map of the citv
of Medford. Orccou; froiitace 75 feet
on nllev east side of said lot; de
scribed Vol. 50, pace 51, eountv re
corder's records of Jackson eountv,
Oreiroii'. 75 feet. Hale per fool, 05
cents. Amount due, $48.75.
Assessment No. 184. Clara Mcin
tosh. Lot 2. block 1. ltniicnlow ad
dition in the citv of Medford. Ore-
on ; fiimtnco 50 feet on alley m
rear of said Int. 50 feel. Halo per
fool l5 cents. Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 185, A.. 11. Svneox.
--Lot 1. block 1. Ibnicalow addition
in the citv of Medford. Orecon:
froiitacc 50 leel on nllev in rear ol
said lot. 50 feet. liate per loot,
05 cents. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 18(1. S. A. White.--5-The
north half of all block 2 of (lal-Iiiu-iiv'm
addition to Medford, Ore-
coii, exeeptinc tracts described in DY
mid 1!Z; lrontnce 200 leel on ensi
side Mistletoe street. 200 feci. Kate
per fool, (15 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 187. W. M. Cump
ol. The west half 'of lot 2. block
2, (lallowav'H addit'on in the. citv of
Medford. Orecon: ronlnce 200 feet
on east side Mistletoe street. 200
feet. Hate per foot, 05 cents.
AiiioiiiiI due, $130.00.
Assessment No. .188, Mnrv A. Km-kaid.-
lot 8 and the smith linlf of
lot, 7. block 1. Park addition in the
citv of Medford. Orecon; frontnse 75
feet on west side Mistletoe street. 75
feel. Kate per fool. 05 cents.
Amount due. $48.75.
Assessment No. 18!). Huttln S. Dav.
-v-lrfit 6 and' the north half lot 7,
block 1. Pork addition in the eitv of
Medford. (heifon : tToiuoco 10 rei on
wust side MiHtletoe street. 7,jfect.
e i or. ...... ij A, ,li,i.
iiiiiit imti iifiii, n.f .-i-iiiiT, iim'mii
$18.75. Ichiro its intention to lav nn 8-incli
Assessment No. 11)0. Florence water main on West Main street Irom
Soulh Merrick. l,ot 5 and the soulh i lnure street to west eornonilion
15 feet of lot 4, block 1. Park uddi- boimdurv mid to assess Hie cost
lion in the eilv of Medford, OreKuii',' 'beroof on Hie properlv frontinc on
I'rontaco 05 I'ect, west sido Mistletoe I said portion of said street in pro-
street. 05 feel. Halo per loot,. 0.)
cents. Amount due. $01.75.
Assessment No. 101. Jacob A.
Lvon. Lot 3 and tho north 5 feet
of lot 4. block 1.1 'nt k udililion in
the eilv of Medford. Orecon: froiil
auu 55 feet, on west hide Mistletoe
street. 55 feet. Halo per fool, 05
cents. AiiioiiiiI due $35.75.
Assessment No. 102. Anna C. and
H. K. Nallev. Lois 1 and 2. block
I. Park udililion in tho citv of Med
ford. Orecon: front ago 100 feet on
west side MiHllelon street. 100 feel.
Hutu oer foot. 05 cents. Amount
due. $5.00.
Assessment No. 103. Acnthu A.
Hruiidenburc. A lot frontine 50
feet on west side Oakdulo avenue.
North, and runninc back alone the
soulh side of Fourth street. West. 100
feet, beinc on the northeast conic
of Oakdalo avenue. Nortb. and
Fourth street. West, and marked AE
on map of (he citv of Medford. Ore
con, described Vol. 51, pace (122,
connlv recorder's records of Jack
son eountv. Orecon; frontage 100
feet on soulh side Fourth Htreet,
West. 50 led. Rale per foot. (15
cent. AiiioiiiiI due. $32.50.
Ai'-iMiienl No. 194. A. Ii. Svneox.
Lot 1, block 1. Hiuicalow addition
in (be citv of Medford. Orecon ; front
line 100 feet oi south side Fourth
htreet. West, described Vol. 72, pace
105. eountv recorder's records of
.luck-on connlv. Orecon. 00 feet.
Hate per fool. 05 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 105, Acatha A.
Itruiidcuhurc. A three cornered
piece of laud on the intersection of
Fourth street. West, and Oakdale
avenue. North, and nd.ioiuine the
First (lerniun Evangelic. Lutheran
church on the east and marked AE
on map of the eilv of Medford. Ore
con: lrontnce 75 feel on north side
Fourth street. Wcl. described Vol.
