Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 16, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Synopsis Chapter I Polly, a child
of the circus, is brought up by Toby,
a clown, and by a boss canvasmnn
called "Muvver Jim." She learns to
ride Bingo, a circus horse,. and grows
to womanhood knowing no life ex-
from her cheeks; then she turned to go.
Douglas stepped quickly to her side.
"Wait a minute." ho naldV She
paused. All eyes were turned upon
them. "Is this a same that grownups
can play?"
"Why, yes. of course."
. "Good! make np your set
I need a little amusement just now.
Excuse me." he added, turning to the
cerit that of the circus.
Chapter II A chuch near the cir- S deacons. Then he ran with her out
us lot interests Polly Jim reproves tbng the
" " , , , ,. i The deacons and the women stared
her for her rk ess wLcp. I at Hch otner agna8t
Chapter Ill-Polly urges Bingo to : Weil. what do you think of thatr
unprecedented-speed nud falls. Toby j gaia Mrs. Willougliby as the Hying
and Jim' carry the injured girl to the skirts of the girl and the black figure
parsonage i.earby. j of the man disappeared up the path.
Chapter IT The Rev. John Doug- i "ink u s scandalous, w you are
las. mnnli tn TVncnn Elverson's dis- talking
fcast, takes Polly into the parsonage.
Toby and "Muvver Jim" are receiv
, kindly by Douglas, who has placed
Polly in charge of his colored serv
ant, Mandy. Douglas promises to
nnra fni. Oio onrl until shn Iq cpll.
to me," said Miss Perkins.
"The Idea of a full grown parson
a-runnln' off to play children's games
with a circus rldln' girl!"
"She isn't such a child," sneered
"It's enough to make folks talk," put
in Mrs. Wllloughby, with a sly loW
Chapter V When Polly becomes at the deacons.
conscious she declares that she must I "An' me awattln' to dUcuss the new
rejoin the circus at once. "Are vou church service." bellowed Strong,
a sky pilot?" she asks the minister. ! "Aud me awaiting to give him Mrs.
" f""- ,.,.,. . .Elverson s message." piped Elverson.
Her mother was killed riding a circus j ..Tue c,wrcf bore a th,s ,n slence
horse, and her father got his n in a g0 long as tlint gIrl was s1ck .. snnp1e(i
lion's cage." The minister reads to j Miss Perkins. "But now she's perfect
her about Ruth and Naomi, and Polly t ly well and still a-bnnging on. No
says "I guess I'd like to hear yon : wonder folks are talking."
.... I " W!.,i-o t 1 1- In V" ,liitiwlAia.l Btrnm.
"Didn't you knowV" simpered Mrs.
Wllloughby, not knowing herself nor
caring so long as the suspicion grew.
'.'Know what?" yelled the excited
deacon. Mrs. Wllloughby floundered.
Miss Perkins rushed Into the breach.
"Well, if I was dencon of this church
it seems to trie I'd know something
about what's going on in it."
"What is goln' on?" shrieked the
now desperate deacon.
The women looked at him pityingly,
exchanged knowing glances, then
Chapter VI Douglas offends Den
con Strong by defending boys who
play baseball on Sunday.
Chapter VII Polly recovers her
health, but is saddened by the death
of Toby. Jim sends the neirs and
promises to keep in touch with her.
Chapter V1U Polly recovers from
the blow dealth her by Toby's death.
She has ceased using slang and is
edncatiug herself under Douglas'
guidance. She endeavors to improve
Mandy's grammar.
rTTT I 3 . e 1
Til the house when the Widow
III Wllloughby came through the
ttiL-aer gate iu lue leu ux me
parsonage, carrying bunting for the
social. She was followed by Miss Per
kins with a bucket of pickles, which
Mandy promptly placed on top of Mrs.
Elvereon's ice cream. The women ex
plained that tbey had come to put the
finishing touches to the decorations.
If anything was needed to increase
Mandy's dislike- of the widow it was
this announcement.
