Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 18, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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All Ol'dillUllCO IIHKCHHtlllf till! cost 111'
tlio Kin i 1 1 and lateral mo with in how
it district No. 7. in llni eitv of Mini
lord, against tin properly dirci.'llv
liciel'ilod liv Hiiiil sewers unit adja
cent thereto, anil providing for tliu
mil I V thereof in tliu docket of city
linns of suid city.
Tlio city of Mudford doll) oriluiii
n x follows:
That no protests having boon filed'
neiiuml I tin ussi'Nsiuout of llui cost of
inn in sewers ami liilonilH in sower
district No. 7. of tliu eitv of Muilforil,
mil ina thereof having boon given to
thn respective owners of proiMirtv
lliercbv affected iih provided by tlir
charter of Hiiiil i'itv of Modford, tliu
council bus considered tliu matter mid
hl'll'llV dlll'lliri'H till) I'OHl of Kllid HHW
IT mill latfll'lllH to llO HHHOHSod UglllllHt
- the. respective parcels of property in
I ho rcHiMictivo amounts Im rein nut
opitositn Huid respective purcoU,
which niiid parcels of limit are horo
liv diiolarod to lio directly benefited
tliiiri'hv iit such respective amounts in
such i)ri))ortion, ull iih hereinafter not
forth in dotuil.
HOLE AT WKST boundary OF
Assessment No. 1. William I,. Mil
ler Commencing at a point situated
12 chains 11 linkH north mid 199.03
iVi't west of thn 8. E. corner of the
S. W. mini tor of the N. E. nunrtor of
section 2.r. in towiiHhip .'17 south,
range 2 went of tlio Willamette nicr-
iditin. and from mini point running
went 100 feet, tinmen north 100 font
thiuioo cast 100 fnnt, Ihi'lico south 100
feci to plui'ti of beginning, frontneo
IflO foot on north Hib) Fourth Htrout,
W.. described Vol. 51. pago 1(8. conn
tv recorder's records of JaekHon
count v. Oregon. 100 feet. Rnto per
font tl'i cents. Amount duo $05.
Assessment No. 2. LUxio Wiggin
:iiiiiiii'iioiiitr nt a point situated 12. -10
linkn north nud 280.03 feet wont of
tlm S. K. corner of the S. W. nuar
tcr of tlio N. E. iiuurtcr of section
25. in township 37 Month, range 2 west
of the Willamette meridian, and from
Hiiid point running thonco woHt 50
feet. Iheiico north 100 font, thence
east 50 feet, thenco Boutli 100 feet to
place of beginning.
Commencing nt a point 12 chaiiiH
in links north and (I chains -12 linkn
west of tlio S. E. coiner of tho 8.
W. (iniirler of tho N. K. ounrtor soo-
tion 25. in township 37 Houth. raiiL'e
2 west of the Willamette meridian,
mid running thenco north 100 foot,
thenco 'east 84.0 foot, thenco south
100 feet, thence went 8-1.9 feet to
place of beginning; frontage 134.0
feet on north side of Fourth street,
W.. doHcrihcd Vol. 40, pago 353. Vol.
42. page 50-1 conntv recorder's roe
ord of .lackHon conntv, Oregon. 134.0
furl. Rate per foot 05 cent. Amount
duo $87.70.
Assessment No. 3. George II. Ends
Lot 13. hlock 3. Palm addition, in
tho citv of Medford. Oreiron: t'ronj -nuo
50 feet on north Hide Fourth
Htrnot. W.. described Vol. 03. pace
82. countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oregon. '50 feet. Rate
per foot- 05 cents. Amount due
AsscRHmont No. 4. Claroneo Ends
--Lot 12. block 3. Palm addition in
the eitv of Medford. Oregon: frontneo
f0 foot on north sido Fourth street.
W.. described Vol. 03. pairo 83, coun
tv rocordor's records of Jnekson
countv. Oregon. 50 foot. Rnto per
foot. 05 emits. Amount due $32.50.
AsscsHinont No. 5. Clnronco Fads
Lot 11. block 3. Palm addition in
tho eitv of Medford. Oreiron; frontaire
40.5 foot on north sido Fourth stroet.
