THE MED FORI) DAILY TRTIUJNR, MET) FORT), OltEfiOX, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1009. CITY NOTICES. l(KS(l,l THIN', lie it resolved liy (lni Cily ('(iiini'il ol' tin' Cilv !' Mi'illWil: 'I'lllll notice is Ill'I'I'llV IMVCII Unit il is in Hi" oniiiinii nl' llii' Cilv Council uceessniy mill llm Cilv Council hcrc liv imiuires lliitl a riMiii'iiL sitlewnlk live feci in width lni constructed on i'i hi hiiln nl' South I lolls. In'l wi'i-ii Miiin mill Ti'iilli Hlrci'lH. Hi'hiilvnl further I hut tlm several owner nl' ml tiK-i'iit mill coiiliu'iioiis IiiIk urn hereby roiiuired In fiiiin! rtu-t mii id Hiilmvullt in Hiiid milliner within (liirlv iliiys nl'lcr service ol' this res iiliiliuM iiimii them, in Ihe niaiinrr provided IjV Oi'diiinncii No. Ill) ol' Hiiid cilv, i iiiHMi'il mill niiin'iivi'il Heplcin lini' '.'nil. IIMI'J. Hl'SnlVCll llllll C'llllil'H III' this lCSII llllillll 1)11 HI'I'VCll UIHIM llll) l'('H)l'l.'liVI) OWIICI'H (if Hllill Plopi'llv ill lIlU man ner provided bv Hiiiil oriliiinuci) with in fivn diiys from thin duto, or ns hiiiiii mi is uriicliciihhi liv tint Cilv Keeorder r under his direction. Tim foroL'iiini' rtH)ntioii wax pass ed liv tho Cilv Ciniiicil nl' tint Citv (f Mi'dfortl, Oicumi, mi thu I lib luv if Scpti'inhcr. llHIII, liv llii; following vole: Merrick, live; Welch, nve; crick, absent; Fil'ert. nve: Wortnmn. iivo: Ilcmmer, live. Approved September l.ri. 1 llllll. W. II. CANON. Minor. Attest: HOIiT. W. TKI.FKII. Citv lli'i'uiili'i-. l.Vi l.'J.'.ll.lld CITV OP' MKOI'TIIU). OKKOON. lMI'KOVF.M KNT IK IN I IS. Med l ord. Oii'l'iiii. September Kill). ) 11011. 'Tin- Citv Ciiuni'il of Mi'il I'oiil. Ole fin, will receive sciili'il ImiIh no In I) o'clock n. in., September .'llllli. 100(1. for tin- will' of ,.'il.'J.'i().0(l (I i h i- cent 10-venr iiiiinovi'iiii'iit bonds, bids to hi' It ' 1 1 1 1 : 1 11 i '! IjV II certified cheek 'Hiiiil to 'i iiit I'i'iil of lln1 miiiniiit liiil for. Thu riflil to reject miv mill nil hiiln in reserved. Hills to 111' IllllllChNI'll to liobl. W. Telfcr. Citv Hceordcr. Certified check lo hi' iiuiilc Diivnhh' to tint Citv of Mi'ilfonl. linilT. W. TFI.FF.H. Citv Hocorder. Dated Medford. Ori-ijiin. Srptcni hi'i' llllll. 10011. 101 HKSOI.UTION. He it ri'Holvi'il liv the Citv Coimril of the ('itv of Mi'ilfonl : Thnl notice is hereby civen thut it is in the oninion of the Cilv Council nccessnrv anil tin1 Citv Connril here hv reiiuires that n plunk sidewalk f fii'l 'I tiiflicM in width ln constructed on west side of Oiikdulc between Hiunilton nml I'nlin k rci'l Unsolved further thai tin' scvcrnl owner of mlini'i'iit nml ennliirnnns lots nre hereby rcmiircd to construct snid sidewalk in Hiiid manner within thir Iv ilnvs lifter service of this resnlu tion nimn llii'in. in Ihn nninni'r pro vidi'd hv OnlinaiH'O No. H'.l of said citv. passed and approved Septem-hi-r Jnd. I!HI2. Kesnlvcd that copies of this reso lution he served upon the respective owners of Hiiid property in the milli ner provided liv sn'nl ordimice wilhin five ilnvs from this dale, or as soon thereafter as is priielieahle by the Cilv Iieeiii'iler or iinder his direi'tion. The foieuiiinir resoliilion was pass ed liv the Citv Council of Ihe Cilv of Medford. Orciron. on the Mill dnv of Sepleiiiher 1000. liv the followiiiL' voln: Merrick, nve: Welch, nve; Knierick. ahseiif Kil'crt, nve; Wurt nian. nve, llciiinier, live. Apiirovcil Sepleiiiher l.'ith. 1 iMIJI. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: KOHT. W. TF.I.FF.It. Cilv lieeorder. 1-Vi OIUHNANCK NO JJI. An Ordinnnee iimvidintr for proper sanitation of Theaters mid I'nhlie Ilnlls in Ihe Citv of Medford. Ore , iron. Thf Citv of Medford dolh ordain lis foljows: Son. .1. The owner of every tlienlnr mid puhlio hull shall within Inn days from tlm piiHsaire ' hereof, provide and maintain n water elosel and have ho Bamo properly coiinecleil wilh a wnluv main nml sewer of said city. Roc. 2. Every ierson who shall violnto tho provision hereof shall unon conviction he fined not less than five nor more limn fifty dollars. Whereas the heallli of Ihe Citv of 'Mt'ilford, is lieilnr einlaiiirered hv Ihe iinsanilarv conditions of certain halls of said citv. an emerircnev is dnlv declared to exist, and this ordinance, shall l ike effeel and he in fall force from and after its pnssatrP. The furcjoimr ordinanen was pass ed hv Ihe Citv Council of the Cily of Mod ford. Oiwon. on Ihe Villi day of Seplemher, 10011, hy Ihe following vole: Welch, ave; Merrick, live; Worlnmn, ave; Kiferl, nve, and T)om mor aye, Merrick iihsont. Approved Rcplemher Kith, 1000. W. U. CANON. Mavor. A I lest: ltOIVr. W. TKLFKtt. Citv neeorder. 