TITE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, ORKOON, 3WIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1909. 5 , I'hono 3H0:i fur ten or coffee. ' .1. Oilrll of AiiiihimIiiIi!, Minn., has returned home after looking over this valley ami invostig in orchard laiiil here. Il declares the country "out of Mifj-lit." Spices mill extracts at Ml Ho. 0 street. Th Rev. Hubert Kimis, pastor of tlio Presbyterian church of Jnckson villi., of fi'ciiilcd at tho f uunrul of Hiiiirn Klnrgis Mini returned bmijc Thursday. Hi-Hi meat for llio least money t tlm Spot enfo. i , J. M. l'ool of Jirislol, Conn., wan in Medford on u business trip this week. ' Special music every evening lr' ing dinner ut tlio Nush drill. MfH. J. A. Lyon or this city in vis iting in I'ortlund with her daughter, Mm. J. WcUel. For liomo grown nursery Mock und a Bipiurs deal, syo Cook. Office 2.) West Main street, Medford.; oO Much is expected from the high Hchool football team this year, aH thorn in much material to pick from and many of the boy are expenene .,,1 l.ni.dx at the game. One of tin .,ii..a iiu.t tlm f irrtt twain will nvcrago MO pounds and tlio sec ond close to 130. You'll like boxbull. Try it. ii i...l,.... tin returned from .l,..,UH..i.ville. where hu wan a wit lilnlll 111 the case of II. V. Whetstone v. It. K. V. Hailway company. It wouldn't bo surprising to see. an epidemic of street improvement break out on Hie Kant t ".v Haw. There aro a few fellowB over thero that can sc that it will donblo and triplo tho valiiii of their property. Weldon Sage, who has been work ing on the fanners' ditch up above the Rogue, was in town thin week. Orders for sweet orcinin or butter milk promptly fiHod. Phone th orenmei7. ' It. II. I.omiH, representing tno rew York fruit firm, K. H. I-oomia & Co., i...u I. visitinir Captain Voorhocs and J. A. Perry, both of which ure . ..1 r.4 lu lr. Loomis has been I11U HIVtlM"' ..... lho fruit Hituation in this valley for his company, but has made no definite. umingcmouts for KhinmcntM. although he will probably You'll meet your friend nt tho box ball alley. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Alvcrson i. io Pnu attended tho 0. A. of R. it 4.it a ...... . encampment Vt Jacksonville ......1 this ii l. vour turn next don't overlook your insurance. rtulnin.i( (!n.4 Hcnson In- 155 A. B. Cornell of this 'ily loft on Thursday evening for a tour of the northern part of the valley. Holmes devotes hi wholo time to insurance and will give you Rood Kcrvice in go"'1 companies. 1j. V A Wnilc. a Omuls Puss mcr ,.!,,", ha been attending the 0. A. 1? ni.imiiltltlHHI I nt ..liM'kHonvilU. I I .... PvnViKkdl' Romanoff in VIO- In, hms every evening H' Nash drill. xr 1 Mrs. E. llotchkiss of (Irnngeville, Idaho, who have been Hiving in Modl'ord the last lew weeks Uking over .he valley. I or their homo town to nettle up their ml-iest before coming here to live. If tho Kant Side will wnrke up now Oakdale avenue and West MBhth Htreol won't have it all lhe,row,Vxv , S the best residence districts of Hie "ly i i? o k".1Iu were C. L. Kennies aim " attending court Wednesday. An inspection of our nurse ry 1 convineo the most skeptical La 1 i mail your list, of wun U. nn d let Z-ioH. Offiee. 25 W. Mam st. 50 MrB W. C. Denel'f has rotumcd from a vimt with relatives at, Klam- nth Falls. Southern Oregon . ... ! a fl utrcct. Ton and Coffee Mi's Mary TumerofMedford wa. ., ... . , J Mr. Prank Kisor W ed- iiu' nati-i " ni'sday. , Why viish home 7 I '.v n . '. rt'.. .V...IW.V. the Spot 'Xl l i;..- Ift f-VoHlntKl on Thursdiiy. . . The Nnsh drill mnkeH a spoemlly r spceial dini.evs. bami-els eln. Mu ... r.i'v cven'mii. Ilon't 'forget Montgomery's opening It. I), Coin of drniitu I'iimm wan u recent visitor in Mcdl'ord. llelter lake out that fire insurance iinlicv while yoi, think of it.' Do it i now. IIciihimi InveHlineiit Co. lJfj A. It. Coinicll is visiting in lliaiils Pass. Woiililn'l it. bit well (o see Holmes, tlio insurance man, about your in surance, Vt't j K. A. Washbiirne leaves Priday evening for a visit in Seal lie anil Portland. Lurrupiii good truck, Bill those hot wnl't'l.fs nt (be louvre. Mrs. M. Hose of Phoenix was a recent Mcdl'ord visiUir, 8eo Pi-of. Anton Itomnuoff, for merly court violinist of'AuMriuii em peror, lor Ichhoiih on violin, guitar anil mnndoKu. heave orders nt Nash ctol. Mrs. Nellie Nuwbury (iiik returned from an extended visit in Portland. Don't forget Montgomery's opening tomorrow. Mrs. C. W. Northriip has returned from a visit in Shasta Springs. Imperial addition Stop right now and look up the Imperial addition ad vertisement in this issue. ' P. K, Redden bus arrived for visit with his parents in this city. 