W.. described Vol. 03. pniro 83. coun
tv recorder's records of Jackson
conntv. Oregon. 4(1.5 feet. Rnto per
foot (15 cents.' Amount duo $30.20.
Assessment No. 0. William Heff-
nor Lot 1. block 1, Olson addition.
in Mm eitv O f Medford. Orceon front
mm 54 feet on north side Fourth
otrnnr. W.. described Vol. 02. pace
200. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 54 feet. Rate
jinr foot (15 cents. .Amount due
Assessment No. 7. T. A. Olson Lot
2. block 1. Olson addition, in (no city
of Medford. Ornirons frontneo 54 feel
1 north side Fourth street, W.. des
cribed Vol. 1 pngn 21)3, conntv re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Orceon. 54 font. Rnto per foot 05
-onts. Amount dun $35.10.
Assessment No. 8. Willinm Tongue
--Lot 1. block 0. Olson nddition. in
tho eitv of Medford. Oregon: frontage
54 foot on north side Fourth street.
W.. described Vol. 71. page 211. coun
tv recorder's recordy of Jackson
countv, Orceorr. 54 font. Rato per
foot 05 cents. Amount due $35.10.
Assessment No. 0. William Tongue
--Lot 2, block 0, Olson nddilon. in
tho citv of Medford, Oregon! front
aeo 54 feet on north sido Fourth
street. W.. described Vol. 71, pneo 211
countv recorder' s records of Jackson
countv, Oregon. 54 feet. Ratu per
fool 05 cents. Amount due $35.10.
Assessment No. 10, William Erd
iiiiiii Ilcginnin'- at a point 2 chains
85 links east and 12 chains 40 links
north of tho center of section 25, in
township 37 south, range 2 west of
the Willamette meridian and running
thence north parallel with tho west
line of tint N. K. nunrtor of said sec
tion 0 chains 23 links, thence cast
imrnllcl to the south lino of said N.
I'!, nuarter of said section 1 chain
til) links, thnncu west 1 chain 1)0 links
to pluco of beginning, containing 1
Commencing at a point. 4 chains 45
links cast and 12 chains 40 links
north of the S. W. corner of the N.
K. nuarter section 25, township 37
south, range 2 west of Willamette
meridian, and running thenco east
parallel with thn south line of tho said
Uiinrler section 2 chains 75 links,
thenco north parallel with the west
lino of said nuarter section 12 chains
44 links, thenco west- 4 chains .(5
links, thenco south 0 'chain's 22 links,
thenco cast 1 chain 00 links, thence
south 0 chains 22 linkn to pluco of
beginning, containing 4.41 acres ;
frontage 287.10 foot on north sido
Fourth street, W., described Vol. 22.
pago 134, and Vol. 22, page 153,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Orni'on. 'J87.10 feet. Rale
per loot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 11. Paul Deinmer
Commencing 12 chains 40 links
north of the S. K. corner ol
the N. W. (iiiarler section
25. township 37 south, range 2 west
of Willamette meridian, running
thenco west 8 chains 53 links, thence
north (I chains 22 links, thence east
10 chains 38 links, thenco south 0
chains 'i'l links, thenco west 2 chains
85 links to placo of beginning, con
taining 4.008 acres, in the citv of
Medford. Oregon! frontneo 432.3 feet
on north sido Fourth streel. W., des
cribed Vol. 2(1. pago 250. countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon. 432.3 feet. Ralo per foot 05
cents. Amount due $281.
Assessment No. 12. Josephine F.
('lurk Beginning 12 chains 40 links
north of tho K. F. corner of the N.
V. nuarter section 25. township 37
south, range 2 west of Willamette
meridian, running thence wost 8
chains 53 links, thenco north (1 chains
22 links, thenco east 11 chains 53
links, thenco south (t chains 22 links,
thence west 2 chains 85 links to place
of beginning, containing 7.008 aeres.
more or less, and from said S. W.
corner or beginning point running
thence north (i chains 22 links, thence
cast 4 chains 83 links, south 0 chains
22 links, thence west 4 chums 83
links to place of beginning, contain
ing 3 acres; frontage 318.78 feet on
north sido Fourth street. West, in the
eitv of Medtord, Oregon, described
Vol. 50, page 404. countv recorder s
records of Jackson countv. Oregon.