Mrs. Wllloughby was greatly wor
ried because her children had not been
home since the afternoon school ses
sion. Upon hearing that they were
with Polly she plainly showed her dis
pleasure, and Douglas dispatched
Mandy for theui. She saw that her
implied distrust of Polly had annoyed
him, and she was about to npologlze
when two of the deacons arrived on
the scene, also carrying baskets and
parcels for the social.
Strong led the way. Ho always led
the way and always told Elverson think. They had been talking
excitedly as they ncared the parson
age, for Strong disapproved of the re
cent changes which the pastor had
made In the church sen-Ice. He and
Douglas had clashed more than once
since the baseball argument, and the
deacon had realized more and more
that he had met a will quite as strong
as his own. His failure to bend the
parson to his way of thinking was
making him irritable and taking his
mind from his business.
"Can you beat that!" he would ex
claim as ho turned away from some
disagreement with Douglas, his temper
ruffled for the day.
Polly was utterly unconscious of the
unfriendly glances cast In her direction
B8 she came running Into the garden
leading the widow's two children.
She nodded gaj ly to Julia Strong, who
was coming through the gate, then
hurried to Mrs. Wllloughby, begging
that the children be allowed to remain
a little longer. She was making up a
new game, she said, and needed Wlllia
and Jennie for the set.
"My children do not play In promis
cuous games," mi ui the widow lolly.
"Oh, but this isn't pro-pro-pro"
Polly stammered. "It's a new game.
You put two here, and two here,
"I don't care to know." The widow
turned away and pretended to talk to
"Oh!" gasped Polly, stunned by the
widow's rebuff. ,
She stood with bowed head In l he
Center of the circle. The blood flew
shook their heads at his hopeless stu
pidity. Strong was not accustomed to crit
icism. He prided himself upon bis
acuteuess and was, above all, vain
about his connection with the church.
He looked from one woman to the oth
er. He was' seething with helpless
rage. The little deacon at his side
coughed nervously. Sfrong's pent-up
wrath exploded "Why didn't you tell
me, Elverson, that people was a-talk-in'?"
he roared in the frightened man's
Elverson sputtered and stammered,
but nothing definite came of the
sounds; so Strong again turned to Miss
"What is goiu' on?" be demanded.
The spinster shrugged her shoulders
and lifted her eyes heavenward, know
ing that nothing could so madden the
deacon as this mysterious Inference of
things trio terrible to mention. She
was right. Strong uttered a desperate
"Bah!" and began pacing up and down
the garden with reckless strides.
Mrs. Wllloughby watched him with
secret delight, and when ho came to
a halt she wriggled to his side with
, simpering sweetness.
"What could folks say?" she asked.
! "A minister' nnd a young circus girl
living here like this with no one to"
She found no words nt this point, and
Strong, now thoroughly roused, de
clared (hat the congregation should
have no further cause for gossip and
went out quickly In search of Douglas.
When Strong was gone Elverson
looked at the set faces of the women
and attempted n weak apology for the
pastor. "I dare say the young man
was very lonely very before she
"Lonely!" snapped Miss Pcrkln-:.
"Well, If he was lonely I didn't know
, . OKD1NAXCE NO. 22:5.
An ordinance authorizing the issu
ance of $o4,2")0 of the Improvement
Bonds of tho city of Medford. Jack
son County, Oregon, directing the ad
vertising of the same for salo in ac
cordance with Chapter V of . Title
XXVII of Belluiurer & Cotton's Anno
tated Codes and Statutes of the State
of Oregou.
The citv of Medford doth ordain as
Section 1. Wherens tho city of
Medford has heretofore caused cer
tain streets of said .city . to bo im
proved, and has duly assessed tho
cost theroof to tho property benefited
thereby in accordance with tho char
ter of said city :
And wherens certain owners of
sundry pieces of property each as
sessed for such improvement in a
sum exceeding twentv-fivo dollars
have duly made and filed application
to pay said several assessments in
installments in accordance with sec
tion 2727 of said Bellanger & Cot
ton's Annotated Codes nnd Statutes:
And Whereas an assessment and
bond lieu docket lias been duly made
up in accordance with tho provision j
of said section and of section 2728
of said codes and statutes, and the!
total amount of unpaid assessments
I'ieo of said treasurer nt the option of
the citv of Med ford upon payment of
tho face value thereof with accrued
interest to the dato of payment at any
seiiii-annual coupon period at or lifter
ono year from the duto hereof, as
provided in said net.
