Ali'N, Muralmll (Murk mill lutr r ciiIm, Mr. anil Mr. Hutch of 'liii'iin iini expected to arrive today for a vmil with I). S. Clark of lliix idly. They will remain for a few day. New HiiilM and full fui'H at Van Dykii'M. ' 151 I). II. Millr. who redden n Norlh d'Au.jnu Ml i. ln-i.i'.i'K !,,,") Iwo ninr in i fur .i.i ( in lii! nciir I'iUiii. ' ' Kcjfiil hIhioh ut Daniel for Putin. Tweuly-Meevcn imron four inilim hoiiIIi of Ar!ll'oi d, witli Iioiihc, tyurn, nine acre pear, vefelfiblo Runlci), etc,, for only 11000. Huihoii Invont lacnl Co. " l-i'l Carpenter are addim; III" f ininli iiiK toiichcK to V. H. KwIiiiiiU'h iihw ImiiKaliiw on South Contrul iivonuo. Hi'liiil allium at Daniel for Pud. Tim Klniince Hod; bridge ncroh lli.Kiiu river in Mill under repair mill will not liu completed in time for tint t roud to lio ucd when Kointf to ('ruler Lake thin hcuhoii. Hct mual for Iini tM ut money at (111) Spot I'llfc, . J. V. Wi'Htini of Ai)lo(jatc, a prom inent 0. A. H. man, mid rancher, Hpcnt Tuiwduy in Medford. , Out iiuirt of nuuruiiti'cil vanilla flavor for fiOe at IIiiskiiiH drujc htorc. 1M The Kplendid new hiniKiiliiw of II. K. Hoydmi in nearly coinplcleii ami ready for occupancy, lii'iil nhoe al Daniel for Pud. Seventy acre four uiid onr'-lialf mili' from Mi'ilfurd; new (l-mom bun (.'iilu.w; Kill) fruit tree; only ifl'iO per ari'i'. Invcilicnti' (hi. IIciikoii lil vckIiiiciiI Co. If).') Tim Merchant!.' nsHocinlion will meet in special i'Kioii Thursday eve niiiK in I liu ('oinmcrciiil club rooms al H o'clock. If tin! Kiift Side will wnrko up now Oakdiilo avenue and West Eighth 1 re-tst won't lmvc it all their own way, art tin! bent lCMdcneo districts! of the -ily. Mm. J. N'uiian of Jacksonville re turned lioini! mil! day last week aflrr npfiidin llu minimcr nt thoir cotne,e in Newport. It wouldn't bo hurprising lo "eo n" epidemic of Hlrcot improvement brcuk out on llio Kant Side nt any time. There nro a few fellows over there tliut can ni Hint it will double nnd triple Ihc vnliio of tlioir property. 1). II. Jackson wun a Iiuhuichh cull er Tuesday afternoon in .lucksnti villu. Last chance In put a lot in Suthor lin Terrace, Laurel Park, Oak Orovc and Mountain View additions at pres ent prices; an advance of .fill on each lot (jiii'S into effect tomorrow. Hi'iison liivpstiniint Co. 15H Miss Abbio Hnnry, who undTwoiit an operalion for appondiuil'm uboiit a wi'i-k lino, in rapidly rcovurini. Ordors for swont oreum or butter milk promptly filled. Phone . thi arimmerj. Iloraci! Nifbolson wan in Jackson ville Tuesday allndinif court an woo II. C. (liiriieti: Why rush home? Try lhe Spot Cafe's 2.r) dinner. Mrs. K. I)unniiif;ton and Mrs. Mar tini ThouiKSon liavo relumed from u visit with friends living in Knono. Wo have euslomern f(r furnishnd hniises. Mention Investment So. ")3 Hepal shoes at Daniels for Duds. An attondimt enmo down from Sa lem Tuesday evening to lake l'eler Peterson to llio asylum, who was eommittod by JuiIro Neil the first of the wonk. , . RiiKal shoes at "Daniels for Duds. Miss liernioe Cameron of JTcdford spent n few hours in Jaeksonvillc Tuesday. HeRiil shoes nt Daniels fur Duds floorRo Oilson and family of Low iston, Idaho, lel'f for Khmmlli Fulls Wednesday moniiiiK after a week's visit with relatives living al Jiieksnn 'villo and Sterliiift. You'll meel your friend at the box hull alley. Summons lias been