51, pace 072. county recorder's re
cords of Jackson eountv. Orecon. 75
feet. Hale per foot. 05 cents.
Amount due. $48.75.
Assessment No. !l(i. First German
Evangelic Lutheran Church Coni
iiicncinc at a point situated 12 chains
and 40 links north and 14.03 feet
west of the jioulheasl corner of the
southwest quarter of the northeast
(iiiarter of section 25. in township 37.
S.. R. 2 W. of the W. M. and from
said point runninc thence west 85
feel, thence north 100 feet, thence
east 85 feet, thci south 100 feel I
pluee of beciiiuiuc. coimnc uciuc al u
point situated 12 chains 40 links
norlh and !!) 03-100 feel wesl of the
soul'hcast corner of the southwest
quarter of the northeast iiuarter of
section 25. township 37 S., R. 2 W.
of the W. M. and runuin" Ihenee
west 00 feet, thenee north 100 feet.
Ihenee east 111) feel, thenee south 100
eel to place o beginning; frontage
) feel on north side Fourth street
West, described Vol. 3(1. pnge 202.
Vol. 48. page 025, connlv recorders
records of Jackson eountv. Oregon.
175 feet. Hate per fool. 115 cents.
Amount duo. $113.75. '
isHcssiueoi iui, .. n. i nun.
t . . vt inc " T1..1... ;
. i.ii o n i iv-
el ux. Lot 1. block J. Palm addition
in the eitv of Medford. Orecon;!
inn .'.! ...
ii'oninue juu ieei on wi'si shut wuk-
uuie nvciiiui. noun. ju utu huh-
per foot, 05 cents. ( Amount due,
And it is hereby ordered that the
recorder cause a statement of said
respective assessments to be entered
in the docket of city liens and Rive
notice (hereof by publication us re
quired by law. and that said liens be;
enforced as provided by the" ordi-!
, ..c ,i. .,c Vr.wli'nml for I
Ihe enforcement of liens for the in.-
proviMiieius 01 a siren.
nm ii.ivci.iiiK o.oou.,,.:.-
...I Ili.t 1 .ltli ,lnv .it1 Keiile.nlli'l-. I
1909, by the city council of the city
of Medford, Oregon, by the following
vole': Welch live. Merrick nve. Emer
ick absent . Worlman nve, Kifert nve,
and Demnier aye.
Approved September 15th. 1909.
W. H. CANON. Mayor.
Citv Recorder.
An ordinnncc declaring the assess
ment on tho property benefited for
tho cost of laving a water main on
West Main street and directing, tho
recorder to enter a statement there
of in thc.wnlov main lien docket.
The citv of Medford doth ordain
US' follow :
Keel inn 1. Whereas, the cit v conn-
':i .:.! t , . , .? . ,
, ii mil oitrcioiore uv resoiuiion uit-
I normm m me lroulace ol said prop-
ertv. and did fix a limn and place for
hearing protests against (ho laving of i
aiil water main and the cost of the
iiHsexKftiput thereof on the property
fronting on said portion of said
And. whereas, said resolution was
duly published and posted as roipiir-
cd by section 11(1 of the cbnrter of
said eitv
And. whereas, a meeting of said ;
council wn held nt the lime and
place fixed in said resolution for the
purpose of eonsiderinc unv such pro
tests, but no protests were nt. said
time or at nnv oilier lime made or
received by the council to the layine
of said water main or the assess
ment of Ihe cost therefor as afore
said, and said, council deeming that
said water main was and is of mate
rial benefit to Haid citv and that all
property lo be assessed therefor
would be benefited thereby to the
extent of tho probable amount of the
respective assessments to ho levied
against said property, did order said
water main laid;
And. whereas, (he cost of laving'
said water main is hereby deter
mined to be the sum of $1830.90:
. Now. therefore, it is hereby fur
ther determined that the proportion
ate share of the cost of laving said
water main of each parcel of the
proistrtv fronting on said portion of
said street benefited bv the laving of
said water main in the full extent of
the amount so set opposite the des
cription of each parcel and that said
respective amounts represent the
proportional benefits thereof to said
respective parcels of property and the
eitv council docs herebv declare that
each of Ihe parcels of properlv des
cribed below to be assessed and 'the
same herebv is assessed the amount
set opposite each respective descrip
tion for the cost of laving said water
Assessment No. 1. S. A. White
Lot 1. block 2. Galloway's addition to
the citv of Medford, Oregon: front
age 200 feet on south side of West
Main street, and recorded in Vol. 40,
pace 379. county recorder's records
of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 200 feet.