For the fulfilment of Hie conditions
of this obligation, tlio faith and credit
of the city Medford are hereby
Bond bus been signed by I ho mayor
and attested hv tho recorder of said
citv of Medford and tho corporate
seal of the citv of Medford hereto
affixed this fifteenth day of Septem
ber. A. D. 190!).
Recorder of the citv of Medford.
Seeton 3. Knoh of said bonds
shall have attached thereto twenty
coupons, each of which shall he in the
following form:
State of Oregon
will pay to tho bearer dollars
in cold coin of tho United States of
America, at the office of tho treas
urer of said citv. on tho l.tli day of
, being six months inter
est on improvement bond. No
unless said bond is sooner redeemed
as therein provided, which redemp
tion will render this coupon void.
Recorder of the citv of Medford.
, Said coupons shall be nuinbred
from one to twenty respectively.
Section 4. The mayor of said city
is hereby authorized and directed to
sign said bonds and the city recorder
to countersign the samo by ntlachinc
thereto the seal of snid citv. all on
behalf of said city.
Section ". Tho recorder of said city
is hereby directed to register said
for such street improvements and for! bonds and number the same on hh-'ik
which application to pay under the provided therefor in the foregoing
provisions of said sections above form in neordnnee with Section 27110
cited hns been made and filed, as i of said code and statutes of the state
aforesaid is the sum of $54.348.S0 of Oregon
dollars, as shown by snid bond lien
docket :
Now. therefore, said citv of Med
ford doth ordain ns aforesaid that
there is hereby authorized to be is
sued the bonds of said city in total
amount of $54,250 dollars, in denom
nations of two hundred and fifty and
five hundred dollars each, as may he
Section 2. Said bonds shall bo in
the following form:
$ No
Citv of Medford
Jackson County
State of Oregon
Improvement Bond
PRESENTS, thnt the citv of Medford
in the county of Jackson, state of
Oregon, for value received, hereby
agrees and promises to nay the bear
er the sum oi dollars
Section ti. The recorder of the
citv of Medford is hereby directed to
advertise said bonds for sale and that
the same w;,l bo sold for the highest
price obtainable, not less than par
and accrued interest, nnd in snid ad
vertisement he shall announce that he
will receive, sealed proposals for the
purchase of said bonds or any por
tion thereof at his office nt anv time
before 4:.10 n. in. on the llOlh dav of
September. 1909. He shall publish
said advertisement three times in n
daily newspaper published and print
ed in said citv. and shall submit tho
sealed proposals received in accor
dance with said advertisement to the
council nt its next meeting thereafter.
The foregoing ordinance was
passed bv the citv council of the citv
of Medford. Oregon on tho 14th dav
of September. 1900 bv the following
vote, to-wit: Welch nvo, Merrick live.
gold coin of the United States ofjEmerick absent. Worimnn live, I)em-
Amnricn. on the presentation nnd sur
render of this obligation on the 15th
dav of September in the year of our
Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Nil'cteeM. .-''hi ' - -. -'h in
terest tlier"on. from lie' dale here
of until rei'u-ciin ! i. i.nt'.l ;'.; ;!:ne of
the semi-annual interest payment
next ensuing the publication of no
tice by the city of Medford Hint
this bond will be taken up and can
celled nnd that interest thereon will
mer nve, Eifert nvo.
Approved September 15th, 1000.
