6 THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1)09. t Continued from page ") Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $32.50. Assessment No. 73. 1). R. Soliss The. north half of lot 14, block 4. Park addition to tho wit v of Medford, Ore gon: frontage f0 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 67, pane 327. eountv recorder's records of Jackson count v. Oregon; 50 feet. Kate per foot (if cents, Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 74. D. R. Soliss The north halt' of lot 15. block 4. Park addition to the citv of Medford, Ore sron; frontage 41 feet mi south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. G7, pace 327, county recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 41 feet. Rale per foot 05 cents. Amount due $'20.05. Assessment No. 75, Annie M. Hoot feet on the north side of Main street. West, and running back 100 feet on Orange street, Nortli, and marked AX. on map of the cilv of Medford, Ore- eon, ana recorded m Vol. il, page 194. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon. 55 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount $35.75. Assessment No. 76. May Ander son. Lot 13. block 2. Bungalow ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore con; frontage 60 feet on north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 06. page 003, eountv record er's records of Jackson eountv. Ore- gon. 60 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cants. Amount due. $39.00. Assessment No. 77. Mav Ander son. Lot 14. block 2. Bungalow ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 00 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. ... page ... eountv recorder's records of Jackson eoun tv. Oregon. 00 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amuont due. $39.00. Assessment No. 78. William Lew is, et nx. Lot 13. block . ' Lewis addition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon : frontage 01 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. 06. page 603. eountv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $39.65. Assessment No. 79. William Lew is, et ux. Lot 14, block . Lewis addition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 01 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. , page . eountv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 01 feet. Rate per fot. 65 cents. Amount due. $39.05. Assessment No. 80. William Lewis, et ux. Lot 15. block . Lewis ad dition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontaee 61 feet on the north side of Main street. West, and re corded in Vol. . page . county recorder's records of Jackson eoun tv, Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $39.05. Assessment No. 81. John M. Root. Lot 1. block 1. Crowell's addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 56 feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 70. page 293, eoun tv recorder's records of Jackson county.' Oregon. 50 feet 9 inches. Rate per foot.- 05 cents. Amount due, $30.90. . addition to tho citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 59 feet 3 inches on the north side of Main struct. West, null recorded in Vol. 59, page 247, eoun tv recorder's records of Jackson' eountv. Oregon. 59 feet 3 inches. Rale per foot, 05 cents. Amount duo, $38.50. Assessment No. 88.- Gold Ruv Roaltv Co. Lot 4. block 2. Crowell's addition to tho citv of Medford, Ore gon; lrontage asi leet o invites on me north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59, page 247, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon. 49 feet 3 inches. Rate per foot, 05 cents Amount due, .$38.50. Assessment No. 89.' Fred H. Cook et ux. Lot No. 1. in block 1 Roan oke addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 45 feet 8 inches on north side Main street. West, and described Vol. ... page ... eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 45 feet 8 inches. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $29. 0. Assessment No. 90. Fred II. Cook. et ux. Lot No. 2, block 1, Roanoke addition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon: frontage 5 feet 8 inches on the north sido of Main street. West, and described in Vol. . page eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Orego" 45 feet 8 inches, Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount duo. $29.70. Assessment No. 91. Fred H. Cook. Lot No. 1. block No. 2, Roanoke addition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon ; frontage 49 feet 1 inch on north sido of Main street. West, de scribed in Vol. , page , county recorder's records of Jackson cunty, Oregon. 49 feet 1 inch. