Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 18, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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For Hi" iiimI Ihrno iluyx thorn liuvo
been tut 1'idi" in tlni local murkiilH, iiimI
(li-uli'i'H hIiiIo Unit Ilium in iih yet no
Hi(MH of it rri vn Ih. Euhh limy Imvc
to bit whipped, Jiii-liMiui eouuty ImviiiK
Iiiiiim hnvinu; evidently grine on a
Tliu markiiU continiio to hIiow a
Kond (il'fi'riiiK of MciiHoiiiililu vK0tn
lili'M anil I'm it m. WtitortneloiiH und
I'litiliiloiipi'H uru plentiful iih nru to-
,luoli (liiHirt wiih u vinitor to the
Full on I'Viilny, looking a f tnr Home
Mi'M. Kil Walk it in I lie mother of u
linn lioiiiii'iiiK linby loy, weihine.
(iltlil pound. Wo coiiKriitiilnto Ed,
MullnT nnil rliilil am in hoiilth.
It iK currently reported thai the
Iowa company liu noi'tirod the rail
ronil tio diiitrurl anil that th mill
will Hinin Htart tip with u Inruo rrew.
Frnniik Urowu of Kahili Point in
Naiil In lie fit-'ilrinK on llm railr'iail
coiihl ruction contract from tho preH
cut tcnniniiM to Hut to Fnlln.
Mr. A. M. Ilarritt Iiiik purcluiHcil n
resilience lot near tlu Hrlnolliouo for
Mrs. Ji'iiniu A. Ilunilxliy him enn
traclcil' for n house and lot near the
llcckalhnrii rcHidcncc.
(icoritu Corain, T. J. Coram, Hor
ner (leppert and a parly from Mud
ford hnvo pine on a hunting trip to
Minn canyon and other pointx.
Engineer Mill and wife have re
moved from thu Fnlln to Klamath
FiiIIn, ax it appears thai the Dewing
intereKlx have in view kohio projectK
in that country, and it ih not likely
that any present movement from this
honrce is prohahle mid that tho Dew
ing limher holdings hereahouts will
lie dormant for some time, to corns;
lint it is expected thai the Allen ninl
Hart companies will push matters at
Ihis mid, and they will have tho sym
pathy iih well iih the encourniretnent
of the peoplo, for there Iiii.h been too
much ililly-dnllyinc mid there ap
pears to be it lack of harmony unions
the eluet parties concerned.
Professor J. V. Miller ciiine to
town Saturday to have his hand
dressed, he having Hevered his thumb
while cutting ntovo wood on his homc
Htend claim.
Iteulah llildreth and wife have
rehmovud for the winter to their home
J. A. itaybiirn met with a painful
accident while working with the edger
nt the mill, he having gotten the nail
of the fourth finger torn off from
his .right hand.
Sunday a game of ball between the
lintle Kails and Derby nines resulted
in a Ncore of 0 to 8 in favor of the
Falln team.
Aaron Heck mid several other par
ties left thin (Monday) morning for
the valley and will bring back a lond
of supplies.
Several of our citizens have gone
ns witnesses to Jacksonville.
Mrs. Mills left for Klamath Falls
on Monday to join her husband who
will bn at work there during the win
ter for Dewing brothers.
School opened with two teachers
and (piitn n good alleiidiinco of pu
pils on Monday, September 13. .
S. M. Clcvcngor, Itoilney linker,
Hanger Hoist mid family took a trip
on Monday to Die valley.
Mr. HoHwell of Central Point is
hauling out his shingles, having sold
Tho railroad surveyors have moved
their camp from Vestal's to Kerby,
six miles from the Falls.
Mr. Ketch, il capitalist of the east,
is hero looking after mill site and
J. J. I'ut ton of F.aglu Point was de
livering fruit and vegetables around
town on Tuesday, which ho had on
Medford parties nre seeking to rent
houses in the Falls, us they are confi
dent of thu coming of tho railroad.
Vice-President Qcarig und Engin
eer Sawyer were in Hutto Fulls on
Wednesday passing over tho railroad
survey to this point,
Our mill has gotten a large con
tract for railroad ties und the mill
will probably run nil winter.
It is very encouraging to find the
Medford so enthusiastic over the near
completion of tho railroad Jo Butte
Falls, and it will not be but grently to
their advantage to come into touch
with this section, as trade will be
thereby increased and a fine country
opened up to settlement.
Our merchants are bringing in large
supplies mid laying in their winter
goods, as it is expected that the rail
road camp will be established near
tho town shortly.
We ure glad to learn that the Dew
ing mid Alien interests have gotten
together mid will work in harmony. In
unity there is strength.
Wonders of Yellowstone Park at The
Yellowstone Pnrk is the "meecn"
of all sightseeing tourists, because
many of the greutcsl natural wonders
of tho world are enclosed within its
limits. Tonight nt "The Savoy" you
will have an opiortuiiity of gazing
iimiii many realistic reproductions of
tho grandest wonders in "nature's
workshop." No words can describe
the rare beauty of this picture. You
must sec it to appreciate its grandeur.