(18.78 feet. Rato per foot 05 cents.
Amount duo $207.20.
Assessment No. 13. M. C. Martin
Commenchie nt a point situated 12.40
chains north and 8.53 chiiins west of
the S, E. coiner of tho N. W. nunrtor
section 25. township 37 south, raiigc
2 west of Willamette meridian, and
from said point running thence north
0.22 chnins. thenco wost 1.01 chains,
south 0.22 chains, east 1.01 chains to
place of beginning, containing 1 acre.
more or less: frontneo 100.20 feet on
north side Fourth' street. V. des
cribed Vol. 40. page 153. countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon. 100.20 feet. Rate per foot
05 cents. Amount duo $09.05.
Assessment No. 14, J. C. Smith
Beginning at tho S. W. corner of
Lewis-Martin 1-nero tract or 1 chain
01 links west of tho S. W. corner of
tho Paul Demmor tract, in tho S. F..
ouartor section 25. township 37 south,
riingo 2 west of Willamette meridian,
nud running thenco west 3 chains 23
links, thenco north 0 chains 20 links,
thenco east 3 ehains 23 links, south
0 chains 20 links to place -of begin
ning, containing 2 aeres. more or loss:
frontage 213.18 Toot on north side
Fourth street. V described Vol. 51
pniro 155, countv ro'eorder's record.-'
of Jackson countv, Oregon. 213.18
foot. Rato pur foot 05 cents; Amount
duo $138.55.
Assessment No. 15, D. McDonald
Beginning 7.57 chnins south and 5.20
chnins east of tho N.,E. corner of tho
S. E. ouartor of tho N. E. ouartor see
tion 2d. township 37 south, rango .
wost of Willamette meridian, nud run-
nine thenco north (1.20 chums, east
1.00 chnins. soulh 0.20 chnins, west
1.00 chnins to place of beginning, con
taining I aero, moro or less; frontneo
1(15.0 I'ce'l on north sido Fourth strcot.
W., described Vol. 72, page 378, coun
tv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon. 105.0 feet. Rate
per foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 10, A. 0. Vureoss
Conimencine nt a point 7.57 chains
south and 3.00 chains enst of the
N. W. corner of tho S. E. nunrter of
tho f. W. ouartor section 25, town
ship 37 south, rango 2 wost of tho
Willnmetto meridian, runing thenco
north 0.20 chnins, thonco oast 1.00
ehains, thenco south 0.20 "'iiiins, west
1.(10 chains to place of beginning, con
taining 1 acre, more or less; front
age 105.11 feet on north side Fourth
street. V.. described Vol. 73, pago
407, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 105.0 feet.
Rain per foot 05 cents. Amount due
AnscsHincnt No, 17, Edward S.
Slinscn Commencing at a 1.37
chains south of tho N. W. comer of
(he S. V.. nuarter of the N. W. ounr
ter section 25, township 37 south,
range 2 west of Willamette meridian,
running thenco east 3.00 chains, south
0.20 chnins, west 3.00 chains, north
(l.wO chains to place of beginning,
containing 2.23 acres, morn or less,
saving, excepting and reserving from
the foregoing strip of land 30 feet in
width along the entire west side of
said premises, containing .28 of an
acre, more or less; frontage 207.00
feet on north side Fourth street, W.,
described Vol. 57. page 257. countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon. 207.00 feet. Rate per foot
05 cents. Amount due $134.95.