Attest: -
HM'IHX AV IJia.'IOa Recorder
150 Mayor
Notice is hereby given that the city
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, will receive sealed proposals for
he navinc of Onin-'e street from Main
ease nt the intercsfpavment period stm.t (o Yunrth street, and West
next following such publication, nt
the rate of (i per cent per annum,
payable semi-annuallv in like coin on
the' fifteenth day of March and Sep
tember of each venr, on the presen
tation and surrender of the proper I
coupons thereto annexed. Principal
Tenth street from Oakdalo avenno to
Hamilton street, with hitulithie pave
ment, and for tho placing of concrete
or cement curbing on both sides of
said streets.
All bids must be submitted on forms
(To bo continued.)
nnd interest pavable at the office of j to be furnished by the city engineer,
the treasurer of the citv of Medford. and filed with the city recorder on or
This bond is one of a series author- before 4:30 p. m. on the 27th day of
ized by an Act of the Legislative As- September, 1900. '
semblv of the state of Oregon, en-1 All bids must be accompanied by
titled. "An act to provide for the is.i. ,.ijf;,.,l ,.i.,.r rmvnM,. ! fl.n .it
sunnee of bonds for the improvement j ,mism.fir 0fMml , 10 per cent of the
ol streets and the laving of sewers in . . , , , . , .
incorporated cities nnd for the pay- i CM"","('.!:! "mn,",t h." tor' 1 un:
met of the cost of such ;,,,.,,.! good faith to enter into contrnct, nnd
incuts and laving sewers; bv install-I 0 he forfeited to tho city of Medford
incuts." tiled in the office of secre
tary of state February 22nd. 1893. as
amended bv an a el entitled "an Act
In amend Sections 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. (I and
7 of an Act entitled "an Act to pro-1
vide for the issuance of bonds for (he
improvement of streets aud the lav
ing of sewers in iiicoiMlraled cities,
and for Ihc payment of Ihc cost
of such improvements and
laving sewers bv iiislallmenls, Tiled
in Ihc office of the Secretary of
Stale I'eliruarv 22ud. lHO.'l," ap
proved I'Vliruarv 28lli, 1001, and is an
obligation of the cily of Med
ford n foresaid, and is not deem
ed o i' taken to he within
any pari of the limitation by law as
10 the indebtedness of said city, nnd
11 is further certified that all require
ments of laws have been fully com
plied with bv the proper officers in
the issuing of this bond, nnd that the
total amount of this issue does not
c,ceed the limit prescribed bv said
This bond is redeemable at the of-
if the successful bidder defaults in
Plans and specifications may bo
had by calling on tho city engineer.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this
15lh day of September, 1009.
Notice is hereby given that the
cily council will receive bids for Ihc
construction of a five-foot cement
sidewalk on the east side of Oukdalc
avenue from Seventh (o Eighth
streets, same being throe hundred
(.'100) feet in length; and also for a
five-foot cement sidewalk on the
south side of Sixth sli'flel from the
corner of d'Anjon street to a point
140 feet ensl.
Bids may be filed with or mailed
to the city recorder up to 4 o'clock
p. m. September 21sl, 1009.
Dated September 15, 1000.
Cily Recorder.
Experiments are often cosily. No ono can nfl'ord to experi
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Before placing insurance, ascertain tho difference betwcr.n a
STOCK and a MUTUAL company.,
Medford, Oregon.
Hat Pins and Stick Pins
Hand Made By
Carence Crafters
Martin J. Reddy
The Jeweler
Ntfa1- Postofflce
t. C. Hansen. Tom Al of f ai
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North
west. Not in the combine. Competes .with all first
class nurseries.
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
J. E. ENYAHT, President
JOHN Si ORTII, Cashier.
J. A. l'ERUY,
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
We solicit your patronage.
For Whom are You Sowing
If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for
your home for yourself and family.
Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have
heen paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing
you to pay for It In easy monthly payments and low rate of
We will furnish -money to build Churches, .Parsonages,
homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate.
Moneys can he returned any time, thereby stopping Interest
or we give you nine years to return any loan, cither large or
small.. We also allow ycu 3 percent interest on all advance
payments.. Wo give you thrco months graco on all notes
without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay
ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real
Estate Office of
Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburs