12 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIHUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON, SATURDAY, SKPTKMHKK IS, 100!). NASH GRILL Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday, September 19. Canape u la Russe PIuiiio Celery Olives Salted Nuts Consomme en Tasse Kuglish Sole, Mnriiiioro . i'ommcs Richeliu Stuffed Tomatoes en JIayonaise Breast of Chicken in Cases CrisfieM Nash Special Punch Stuffed Yonntr Turkey , French Teas in Cream 1 Creamed Potatoes Tutti Knit I i Ice Cream Assorted Fancy Cake XeulVhiilel Cheese Bent's Water Crackers Cafe NVir ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The followiii!! letters remain un called for at the Jledford, Oregon, postoffiee, September 13, liHW: Citizens Telephone Co. (2). Charles Fisher, Emmett E. Eidson, Mrs. Kate Force, Mrs. K.-tella Gates, L. V. Har mon, T. C. Harper. F. El Heiny, Will Holeomb, C. M. Hill. Will Jeske, Boh Jones, Frederick Kamer, Charles E. Kinney, Samuel Kukn, S. D. Lawton, Will Linley, Sir. Mnwh, Louis Mout chel, Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Frank Meder, Rav McDonald (3). J. C. Mat tison. H. Muck. William McCune, W. C. Marbunrer, J. Rostel. C. X. Rus sell, W. J. Russell, Xannie Gauss, The Shiner Mfg. Co.. L. E. Smith, Charles Sanders, Thomas Schulz, Mrs. Emma "Taylor, Ray Trowbridge, L. A. Wel din, Ida Wagnon, A. O. Webb, Mrs. ' Walter Woods, Mrs. J. W. Wilson. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Moore J. II. Chase, Port land; W. K. Weheistine, St. I.ouis; Joe Chandler, Berkeley; F.. P. Chand ler, Woodville; Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Doriuau, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Stourn, John Greeuberji, H. C. Gchruii!!, V. F. Slockey, A. Dawson, San Francisco; George II. l.nniidim, Rochester; Thomas Javiun, Portland; J. W. Wenters. Weed; T. E. Nichols, I S. Terive. Eagle Point ; Del Burrows, Redding:; W. A. Sanger, California; O. F. Johnson, Portland; J. S. Weed, San Francisco; C. O. Towne. Xew York: Miss Irene Musick, Crescent City; Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Bocknmn. Crows I.nndinii;.Mr. and Mr. Hoef. Wisconsin; S. II. Roby. T. S. Rory. Salem; Mr. luu Mrs. Cnrnahiin. Mcd ford. At the Nash A. S. Clark. Five port; II. S. SteveliMin, Seattle: .1. 1. M..vk. New York: P. A. Grcniske, Portland: 1.. M. McAnlierg. Chicago; II. D. Powell. Ira J. Dodge. i-Uy: A. II. Roby. Salem: T. I,. Roby. Sa lem; G. F. Johnson. Portland; S. S. Hanxhiirst. A. B. Ellcrt. San Fran cisco; F. R. Sheridan, Rosehurg; R.l L. Finlavsoii, San Francisco; J. D. fiuN. Portland; C. 0. Kirklaud. I,os Angeles. THE LOUVRE CAFE Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday, September 19. Olympiu Oyster Cocktail v l.ouvre Special Celery mid Olives Chicken Okra Consninino Royal Planked White Fish, Shrimp Salad Sweet Bread Patties n la Heine Green Peas Roast Young Turkey, Celery Dressing Creamed Potatoes Sugar Corn Tutti Frutli Ice Cream and Cake i Xenfchatel Cheese Salted Wafers A Special Invitation Demi Tasse 1 .-.(i SEASON TICKETS. The advance sale of seats for "A Knighet for a Day" will go on at Ilaskins' dnjg store Tuesday. Sep tember 21. at 10 o'clock. The sea son seats will be laid aside one day earlier. I'nless notified to the con trary by the Jiinc.the general sale be gins, I will hold your stents nnd you will have to pay for them whether you use them or pot. Remember all sea son seals not canceled by the time the regular sale goes on will have to stand. CHAS. D. IIAZF.LRIGG. Mr. and Mrs. Tlocfs from Wiscon sin, are Rogue River valley aijivals. ' S. II. and T. h. Roby of Salem came down Saturday for a few days. ( TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. i ! WAXTF.D Man and wife iLeirc po sition on fruit ranch; wife good cook; man thoroughly competent and experienced. Address A. F. B.. j care Tribune. 1I j WAXTF.D Salesman to sell real es tate. Benson Invetiuent Co. I'd WANTED Experienced fire insur ance solicitor. Benson Investment Co. 1" WANTED -A chambermaid . nt the Xash hotel. FOUXD A purse, with money in it. Owner can have same by identify ing and paying for this advertise ment, to Frank Wilson, at Cigar Store. WANTED An experienced girl for dining room work at the Louvre Cafe. , i' I:. , Y i , i.t I ' Will Af ; ;i' !: ' .V, ' I 'll - ' ' A',!':' . : "A ft a: Is extended to the Indies l Med ford to .feast their eves as well ns t licit- ears during our r-t fi'inni. i : i c-a i r 0 n r a t ; i 1" order to provide for your pleasure we will !l ' , have on dislay one of (he newest and most up- - tn-dato lines of Ladies' Fall Suits 1 ever shown in Med ford. These suits are abso lutely the latest in style-and material that nmney e:iTi j'tin-hase, and every facility will he extended you to examine them and jude of their merits jis to hoth r Ma. i ry': -.'