Assessment No. 18, Lillio Sample
Commencing at a lxiinl situated
591.9 feet north of the S. W. corner
of tho S. E. nuarter of thn N. W.
nuarter section 25. township 37 south,
range 2 west of Willamette meridian,
and from said point of com
mencing running thence north
107.4 feet to a point, being the
intersection of south line of
the countv road, thence east 125.3
feel, south 197.4 feet, west 125.3 feet
to place of beginning: frontage 125.3
feet on south side Fourth street, W.,
no record in the citv of Medford,
Oregon. 125.3 feet. Rate per foot O.j
cents. Amount due $81.45f
Assessment No. 10. Marv M. Chil
ders Commencing at the N. E. cor
ner of the 14.55-ncre tract of land
bought bv Geo. W. Isaacs and Silas
J. Dav of (',. Mingiis and wife, on
January 30. 1899. as recorded in Vol.
17, pages 553 and 55. deed records of
Jackson countv. Oregou: thence
south along the westerly line
of said tract of land 3
chains 90 links, thence north 89 de
grees 45 minutes east to the west lino
of said land, sold to one Kenworthv,
thence north to the N. W. corner of
said Kenworthv Innd. thonco west
along the north line of the land here
by conveyed 0.54 chains to place of
beginning, containing 2.55 acres,
more or less, but reserving and ex
cepting from this convevunce 1 aero
of land heretofore conveyed to Lillie
Sample off of tho westerly portion of
said described premises: frontage
142.07 feet on south side Fourth
street. W .. ilcscriueil Vol. oil. page
oO.")." countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv Oregon. 142.07 feet.
Rate Per foot 05 cents. Amount duo
Assessment No. 20. Ida M. Cor
novcr Commencing nt a point sit
uated 209.93 icct cast of tho point
of intersection of south line of wost
Fourth street and tho east lino of tho
county road, in the S. E. quarter of
the N. W. ounrter section 25, in town
ship 37 south, range 2 west of Wil
lamette meridian, and from said point
rniiinc thence east 103.07 feet, south
132.10 feet, west 104.25 feet, north
32.10 feet, east 103 feet, north 100
feet to placo of beginning ; frontneo
103.07 feet on south side Fourth
street. V.. described Vol. 69. puec
155. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon. 103.07 feet.
Rato per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 21. Mrs. Idn Ken-worthv--Hegiiininc
at tho S. W. cor
ner of land 28 degrees 438. and run
nine thonco north on west line of
said Surans lot 757 feot to corner
of street, thonco wost on south line of
said street 112 feot 3 inches to cor
ner on said street, thence south 757
feet to corner on north line of the
countv road leadinc from Jackson
ville to Medford, thonco east along
north lino of said countv road 112.3
feet to placo of beginning, contain
ing 1.95 acres, and located on S. E.
auurterof N. W. nuarter section 23.
township 37, 2 west, Jackson countv.
Oregon; frontage 112 feet on south
side Fourth street. V. described Vol.
52. pago 337. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv, Oregon.
112 feet. Ruto per foot 65 cents.
Amount duo "2.80.
Assessment No. 22. E. B. rickel. B.
Klum and W. C. Murphv Lot 1,
block 2. Summit addition, in tho eitv
of Medford. Oregon; frontage 103
feet on south sido Fourth strcot. W.
103 foot. Rnto per foot 65 eents.
Amount duo $0(1.05.
Assessment No. 23. E. B. Piekol.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphv Lot 1,
block 1. Summit addition, m tho citv
of Medford. Oregon; frontage 10J.5
foot on south side Fourth streot,
Wost. 103.5 feet. Rato per foot 65
eonta. Amount duo $07.30.
Assessment No. 24. C. D. Wolvor-
ton Lot 15. block 2. Wolvcrton sub
division, in tho citv of Medford, Oro
eon; frontneo 132.59 feet on south
side Fourth street. West. 132.59 foot
Rnto per foot 05 cents. Amount duo
Assessment No. 25. C. D. Wolvor
ton. ot ux. Lot 15, block 1. Wolver-
ton's sub-division, in the citv of Mod
ford, Oregon; frontneo 132.59 feet
on south side Fourth strcot. West.
132.59 feet. Rate per foot 5 cents.
Amount due $80.20. . .'
A-i'KHineirt 'No. gtf.'Fri:d II. Cook
I ux.- l.ot 15. block 2, Roanoke ad
dition, in ,e citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 137.59 feet on south
side Fourth street. West. 137.59
feet. Rate per foot (15 cents. Amount
dun $89.45.
