tub Bedford daily tribune, medford, ouKaoy, Thursday, September ig, iooo. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL! t ill HI't 1)1' II II lit 1 1 1 1 1 Vllllillll I'liivnr I'or .ri II t ni IliihliiiiHM ilini; Ktoro. Mm. It. It. T.vlor nf (Ii-uiiIm 1'iihh in v i h i l i i k I'rii'iiilli in Mcdl'ord. I'hoiio XW.l for ton or col'fmi. Fnink Hull Iiiih returned from n vihit I (J Gl'UUU 1'iihh. Kpinw nni I'.xtnii'tH lit 'M Ho. (1 Hired. Jon Wliitin-y, tlm jiopuliir wild own er ami proprietor of "f'miip Contii KioiiH," on tlio bunk of Ifc-nr creek, nntvrtuincd Inrgu piirty of friend Wcilni'Hday (veninir. Hpecinl mimic wax u fenturo of tlio ovnninjr. You'll like boxbull. Try it. I). Conner of Tiibln Hook won ii recent vimtor in Mcdl'ord. For homn grown numory Htonk and Mr. mul Mitt. K., U. Kunkey lire vitating friendx in Axlilund. ii Bipiuro iluul, son Cook. Office 25 Went Main street. Medl'ovd. 50 A. IS. Warren of KoKcburi; in Hpend iuK a few days in Mod ford. Bent monl for tlio lcnnt money ut tlio Spot enfo. Will O. Stool loft Thursday nl'ter iioon for Kliinuitli Kitllx on bin way to Crator Lake. Now MiilM ami fall fur nt Van JiykoV. 154 Mik. Jui'oil 'I'liati'liiir uml family Imvo ilopartoil for ltcdliiudri, -it I., where tlioy will nmkit thoir homo in tlio future. OrdorB for Kwcet cromn or butler milk promptly filled. Phone tho orenmer7. M. IX SturKixt ii well known rcni ilont of tlii rounty, iliod nl hin liotno in thix city WoilnoMilay. Funeral Herv iooH woro oonduolfld Thnrxdny h ft -ornoon undor tlio niiHpiceH of tlio I. 0. 0. F. It wouldn't bn Hiirprihing to sou an . epidemic of Btrcot improvement break out on tho KiiHt Side at any timo. Tbero aii! u few follows over there that can w that it will douliln and triple the value of thoir property. K. J. O'Doll of MinneapoliH has pureluiMod 40 acres of land near Agate. Tho conmderntion wob $5000. If din Kuht Side will warke ii) now Oiikdale avonuo and West Kil'th street won't have it nil their own wuy, as the host residence district of Iho oily. . Hill ami (irunU I'ukh will play n Kmne of ball in Medford on next Sunday. Judging from past RinnoH n splendid bit of Sxrt should eiisuo. It may bo your turn next don't overlook your iummiitcc. Itoiisoii In vostmont Cit. 155 Professor P. J. O'Claru is expected to return from Wiwhinton on next Monday. You'll moot your friend at thn box ball alley. W. J. Rinhuin and Miss Dmiim l'ru olt wore married Weilne-dny. They will reside in Cnlifornia. Why rush hornet Try the Spot Cafe's 2.rm dinner. Jf tho plans of certain eastern men Mo not Ro nslray Tnlont will soon have ii drugstore. Southerii Oregon Tea mid Coffee Co.. 30 So. O street. There will be a special meeting of tho Merchants' association this eve ning in Iho Commercial club rooms. An inspection of our nursery will convince the most skeptical. Call or mail vour list of wants' and lot us save yon ..f.f.ffW. U. H. V. N'""' serios. Office. 25 W. Main st. 50 Walter Jnoobsen was sentonced to two years in the penitentiary I'or stealing a horse by .ludge Ilaniin on Wodnoflday. You must not forget tho number of tho Uoguo Iiiver Kish Co., 17 N. Fir. Phono 3003. Hnllimore nystors in bulk, salt and smoked salmon and halibut. You must think about nice fresh fish always at the market; chickens, etc. Come in. 154 Oscar Rodger of Antioch spent a day reoontly in Medford. Children's school shoes that wear al Vim Dyke's. 154 W. J. Scott of upper Rogue river was a recent bus'nioss caller. One quail nf guaranteed vanilla flavor for 50c at Iliiskinss drug store. 155 Mrs. V.' A. Forbes of Talent is spending a few days in Medford with Mr. and Mm, D. T. Luwton. Regular meeting of A. F. & A. M. will be held Friday evening. ; feet fine hud dinner nt the .uiivr", Mrs. Mary Milligau has left for u visit in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Oould liiive re turned from ii trip to Crater Lake mul other siiiits. Teas uud coffees at 30 So, 0 st. 'J'. A. OIiish of lleagle was a recent visitor in Medforil. William Mitchell of Sums Valley was u receul Medford visitor. 'lie Louvre cafe for the best. Mr. mid Mrs. J. P: llnro have re turned from u trip to Scuttle. C. F. Garrison, who was injured while working on the grading of West Seventh street, is improving rapidly mid expects to be up in u compara tively short time. His right log was broken just below the knee uud bis left leg slightly bruised by the break ing of u trace on his plow. Mr. Gar rison rests comfortably ut his cozy little rcsideiic nt 021 Ninth street. Ini'iial addition Stop right now mid look up the Imperial addition ad vertisement in this issue. While Ralph Bullock was deliver ing a message, Home, person, with n disposition of decomposed brass, calmly appropriated his bicycle which was laying in the hedge outside, and rode uwity. Afgtcr riding around the principal streets of the city with blood in bis eye, Ralph returned to tho depot and found the lost vehicle resting safely in the office there. His remarks to the office force pres ent, printed, would make a socialistic spud look like 30 cents. Are you uurticuliirT If so, it will pay you to figure with Cook, ihe nurseryman, before placing your or der for trees or shrubbery. 50 Louis L. Hullier, ex-assistant sec retary of the Commercial club, has returned from a trip up the (.'niter Luke road, whore he has been em ployed, and reports that grout prog ress is being miulii and thai many men are being hired to augment the pres ent force. H. W. Heberling of Sebustopol. Cut., is in Medford looking after bis homestead and other interests here. Mr. Heberling states that the Orien tal is driving many working men up into Oregon mid that the labor sit uation about bis home town is tense. Ella Onnnyuw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. Harry. Scholt., who was recently injured by diving from too high n ixisition at the rink at Ashland, is able to work now. Mr. uud Mrs. W. H. (ianaway of New Ijindon, la., are visiting R. Omi awiiy at bis home in this city. The celebrated "Good for Pay llovs" school shoes at Van Dvke's. 154 Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Santa Crnr., Oil., is stopping here on her return trip from Seattle, to visit her niece, Mrs. Mary Regar. Guy Bishop, who has boon staying in Medford, returned to Phoenix on Thursday. Hotter take out I tin I lire insurance policy while yon think of it. Do it now. Benson divestment Co. 155 A number of last year's high school graduates will leave Sunday for Ku gonu to attend the university. F.d Siinms, the prosperous Phoenix morchiint, was in town on business Thursday. A gomo everybody enn piny box- bnll. One (Hurt of guaranteed vanilla fiuvor for 5tlo at llasUiass drug store. 155 Nr. ,1. Wiley Thursday morning nar rowing escaped being hurt by a pre mature blast nt the exeovation on West Seventh street for the Gnrnett-Coii-y building. T. (. Krickson, special agent in Ihe fjjiroKtry depurtnient, left for Butte Falls, where he has work to do. See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar and mandolin. Leave orders at Nash iiotol. W. W. Glasgow mid son Curl left lust night for Pullman, where the hitter will attend-the college. Carl will take a course in electrical engin eering. Miss Beiilah Warner, last year's principal of the M. IT. S., leaves this evening for Spokane, where she will take a.' position in the high school there. LuiTuphi good truck, Pull --those Lot waffles ut Ihe 1. uivre. Cole Holmes, who is working for n local electrical concern, will go to Pullman to attend college and there take up a course in electricity. He expects to leave in a fow days, oh school begins tboro on September 23. C. P, Molony mid family left, on Thursday for Coos Buy. Are you from Missouri? If ho, Cook, the nurseryman, would like mi opportunity U show you. 50 The local baseball team has dis banded for the season. J. L. McAlmoii, who has boon pla cer mining near Woodvillc, returned with a sample of "color." Mr. Mc Ahrou will return again to his claim in a short time. MANY CARS IN LOCAL YARDS Business of Medford Shown by Ac tivity In Local Railroad Circles. Twenty-two curs of freight were unloading in the locul yards Thurs day, showing activity in locul busi ness. Three curs were unloading merchandise, one wirefeneo, two household goods, two feed, four wooden pipe, one dynamite, two flour, two ruils, three wood, one soap, and one ice. In addition to this two cars of pears were loading. Medford is do ing some busy. Tho offico force is too busy to discuss the matter. KINNEY LOSES SUIT AGAINST R06ERT S. T0WNE The suit brought by William rish as assignee of the T. J. Kinncv l'sliito against Robert S. Towne, own er of the Blue Lodge copper mine, for $1100 for services rendered as pur chasing agent, was settled -Wednesday, when the jury found in favor of the defendant. Judge E. E. Kelly appeared fur tho defendant and Col vig & Reiimes for the plaintiff.' A Woman'i Age? Forget It. Man Iiiih no right to iiuoxiloii wo man's iige-'to even iliink utxiul It. A woman, Mess her. Is iim old ax xlic irMcx out r ni.