THE AIKDFOItl) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOIU), OHKfiON, WKDXKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1909. ASLAND BREVITIES (Tin) TiiliiiKx) Tin' rni'k i'iuhIh'I1 iimiI llm lii tract ion i-iiiiiii lniviii iwlod I'roiii their luliiil I'm' it few iln,VH J ill Mt on nc- Clllllll. ill' II ! !! t M til llllilivil pIlWITH, me iiKiiin running iniMili iil to piuinK oMTiitiiiiiN. Tmiini urn imw running ri'Kulii(ly li'uin llu iinn-y t' Hi" puv ii i VC i'i'mI'TJ, mill tint'i' lit' itiihIii'iI rork in hlemlilv i-xtiimliiiK iU wuy liiuii Main htn'iit. A 1 1 1 ioti i; f i llm Koran ctiiplinticiilly Klnti'H Hint "tlirlo i a ilcvil ill ovmy lii'ini; of Hit) nrill"'." Hi'1 xiiyiuK 'iiill not pohNilily lie m.c rilii'il to llm milil, hWiM-l fruit of till! TIlOllipHOII MIHmIIpKH variety, wliifji in now ciiiniiiK n foot hold in tliix vioinily. On tlio Yonltny riuicli in Wi'kI AhIiIiiihI, thin Hpnoii'H i lii'itinniiij; In lii'iir fruit, mill tint Hmnpli'H nlrimtly itntliin'Ril promim 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 yiclil mill film flavor. .1. V. Mi-tNiy ami Vni KiikIo of tint I'nitcil Sdili'H National ami Kirn I National liankH, ri'Mprctivoly, ni'i'iun pauit'il liy A. If. llnrciiliill ax roai'li ami Renin Ifoniloun ax ooinuiiKHiii'y, liuvn t'lini- to Hut Di'ail Indian HOi'linn on a vacation limiting and -mn inn trip. In tlm alu-i'iiro of "li'ar" for llm iin'otint; ith which llii' en lire party went lomlml, tln'y will liavo re-i-oiii'Mit Id tlin lianutn of wiilerl'owl on Klainulli hike, and nxpcct In return lioiui' not I'lupty (landed. Id'iM'iit word I'roin (1. ('. Howard, HiTi'i'lary of tin- ('ouiniereiiil idulii, who went, nortli IiikI week and in now in Hie vicinity of Stanfiidd, a now liiwituil" in t'limtilln cminty, would twin In iinlieale Unit lie i nlioiit to en-l hi forliiiii'K uilli tlx' ( 'iilnniliia Laud I'oinpaiiy of I'nrllaud, wliieli is (iiii(;ed in vpluitiiii; tlm Slalifield project on an extensive seiile. and in the moiiIk of tin1 minounci'inciit pur poKP to Intilil lip tin1 nenlest, eleiinext and most niodcni city liclwceii I'ort hind and Sail I. uke City, in wliieli nn uVrliiking Mr. Howard liy virtim of prcvioiiH cxprricnoii iilunc Hiuiilnr huei in Iowa and tin HnkotiiK x well fitted to cvteml a lielpiui; hand in . llm boon! nig inovi'iiiciit. ' Itc.iidciiti of Cliurcli Hlreet arc In--ginning In lirn of llm condition of that tlioroiiylifarc. To Hay nothing of the ipnility of xonic of the curh mid gutter work done in that vicin ity, Ihn manner in whicli it in left is a menace, and property holders pro poKn to voice their sentiment in more than a protest unless conditions are improved up that way before the fall ruiiiH set in. ('oiiiicilinan Ijiioiiriii and Messrs, Hates, Harris and Itlair rctunied last Thursday from their outing over in Klamath. Without indulging in any storicK regarding big Kami', they ad mitted having reached flic headwaters of Khiiuatb lake ahead of both Cook and J'miry. where the shunting was extra Rimd, an dtllcy look ndvan tngo of. the opportunity to make a record among water fowl. Kd A. KslcM and family, who have been oeeuping their collage on Wi nter street, have left for their former home in Muskogee, Okln., expecting to return to Ashland next season, with the KiirroundingK of which they are much pleased and may eventually make this vicinity their permanent abiding place, tu addition to their col Inge, premises mentioned, Mr. Ka tes has added another piece of real ty lo his holdiiiL's in that loeality. licgnl shoes at lhmiels for Hud. IRVING BURGLARS ARE REFORM SCHOOL BOYS KUOKNK, Or., Sept. 1.Y The three youths who robbed (lie Trving Mer enntilfl oompany's store a few nights ago are in the county jail here. They are escapes from the, California re form school at Whittier and the offi cials