THE MKDF0R1) UAIL'Y TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. Oft KAON, THURSDAY, BKPTEMBER 16, 1900. PERSONAL A Word to the Wise as Well as the Unwise. liiil .vnii over nIo to tliink llint The Wiley II. Allen (!., Iliu Iiii'kohI piumi mill iii'khii Hcllin;; iiiHlilulion mi I In' I'liell'io const, in now in your city, with pcrii'ii iifiit hoiiiliiiiirterH, I. m Ii mi'iiim (lint thi'ir entire lini' of rn'i lirnli'il iiniiiiH iiml iii'iiim linn boon placed on exhibition fur tint in HiiTlinn uf critical buyer? It in n undeniable fni't Ihut tlic piumm which we carry reproKont inuru lumen! quality for tliu money tliim mti. linn nP tituiAtl iffnlnll fill aiklll llV iiny living iiiKlilution. H when ymi nt ready to buy tluit pinno, como to ii 4, whero iivcry piano in Hold under n puNitivn ciihIi Kunrantco, and if tlioj piano in not iih reproKuntod yon can (ti't your money bark. Hi'iiifinbcr tluit our oiuIIohh chain of Moron throughout Oregon, Wattliing ton, California, Arizona, Texan, Now Mexico, Montana, Idaho and tlm 1 1 -waiian iMlanilH giviK im iiiihoHitiitingly tlm gri'iitoHt buying jiowcr on tho fiurii of lli earth in our Hiioh. So jiihI remember when wo buy to our advantage that wo, arrangii matter for every living customer to buy to Iih ailvantiigo on our i'iih,v payment plan. Why, jiwt think of it from ..' to $10 per iniitilli wilt put oiiii of nnr eolobrntod piano in your home and yon can pay fur it while 'your lilllo girl or buy in riTi'iving bin or her musical education, whirb c will huvo to admit will advance one ill wioioly faster tliaii any one thing on tin' face of giiii'ial Htudii'K. Hraud now piano giuiranti'i'd for ton your to givo good iitif'uolioii or money book, prifi'd only $108.50. Miilingany, oak or walnut cane to Hilit pitreliuser. Other dealer, tin' to day unking from $'J(i5 to $:I00 and, willi iniporii'iii'O, buyer am gotling thin right along. You want to remember wlion yon talk piano quality it U a cnnooivctl fai't that thin Hliuidn in our. pianoK, and to your fiiiani'inl iuteront our pi nnoM tdionlil Htaml in your homo. Wo an live wire, wo nro in tlio piano huhiiioiK, wo know tho piano hiiKinoHH, wo do tho piano hiiinenn, wo nro tlm piano pi'oplo, wo soil pi- anon, wo tnno piano, wo rout pianos, wo ropair piano, wo movo piano, any time you havo n biok piano our piano omporiiim i opeir to ono and nil. va Till". WM.KY It. AM.KN CO., 112 Wost Main St root. Program Bijou Theater Toniyht. Darling Ktuok company in "Tho Couiilry dirl," n four-iiol i-oiuody driiiiin. CiihI Jaok Iloiidoi'Hon, Mr. Itii-h-ard Durling; Jolbro liitxlor, Mr. Kiie Kloppiu; I'bilaiiilor I'oIIh, Mr. Jiiiiioh lliiylon; Jako liaxlor, Mr. Hilly K. Yiiii; Mi'h. Ilcudornoii, Kmiiiii Wat hoii, MiHH Kmily Urmcnll; Mercy Hax tiir, Minn Kinily llolzor. . Bynophirt Aot I. Camp of tho onnlornern. "You may liiiw inn now, Jaok." Aot II. Homo of Jelhro liiix tor. Noble, girl. Aot 111. Homo of Jack and Moroy. (loin' to bo a lady. Act. IV. "I know Moroy'd fotoh liiiu right buck." Two reel bigh-i'liiHH moving pic ture and Henry (JiuiuiHoii in illun trntod Hong. NOTICK. I hereby given that the uiidorsignod will apply at tho next mooting of tho city oouuoil of Modford, Oregon, Oo l..ln.f Tilli. for lieonso to sell mult, vinoiiH and spirilnnH liquor in Iok ipiunlitio than one gallon in 101 in. bluok 20. in Modford, Oregon, for a period of nix months. ItASS & HA'U'',. Dated September 15. 