Rate int foot 88:!j cents. Amount
due $177.50.
Assessment No. 2. Annie C. anil R.
K. Nallcv U.t 1. block 1. Park ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Oregon:
frontage 103 feet 5 inches on south
side of West Main street, and record
ed Vol. 03, pace 478. eountv record
er's records of Jackson count v. Ore
gon. 103 feet 5 inches. Rate per
foot 88 cents. Amount due $01.80.
Assessment. No. 3, Ida and L. G.
Porter Lot l(i. block 1. Park addi
tion lo the eitv of Medford. Oregon:
frontage 103 feet 5 inches on south
side of Wesl Main street, and record
ed Vol. 53. pnge 02, eountv recorder's
....... 4' T....1 i
lo; fflp( B
cents. Amount due $01.80.
Assessment No. 4. Carrie E. Gcorce,
wife of F. W. Cn malum Lot 1,
block 2. Park addition to the citv of
Medford. Oregon; frontage 103 feet
5 inches on south side of West Main
........ i , . i i-i r.
iui lecoiuru 10 hii. j.i, piiliu
a. ,.t
Jackson conntv. Oregon.
103 feet 5
i. ij,., ..,. f,. o.v ...
Amount, due $01.80
Assessment No. 5, Marv It. Orr
Lot No. 10. block No. 2. Park addi
tion to the citv of Medford. Orecon :
frontage 103 feet 5 inches on south
side of West Alain street, mid record
ed in Vo). 47. pnge 025. eountv re
corder's records of Jackson eountv.
Oregon. 103 feet 5 inches. Hate per
toot 88-Yi cents. Amount due $97.80.
Assessment Xo. (1. Ella Cainev
, r T, " r n ,
Million to the eilv ot Medford. Ore-
. . lro)ltnLr,, Km f(1(1 soul side
w0fi( Ma ,. stnp, m recorded in
Vol. 4-1. page 373, eountv recorder's
records of Jackson eountv, Oregon.
100 feet. Rate per foot 88', cents.
Amount, due $88.75.
Assessment No. 7. Ella Arnold
Lot 1(1,. block No. 3, in Park addition
to the eitv of Medford, Oregon; front-
age 100 feet ou south side Main
street. West, and recorded in Vol 59. j Park addition to the citv of Medford
puce 244. county recorder's records i Oregon : froiilage 50 feel on south
of Jackson conntv. Oregon. 100 feet. side of Main streel. West, and re
Halo per fool. 88 cents. Amount ; corded in Vol. 07, page 327, county
due $88.75. j recorder's records of Jackson coim-
Assessmenl Xo. 8, Murv E. Wilson (v, Oregon. 50 feel. Hale per foot
- The north 150 feet of lot Xo. 1.:88 cents. Amount, due $14.40.
block No. 4. Park addition lo the! Assessment Xo. 23. Ella F. Perry
eilv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 50
feel on south side of West Main
streel, and miming back 150 feel,
and recorded in Vol. 71. page 3911,
conntv reeoi-der's records of Jack
sou eountv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rote
per foot 88 cents. Amount due
.,. , , ,A
Assessment No. 9. Alfred Colmen
The north 150 feet of lot No. 2,
block No. 4. Purk addition to the eilv
of Medford, Orecon; frontage 50 feet
on south Hide of Main Htreet, West,
and runninc buck 150 feet, and re
corded in Vol. 08, page 43, eountv
(.Border's records of Jackson eountv.
Oregon. 50 feel. Hate per foot 88:li
ceuts. Amount due $44.40.
Assessment No. 10. Alfred Colmen
---The north 150 feet of lot No. 3,
block No. 4. Park addition to the eitv
of Medford. Orecon ; f rootage 50 feet
on south Hide of Main street. West,
hmd runninc back 150. and recorded
in Vol. 08. pace 43, eountv recorder's
records of Jackson eountv. Orecon.
.0 feet.' Halo per foot 88 cents,
Ainouut due $44.40.
Assessment No. 11. Alfred Colmen
The north 150 feet of lot No. 4,
block No. 4, Park addition lo the city
of Medford. Oregon : frontage 30
feet on south side of Main street.
West, and running back 150 feet,
and recorded in Vol. 08. pace 43,
eountv recorder's records of Jackson
conntv. Oregon. 30 eejt. . Rate per
foot 88 cents. Amount -due $G.G5,
Assessment No. 12. Kiltie Mflvtie1
The north half of lot 5. block 4i Park
addition to the eitv of Medford. Ore-
eon: ironlace ou leet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded
in Vol. 72. page 471. county record
er's records of Jackson eountv. Ore
gon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 88
cenuts. Amount due $44.40.
Assessment No. 13. Sarah A. West-
fall The north half of lot No. 0,
block No. 4. Park addition to the
citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 5f
feet on south side of Main street.
West, and recorded in Vol. 72. page
221, county recorder's records of
Inckson eountv. Oregon.. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 88 cents'. Amount
due $44.40.
Assessment No. 14. Sylvia E. Hal-
lev Lot No. 7. block No. 4. Park
addition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon; frontnge. 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded
in Vol. 58. pace 273, county record
er's records of Jackson conntv, Ore
gon. 50 feet. Rate per fool 88
cents. Amount due $44.40.
Assessment No. 15. Sylvia E. Hal
lev Lot 8. block 4, Park addition
to the citv of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 50 feet south side of Maiu
street. West, and recorded in Vol. 58,
page 273, eountv recorder's records
of Jackson count v. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount
due $44.40.
Assessment No. 10. Pi .1. Head
Ixt 9. block 4. Park addition to the
citv of Medford. Oregon ; frontage 50
feet on south side of Main street.
West, and recorded in Vol. 08. pace
370, conntv recorder's records of
Jackson eountv. Oregon. ' 50 feet.
Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount
due $44.40.
Assessment. No. 1 7. P. J. I lead
Lot 10. block 4. Park ad. litem to the
eilv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 50
feet on south side of Main street,
and recorded in Vol. 08. page 37C
comity recorder's records of Jack
son conntv. Oiecin. 50 feet. Rale
per foot 8S cent;. Amount due
Assessnieiil Xo. 18. Eliza Corwiu
Lot 11. block 1. Park addition to the
city of Medford. Oregon: frontage 50
feel on soulh side' of Main street.
West, and recorded in Vol. 40. pagr
242. county recorder's records of
Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rale per foot 88 cents. Amount
due $44.40.
Assessment No. 19. Eliza f'nrwin
W 12. block 4. Park addition to the
(4Lv of Medford, Oregon: front age 50
feet on south side of Main street.
West, and recorded in Vol. 40. mi
242. conntv recorder's records of
Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rate per fool 88 cent. Amount
due $44.40..
Assessment No. 20. Eliza Corwin
Lot No. 13. lilock 4. Park addition to
the eilv of Medford. Oregon1 front
nge 50 feet on south side of Main
'si reel. West, and recorded in Vol. 40.
page 242. eountv recorder's records
of Jackson conntv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rale per foot 88 cents. Amount
dW o, u ,
Assessment Xo. 21. D. B. Soliss
i The north half of lot 14. block 4,
Park n.ldilion lo Ihe eilv of Aledford
Oregon; frontage 50 feet on south
side of Main street. Wesl. and re
corded in Vol. 67, paire 327. c
recorder's records of Jackson eoun
tv. Oregon. 50 feel. Rule per foot
88 cents. Amount due $44.40.
Assessment No. 22. D. K. Soliss
The north half of lot 15. block 4.
-- RM. bit 8. Movcv's addition to Ihe
eilv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 95
reel on the north side of Main street.
West, and raor3l in Vol. .40.
407. conntv recorder's records of
.Toekson eountv. Oregon. 95' foct.
iRato per foot 88 cents. Ami.
dun $84.30.
Assessment No. 24. A. S. Pliton r
. M. I ...I V,, II l, ,,-.. ...l.K.l X
. ..... ,., ......... n ituiiiuiill vl W
the citv of MVilfy.rd. Oregon ; Ironing
102 feet on hV north side Of Main
street. West, and recorded in Vol. 54,
mien Oil Innmilv f a..,. I.
' - - " T .....umiui a lecuru.-t
of Jackson County. Oregon. 102 feet
Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount
duo $143.80.
Assessment No. 25. John A. Sforev
15. P. lAt No. 11. Morey'w addi
tion to the citv of Medford. Oregon ;
frontnge 100 feet on the north side of
Main street. West, and recorded in
ol. ... page ... eountv recorder'
records of Jackson county. Oregon.
100 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents.
Amount due $88.75.