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $32.70. Assessment No. 92. Fred II. Cook, et ux. Lot 2. block 2, Roanoke ad dition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon: frontage 49 feet 1 inch on north side Main street. West, and describ ed Vol. . page . county re corder's records of Jackson county Oregon. 49 feet .1 ' inch. Rate Oregon. 49 feet. 16 inches. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $32.70. Assessment No. 93. Fred. H. Cook, et ux. Lot 3. block 2. Roanoke ad dition to tho citv of Medford, Ore- gou : frontage 49 feet 2 inches on north side Main street. West, and described Vol. . page . county recorder's records of Jackson coun tv. Oregon. . 49 feet 2 inches. Rate per foot. 05 .cents. Amount due. $33.30. " . Assessment No. 94. C. D.' Wolvcr ton. et ux. Lot 3. block 1. Wolvcr ton's sub-division of the citv of Med ford, Oregon; frontage 47 feet 5 inches on north side Maiu street. West, .and described Vol. , page . county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 95. C. I). Wolvcr ton. et ux. Lot 2. block 1. Wolver ton's sub-division of the citv of Med ford. Oregon; frontage 47 feet 5 inches on north side Main street. West, and described Vol. . page . county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 90. C. I). Wolver- ton. et nx. Lot 1. block I. Wolvcr- Assessment No. 82. John M. Root, i ton's sub-division of the cit v of -Lot 2. block 1. Crowell's Addition ' Medford. Oregon, and described Vol. to the citv of -Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet 9 inches on tho north' side of Maiu street. West, and recorded in Vol. 70. page 293. coun ty recorder's records .of Jackson county, Oregon. 56 feet 9 inches. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $30.90. Assessment No. 83. John 5L Hoot lxt 3. block 1, Crowell's addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 56 feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in . Vol. 70, page 293, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 56 feet 9 inches. ' Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $36.90. , Assessment No. 84, Rertie H. Ben nett. Lot 4. block 1. Crowell's ad dition to, the citv of Medford, Ore gon ; frontage 50 feet 9 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 71. pace 383, eountv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon.- 56 feet 9 inches. Rate . per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $36.90. Assessment No. 85. Gold Ruv Reultv Co. Lot 1. block 2. Crowell's addition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 59 feet 3 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59. page 247, .eountv recorder's records of Jack son eountv, Oregon. 59 feet 3 inches. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due. $38.50. Assessment No. 80. (lolil Rnv Realty Co. Ixd 2. block 2. Crowell's addition to the cilv of Medford, Ore gon: frontage 59 feet 3 inches on the north side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59, pace 217, eoun tv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 59 feet 3 inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due $38.50. ' Assessment No. H7. Gold Hny, Reultv Co.-UI 3. block 2, Crowell's . page'- , county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount . due,-$30.80. - Assessment No. 97, C D. Wolver-. ton. et ux. Lot 1. block 2. Wolver ton's sub-division of the - citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 47 feet, 5 inches on north side of Main street. West, recorded Vol. , page , county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 98. C. I), Wolver ton. et ux. Lot 2. block 2. Wolver ton's subdivision of the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 47 feet 5 inches north side of Main, street. West, dsoribod in Vol. . pace , eountv recorder's records of Jack son eountv, Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. ' Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 99. C. I). Vo! ver t-on. et ux. Lot 3, block 2, Wolver ton's sub-division of the city of Medford, Oregon: frontage 47 feet 5 inches on north side of Main street. West, described i" Vol. . page count v recorder's records of Jack son eountv. Oregon. 47 feet 5 inches. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount, due. $30.80. Assessment No. 100. Pickle. Klum and Murphy. Lot 14. block 1, Sum mit addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 62 feel on north side of Main street. West, described in Vol. 72, page 121. county record er's records of Jackson count v. Ore gon. 02 feet. Rule per fool. 05 ccnls. Amount due. $40.30. 'Assessment No. 101. Pickle, Khun and Murphv. lots 13. block 1. Sum mit addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 51 feet north side of Main street. West, described in Vol. 72. page 121. eountv roeoroVrV records of Jackson eountv. Oregon 51 feel. Rate per foot. 65 cunts. Amount due, $33.15. Assessment No. 102, C. W. Snyder. AW. A Unci of land 113 leet frontage on i Jacksonvillo road or Main street. West, and 140 feet deep along Summit avenue, and marked AW on map of tho cilv of Mudl'ord, Oregon: frontage 113 feet on Main street. West, described Vol. 65, patio 321, eountv recorder's records ol Jackson eountv, Oregon. 