Assessment No. 27. Fred H. Cook
et ux.-l.ot 15. block 1. Ronnoku ad
dition in the citv of Medford, Oregon;
Irontiigi. 137.59 feet on south Bide
Fourth street. West. 137.59 feet.
Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount due
AsKi.siHent No. 28. 0. T. Lawrentz
Lot it. block 3, Crowe!! addition, 1
in the citv of Medford, Oregon ; front-
ago 59..I feet on south side Fourth I
street. West. 59.3 feet. Rato per
loot 05 cents. Amount duo $38.55.
Assessment No. 29. E. R. Pech
I)t 0, block 3. Crowell'ii addition, in
the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage !
.i9..l lent on south sido Fourth street.
-West. 59.3 feet. Rate per foot 05
'cuts.'' Amoimt due $38.55.
Assessment No. 30. Gold Rav Reul
tv Co. Ia1 7. block 3. Crowcll's ad
dition, in tho citv of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 59.3 feet on south side
Fourth street. West. 59.3 feet. Rute
per foot 05 cents. Amount due $38.55.
Assessment No. 31. Gold Ray Real
ty Co. I Ait 8. block 3. Crowcll's ad
dition, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 59.3 feet on south side
Fourth street. West. 59.3 feel. Rate
per foot 05 cents. Amount due $38.55.
Assessment No. 32. E. R. Pech
Lot 21. block 4. Crowcll's addition, in
the citv of Medford.- Oregon; front
age lob tcct on south side fourth
street. West'. 100 feet. Rate per
foot 05 cents. Amount due $08.90.
Assessment No. 33. J. E. Toft-
Lot- 1. block 4. Crowell's addition, in
the citv of Medford,' Oregon: front
age 100 feet on south side Fourth
street. West. 100 feet. Rate per foot
05 cents. Amount due $08.90.
Assessment No. 34. William Lewis
ct ux. Ix)t 1. Lewis addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage
178 feet on south side Fourth street
West. 178 feet. Rnto per foot 65
cents. Amount due $115.70.
Assessment No. 35. Anderson &
Toft lxt 1. block 2 Bungalow addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon;
frontage 105 feet on south side
Fourth street. West. 105 feet. Rate
per toot o; eents. - Amount due
GON: Assessment No. 3G. Anderson &
Toft Lot 1. block 2. Bunealow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on west side
Ornneo street. North, described Vol.
... page ... county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due $32.50.
Assessment No. 37. R. E. Holmes
Lot 2. block 2, Bungalow addition, in
tho citv of Medford, Oregon; front-iue-
50 feet on west;:side -Orange
street. North, described Vol. 72, patfe
376. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
. Assessment No. 38. Mrs. Selena T.
Corliss Lot 3. block 2. Bunealow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontage 50 feet on west side
Orunee street. North, described Vol.
60, pnee 560, countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 39, Mary Alsdorf
Lot 4. block 2. Bungalow addition, in
the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage
50 foet on west sido Orange street.
North, described Vol. 67.. page 2.
countv' recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oregon. oO ieet. Kate
per foot 65 cents. Amount duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 40. L. J. Ouigbv
Lot 5. block 2. Bungalow addition, in
the citv of Medford, Oregon: .front
age SO feet on west sine urnngc
street. North, described Vol. 60. pago
01. countv recorders records ot
Jackson countv, Oregon. 50 feet.
Rnto por foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 41. Bel Tiesso
Lot 0, block 2, Bungalow addition, in
tho oitv of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 foet on west sido Orange
street. North, described Vol. 72. page
247. countv recorders records of
Jnckson conntv, Oregon. 50 feet.
Rato pcv foot 05 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 42. John L. Dcm
mer Lot 7. block 2. Bungalow nddi
tion. in the citv of Medford. Oregon:
frontage 50 feet on west sido Orange
street. North, described Vol. 08. page
002, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate
por foot 65 cents. Amount duo
Assessment No. 43. Oris Crawford,
Trustee Lot 8, block 2. Bungalow
addition, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on west side
Orange street. North, described Vol.
72, page 473, countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv, Oregon. 50
feet. Rale per foot 05 cents. Amount
due $32.50.
Assessment No. 44. W. A. Alden
hngan Lot 9. block 2. Biinealow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on west side
Orange street. North, described Vol.
00. pago 004, countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50
feet. Rnto per foot 65 cents. Amoimt
duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 45. V. C. Green
B. I). Lot 10. and tho north half of
lot 11. in blnek 2. Bungalow addi-
tion. in the citv of Medford. Oregon ;
frontage 75 feet on west side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 69. page
127, county recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 75 feet. Rate
per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 40. F. C. Pnge
Lot 12 and south half of lot 11. block
2. Bungalow; addition, in the city of
Medfofd. Orcon; frontaee 75 feet on
west side Orange street. North, des
cribed Vol. 70. page 233. countv re
corder's records of Jnckson countv,
Oregon. 75 feet. Rate per foot 65
eents. - Amount due $48.75.
Assessment No. 47, Mav Anderson
Lot 13. block 2 Bungalow addition,
in the citv of Medford, Oregon : front
age 90 feet on west side of Orange
street. North, described Vol. 66. page
(103. county recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 90 feet.
Ruto per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 48. A. II. Svmcos
Lot 1. block 1. Bungalow addition.
in the citv or Medford. Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on east side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 72. paee
465. countv recorder's records of
Jiieksnn conntv, Oregou. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
'Assessment No. 49. Clara Mcintosh
Lot 2. block 1. Bungalow addition.
in the citv of Medford. Oreeon:
frontage 50 feet on east sido Orange
street. North, described Vol. 69. page
489. countv recorder's records of
Jackson conntv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 50. Anderson and
Toft Lot 3. block 1. Bunealow ad
dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon ; frontage 50 feet on east side
Oranee street. North, described Vol.
... page ., countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due $33:5lfc-;
Assessment No. 51'. George Priddy
Lot 4. and tho north 16 2-3 feet of
lot 5. in block 1. Bungalow addition.
in tho citv of Medford. Oregon : front
age 66 2-3 feet on east side Orange
street. North, described Vol. 70. page
53. county recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon. 66 2-3 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 52. Anderson and
Toft The south 33 1-3 feet of lot 5.
and the north 331-3 feet of lot 6.
block 1. Bungalow addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage
66 2-3. feet on Orange street. North,
described .Vol.' ... page ... countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oreeon.. 66 2-3 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 eenis. Amount due $43.35.
Assessment No. 53. Sarah E. Weeks
The south 16 2-3 feet of lot 6 and
lot 7. in block 1. Bungalow addition,
in the eitv of Medford, Oreeon : front
aee 66 2-3 feet on east side Orange
street. North, dascribed Vol. 66. page
605. county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 66 2-3 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 54. Anderson and
Toft Lot 8. block 1. Bungalow nddi
tion. in tho citv of Medtord. Oregon;
frontneo 50 feet on cast side Ornnge
street. North, described Vol. . .. page
countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rato per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 55. E. N. Warner
and II. G. Wortmnn AY. A tract of
land fronting 180 feet on enst sido
Ornnge street. 'North, in tho citv of
Medford. Oregon: frontngo 180 feet
on east side Oraneo street. North,
described Vol. 51, pnge 599. countv
recorder's records of Jackson conntv,
Oregon. ISO feet. Rato per foot 65
cents. Amount due $117,
Assessment No. 56, Annie M. Root
AX. A lot fronting 55 feot on
Main street. Wdst, and 140 fept deep
on enst sido Orange street, Jtorth,
and marked AX. on map of tho city
of Medford. Oregon : frontage 90 foet
on enst side Ornnro street. North
described Vol. 71, page 194. countv
recorder's records of Jnckson conn
tv, Oregon. 90 feet. Rnto per foot
05 cents. Amount duo $58.50.