Tho balance of tho program is oom
ised of threo strong subjects, two
dramatic and one roaring trick com
edy, rounding out a very high-class
entertainment of the latest and best
motion pictures to bo had. Kntire
change of program tonight. One dime
Stenography, Typewriting,
Bookkeeping, Mathematics,
.Penmanship, Business Cor
respondence. Legal Forms
and Commercial Law ay
expert teachers. Terms
very reasonable. No busi
ness college methods.
Afternoon session 3:30
to 8 p. m.
Night session, 7 to 9:30
p. m.
Apply 135 Bartlett Street,
Opposite High School
The Best Meal
In Medford is to be had
At The Star Restaurant
All white help. Home cooking. Room
and board $5.00 a week. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St.
5 - 10 - 2Q Acres
Ad join Ilillercst orchard and contain
uncxeolcd deep, rich soil. Reasonable
price and generous terms.
FOIt KALE New modern 0-rooin
house, good shade, closo in; nice
lawn. Address I'. O, Box 435, Med
ford. " J.r,(l
KOK KALE Second hand suwing
machine, and new ones made to or
Hcr; sawing done to order. M. M.
Maine, Box 85. ISA
FOR KALE Oak, fir and pine wood,
cordwood, 4-foot lengths, will be
sawed into 10-inch lengths when do
sired; fir wood Hplit and in blocks
10 Inchon in length. F. Osenbrugge,
Studebuker Bros. Co.'o warehouse.
FOB SALE Or will trade for good
milch cow, work horse, sound in
every respect except one eye; gentle,
perfectly true, will work anywhere;
weight ubout 1125; good color; age
about 12 years. No fake. Apply to
L. K. W.. 'Tribune office.
WANTED A small furnished or un
furnished cottage, 5 rooms, close in.
j(ldress M, care Tribune.
WANTED 3 or 4 furnished house
keeping rooms. Address E. care Tri
bune. 150
WANTED Bellboy and porter at
Hotel Moore.
WANTED A girl for general house
work in family of three. Address
P. O. Box 687.
WANTED Experienced quarry man.
Address P. O. Box 418, Medford,
FOB SALE Or trade, for city prop
erty, new Buick 5-pasenger car,
used five months, nil in good condi
tion. Address Medford postoffice,
Box 12. 105
FOB SALE Cheap, a good all pur
poso mare, weight 1200. Address
box 724. Medford. Or. 158
FOB SALE 7-year-old black mare,
ride or drive single or double; also
good milk cow. O. L. Pnnkcy, V2
miles northeast of Central Point, or
address care Tribune. .
FOB SALE 100 acres good fruit
land. 30 acres cleared; stock nnd
implements with place $2000. Chns.
B. Pigeon, Medford.
FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow
on Peach street N.; pantry, bath
room, closets, screened porch, mis
sion furniture, electric lights, sewer
connection, city wateT supply con
tracted for. Good well and pump.
Woodshed. Apply to W. J. Roberta,
office over Medford Nationnl bank.
FOR SALE 1200 acres unimproved
land, also improved land, suitable
for fruit, for sale cheap. See H. M.
Coss, sole agent, 604 W. Tenth St.,
FOR SALE Twenty acres, near
Merlin; good fruit land; $400; terms.
Address S. Tribune.
FOR SALE 1200 acres improved
land, suitable for fruit, for sale
cheap. See H. M. Coss, sole agent,
004 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf.
FOR SALE 400 head goats, 200 reg
istered and eligible to register, bal
ance high grade; 40 head stock hogs.
20 head cattle, some good yearling
steers; two full blood fox hounds.
one registered Duroc bonr; horses
and land seeded to alfalfa. I buy
and sell. C. C. Gilchrist, Sams Vnl
ley, Oregon.
FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts
just within and adjoining city lim
its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay
ments. Address P. O. Box 418.
FOR SALE For Phoenix town prop
erty, both improved and unim
proved, and three good orchards,
see Matt Calhoun, Phoenix, Jack
son county. Oregon.
FOR SALE Choice business proper
ty at a bargain, on long time; easy
terms. Address P. O. Box 418.
FOR SALE 80 acres of best fann
ing land .in Rogue Rirer valley; all
free soil and under irrigation ditch,
with deed right to water; two miles
from rail road station, quarter mile
from schoolhouse, on rural delivery
route; land now in alfalfa and grain;
will make an ideal orchard; price
and terms reasonable. For infor
mation call nt Tribune office.
FOR SALE Good team of mares
one with colt nt side, 7 years old,
weight between 1300 and 1400
pounds, n fine work team and splen
did walkers; threo Jersey milch
cows, 8 nice shonts of about 150
pounds weight. Inquire of F. L
Orr, on the old Van Ilorderburg
place, 2'i miles below Central Point
or Bert Anderson, Medford, Or.
FOR SALE Eight or ten rods of
good picket fence, in sections, all
ready to put up. Inquire of Bert
Anderson. Medford, Or.
WANTED To buy, 6-room modern
bungalow and 2 lots, good location;
price must be right. Address B. F.,
care Tribune. 164
WANTED An experienced waitress
at the Totcl Nash.
