'4 TEE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED.PORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEAIRER 18, 1909. Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, by mail $5.00 One month by mail or carrier, .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland. Or.; Ferry News Etand, San Francisco, Cal. KEEP THE MOXEY IX MEDFORD. Every resident of Medford should make it a point to buy all supplies in the city, to patronize local merchants and home industries, to keep the money, in Medford. Practically everything needed m the line of merchan dise can be secured in Medford. The local stores are equal to those in the larger cities and what is not in stock will be secured .on short notice. Portland and San Francisco merchants pay no taxes and no rent here, buy no supplies here, support no pay rolls here. Money spent with them is lost to circulation here. They never reinvest what they receive. People who buy clothes, furniture or other necessities out of their home cities are helping detract from its pros perity. Those who spend their money at home help build up local institutions, support population and in other ways create prosperity. Everyone who makes it a point to spend money in Medford helps not only the business of the com munity but his own business as well. Everyone in a community is dependent upon the rest of the community, and as one prospers all prosper. There is no surer wav to injure a town than by spending money outside of it that could be spent in it, for if your neighbor cannot make a living, he cannot buy from you and you cannot buv from others. To trade at home means greater trade for merchants who have invested their capital, energy and future in this eitv, and added prosperity for each individual, no' matter what his vocation may be. To a great many, the benefits come indirectlv, of course, but none the less surely. Suppose that all the people of Medford sent to an out side point, sav a Portland mail order house, for all neces sities and luxuries. They would simply be assisting in the upbuilding of the Rose City at the expense of their own in short, rutting off noses to spite faces. There is satisfaction in seeing what, one is getting. You can do this when you buy from the local merchants. You can have satisfaction or your money back. It's different when you purchase abroad. The best you get from a mail order house is the worst of it, and, your money having been sent in advance always in advance the mail order house takes no chances you have no reparation. Keep your money at home. If you must spend it all, spend it with the home merchant. They are interested in improving the city and making it a more desirable place in which to live. The merchants Of other towns are not If you manage to save a portion of your earnings, invest it in the local banks. They are thoroughly reliable finan cial institutions. Your money will be perfectly safe and will be loaned out again on good security to assist in the de velopment of Medford and its tributary districts, not some other far away portion of the country. A model city would be that in which every necessity of its inhabitants was manufactured. Everyone, absolutely everyone, would be prosperous and poverty a thing un known. Of course present day conditions render such a city an impossibility, but you can, buy everything needed from home merchants, and incidentally get your money's worth both in quantity and quality, and every bit of it counts. Your individual patronage may not amount to much, many drops make a bucketful, and by keeping your small amount of money at home you can assist in filling that bucket. If you are a day laborer the same applies. Doesn't pros perity, one of the direct results of buying at home, mean more work and better wages for you i Be a booster. The city of Medford has behind it a dis trict teeming with wonderful resources. "We need two things: capital and people. The only way to get them is to advertise. We have to bring to their attention where the Rogue River valley is, what it is and where its re sources are. Don't miss nn opportunity to let your east ern friends learn about this district. Send them copies of this paper. Postage is cheap, and conscientious and truthful effort has been made to give a true account of things as they are, and future possibilities. Anyway, it is a great deal more pleasant to boost than to knock. ' One has more friends. One malignant knocker might offset the work of a dozen hard-working boosters to his own disadvantage and theirs. It is not necessary to veer from the truth when talking or writing of the Rogue River vallev. The bare truth is marvelous enough in itself, A Safe Investment Some shoe dcnlers will try to sell you shoes that are "just as good" as WALK OVERS. Hut why take and chances on getting shoes that are "just as good?" Gambling in shoes is just as profitable as any other form of gambling. vThc purchase of a pair of WALK-OVER Shoes is a safe investment. Kdmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SUBVEYINO CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS 1 lis GIGANTIC SALE OF v r Weeks & McGo wan V Mammoth Stock of Furniture And Carpets Commences Monday Morning, Sept. 20 at 9 O'clock See Sunday's Paper also Large Circulars for Price Reductions, and by all Means Don't Miss the Opening Hour t The First $25.00 Sale which is Turned into our Cashier Monday morning entitles the purchaser to one Handsome Axminster Rug Absolutely Free A Regular $5.00 Axminster Rug Free. Doors Open at 9 a.m. Get in line as early as you choose. Don'tbediscouraged if there are several in front of you. They may buy less than $25 or it may take them longer to select than you. Wailted 10 SALESMEN (experienced furniture men not necessary), 8 BOYS TO DISTRIBUTE CIRCULARS, 6 MEN WITH TEAMS TO ASSIST IN OUR DELIVERY DEPARTMENT. APPLY AT ONCE WEEKS M cGOWAN CO. t The Largest Fnrniture Store in Southern Oregon . Main Street, West Side of Railroad . ' Medford, Oregon