filed in tile case of the stale of Oregon vs. Mark Whipple, and the stale of fbcuim vs. William Hawkins for selling liipior III Illilllll'S. Sinithevn Oregon Tea and Coffoe Co., 'Id So. 0 street. Marringo lieenses have been issued lo liiilph Karl Jones and Klhel Pearl Parsons, and W. J. Hif?ham and Don-j na Pruell, HeRiil shoes at, Daniels for Duds. M. Kller leaves this afternoon for a business trip I" Situ TVnneiseo. TiriyEDF0RP T)AILY TRIBUNE' MEDFORD, onKG'ON, WKDNE.SDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1909, Ten-ueru truetn elosu in ut reaHon aide prices. You will find them just an represented. Priees right. Pkiikoii nvehlmeiit Co, l.'i.'l '(leorge II, West of Oriilley, Col., is a recent Medf'ord arrival. 1iirriipin good truck, Hill those hot waffles at the l.juvre. II. U Kelley, Jr., of the Trail hulHiery in spending a few dayn in Mctll'iird, a guest of the Nash. See Prof. Anton lioinanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar and mandolin. Leuvo orders ut Kanh .idol. ' It. h. Holgaiii of Knlein in a buni iiecH visitor in Medf'ord. A lot ill the beautiful (Ink Grove addition will please you and make you money, liensoii Investment Co.l.ri,'l J. it. Hoover of (liiliee in in the eity. One iiiarl of guaranteed vanilla i'itivor, for fide at Haskinns drug ntore. .y ,W. it. Ilradt'oid and wife of Han J'Vnnciseo are Mcilford visitors. A game everybody can piny box bull. P. M. Kmilli of RHikaue, Wash., in stopping n few days in our midst. West Modford for building lots; good ones from $20 to $100. We will mild your house. Pennon In vestment Co. 15.1 K. K. itlanehfielii of Kan Kraneiseo is a business culler in Medford. The celebraled "(lood for Hay Hoys" school shoes at Van Dyke's. 154 C. It. Nisson of Portland is visit ing here. Kiln Ouiinynw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. P. and Karl Anderson, residents of Oiikdale, are stopping in Medl'ord at present. Imperial addition Stop right now and look up the Imperial addition ad vertisement in this issue. W. J. Hatfield of Portland is reg istered nt llio Kash. (live us your insurance. Wa will place it in good companies and look carefully after it. Fire, plate glass, automobile. Hensou Investment Co. lf)1 It. D. Pi'llon of Denver is in tlio il.V. . The Iuvre cafe for the best. Mr. and Mrs. llonore Palmer and Mr. mid Mrs. Carol Hmwii arrived in Medl'ord Tuesday, and will leave soon for Crater Lake. . . Teas and coffees at .10 So. Q st. Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Kdmeades, Mrs. K. C. Kdmeades and Mrs. If. B. Mendenliall are in Ashland visiting Mrs. H. K. Kirhy, a sister of the Kd meades boys, proprietors of the West Sido shoo store. Viip; fee! fiuo had dinner at the I i".tvr-. Miss I.ydia Hurkhard bus left for hor homo in St. Paul after an extend ed visit in Medl'ord with J. F. Law rence. Tine ipiart of guaranleed vanilla flavor for fiOe at llaskinss- drug store. 155 Tlio Christian Kndeavor society of the Prcsbyteriiin church held a most onjoyablo social Tuesday evening. Children's school shoes that wear at Van Dyke's. 151 Ifov. W. it. Heater has left U nl tend the aiiiiual conference of the M. K. idiureh. Small ranch a few miles fro city; will trade for inside properly;, rea sonable prieo and tnrms Henson In vestment Co. 151 Robert Casullu of Sissou and Miss Theresa Reneditti of Snn Francisco were married by Judge No'il in Jack sonville on Tuesday. ltegal shoos at Daniels for Duds. Kverylhing is getting in shape for a monster Elks' celebration in Medford September 21. Hoseburg is planning to send a big delegation. Snow has almost entirely disap peared from the slopes of Croter Lake, but morning frosts are heavy.! Miss Elsie Cox of Phoenix was a recent visitor in Medl'ord. A new bridge is, to be constructed near the Peyton postoffice iieross Uogito river for the Pncifie & .East ern. II will span 10." feet, Eil Keyes spent Tuesday' in Med-I ford on business, j llegal nhiies al Daniels for Duds, i Airs. Ollie Hell of itrownsbom vus in 'Medl'ord Tuesday visiting friends.; Kenneth linker of Povllund spending a few days in Moill'ord with friends. j E. D. Walker spent Tuesday in Ashland on business. S. H. Perrv of Hullo Fulls spent Tuesday in Medford. J. 1). Hownrd left for Portland Tuesday by automobile. Mrs, (leorge Duncan is spending a few days in Medford on business. Minn Cunmliun of Phoenix was u recent Medford visitor. You'll like boxball. Try it. The Pythian Kislers will meet this evening. Hegal slioes at Daniels for Duds, The school board in calling for bids to lay h sidewalk along Oakdale near Washington school. Nash drill open nil the time, An Arranumcnt Approved, "Ko lliey luiii' ri'iliccd the number of iriilnn Unit st":i .:i .vmir slalloti''" "Yes," iiiMWi iiil Mr , CrimHloln. "'I'lii'i'i.' are only inn ii il;ij- ut prcti- I'llt I'M I" Itl'iv l l to I, mo III till! ii'Tii'nt: mi I nil,' iii lnhiu hi liiicli in 'l!l!.'' 'Ii ii ii i l'i' n' t 'i' .;i-nipollit- i'-.l " '" el "i"-i v.c vi f ii fervniit .1 ! i .;.! :,! H'iiki one 1 ' f t 16 C!-CC&e, "V.'li" I'm i ii itmtdi e c 1 1. !" I.e. A'CI'll llIT Hill. !'J?" "Well, ulle nf i;n :;i k ii 'ii' ilgi'lll ,11s liiin.'iiiiL'i' I' 1'i'iy iMInitljvi'. tint In- oilii'i' Ik :i ii-.h cling fiilcKiiiuu. mid lie ii'eiils tier iM If slie w.'i'e a hif Imycr,"-K::iifas ('li.v'.liiuriial . adly Exprccted. MiiIh'I-I iliui'i lielleve yen reully iiieiuit it n lieu .veil kh id ynu were unx inns ti heur me slim. H.'iin I III. I un sure you I iliii: Vou nee. I hail never lieunl you sln before. I.olulou Ikk McCp. A Good Example. Kutlier (in a leefiirliig inooill You never lieunl uf n ninii gelling Into (rouble by rullouiiig n gooil example. Hon ilneorrlgllilei-YcK. sir. I have l lie eoiiiilerfi'liVi'.-Hostoii Transcript. Perambulation. "1 Hlimilil HiliiU Mr. Ilcetem" debt ivoulil kis'p liliu walking Hie Door." "J'bey don't. Hut lliey keep a lot of bill collcetots walking the street." WiiHliliijjton Slur. p ltegal shoes at Daniels for Duds. Good Looking Bride Wanted. Shortly after an angry looking coup! flounced out of Hie cliupcl Hie pnsuir ii' an uptown church presented a per iilexeil couiitciiiiiii'e licfore Hie busy extou. "An you know." said he. "I urn new in this parish and new In the. eily. Perhaps there arc a few things I oticht lo know. Why. fur Instance, do so ninny people who never attend scrviee In this ehureli wish to lie iiuirricd here?" "Hocnuso our elinreh," suld tlie sex ton, "has the name or turning out the voungcsl mid haiidsoinest brides In Sew York. lur reiutullon for good works Is dwarfed by our repiiini Inn for llenntlfill brides. To say tlliU a woman is uuirried liere Is cipilvuleut to snyliii; Hint she Is a 'good looker.' We are not supposed to deal In brides uf any other description." "No wonder," groaned the pastor, '"I In t that plain looking woman went away In a I mil'. 