THE MEDFOKD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1000. 10 "1 The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes, Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street ' Medford, Oregon 4 Wo nro Omwwm-nur llriHt from ua NO MINTi . Our Trr, nro rttwn ilrtrflT WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for frr Mtftli. UrM ttook of variliiBllabl (,ir cummervl) orobarua Cbolea Frail, Nut J OnuiwaUl Tmt, Oripa Vinao. Small Frail Planti tad Skrabbira Tim lMM.Ki NUHKKIIIKI Uaiiioauo, iz! uraadvo,Vonlaol,Ora. 1 . COrYRIGBT. ISM. BY DODD, MEAD AND COMTANT (Continued.) CHAPTER X. 3UGLAS dropped wearily on to the rustic bench. He sat with drooped bead and unseeing eyes. He did not bear Polly as she scurried down the path, ber arms filled with autumn lenTes. She glanc ed at him, dropped the bright colored foliage and slipped quickly to the nearest tree. "One, two, three for Mr. John!" she cried as she patted the huge brown trunk. "Is that you, Polly?" be asked ab sently. "Now It's your turn to catch me," she said, lingering near the tree. The pastor was again lost in thought "Aren't yon going to play any more?" There was a shade of disappointment In ber voice. She came slowly to bis aide. "Sit here, Polly," he answered grave ly, pointing to a place on the bench. "1 want to talk to you." "Now I've done something wrong," she pouted. She gathered up her gar lands and brought them to a place near his feet. Ignoring the Beat at bis side. "You might just as well tell me and get It over." "You couldn't do anything wrong," be answered, looking down at ber. "Oh, yes, I could, and I've done it I can see it in your face. What is it?" "What have you there?' he asked, trying to gain time and not knowing "Now Pve doite something wrong, the pouted. how to broach the subject that in jus tice to her must be discussed. "Some leaves to make garlands for the social." Polly answered more cheer fully. "Would you mind holding this?" She gave him one end of a string of leaves. "Where are the children?" "Gone home." "You like the children very much, don't you, Polly?" Douglas was striv ing for a path that might lead them to the subject that was troubling him. "Oh, no, I don't like them; I love them." Sbe looked at blm wltb tender eyes. "You're the greatest baby of all." A puzzled line came between his eyes as be studied her more closely. "And yet you're not such a child, are you, Polly? You're quite grown up almost a young lady." He looked at ber from a strange, unwelcome point of view. She was all of that as sbe sat at his feet, yearning and slender and fair, at the turning of her seventeenth year. "I wonder how you would like to go away" her eyes met his In terror "away to a great school," he added quickly, flinching from the very first hurt that he had inflicted, "where there are a lot of other young ladies." "Is it a place where you would be?" Sbe looked up at blm anxiously. Sbe wondered If his "show" was about to "move on." "I'm afraid not," Douglas answered, smiling in spite of his heavy heart. "I wouldn't like any place without you," she said decidedly and seemed to consider the subject dismissed. "But If it was for your good," Doug las persisted. "It could never be for my good to leave you." "Hut Just for a little while." he pleaded. Mow was he ever to under Btnnd? How could he lake from her the sense of security that he had pur posely taught her to feci In his house-: "Not even for a moment," Polly an swered, with a decided shake of her liend. "But you must get ahead In your studies." he argued. She tasked, at him anxious was beginning "to be aTaruied" at nls persistence. "Maybe I've been playing too many periscuous games." i "Not periscuous, Polly, promiscuous." (To be continued.) CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. (The Herald.) Harry Benl, who has been visiting Fort Klamath, returned last Sunday. L. F. Redcliffe mode a short excur sion into the mountains Saturday and returned with a fine fat venison. Mrs. J. H. Grove has returned to town from the farm and is living in the Williams telephone office build ing. Ensley Brothers of Sams Valley have purchased A. Wood's place in the north part of town and have moved here for the winter. Mrs. Koch of Pacific Grove, Cnl., and Mrs. Fine of Plush. Or., are here visiting their mother, Mrs. S. C. Min nick. Work is progressing rapidly on the cement block walls of the Freeman building, for which Jones Brothers, the cement block manufacturers, have the contract. , , 0. A. Mintoyne, who sold a valua ble tract of fruit land in the Hurley neighborhood last spring, is here this week from Coquille, where he hns purchased 35 