157 OHDINANCK NO. 222. An ordiumicu aullioii.iii'i; llm issu aiiciv of If.'i l.2.'i(l of thu Iiiipiineiiiuiit I'onils of llm citv of Mi.'dl'oril, Juck hoii ( 'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 v , Oieuoii, direct intr Ihe inl vurl iHiuur of the same, for salu in nc ciiiihineii wilh Chapter V of Title XXVII of licllmiL'iT & Cotton's Anno tated Codes mid Statutes of the Stale of 1 Ireiroii. Tlm cilv of Medford doth ordain lis follows: Section 1. Wliereas the citv of Medford has heretofore! caused cer tain Ml reels of'said city to ho im proved, and has duly assessed tho cost thereof to the property benefited thereby in accordance with tho char ier of said city; And whereiiK certain owners of sundry pieces of properly each as sessed for such improvement in a sum cxceediiu; I Weill v-fivu dollars have dulv made and filed application lo pay said several assessments in installments in accordance with sec tion 2727 of said Itellaurer Si, Col ton's Amiolatnd Codes mid Statutes: And Whereas an assessment mid bund lien docket has been dnlv mailt' up in accordance, with the provision of said section and of section 2728 of said codes and statutes, and the total amount of unpaid assessments for such street improvement and for which application to pay under the provision of said sections above eiled lins been made and filed, as aforesaid is tho sum of S.Vl.IMH.KO dollars, as shown hv said bond lien docket : Now. therefore, said citv of Med ford dolh ordain as aforesaid that (here is hereby authorized to he is sued the bonds of said citv in total amount of )'") I. L!."l) dollars, in ileiiom uatioiis of two hundred mid fifty mid five hundred dollars cneli, as mav he convenient. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in the following form : $ No........ Citv of Medford '.lacksim County Slftto of (Ireiroii Improvement Itoml KNOW All. MKN HV TIIKSK PiiKSKNTs. that the citv of Medford in the countv ef .lackson, state of Oregon, for value received, hereby iiL'tves and promises to pay the bear er the sum of dollars in trnld coin of the I'nitcd States of America, on the presentation and sur render of this obliiration on the loth dnv of September in the vear of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred mid Nineteen, without irniec, with in terest thereon from the date here of until redeemed or until the time of tho semi. Milium! interest pavnient next ensiQiiir the publication of no tice by the city of Medford that this bond will be taken up and can celled and that interest thereon will eenso at the interest payment period next followiiiL' such publication, at tho rate of ti per cent per annum, payable seini-anniiiillv in like coin on the fifteenth day of March and Sep tember of each year, on the presen tation and surrender of Ihe proper coupons thereto annexed. Principal and interest pavahle at the office of the treasurer f the city of Medford. This bond is one of a series Author ized by an Act of Ihe Legislative As sembly of the state of Orecon. en tilled. "An act to provide for Ihe is suance of bonds for the improvement of streets mid the lavim; of sewers in incorporated cities mid for the pay ment of the cost of such improve ments mid hivinir sewers hv install ments," tiled in the office of secre tary of state 1'Vbruarv 22ml. 1S1K1. as amended hv nn net entitled "an Act to unienil Sect ions 1, 2. .1. -I. ". II and 7 of an Act entitled "an Act to pro-j vide for the issuance of bonds for the improvement of streets and the lav iiiST of sewers in incorporated pities. mid for tho payment of tho cost of such improvements and lavim; sewers bv iiislullmeiils, filed in Ihe office of Ihe Secretary of Stale I'Vbruarv 22nd, IHO.'I," ap proved 1'eliriiarv 2Kth. 1001, and is mi obligation of the city of Med ford a foresaid, mid is not deem ed o r taken to lie within unv part of the limitation bv law as to the indebtedness of said city, and it is further certified that all rcipiire nients of laws have been fully com plied with bv the proper officer)) in the isxuintr of this bond, and that the total, amount of this issue doeH not exceed the limit prescribed b.v said act. This bond is rcdecirwi'.M the of fice of said treasurer tit the option of the citv of Medford upon payment of llm face value thereof wilh accrued interest to thu date of payment at unv seiiii-miniial coupon period at or after one year from the date hereof, as provided in said act. For the fulfilment of tho conditions of (his oblit.'alion, the faith and credit of tho citv SiedfnM nro hereby pleducd, IN WITNKSS WIIKKKOK this Bond has been siirucd bv thu mayor and nl tested bv the recorder of said cilv of Medford and the corisirute seal of the citv of Medford hereto affixed this fifteenth dav of Septem ber. A. I). 