-il.es up anil uot n (lay older. Man Is mil of Ms latitude when ln Is-giiis trying to locale wo man's age longitude. It I her privi lege to eoiice.il her :igo In any form or milliner she may cIiikiso. ami i 8 man's prerogative to usxixt tier lis much ax possihle nil her than hinder or iiicxtion tier In nii.v way. Man owes It to himself to wo Hint she Is sup plied with overv means of concealing her niw or any new wrinkle whlcli she fhoosex to keep from the caze of the nvorcurloiiK puhlio. Man lx not xu poseil to In- young or bountiful. He couldn't he if he wan led to be and wouldn't In. if he ooiilil. With woman It Is illfToroitt. She wants to lie and can he and Is, whether she wants to he or not, anil It is a u hole lot hotter for her nml for her admirer or admir ers, us tho case may ho. Hint her age ho carefully miardcd under that charming veil of mystery which should ever ho hors hy right of possession. Forget that she has an ago, brother, unit you will he happier, ami so will Rhe. hut don't, fur heaven's sake, for got that she has a birthday.- Boston Horn Id. MARRIED. The Fighting Editor. The lighting editor Is no Joke In Paris. There. If a paper calls a man a liar or n thief, the mini takes It se riously, ami. visiting tlio office, lie do inanils a retraction or a tight. It. is the lighting editor who receives him. The lighting editor sits in a Louis Soke study, smoking n cigarette and reading a now novel with a yellow cover. Ho Is faultlessly dressed In deep black-the duelist's color. The ribbon of iho Lochia of Honor Is In his buttonhole. His brilliant eyes mid clear skin proclaim his perfect condi tion. His alei'l, supple carriage shows his military training. The light Inn editor never writes a lino, tint Is re sponsible personally for every word In tho paper every day. On a plain, outspoken sheet like Le Matin, which keeps him pretty busy, his salary Is very largo-$Ml week or so. A con servative Journal like Le Temps, hav ing little use for a lighting editor, pays thu mull no more than .fllO. Exchuuge. A Hint and a Hump. A woman there was. ami she wrote for the press, as you or 1 might do. She told how to cut. and sow a dross and how to cook many a savory moss, hut she never bad done it herself, I guess, but none of her readers knew. She told how to comh and dross Hie hair mid how out of a barrel to make n chair 'twould adorn any parlor mid give It an ulr-we thought the tule was true. Oh, Iho days we spout and tho nights wo spent , with hammer mid saw and tuck. In making a ehnlr in which no one would sit, In which no one could possibly sll, without u click In the bach, Kcouomlcal Housewife, O'I'.IIIKN'-OOOIiWVN-I., Vancou ver, H. ('., September !), J. fi. O'liricn of JVtluiid and Minn Rarbnrn (iood wyn of Medford, in tlm Presbyterian mniie, (.v. J),-. Krazier officiating. They will reside j Portland after a honeymoon in Seattle mid Aberdeen. Saloonkeepers Olson and Jennings James Campbell has puroliasHll too. of (iold Hill appeared in Jackson- acres mid J. M. Root fivo from A. villo Thursday to answer to a charge V. Whitney on West Oakdalit. Tha of selling lirpior to minors. tracts will he planted to fruit. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to tender our thanks to on rnoiglibors and friends who ho ably assisted us when our home burn ed Wednesday. We greatly appre ciate their efforts on our behalf. Jill. AXI) MRS. II. C. KENTNER. Bijou Theatre ; Hilly Von, manager. 4 Tfifl I ATr Tft ri lieirv T T WANTED A girl to evlerk for Med ford Bakery und Delicatessen, lot TONIGHT " Richard Darling Stock Company in "THE COUNTRY GIRL" A four-act comedy-drama. MR. IIEKRY GUN SON in illustrated song. Two Big Reels of High-Class Moving Pictures. ' AIJMJSSION . 20c and 10c B A S B B A L L HILT vs GRANTS PASS At Medford SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th Game Called at 1:00 p. m. This game will decide the champiaonship of southern Oregon and northern California. Each team now having won two games. The teams agreeing to play off the deciding game on neutral grounds at Medford. Each team has strengthened for the struggle for su premacy, and there is no doubt but what the fans will see a great game. So don't miss it. and kick yourself afterward. ' REMEMBER, THE GAME WILL BE CALLED. AT I P. Admission M. 25c 50c IMPERIAL ADDITION Imperial addition was opened in May. We have sold 45 hits, a great many of them to people who expect to build on them in the near future. When we oMened the addition we advertised that we would give away one lot to the purchasers of the first 25. This we have done. The lot owners deciding it hy a drawing, Phil Loosly being the lucky man. Now we are going to make the same offer on the next '25 lots sold. We are also going to commenre building a neat modern bungalow in this addition to sell on easy terms, and will continue to build them as long as there is a demand for houses. In our judgment, MEDFORD WILL DOUBLE IN POPULATION i i in the next two years. Next summer East Main street will be paved and East Side values will double up. Now is the time to buy a lot in Imperial addition a small amount of cash down and vour own time on the balance. See ANDERSON-GREEN CO. or RAY TOFT Medford - - - - Oregon i t f i 7; i r