113 feet. Rale wr fool, 65 cents. Amount due. $73.45. Assessment No. 103. Mrs. .Ida Kenworthv. AV. A tract of land 112 feet froulngo on Jacksonville road or Main street. West, and run ning buck to Fourth street. West.. 759 feet and marked AV on map of the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 112 feet on north side of Muin street. West, described Vol. 42, pago 33, eountv recorder's records of Jack son eountv. Oregon. 112 feet. Rate' per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $72.80. Assessment No. 104. Mrs. S. J. llavzo Lot 10, block 1. Rrvnnt's ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontage 40 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 08, page 152, county recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon. 40 feet .08. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 105. Mrs. S. J. Havze. Lot 15. block 1, Brvanl's addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 46 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 08. page 152. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 40 feet .08. Rale per foot. Of) cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 100. L. J. Quiglcv Lot 14. block 1. Bryant's addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 40 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 72. page 151. eountv recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon. 40 feet .08. Rate per fool, 05 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 107. Pavette and Storah. Lot 13. block 1, Brvant ad dition to tho city of Medford. Ore gon: frontage''"' feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. . page . county recorder's re cords of Jackson county. Oregon. 40 feet .08. Rate per foot, G5 cents Amount due, $29.95. Assessment No. 108. T, J. McAn- drew. Lot 12. block 1. Rryant ad dition to the citv of Medford. Ore gon ; frontage 40-feet , on north side of Main street. West, described Vol 66, pace 190, county recorder's re cords of Jackson county. Oregon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due. $29.95. Assessment No. 109. T. J. McAu drew Lot 11. block 1. Brvant addi tion to the eitv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 40 feet on north side of Main street. West, described Vol. 00, pace 190, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 40 feet 8 inches. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount $29.95. Assessment No. 110. Payette and Slovah. Lot 10. block 1. Bryant ad dition to the citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 1'i H on ivirlh side of Main si reel. West, described Vol. , paue i 'i'i-i!v 's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon. 46 feet" .08. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $29.95. Assessment No. 111. Payette and Slorah. Lot 9. block 1, Brvant ad dition to the cilv of Medford. Ore gon :, frontage 40 feet on nortli side of Main street.. West, described Vol. 72. pace 435, county recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon. 46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount duo. $29.95. Assessment No. 112. Scot I V. Davis. "ot 2. block 2. Highland Park addition to the citv of Med ford. Oregon; frontage 51 feet on south side of Main street. West, de scribed Vol. . page , county recorder's records of Jaekso1' coun ty. Oregon. 51 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount duo. $33.15. Assessment No. 113. Scott, V. Davis. Lot 1. Block 2. Highland Park addition to the citv of Med ford. Oregon : frontago 51 feet on south side of Main street. West, de scribed Vol. . page : . county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 51 feel. Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $33.15. Assessment No. 114. Scott V. Davis. Lot 0. block 1. Highland Park addition to the citv of Med ford, Orei.'on; frontage 49 feet 11 inches on south sido of Main street, West, -described Vol. . pneo , eountv recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 49 leet 11 inches. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $32.40. Assessment No. 115. Scott V. Davis. Lot 5, block 1. Highland Park addition lo the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, described Vol. . page . eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rntc per foot. 05 cents. Amount dun, $32.50. Assessment No. 110. lu.yix.Lnt 4. block 1, Park addition to tho city of Mud ford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on south tnilu of Main street, West, de scribed Vol. , page , County recorder s records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot Ii5 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 117, Scott V. Davis Lot 3. block 1. Highland Park addition- to the citv of Med ford, Oregon ; frontage 50 feet on south sale of Vain street. West, de scribed Vol. . page , eountv recorder's recoids of Jackson conn. I v. Oregon. 