4 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putjtam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Oue year, by muil .$3.00 Quo month by mail or carrier . .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News S;and, Portland, Or.; Ferry News Etand, San Francisco, Cul. CLOSING THE ROGUE TO COMMERCIAL FISUIXG An order has been made by the comity judge of Curry county sanctioning the sale by the widow of the late R. D. Hume of the salmon cannery plant at the mouth of the Rogue, and the business will probably pass to other hands. For thirty years or more the Hume interests have held an absolute monopoly of fishing at the mouth of the Rogue, through ownership of twelve miles of the land on either side, and for a distance- of miles on either side along the ocean. From this monopoly a large fortune was created, spent mostly in California, where the late "lord of the Rogue" resided. The "Rogue is more important to the 50,000 or move people residing along it and in its tributary valleys as au angling stream than as a commercial fishing proposition for the benefit of a monopoly. Hundreds of tourists f rom all parts of the country come annually to fish for its trout and this influx of money spending pleasure seekers, in creasing in volume each year, means a greater revenue to southern Oregon than the salmon. The angling is a source of recreation and pleasure to the residents. Were the commercial fishers to confine themselves to salmon, there would be little complaint, but since the erec tion of a cold storage plant a few years ago at Wedder burn, the fishermen areexterminating rainbo wtrout, er roneously classified under Oregon laws at the dictation of salmon fishers as steelhead salmon. These rainbow or steelhead are of little value for canning, hence are refrig erated and shipped to eastern markets. Legislature after legislature has refused to listen to the voice of the people of southern Oregon, to reform the situ ation and save the trout by permitting a short season, and the Hume interests still enjoy the longest open season of any fishers in the northwest. Hence au initiative petition will be submitted to the people of Oregon at the next gen eral election to close the Rogue to commercial fishing en tirely, and restore natural conditions, making the Rogue the greatest fly fishing stream in the world; . There need be no conscientious scruples about putting the Hume fishing monopoly out of business. Ten times, yes twenty times, the cost of the improvements have been realized as profits by the Hume monopoly, which has never shown any scruples in its dealings with the public, paying its half-breed fishermen about a quarter of the wages paid on the Columbia. If the rapidly diminishing supply of trout in the Rogue is to be saved from total extermination, commercial fish ing, the use of seines, gillnets, traps and other devices for the destruction of the finny tribe must cease, and it will cease if the voice of the people of southern Oregon is heeded. Commander Robert E. Peary continues to make good use of the hammer with which he nailed the Stars and Stripes to the north pole. JACKSON COUNTY BANKERS MEET AT BANQUET BOARD (Continued from page 1.) furious and unbridled passion, .the piracy of nations.. The Banks' Place. Both in war and iu poneo banks act un influential part. - From the counting rooms of tho great banks of Europe often comes the ayo or nay to the prime ministers of angry u lions, giving or refusing that finan cial aid which makes war possible or peaco necessary as that aid is given or refused to finance the proposed impending struggle During our gigantic civil war when a million men wero taken from the ranks of productive industry and placed in tho ranks of nou-proiluction and destruction, to be fed, clothed, equipped and shot, the great Phila delphia banking house of Juy Cooke & Co., which had the contract for the sale of the government bonds and securities, and upon the sale of which depended the resources necessary to prosecute the war for national exist ence, was a potent and absolutely in dispensable factor in the gigantic strugglo for national life. Aid to Railroads. The first transcontinental railroad was financed and made possibU bj the government aid given towards its construction. The second .transcon tinental railroad, tho Northern Pa cific, was financed by tho bank of Jay Cooke & Co., already referred to, but the country was not ready to see so great an enterprise promoted by a single bank, and tho day of syn dicates had not yet come, and the undertaking collapsed for tho time being and brought on the financial panic of 1873. Since which time the banks of the United States have successfully fi nanced every transcontinental 'rail road that has been built, and that, too without stringency in the American money market. Span the Globe. The great banks of the commercial centers of the world now span the globe with their vast enterprises and interests; and in the -mighty loom of international trade and banking, the great bunks and bankers of the world are