WANTED Man to represent large
conservative life insurance company
in Medford and vicinity. Good
chance for right man. Superintend
busincss. Address W. C. K.f care
Send your trophies to mo for mount
ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and
mammals mounted truo to nature by
improved methods. I do tanning, mnke
fur rugs, make, remodel nnd clean
fur garments. Express nnd mail or
ders promptly attended to.
495 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Telephone Main 3C00.
VANTED Yi wood choppers to chop
cordwood and tierwood. Address E.
W. Liljcgrnn, Tolo, Or.
geles suburban home among oranges,
want improved fruit ranch home,
sound values, vicinity growing Jack
son county town. Robt. C. Boyd, Al
hnmbra, Cnl. 156
Fruit and Vegetables.
(Prices paid by Medford merchants.!
Apples l2o lb.; peaches 2V4c
lb; pears, l'22c; nectarines, 3c;
swectwntor grapes, 2'..3e; plums,
l'ic; blackberries, $1.20 crate.
Potatoes, lc lb; onions, $1.50
cwt;; green onions, 35c doz. bunches;
carrots, llVfcc; beets, Kgi.Jic;
string beans, 3c; cubbage, lc; green
peppers, 6s; cucumbers, 10c dozen;
tomatoes, lc; squash, 3050c doz;
water 'melons, 10(2)25c; cantaloupes,
30e($l dozen; green corn, 1015c
dozen; pumpkins, 1015e.
Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
(Prices paid by Medford merchants.)
Ranch butter, 30c; fancy cream
ery, 372c.
Fresh ranch eggs, 30c.
Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chick
ens, 15c; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 15c;
Feed and Millstuffs.
(Prices paid producers.)
Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, 14;
grass, $13 ton.
Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel ; new, $1
bushel; oats, $39 ton; barley, old,
$30; new, $20.
(Selling price.)
Rolled barley, $2 cwt ; $30 ton ;
bran, $1.551.65; middlings, $1.85
1.90; shorts. $1.801.85.
Beef, 2Vzc; pork, 6c; mutton, Z'YiC;
lamb. 414c; veal (dressed), 6c.
LOST A surgical case with instru
ments. Return to Strang's drug store
nnd get reward.
LOST From Moore Hotel, yellow
cocker spaniel pup, 6 months old.
Reward for return. J. Anderson,
Jacksonville. 158
FOR RENT Two large rooms, nice
ly furnished, close in, corner of
Fourth nnd Front streets. E. C.
Ay lor.
FOR RENT Farm in the Meadow
district, 320 acres, 280 good farming
land. For one or more years. Rent
er expected to buy stock, soncici
ing of hogs, horses and farming
tools. Bargain on latter. Address
A. J. Olson, Gold Hill. Or.
FOR RENT Rooms at 604 West
10th street, corner King street; one
front room upstairs, suite of rooms
downstairs in suite or single; hot and
cold water and bath; large screened
porches; lawn and shade for the
comfort of patrons.
FOR RENT Boarding house, in bus
iness ceuter of Medford, nicely lo
cated with beautiful grounds, at
reasonable rental. Inquire at
Rogue River Eiectric Company, 209
W. Main St.
Advertising is the breath of life for
weak business lungs how is
yours T F. ,
50 Cents
Guaranteed under the Pure Food
and Drug Acts
You haven't read all the news un
less you have read the ads some in
teresting items for your purse in ev
ery issue.
Why do they advertise in The Tri
bune Y Easy. They get results. F.
It Can Be Done. So Scores of Medford
Citizens Say.
To cure an aching back. .
The pains of rheumatism,
The tired-out fcolingi,
You must reach the unit get at the
In most cases 'tis the kidneys.
Dorm's Kidney Pills ore for the kid
neys. G. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C
streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was
troubled with rheumatism when I first
began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I
did not think they vou'.d do me any
good, but finally procured a box at
Hi-.tkins' drug store. They proved to be
the remedy I required My kidnoys
wore restored to thoir normal condition,
and tho pains and aches in my back
were romoved. Doan's Kidney Pills
lived up to thoir roprdsentations in my
cam. "
For sale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo
agents for the Unitod States.
Romember the namo Doan's and
take no other. 40
System of Water Supply
provides an absolutely safe and 1
tory water service, equal to
offered by any city water woi
An abundant supply of water
always available and deliv
ered under strong pressure
throughout the house, bam
or grounds.
tight, steel, pneu
matic tank, called the
Kewanee Pneumatic Tank
is placed in the cellar. Water
is pumped into this tank and is
delivered to the fixtures by air
No Attic Tank
Leak and Flood the House.
No Elevated Tank
to Freeze or Collapse.
100 pet cent heller service and will lad a
Over Nina Thousand Kewanee
Outfits in Successful
Also agents for White Steam
Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso
line Pumping Outfits.
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
MEDFORD. Or.. Aug. 5, 1909
Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis,
cured my daughter of n severe kidney
and blndder trouble ofter docton
failed to pivo any relief, nnd I can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. I..
Wilson. 135 Bartlett St. Sojd by
Haskins' Drug Store.
Have the Best Turnouts in the City
You are treated right, tho price is right, the team U
right in fact, everything is right. Come and see.