50 feet. Rato per fool, 65 certs. Amount duo. $32.50. Assessment No. 118. Scott V. Davis Lot 2. block 1. Highland Park addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage "50 feet on south sido of Maiu street., West, described Vol. , page , eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 foot. Rato per foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $32,50. Assessment No. 119, Scott V, Davis. Lot 1. block 1, Highland Park addtion lo the citv of Medford, Oregon'; frontage 50 feet on south sid.e of Main street. West, described Vol. , page , eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon 50 feet. Rale per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 120, ,T. C. Brown, et ux. Beginning at tho northeast corner of government lot 5. of sec tion 25 in township 37. S. H. 2 W. of the W. M. in Oregon, thence west on the north line of said lot 5. 5 chains, thence south to the, nortli lino of-R. R. V. H. right of wnv across said government lot, thence easterly along I he north line of said railroad right of wav to the east line of said government lot 5, thence north along said east line of lot 5 and 405 feet to the place of beghiuing. containing 3.62 acres, more or less: frontage 330 feet on south side of Main street. West, described Vol. 05, page 75. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 330 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cenls. Amount due. $214.50. Assessment No. 121. Mrs. L. K. Prigg. Beginning at the northeast corner of Fast Romhcn's I). L. O. in Assessment No. 131, O, C. Hoggs, 'con; froi''""0 50 feel on cast side section 25. township 37. S. R. 2 W. of the W. M. in Jackson county. Oregon, thence south 1.07 chains to corner of D. L. C. 86. thenco east 4.05 chains to a post from which a white oak tree 20 inches in diame ter bears north 40 degrees, west 110 links, thence nortli 19.07 chains to center corner section 25. township 37. R. 2 V.. thence west 7.32 chains, thence south 18 chains, oast 3.27 chains to plnee of beginning,'' contain ing 13.80 acres;. frontage 483.12 feet on south sido Main street. West, do scribed Vol. 69. page 498. county re corder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon. 483.12 feet. Rato per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $314.05. Assessment No. 122. Fred LI. Cook, et ux. Lot 3. block 1. Roanoke ad dition in tho citv of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 45.8 on north side Muin street. West. 45.8 feet. Rato per foot. 05 cents. . Amount due, $29.75. ASSESSMENT FOR ; LATERAL SEWER FROM SOUTH ORANGE ST. BETWEEN MAIN ST. W Scott V. I per foot Highland 1 $32.50. AND EIGHTH WEST OF SAME. 400 FEET. Assessment No. 123. Ella Carney. Lot 1, block 3, Park addition in the citv of Medford, Oniw lront age 50 feet on west sido Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 124. Jackson Building and Loan Association. Lot 22. block 3, Park addition iimhu city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on west side Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment - No. 125, Elizabeth Brown. Lot 3. block 3. Park addi tion in tho citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on west side Orunge street. South. 50 feet. Rato ' per foot. 05 cents.. Amount due, $32.50. . Assessment No. 126. A. B. Butler. Lot 4, block 3. Park addition iii the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 feet on west sido Orango street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 127. A. B. Butler. The north half of lot 5. block 3, Park addition in the cilv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 feet on west side Orange sired, South. 25 feet. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $10.25. Assessment No. 128, Margaret r. Noble. Lot 0 und the south bulf ol lot 5. block 3. Park addition in the iitv of Medford. Oregon ; frontage 75 feet on west sido Orange street. South. 75 feet. ' Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $48.75. Assessment No. 130. Geo. II. Lads. Lot 7. block 3, Park addition m the citv of Medford. Oregon; front ugo 50 feet on west side Orange street. South. 50 feet. Rain iter foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 130, Homer II. Hurvev. Lot 8, block 3. Park ad dition in the citv of Medtord, Ore gon ; frontage .60 fuel " . Orango street. South, 50 feet. Rato 05 cents. , Amount due. LENGTH foot. $65.00. Lots ), 10, 11 and tho Mouth 42 feel of lot 12 in block 2, Park addi tion in the eit" of Medford, Oregon; frontage 192 feet on east side Orange street. South. 