THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORI). OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMUER 1"). 1909. It 1Z EV ERY ARTICLE 0 UAR ANTEE1) EXACTLY AS R E V 1VK S E X T E 1) OR .MONEY REFUNDED. II A R( IAIN'S IN EVERY DEPART.M EXT. IF YOU J)OXT SEE WHAT YOT WANT, ASK FOR IT. 9 Ad vanee Fall Sho win In Ladies' and Misses' Hand Tailored Suits, Millin ery and Ladies' and Childrens' Furnishing Goods The Public of Medford and Vicinity is Cordially Invited to Attend Our Opening SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1909 Ladies' and Misses' SUITS This is a new Hue of ladies' and misses Fall Suits, just received from Xew York, and represents everything that is up-to-date in , style and quality. Materials i n -elude such sea sonable weaves as broadcloths strip ed worsteds , h o mcspuns, serges, cheviots, and diagonals. Styles include both tight and semi-fitting, with plain tailored or fancy shaped col lars ; others in strictly tailor made styles; all having a person ality and individ uality of their own. Colorings are in dark, medium or light, in navy, royal, cadet blue, green, gray, red, black, .tan and -mixtures. , Sizes All regular sizes, as well as smaller than regular for misses.. All we ask is the privilege of showing you these suits ; their values will do the rest, at prices from from. . ........... ..$8.00-75.00 HCSIERY "We are special sell ing agents for the well known "Onyx Hosiery" and have them in all the lat est shades a n d weights ; every pair guaranteed; at, per pair, 25c-$3.00 TB mm IX SPEAKING ' OF THE GOOD I'OINTS OF OUR SLUTS AND MIL LINERY AYE ARE REMINDED OF THE BOOSTER WHO "TOLD THE TRUTH" ABOUT THE CLIMATE AND RESOURCES OF ROGUE R IY ER VALLEY TO AN EASTERNER, WHO PROMPTLY REPLIED: "I'M FROM. MISSOURI," BUT ON COMLNG OUT HERE HE FOUND THAT IT WAS BETTER THAN R EI' I! ESEXTE P. WE TAKE IT THAT YOU ARE FROM MISSOURI, IX WHICH CASE WE WILL LEAVE THE 'REALIZATION- OF VALUES TO YOUR SENSE OF WORTH WHEN YOU SEE TIIEM. ALL WE ASK IS BE SU11E TO ATTES D MONT GOMERY'S OPENING BEFOllE YOU, BUY. i MILLINERY That's DIFFERENT Our millinery lias the distinctive feature of being absolutely correct, not only from the style and quality standpoint, but from a, point of value at the price. We could use columns of space in describing the remarkable values of our productions, but we are content with merely stating that we can fit every face and every purse, and a personal inspection on your part will sat isfy you that the claims we make are genuine, as the values speak louder than words. We are showing all the latest fall styles in both street and pic- ture Hats in all the latest colorings and trimmings. Xo two exactly alike, at prices ranging from $3.50 to $75.00 Underwear' There's health us well as comfort in right Un derwear perhaps more than anything else a per son puts on; all the weights from the thick est in nil the millennia that arc good will be found here for both la-die.- and children. Purses - See our line of Indies' Hand Hups and Vurses,. "QUALITY" IS THE FIRST CONSIDERATION AY ITU US. YOU CAN GET "QUANTITY" ANYWHERE. Ladies'iWaists James McCutcheon &Co. . "The Linkn Store" New York HG.51-IS0 l WW. HAW Tailored Waists I'Ycncli l lniiiicl-; nil the lutes! full styles, in colorings to match any cos I tunc, each ; $6.00 Chiffon, moire and plaid silk Waists in all Hie newest effects; full range of sizes frotp which we know you can make a selection that will please you $4.00 TO $20.00 INFANTS' AND CHIL DREN'S WEAR Wc arc headquarter for infants' and children's wearing appurel. BRIGHTON'S NIGHT ROBES. The kind like you nmkc at home in outing flan nel and I'leece lined, atr from 50c TO $3.00. Advance Showing of Ladies' Skirts Our lino of Skids arc post it i rely the lat est and must lo seen to he appreciated. You will find thein in all styles and tailored in a manner that will readily meet your ap proval. In fact, the newness and richness of the colorings in which they may lie had make them excep tional bargains at. from $3.50-$15.00 Gloves Wc are special sell ing agents for the fa mous V. Perrin's Kid Glove and have them in nil sizes and color ings to ma tell any cos tume, per pair $1.25 TO $3.50. Kimonos and DRESSING SACQUES ' We are offering a nice lot of Imth short and long Kimouas and Dressing Sacques in a variety of patterns for you to select from at prices ranging from V 50c TO $3.00. Corsets ?lJ ilfm m t-S i i m i Im Greoqtic Corsets are built to comfortably sup port the back at the waist line the ; controlling point of the whole bodv. $1.00 TO $3.00. New Styles in GOSSARD CORSETS. This will known line of front laced corsets is in perfect harmony with tho new styles in gowns. Wo liuvii them in all stylus ami for all figures; our prices ranging frm $5.00 TO $12.00. OUR REPUTATION MEANS AS THE "QUALITY ST O R E " SOMETHING TO YOU.