acres adjoining the town. He is well pleased with that part of Oregon. J. A. Mann and family returned Saturday morning from the DeAr mond hop yards, where they have been for several weeks. Mr. Mann says that while the quality of the hop crop is excellent this year, the crop is light and the picking not' so good as usual. ' Maxwell Mears, Sr., and family arrived from Portland recently to take up their residence in their beau tiful new home at Table Rock. Mr. Mears has had built on his Table Rock farm a modern stone and ce ment bungalow, which is one of the handsomest homes in the valley. Work has commenced on a new dwelling on Mrs. Hensley's lots on Manzanita street, which will replace the one recently destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jeffers and daughter, who have been visiting rel atives here for a week or so, left for their home at Boise, Idaho, Friday evening. B. F. Wade and family have re turned from the DeArmond hop yards near Grants Pass, where they spent a few weeks enjoying the pleasant hop yard life. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hopkins re turned from Portland Thursday morn ing, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Hopkins' mother, Mrs. Annie Woodward, on Wednesday. B. Conner, the popular young ranch man of Table Rock, is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever at Med- ford. His many friends will hope for a spoody recovery to his usual health. Work on tho new postoffico build ing is progressing rapidly, .and lku Williams, owner of the building, is sprouting a chin whisker and getting his strped trousers, stovepipe hut and clawhammer cont ready for tho cele bration of the completion of tho new building about October 1, when- Mr. Williams will take tho part of Uncle Sam. ' WW V V WW Christian Science. i Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club rooms. Sub ject of lesson-sermon for September 19, "Matter." All are welcome. Sun day school nt 10 o'clock. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. 2463. if .-rw.T i ft -is. il flV-., . Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the - space and cost of four rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets. and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. 4 Medford Theatre The Whirlwind Musical Comedy Sensation A Knight For a Day The Ten English DanGing Madcap s and That Justly Famous American Beauty Chorus Thursday, September 23rd B A S E B A L. L HILT vs GRANTS PASS At Medford , , ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th Game Called at 1:00 p. m. This game will decide the champiaonship of southern Oregon and northern California. Each team now having won two games. The teams agreeinq to play off the deciding game on neutral grounds at Medford. Each team has strengthened for the struggle for su premacy, and there is no doubt hut what the fans will see a great game. So don't miss it. and kick yourself afterward. REMEMBER, THE GAME WILL BE CALLED AT I P. M. Admission 25c - 50c f. 0. Hansen. Tom Mnffut. We make any kind und stylo of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. M.H.S. Hat Pins and Stick Pins Hand Made By Carence Grafters Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Nea1 Postofflce For Whom are You Sowing . If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing , you to pay for It In easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping Interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent Interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ' ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg Bijou Theatre , Hilly Kmpcy Van, Manager , TONIGHT Richard Darling Stock Company in the roaring comedy drama In four act, "THE COUNTRY GIRL." Did you see it last night J Why nott Ask somcono about it. SEE IT TONIGHT. The best show ever given in Medford for tbe prico. TWO SHOWS TONIGHT 8 P. M, 9:30 P. M. " ' MR. HENRY GUN SON in illustrated song. Two Big Reels of High-Class Moving Pictures. Curtain 8:15 p. in. sharp. Admission, 20c and 10c. I Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. i Foundry and Machinist All Urn" of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-I chlncry. Agents In Southern Oregon for f FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. f f 4-tt NOTICK. Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply ut the next mooting of the city council of Bedford, Oregon, Oc tober 0th, for license to sell malt, vinous uml spirilous liquors in loss, quantities than ono gallon at lot 10,, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, I'or ai period of six months. MASS & IIALK.. .Uutcd Scptembor 15, 1909.