'J'ho l.ouvVo cafe for the best. V.. II. Xuthal of Kan Francisco stopped off nt Mcdl'ord on bis re J turn trip from the Seattle fair, be cause, to use his own words, he "had hoard it won quite a plnec." Tho "it" referring, of course, to our me tro)iolis. Tens and coffees at 3(1 So, d St. A. J, Porter of Mexico City, Mux., was in Mcdl'ord on business Friday. Don't forget Montgomery's opening tomorrow. A party consisting of L. D. Can lield, S. M. Lee and . M. Lyon have gone on a limiting trip into the Kis kiyous for a few weeks. II. d. decry of Portland is in the city. Are you from Missouri? If ho, Cook, Hie nurseryman, would liko nn opportunity to show you. 50 droyee Kury of Portland is a re cent arrival in Mcdl'ord. N'ash drill open all the time. Fin est service between Portland and San Franciwo. s ' Among Mcdl'ord vinitors are Mr. und Mrs. W, II. Mct'orgnodalo of PorOand. Holmes, the insurance man, would like to talk insurance with you. 155 I. It. Sleiu of Portland in registered ut tho Nash. It. A. Leiler of Portland is a guest ol' the Nash hotel. deorge Clark of Portland is now in tho city. W. C. Camp of Ixniisville is in the city. T. It. Sheridan of Itoscliurg is a Medford visitor. K. It. Hare of Chicago is among (lie eastern visitors to the valley. - W. .1. Decmody of Portland is reg istered at tho Nash. 8. S. Warren of Portland is visiting in Medford for n few days. W. H. Fcchheimor of Portland spent Friday in Medford. Russell Smith of Portland is reg istered nt the Nnsh. Frank C. Riggs PACKARD MOTOR CARS Seventh and Oak Streets. Portland, Oregon fine 1'iici dinner at the Lonvr". K. T. Fetch of Porthinnd spent the latter part of tlm week in the city. D. N. Smith of Portland arrived in Medford Saturday and will Ktay a few days. Among Portland visitors in Med ford is F. T. Haley. ( A gnmo everybody can piny box- t)ll)l. L. h. Lane and wife of Huntington, Ark., arc guests of the NaKh. A. II. Haley and William A. Bacon of Salem are visiting Medford for a few days. Don't forget Montgomery's opening tomorrow. Reginald Colby of Seattle in visit ing the city. II. A. Donnun and wife of Portlnnd ace in the city. , duy Francis of San Francisco is a recent arrival in Medford. C. D. dahrielson of Salem in in the Icily. J. W. Howard of Clevelanad, 0.,'iu an eastern caller in Medford. Krnest Webb of Portland paid Med ford nno(her visit on Friday. Ella daunyaw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. Don't forget the dance ut The Wig wum tonight after the band concert. K. T. llibbard of Portland is in the city. K. II. Dareing of Portland is visit ing in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. danawav of New London, In., are recent Med ford arrivals. A. C. Abbott of Portland is a busi nesg caller in Medford. Yep, f. The 1910 30 Motor Car Will Be Shown Friday, At Nash Sept. 16 The Hotel D. M. SMITH, Representative NASH GRILL Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday, September 19. Canape u 'la Husse Plume Celery Olives Salted NutH Consomme en Tasse English Sole, Mariniere r J'ommcH Richeliu Stuffed Tomatoes en Mayonaise Breast of Chicken in Cases Crisfield Nash Special Punch' ' Stuffed Young Turkey French Peas in Cream , Creamed Potatoes , Tulti Frutti Ice Cream Assorted Fancy Cake Nenfchatel Cheese Bent's Water Crackers 156 Cafe Noir Remember the warn tonight. dance at The Wig- 155 W. E. Hammel of Eagle Point has come down from the present termin us of the IT. & E. to tell ns all abont it. A. N. Holman of Portland is a bus iness visitor in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Early of Louis-, ville, Ky., are recent Medford arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Patterson of Sun Marcon, Oil., are viewing the city and valley. L. A. Murray of Portland is a bus iness caller in Medford. L. Ilirsch of New Yorlj visited the city on Friday. John M. Lees mid C. A. drenin of Portland are recent Medford arrivals. It. J. Wallenberg of Seattle is down for a few days. K. B. Hare of Chicago is register ed at tho Moore. W. W. Rogers of Portland is a Med ford visitor. F. W. Cooper of Detroit, Mich., is here on business matters. deorge A. Phippen of Eugene is in Medford for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Brayton of Hope, R. L, are investigating the city and valley. W. IT. II. Miller of Portland is in Medford for a few days. : ' HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles . Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and ' Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main tomorrow. , , J, 0. Ooro will lenvo Friday ovo- nis r a triP ctt8t' - : '