1112 feel. Rate per fool, (15 cents. Amount due, $121.80. Assessment No. 132, Marv H. Orr.l.ols II, l.i, 10 und the north 12 feet of lot 13, in block 2, Park addition in thu eilv,of Medford Ore gon ; lronlii'iu 192 feet on east side Orange street. South. 192 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due. $121.80. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWi'.R ON NORTH PEACH ST. BETWEEN MAIN ST. W EST. AND FOURTH ST.. WEST, LENGTH OF SAME Au FEET. Assessment No. 133, William Lew is, et ux.- Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. f. tl. i, H. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Lewis addition in tho citv of Medford, Oregon; front age 000 fuel on east sidu Peach si reel. North. 001) fuet. Rato per loot, 05 cunts. Amount due, $3110.011. Assessment No, 131. Delrov Gelchell. Lot 12, block 4, Crowell's addition in thu citv of Mudl'ord, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on west side Peach struct. Nortli. 51) fuet. Kale pur foot, 65 cunts. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 135. Ida Slvbsv. Lot 10 and 1 1. Crowell's addition in IIiocitv of Medford. Oregon; front ago 100 feet on west sidu Punch street. North. 100 feet. Rate per fooi. 05 cents. Amount due; $115.00. Assessment No. 130. Charles J. Mixer. Lots 8 and 9. block 4. Crowell's addition in the cilv of Medford. Oregon; frontagu 1(1(1 feet on west side Peach si reel. Nort h. 100 feet. Rale per fool. 05 cents. Amount due. $(i.'i.llll. Assessment No, 137. Margaret .1. Rmuscv. Lot ?, block 4. Crowell's addition in the cilv of Mc,i..'d. Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on west side Peach street. Norlh. 50 feet. Rale per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 138. II. G. Har vey. Irfit (I. block 4. Crowell's ad dition in the city of Medford, Ore gon: lrontage 50 feet on west side Pciieh struct. North. 50 fuel. Hale per foot, 05 ccnls. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment. No. 139. R. H. Toft.-l-ol 5, block 4. Crowell's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on west side Peach street. North. 50 feet. Ralo per foot. (15 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 140. Ereso J. Potter.- Lot 4. block 4. Crowell's addi tion in the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on west side Punch street. North. 50 feet. Ralu ler foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 141. Margaret .1. Rnmsev. Lot 3. block 4. Crowell'H addition in tho citv of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on west sidu Peach street. North. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 142, J. E. Toft. Lots 1 and 2. block 4, Crowell's ad dition in Hie cilv of Medford, Ore gon: froiilagc 'Kill feet on west side Peach street. North. 100 feet. .Rale 05 cents. Amount due. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWER ON NORTH QUINCE STREET BETWEEN MAIN ST.. WEST. AND FOURTH STREET. WEST, LENGTH OF SAME 580 FEET. Assessment No. 143. Gobi Itav Really Co. Lot 8. block 3. Crowell's addition in the citv of Mudl'ord, Ore con: frontago 104.9 feet on west side Quince street. 101.9 feet. Rale per foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $107.20. Assessment No. 144. Gold Rav Realty Co. Lot 1. block 3, Crowell's uddition in the citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 104.9 feet on west side Quince street. 104.0 feet. Rato per foot. 05 cents. Amount duo, $107.20. Assessment No. 145,. Gold Ruv Realty Co. Lot 8. block 2, Crowell's addition in tho city of Modfnrd, Ore gon; frontngc"104.0 feet on west side Quince street. 164.9 feet. Rate per foot, 05 cents. Amount due, $107.20. Assessment No. 140, Margaret J. Rumsov. Lots 13, 14, 15, 10, 17 in block 4. Crowell'H addition in the city of Medford. Oregon ; frontage 250 feet. Rate per font, 05 ccnls. Amount due. $102.50. Assessment No. 147, Elizabeth M. Smith. Lot 18. block 4. Crowell's addition in the citv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet, on east side Quince street. 50 feel. Rale per font, 05 ccnls. Amount (Inc. $32.50. Assessment No. 148, Wcstl.v Vo geli. Lot 19, block 4. Crowell'H ad dition in (he cilv of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on east side Quince street. 50 feel. Rale per foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 149, Margaret J. Rumsov. Lots 20. 21. 22, block I. Crowell'H addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 150 feet on cast sido Quince street. 150 feet. Rate per . foot, . 