Assessment No. 20. A. O. Jove
P.S. Lot on north side of Main street.
West, and situated between the lands
of John A. Morcv on the northeast
and the lands of I. W. Thomas on
the west and marked P.S. on the '
city man of Medford. Oregon; front
age 80 feet on the north side of Main
street. West, and recorded in Vol. 72.
pace 264. conntv recorder's records
of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 80 feet.
Kale per foot 88 cents. Amount
due $71.00.
' Assessment No. 27.7. W. Thomas
hit. iM on north side of Main
street. West, and marked BR. on
map of the citv of Medford, Oregon:
froiitace 75 feet on the north side of
Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 50. pace 000. eountv recorder's
records of Jackson county. Orecon.
, feet. Rate per foot 88 cents.
Amount due $GG.G0.
Assessment No. 28. E. N. Warner
and H. G. Wortmnn A ,'. A tract
of land adjoining I. W. Thomas oc
the cast and Jennie 5. Root on the
west, and lot 8. of block 1. Bunga
low addition on Ihe north, and mark
ed AY. on the map of the eilv c
Medford. Oregon; frontage 125 feet
on the north side of Main street.
West .and recorded in Vol. 51. page
599. county recorder's records of
Jackson eountv. Oregon. 125 feet.
Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount
due $110.95.
Assessment 29. Jennie M. Root
AX. A tract of laud: frou' ze 55
feet on the north side of Main street.
West, and running back 100 feet on
Orange street. North, and mnrked
AX. on map of the citv of Medford.
Orecon. and recorded in Vol. 71, pace
194. county recorder's records of
Jackson eountv. Oregon. ' 55 feet.
Rate per foot 88 cents. Amount
due $48.85.
Assessment No. 30. Mav Anderson
Lot 13. bloek 2. Bungalow-Addition
to the citv of Medford. Oregon :
frontage 60 feet on north side of
Main street. Wrest. and recorded in
Vol. 00. pnge 003. connlv recorder's
records of Jackson conntv. Oregon.
00 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents.
Amount due $53.25.
Assessment No. 31. May Anderson
Ijot 14. block 2. Bungalow addi
tion to the eitv of Medford. Oregon:
frontage B0 feet ou the north side of
Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. Cfi, pace 003. eountv recorder's
records of Ja'ckson connlv. Oregon.
00 feet. Rate per foot 88- cents.
Amount due $53.25.
Assessment No. 32. William Lewis
et nx. Lot 13. bloek ... Lewis ad
dition to the eilv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontage (1 feet on the north
side of Main street. West, and record
ed in county voeonler's records or
Tnckson connlv. Oregon. 01 fee.
Hale ner foot 88 cents. Amount
due $54.15.
Assessment Xo. 33. William Lewis :
et nx Lot 14. block . .. Lewis addi
tion to the citv of Medford. Oregon
frontage Ol feet on the north side of
r; street. West, and recorded in
Vol. ... nage ... coubHu- recorder's :
reeovds of Jackson eouu'v Oregon..
61 feel. Hate per f,mt 88 ecnlrn. .
Amount due $54 15.
Assessment Xo. 34. William LewU
et nx Lot 15. block . .. Lewis adib'
ion to the citv of Medford. O'
frontage (11 feet on the north side of
Main street. Wct. and recorded 'n
ol. ... page ... eountv recorder's
mpo'ils of Jackson ennplv. Oregon.
1 feet. Rate per foot 88 cents!
Amount due $54.15.
Assessment X'o. 35. John M. Ho..(
Lot 1. block 1. Crow-ell's addition
to the eitv of Medford. .Oregon;
frontage 5(1 feet 9 inches on the north
side of Main street. West, and re
corded in Vol. 70, page 293, eountv
recorder's records of Jackson eoun
tv. Oregon. 5(1 feet 9 inches. Um,,
per foot 88 cents. Amount dn
Assessment Xo. Hli. John M. Root
Lot 2. block I. (Vowcll's addition P.
the eitv of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feel 9 inches on the north .side
of Main street. Wesl. and recorded in
Vol. 70. page oir.l, conntv recorder's
records of Jackson connlv, Oregon.
5(1 feet 9 inches. Rate per foot 88
cents. AiiioiiiiI due $50.00.
Assessment Xo. 37. John M. Root- -Lot
3. block 1, Crowell's addition to
the eilv of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feel 0 inches ou the north side
of Main streel. Wesl. and recorded in
(Continued on page 8.)