1000. Mavor Attest: lieeorder of the cilv of Medford. Secton 3. Kach of said bonds shall have attached thereto twentv coupons, each of which shall be in the follow intr form : CITY OV Mr'.ni'OKH Stiitd' of Orciron will pay to ii'.". hearer. .... .dollars in L'old coin fi the I'nitcd States of America, nt th'; office of the treas urer of said citv. on tho loth dav of beiiur six months inter est on improvement bond. No unless said bond is sooner redeemed as therein provided, which redemp tion will render this coupon void. Attest: lieeorder of the citv of Medford. Mavor Said coupons shall bo numbred from one to twenty respect ivel v. Section 4. The mnvor of said citv is hereby authorized and directed to sipi said bonds mid tho city recorder to the same bv nttnchini? thernto the seal of said citv, all on behalf of said city. Section 5. The recorder of said city is hereby directed to resistor said bonds and number the same on hick provided therefor in the foreiroinir form in aeordatiee -with Section 27U0 of said code and statutes of the state of Oregon. Section ti. The recorder of the citv of Medford is hereby directed to advertise said bonds for sale and that the same wi'l be sold for the highest price obtainable, not less than par and accrued interest, and in said ad vertisement he shall announce, that he will receive scaled proposals for the purchase of said bonds or unv por liiui thereof at his office nt. miv time before I M) p. ni. on the lllllh day of September. 1000. He shall publish said advertisement three times in a daily newspaper published and print ed in said citv. mid shall submit the sealed proposals received in accor dance with said advertisement to (he council nt its next meelinsr thereafter. ' The forc!;oinir ordinance was passed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oresron on the l llh dav of September. 1000 hv the following vote, to-wit: Welch 'ave. Merrick nve. Advertising is tho breath of life for weak business limps how is yours? F. i MS; ; Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the space and cost of four rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets !antl dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A, MclNTOSH, Architect, 4 Third Floor Medford Rational Bank Building. V Kmerick absent. Worlman aye, Oeia mcr aye. Kifert aye. Approved September J."th,1000. Attest : UOJiKHT VV. 'J'KI.FKU, lieeorder W. II. CAf)V lr' Mavor NOTICK TO f'K.MKNT AND VAVJNO CONTKACTOIiS. Notice is hereby (,'ivoii that the city council of the cily of Medford, Ore gon, will receive sealed proposals for ho pa villi? of OnniL'O street f' Mum street to Fourth street, and West Tenth Htreet from Oakdnle nvcnuo to Hamilton street, with bitnlithie riave- nicnt, and for the placing of concrete or comcin ciirlniij,' on both sides of said streets. All bids miiM be siibmilteil fill Purma to be furiiislied by the city engineer, and filed with the city recorder on or liclore :.!!) p. m. on the 27lh dnv of September, 1000. All bids must be ncconmanieil lv a certified check imviililn In llm treasurer eipial to 10 per cent of the esiuualeii amount bid for, to assure good faith to enter into contract, and to be forfeited to Ihe city of Medford if tho successful bidder defaults in contracting. Plans and specifications mnv be had by calling on tho city engineer. JJiilcit at .Med lord, Oregon, this 15!!) day of September, 1000. 102 IiOIiT. Vf. TF.r.FF.r? NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. . Notice is hereby given that the city council will receive bids for the construction of a five-foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Oakdale avenue from Seventh to Eighth streets, same being three hundred (300) feet in length; and nlso for a five-foot cement sidewalk on the south side of Sixth street from the comer of d'Anjou street to a point HI) feet east. P.ids may be filed with or mailed to the cily recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m. September 21st, 1000. Dated September 15, 1000. JtOBT. W. TF.T-FER. City Recorder. ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves-, tigate this beautiful property Twority-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lot3 are 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per er-nt on the investment in the course of a year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. "We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit hind that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land'. Now what have you to offer ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St." IMPERIAL ADDITION Imperial addition was opened in May. We have sold 45 lots, a groat mairy uf them to people who expect to build on them in the near future. When we tuicncil the addition we advertised that. we would give away one lot to the purchasers of the first 25. This we have done. The lot owners deciding it by a drawing-, Phil Loosly being the lucky man. Now we are going to make the same offer on the next 25 lots sold. We are also going to coniniein-e building a neat modern bungalow in this addition to sell on easy terms, and will continue to build them as long as there is a demand for houses. In our judgment, MEDFORD WILL DOUBLE IN POPULATION in the next two years. Next summer East Main street will be paved and East Side values will double up. Xow is the time to buy a lot in Imperial addition a small amount of cash down and vour own time on the balance. See ANDERSON-GREEN CO. or RAY TOFT Medford - - - - Oregon