1 earnestly advised her lo lie married In her own parish." - New York lllohe. ltegal shoes at Daniels for Duds. A Legal Query. Tired of the long winded oratory of the attorney for the defciiRe, the Judge Interrupted him. "Mr. Shnrke," he suit), "may I ask you a ipiesilonV "Certainly, your honor. What Is It ?" "Ijinguiige," said the judge, "we are told. Is given to conceal thought or words to I linl effect. Inasmuch aa you dou't seem to have any thought to concciil, I would like to know why yon are talking?;' Not Misfiti. Mrs. CrluisonlienW It seams strange to me, If mutches are made tu heaven, that there should be so many u nil tippy marriages. Mr. Crlmsonbenk Oh, you forget It. Is the mutches that nro wudo there, not the mlstlts. Yonkers Statesman. ltegal shoos nt Daniels for Duds. Millinery Opening The ladies of Medford and vicinity are cordially invited to allend the opening of my millinery v parlovu ;'' Saturday, September 18. MISS LOTTIE M. HOWARD, 109 N. Central Avenue, Medford. The Harvest Sale IS BRINGING THE CROWDS Sevei-jil extra salespeople have been added and if the increase keeps up as it has KtaHcd we will lK: eompelled to add still more. Some of these salespeople are work ing only as substitutes, but we will always endeavor to see that yon are waited on promptly and courteously, and we assure you that we feel that our goods will sell tbeinsi Ives, i lie values are so apparent to all. m . v t -' I Opening Days In Our New ' MILLINERY ROOMS e now have t-he smai"tist Millinery rooms in .Southern Oregon. Gage Hats certainly show the veiy acme of style, and here the prices need not freighten you. SEE the New Suits and Dresses SEE the Opening Displays. SEE the Windows. The Hutchason Co. V . - Succsseor to Baker Hutchason Company A meeting of the Commercial club' James Cardner has left for his will he called at 7:;i() o'clock tonight home in Canada after An extended and every member is requested to at- ; visit in Medford. penr on time us the Bankers' assoeiu- j Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aslon left Tues tion will occupy the hall later in the day evening for Spokane after a year evening. in Medford. W. S. Ewiii" of Ashland spent last Tuesday in Medford on business. Rev. W. T. Gonlder leaves today for an outing at Colestin. Kev. 6. Leroy Hall has - returned from a camping trip. IMPERIAL ADDITION Imperial addition was opened in May. We have sold 43 lots, a great many of them to people who expect to build on them in the near future. When we ouened the addition we advertised that we would give away one lot to the purchasers of the first 25. This we have done. The lot owners deciding- it by a drawing, Phil Loosly being the lucky man. Now we are going fo make the same offer on the next 25 lots sold. We are also going to commence' building a neat modern bungalow in this addition to sell on easy terms, and will continue to build them as long as there is a demand for houses. In our judgment, MEDFORD WILL DOUBLE IN POPULATION in the next two years. Next summer East Main street will be paved and East Side values will double up. Now is the time to buy a lot in Imperial addition a small amount of cash down and your own time on the balance. See ANDERSON-GREEN CO., or RAY TOFT Medford - - - - Oregon