1000. A Human Hits Cowed th Lien. At Cape Towu lion tamer wan go ing through i performance In a cug with n full grown lion lately caught. Huililiuily It wiih Been that tho brute wn putting tho trainer through Iliu pace rntlior than living put through itiwlf. Softly, crouching anil creep ing, the big cat iilgcd IIHcIf bet wood the thoroughly unnerved man and the door of t he don, iIxIiik 1 1 h victim uita two rolling yellow urbo of llamlng furocltjr nuil anwlng tho empty air with IU tufleil tit II im It (Touched prepara tory to Mprlnglng. Many men among the audience. iimiI to the way of wild beniun. inw iiml coiiiprchonded, but only ono mini pomiciuiod tho kuowloilge and tlio presence of mind to avert the apparently Inevitable. Turning up bin lli an though ho wore going to whli tie. he omitted a lion mo. low, rnnp Ing him. The licnnt heard and nmlor Mnml. for tho Hound wan nil exact Im itation of the noise made by the giant eoiiKtrlrior when Im huge body la colled for tho throw Hint never uiIhbok, that never rolaxcN mid that no beaut of the Held Ih Mroug enough to with la nil. Again and yet again the rau coun fc.)ticnl riiKiod (ho HtillueBs, and the angry brute drew bnck ltd head, It M K ron I eye grew miinll and dull, the hack leu roue and xtlffoned on Its book, and It cowered, whining, on tho floor of the cage. 8h Wt the Champion. A colored woman of gctiorouft pro portion wan on tho wltnoHs ntnnd. and hIip made Mich a good witness for the pliilmllT that the attorney for tho defense planned to throw "cold water" on what nIio said by II ml I ng fault with her character. . "It mo see you have been arrest ed. havTlfc't you';" the attorney asked In cross examination. "Now. look n hcati," said the wit ness, getting angry, "do you think I'm golii' to toll you nil my private busi ness? I guess not." "1 hare the right to know, and you must tell mo." the lawyer persisted, and the Judge Instructed tho witness that she would have to answer. ' "I's 'rested for Ili-kln' my liusbnn'," sho Raid, her eyes flashing. "That so?". said the attorney, with great satisfaction. "What Im your hus band's unnieV" Sho told him, "Wbnt Is his Intuitions':" "lie's a prlzoflghfah," she said, and the cross examination abruptly ended amid general merriment. Inillninipolls News. a o a o a Economy When In Need Of Anything in the Line oi Fresh and Salt Meats Sausage Lard Poultry Call And See Our Stock. Nothing But The Best Carried THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postofflce Phone 46 Economy o o O 3 i i r f .iii mm:. i - i i i i . - ' 1 ! 4 ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street CO feet wide. Lots are 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 23 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Med ford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. "We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to offer ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St. V mm i I . . a I t a i i mr. invesior nave you seen ine munern nome seven rooms in me space and cost of tour rooms; Iceiess refrigerator, built-in buffets i tana dressers; cabinet kitchen. t ! J. A. McLNTOSIT, Architect, I j Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. Notice. is hereby given that the undersigned will apply nt the regular mooting of tho oity ooniieil of Medford, Oregon, on September 0, 1009, for license to soli malt, vinous anil spiritous liquors in loss Humilities than one trillion for six months nt lot 32, liloelc 20, in Medford, Oregon, for n period of six months. SUXGEIt. & DOWNIXO. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to mo for mount iiii!. Ilijj game, heads, fish, birds and maininnls mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tannine;, make fil nijjs, make, remodel and clean .fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes. Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon FOR OPICK AND SURE RESULTSTRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS QUICK AND SURE TJTYou can shoot it 5 times "quick as you can think." You pull and release the the trigger for each shot The recoil does the ret. No. 4 Remington Auto-Loading Rifle Twciity-lwo-incli barrel only, straight m grip, plain walnut stock, shotgun butt plate, blue finish, five-shot, take-down; weight 7 IM pounds. Fast shooting, hard hitting, large .'iiough for any game; chambered for nuikcless shells. 3", HO-oO and "2 .Remington auto-loading ' -o" J t is wonderfully accurate, too, and where you hit your game it is yours, because every shot is equal to a ton blow. Medford Hardware Go. T