? 'jS; , in ml, lil inti to tlu iiiiitclile-4 Icil'o-.iil -t wi lire 5yle-43. 1 1 Cl'i fi ti in mil' suit ili'i ui l-t meiit we hit 1 ii-rl 1:1 ferl , i- i i i to fill your wants in anythinv: you ni.-.v reiiiire in the way of ladies', gentle men's and children's woarini; apparel, and will lie jdeased to show them to ymi at that time, I nit you will not he annoyed or. importuned to huy. its we wish you to come and enjoy yourself. DEUEL-KENTNER COMPANY And Still They Come Earlv in the year we were convinced that this season v - would be an extraordinary one from the ladies' clothing standpoint, and as we believed, made ample preparations to care for it ; but for pnee the unexpected has happened, and even our most sanguine expectations have been more than fulfilled, compelling us to increase our already lib eral orders, and we have just received by express a ship ment of the very latest LADIES' FALL SUITS, which now await your inspection. These suits are strictly hand tailored and are made in such weaves and colorings and styles that appeal to the really correct dressers and are selling at prices ranging from ' Li mm .,!sl f'-Jl. $20.00 to $65.00 Millinery Of course you expect to attend our opening of the very latest In mil linery if you have not already done so. but if it is impossible to come to day you should make it a point to come at your very earliest opportu nity hi order to make a selection while the stock is yet intact. mm mm m mmit iii Special Extraordinary In order to introduce our select line of "Onyx" Hosiery to the ladies of Medford we will place on sale this afternoon and evening from the hours of 5 to 10 p. m. a line of LADIES' ALL SILK HOSE in colors to match any costume for the ridiculously low price of, per pair 95c "QUALITY" 13 OUR WATCHWORD OUR REPUTA TION MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU Saturday Specials The response of the ladies of Medford to bargains offered in the oift ning an nouncement of our closing out sale of the $2,000.00 stock of ladies' and chil dren's shoes has encouraged us to still greater efforts and out of the many bona fide bargains offered here we feel confident that at least one will appeal to you personally Remember this stock is not a lot of left-overs, as everything is strictly down-to-the-minute in both style and quality. Ladies' Pacific Special Shoes in .several styles, known wherever they arc sold as one of the best $3.50 shoes ever offered to the public. Give your feet rest by putting them into a pair of these shoes. Range of choice is so wide that the most fastidious taste or the most earnest bargain seeker can be pleased. $3.50 VALUES, SATURDAY SPECIAL, $2.75. All other jtradf'K of IikHuh' hIkiuh in )iitcut luuthur, (,'un-imttiil or cull', pliiiu lui'u or liliK'lier cut, nil mzch unci width nro cut n follows: $4.00 value Saturday Speeiult $2.75 $.'U)0 vuluus .' Saturday Special $2.50 $3.00 valttea Saturday Special '. $2.00 $2.75 value Saturday Special $1.90 $2.25 viiluc Saturday Special $1.65 $2.00 values Saturday Special 4 1. 35 $1.85 value Saturday Spocial $1.25 Oxfords Wo enn snve you 40 to 00 per cent on nil Oxfords. Never wero the etiial of such Oxfords 'offered you nt pop ular prices. They comn in vici, tun, golden brown, patent leather, ooze top patents, dancing slippers, ruii inotnls, and many others. Cnn you miss this chance f Oxfords Many beautiful designs in cliil , drcn'x slippers mid Oxfords nt about one-half price. There nro no better shoes made for all-round wear, shoes thai look ileal ' anywhere and that will stand the roiili knocks and wo have a splendid selection to choose from at about ono-lialf prico. ' Children's School Shoes Special attention is called to the sacrifice we arc; making on children's school and dress shoes in all sizes. Here's a chance to clothe the feet of that boy or girl at about one-half price. .We are closing out our entire stock "f la dies' and children's shoes and they must move. You need not look for bargains, just come and pick them out. The Wardrobe i -5