Assessment No. 57. Marv B. Orr
Lot No. 16. block No. 2. Park nddi
tion to the citv of Medford, Oregon
frontage 103 feet 5 inches on south
sido of West Main street and record
ed in Vol. 47. pago 625, countv re
corder's records of Jnckson countv,
Oregon. 53 foot 5 inches. Rato per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $34.75.
Assessment No. 58. Ella Carney
Lot No.l 1. block No. 3. in Park addi
tion to tho citv of Medford, Orceon;
frontage 100 feet on south side of
West Main street, and recorded in
Vol. 44. paee 373, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oreeon.
50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount duo $32.50.
Assessment No. 59. Ellu Arnold
Lot 16. block No. 3. in Park addition
to the citv of Medford. Oregon ; front
age 100 feet on south side Main
street. West, and recorded in Vol.
59. page 244, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Orceon. 50
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due $32.50.
Assessment No. 60. Mary E. Wil
son 1'nrt ot lot fto. 1. b ock No. 4.
Park addition to the citv of Med
ford. Oregon: frontage 50 feet on
south side of West Main street and
running back 150 feet, and recorded
in Vol. il. page 396. countv record
er's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon. 00 feet. Kate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 61. Alfred Colmen
Part of lot No. 2. block No. 4. Park
addition to the citv of Medford. Ore
eon: frontage 50 feet on south side
of Muin street. West, and running
back 150 foet. and recorded in Vol.
68, page 43. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv, Oregon. 50
feet.f Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount
Assessment No. 62. Alfred Colmen
Part of lot No. 3. block No. 4.
Park addition to the citv of Medford,
Oreeon; frontage 50 feet on south
side of Main street. West, and ran-
nine back 150 feetv and recorded in
Vol 68, page 43. county recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oreeon.
?9 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 63. Alfred Colmen
- Part of lot No. 4. block No. 4, Park
addition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontaee 30 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and running
back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol.
68. paee 43. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 30
feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
due $19.50.
Assessment No. 64. Kittie Smvlie
The north half of lot 5. block 4. Park
eddiiion to the citv of Medford. Ore
son; frontage. 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 72. page 471. countv recorder's
records of Jnckson countv, Oreeon.
50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 65, Sarah Westfall
The north half of lot No. 6, block
No. 4. Park addition to the city of
Medford. Oregou ; frontage 50 feet on
south side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 72. page 221, conn
tv recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 66. Sylvia V. Hal-
lev Lot No. 7. block No. 4. Park ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontage 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 58. page 273. county recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oregon.
50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 67. Sylvia V. Hal-
lev Lot 8. block 4. Park addition to
the citv of Medford, Oregon : frontaee
"0 feet south side of Main street.
West, and recorded in Vol. 58. paee
273. comity recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon. 50 feet. Rate
per foot 65 cents. . Amount due
Assessment No. 68. P. J. Head
Lot 9. block 4. Park addition to the
c'tv of Medford, Oreeon; frontage
50 feet on south side of Main street.
West, nud recorded in Vol. 68. page
70. countv recorder's recoids of
Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assef-sinenl No. 69. P. J. Head
Lot 10. block 4, Park addition to the
citv of Medford, Oregon : frontage 50
feet on south side of Main street,
and recorded in Vol. 68, page 370,
countv recorder's records of Jnckson
county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50.
Assessment No. 70. Eliza Corwm
Lot 11. block 4. Park addition to tho
citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 50
feet, on south side of Main street.
Wist, and recorded in Vol. 40, page
212. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson conntv. Oregon. 50 feet.
Rare per foot 65 cents. Amount duo
Assessment No. 71. Eliza Corwin
Lot .12. block 4. Park addition to tho
citv of Medford. Oregon: front njo 50
feet on south side of Main stroet.
West, end recorded in Vol. 40. pago
242. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon. 50 feet.
Kate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 72. Eliza Corwin-
Lot No. 13. block 4, Park addition
to the citv of Medford. Oregon : front
ngo 50 feet on south side of Main
street, West, and recorded in Vol. 40,
pnge 242. county recorder's records
of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 50 feet.
(Continued on Page 6.)