05 cents. Amount duo. $97.60. . Assessment No. 160. Charles J, Fickos. Lot 23. block 4. Crowell's addition in the eitv of Modford, Orc- Viniieu hi reel. ;" leei. ualc per fmd, 115 cents. Amount due, $32.50. A.-ni'-m I No. 151. I1!. R. Perk Lot 21, block 4, Crowell's addition in the cilv of Mecllord, Oregon I'i'oiiIiil'c 5(1 feel on cast side Quince street. 50 I'c"' Rale tier Cool, (l'i cenls. Amount dun, $32.50. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWER ON SOUTH PEACH STREET BETWEEN .MAIN STREET. WEST, A. Nil EIGHTH ST.. IN THE CITY OF MEDFORD. OREGON. Assessment No. 152, Marv E. Wil son. Thu north 150 feet of lot , block 4. Park addition in (lie cilv of Medford, Oregon: frontage Kill feel on west side Peach street, South, du scribed Vol. 71. page 33(1. eountv re- order's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 100 feet. Ralu per foot, (15 cents. Amount due, $05.00, Assessment No. 153, J. E. Dyer. Part of lot 1, block 4, Park addition in thu citv of Medford, Oregon, ad joining Marv E. Wilson on tho north and D. B. Soliss on the south; front -agu 75 fuet on west sidu Pencil street. South, described Vol. 52, pngit 215, eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon. 75 feci. Rate per fool, (15 cents. Amount due. $48.75. Assessment No. 154. I). B. Solis. -rPurt of lot 1. block 4. Park ad.li- ' lion in tho citv of Medford, Oregon, adjoining J. E. Dver on tho north and August Lnwront on the Mouth, described Vol. 72. pago 531, eountv recorder's records of Jackson conn, tv, Oregon: frontage 75 feet on the west side Peach street. South. 75 feel. Rale per foot, (15 cunts. Amount flue. $18.75. Assessment No. 155. August Law- renlz. -Tbe soulb 1(1(1 feci of lot I. block I. Park addition in the cilv ol Mudl'ord. Oregon; frontage 100 feet on west side Ifnrh street. Soulb, de scribed Vol, 58. page 44(1. county re corder's records of Jackson coiiolv. Oregon. 1(10 feel. Rule per fool. 05 cents. Amount due. $H5.(I((. Assessment No. 150. Marv E. Bowling. - Lot II. block 3. Park addi tion in the citv of Mudford, Oregon; lrontage 50 feet on east side Peaeli street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $32.50. Assessment No. 157. W. E. Sunders.-- Im 10. block 3, Purk addition in the cilv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 50 feel on east side Pencil street. South. 50 feet. Ralo pet foot. 05 cents. Amount due, $32,511. Assessment No. 158. Ella Arnold, Lot II. block 3, Park addition in the cilv of Medford. Oregon: front age 50 feet on east side Punch street. South. 50 feet. Halo per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $32.50. Assessment No. 159. Ella Arnold. Lot 12. block 3. in Park addition iii the citv of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on cost side Poach street. South. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 115 cents. Amount due. $32.5n. Assess nt No. 100. Ella Arnold. Lot 13. block 3, Park addition in the cilv of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on cast side Poach street, Smith. 50 feel. Rate per fool. (15 cents. Amount due, $32.5". Assessment No. 101. Ella Arnold. - Lot I I, block 3, Park addition in the cilv of Medford. On gon ; front -age 50 teel on casl side Peach sired. South. 50 fed. Rule per foot, (15 ccnls. Amount, due. $32.50. Assessment No. 102. Ella Arnold. Lot 15, block 3, Park addition in the cilv of Medford, Orecon; front age 50 fed on cast side Peuch hired. South. 50 I'ei.l. Knli. m.r i',,i I'.'. cents. Amount chio. $32.50. Assessment No. 103. Ella Arnold. Ixit'10. block 3. Park addition in the city of Medford. Orecon; front age 50 feet on oust side Poach slrocl. South. 50 feel. Rale per foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH LATERAL SEWER ON NEW TOWN ST. BETWEEN MAIN ST.. WEST. AND EIGHTH ST.. WEST. LENGTH OF SAME 400 FRET. Assessment, No. 104. Carrie K. George Lois I. 2. 3 and thu north 12 feet of lot 4 in block 2. Park ad dition in the cilv of Medford. Oregon, frontaee 192 feet on west sido New town street.' 192 feet. Rale per foot. 05 ceifls. Amount due. $124.8(1. Assessment No. 105. A. L. Olni- stead. The nortli 9 feel or lot 5, block 2. Park addition in the city of Aledlord, Oregon; lrontage 0 feet on west side Newtown street. (I fed. Rale per fool. 05 cents. Amount due. $5.85. Assessment No. 1(1(1. R. I,. Burdie. The south 33 feel of lot 5 und the north 28 fed of lot 0, hlock 2. Park uddition in the citv of Medford. Ore gon: frontage 61 fed on west side Newtown Hired. 01 fed. Rate per foiit, 05 ccnls. Amount due, $39.05. Assessment No, 107, Henry V. Pat terson. The smith 22 feel of lot (I and the north 39 feel of lot 7 in block 2. Park addition in the citv of Aledlord. Oregon; frontage 01 fed on west side Newtown si red. . 01 fed. Rate per foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $39.05. (Continued on Vnff ?,).