wen vine thn frhrie o1" r.iot trans actions which lend i i'iuilc police abroad aid :i . p: :;.y .: !: :e. When .the world's great financial houses are directed by bankers of .aid the public which we serve, that timing the late panic none of thu banks of this county were shaken or weakened, but all held and merited th confidence of their constituents. worth, ability and honor, they are tho heart from which :flows pi-ogress and peace and sound prosperity. But when bankers without conscience or honor take the lead in tho nation's business, then bubbles are blown, broukers are encountered and the v.'rcekago of business ventures strews the routo of their transactions. What the banks of Europe and America are to tho nations and the world's commerce and business, the interior and country bankers and bankers are to the business of their respectivo localities. 1 The safe and careful bank which assists the safe business enterprise of its locality is a good friend to its community in building up its material prosperity on a sound basis of recognized busi l.css worth and real merit. Tho bank which is wildentting with its deposi tors' money the glittering and unsafe projects of glib promoters, in u dan gerous effort to realize larger prof it and speedier returns than safe and legitimate banking offer, is an unsafe custodian of a community's money and an unsafe depository of the confidential business and plans of its customers. Confidence an Asset. A bank or banker may ho so hulk ing in tho elements of sound business honor as to merit the designation of a I financial fakir, and such an insti-j tution or person should no more bo' trusted with your cash or confidence! than tho street fakir, who thimblc ligs you out of whatever cash you invest in his gamo. The standing Ihrcs of unsafe banking are chiefly promises of large profits to invest ors and high rates of interest to de positors. Safe banking neither pro duces largo profits nor justifies high riles of interest to depositors. For the snfety of stockholders' invest ments and depositors' cnh will al ways be the first and lending thought of the safe and honorable bunker. The daily life and walk of every hanker arc a part of tho assets of ni- bank, if good, they strengthen the capital of his bank; if bad, they great ly increase its real liabilities. Hero as in every other line of business life,' the plain old-fashioned adage holds good: "Bv their fruits von shall know tlwm." " ' 1 The Local Institutions. To us who are serving the Jackson eocnty public with banking facilities it is. and of right should lie. just cause for congratulating " ourselves I l,m. H. V. Carter of Ashland Mike upon the History of Jackson county banking. He said : The firs! consideration in the mind if every prudent and conservative banker is the safely of depositors' funds entrusted to his care. Our paramount duly is to our customer, and the stockholders' interest, while of 001110 important, is and always should be iv H-eondary consideration. In the strife for business, iu tne anx iety to add new names to our depos itor list, there iH danger of offering inducements in the way of froe ex change, inloiest on deposits, iiermis sien to ovc-druw, etc., to such a de gree that n depositor's account may aotuiilb le a source of loss to a bank instead of a source of profit. While 1 nm not mi ild man, I enn recall the lime that the personal soliciting of accounts was frowgned upon by tho great majority of hankers and was regarded an an undignified thing to do. While perhaps the ntitudo of tho hanker 30 years ago was too con servative in this respect, have we not gone to the other extreme in re cent years in our anxiety to outdo our competitors? Is there not n "safe and sano" middle course that wo can pursue, giving to our custo mers accurate, prompt and courteous treatment, but at the same time mak ing reasonable charges fur services we render? Reason for Organization. The purpose in effecting an organ ization or association of the bank ers nf this county is an exchange of (Continued on Pngo 8) HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main " Krucst J. Smith, who has., been working for a local druggist, leaves for Kugeiiu Sunday to complete his medical course at the university. 1 QUART OF VANILLA FLAVOR FOR 50 Cents Guaranteed under tho Pure Food and Drug Acts H A SKINS DRUG STORE SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. 2463. ' 4 I Medford Iron Works f E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t J . Foundry and Machinist All V:,.' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-? chincry. Agents in Southern Oregon for ? FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t MOUNT AIN VIEW THIS ADDITION COMMANDS ONE OF THE BEST VIEWS THAT ('AN BE HAD FROM ANY PORTION OF THE CITY, GIVING A BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF THE NEIGHBORING MOUNTAINS. ONLY FIFTEEN LOTS LEFT UNSOLD FROM HERE ONE MAY SEE CENTRAL POINT, EAGLE POINT, .JACKSON VI LI jE, ETC. Price $300 for Corner Lots $260 for Inside Lots Benson Investment Co'mp'y