of that institution have been notified of their arrest. An officer is now on the way to Kugeim lo get llicm. Two boys were arrested at Sn leiu and one at .luuelion City. HEAVY RECEIPTS OF WHEAT AT COLFAX 'UI,r'AX, Wash.. Sept, liV-.lolin McCoy, malinger of the fanners' warehouse at Mockoncnia, five miles west of Colfax, reports n record four davs' til business. During four days of last week '.Ti.lti'J sacks were received. The large warehouse, 100.x 10, is filled. Four tennis nre kept busy linnling liunhcr Ironi Colfax for floors. The stuck of , wheal outside (lie warehouse is now 'JtHlx'28 feel and PERSONAL. A Word to the Wise as Well as the Unwise. I)id you ever slop (o think (hut li.n Wiley II. Allen Co., Hut largest piano and oikiiii NclliiiK iiiKlilution on the I'acifio eoiiHt, is now in your city, with pcriraneut lieadiptarlerH, . I 'ch meaiiH that their entire line of cd'i hraled pianos and orgaus has been placed on exhibition for the in--pci-liou of critical buyers? It in an undeniable fact that the pianos which wo carry represent morn honest quality for the money than any linn of kooiIh offered for Halo by any living institution. So when you get ready to buy that piano, coino to. us, where every piano is Hold under a positive ciihIi guarantee, and if the piano is not as represented you can get your, money back. Heiuember that our endless chain of stores throughout Oregon, Washing ton, California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho and the Ha waiian islands gives us unhesitatingly tlm greatest buying power on the face of Hid aarth iu our lines. So just remember when we buy lo our advantage that wn arrange matters for every living customer to buy to his udvantago on our easy payment plan. Why, just think" of it from if.'i to $10 per month will put one of our celebrated pianos in 'your home and you can pay for it while your little girl or boy is receiving his or her musical education, which we will have to admit will advance one in society faster than any one thing on the face of general studies. liraiid new pianos guaranteed for ten years to give good satisfaction or money back, priced only $iH..riO. Mahogany, oak or walnut cases tA suit purchaser. Other dealers are to day asking from ffUti" to $:I00 mid, with inexperience, buyers are getting this right along. You want to remember when you talk piano quality it is u conceived fact that this stands in our pianos, and to your financial interest our id ioms should stand in your home. We nre live wires, we are in the piano business, we know the pialio business, wn do the p'uino business, we are the piano people, we sell pi anos, we tune pianos, we rent pianos, we repair pianos, we move pianos, any lime you have a sick piano our piano emporium is open to one and all. If TIIK Wlf.EY H. AL1.KX CO., 112 West Main Street. MORGAN AND STANDARD . OIL MEN FOR HARMONY NKW Y0U1C, Sept. LY-a. 1 Mor gan, Jr., was elected a director of the National City bank today. The elec tion of Mr. Morgan was accepted in Wall street as. an event of unusual significance and as indicating hor mony in the financial situation be tween the Morgan, Knhu-I.ocb and Standard Oil interests. , EAGLES' GRAND AERIE HAS 1000 DELEGATES OMAHA, Sept. l.'i. The grand arie of the Fraternal Order of F.agles opened today, with more than 1000 delegates present. Addresses of wel come by Mayor .1. C. Dahlmiin and President J. J. liidcr of the Nebras ka, slate lodge were responded to by (irand Worthy President Monaghun anil other grand officers. liegiil shoes at. Daitjels for Duds. MF.DFOHD. Or.. Aug. 5, 1001) Hall's Toxas Wonder, of St. Louta, cured my daughter of n. severe kidney and bladder trouble oftcr doctor failed to give nny relief, and I onn cheerfully reennimnnd it. Mrs. Ij. I, Wilson, Kla nnrtlctt SI. Sold by Ilnskins' Drug Storo. Keiral shoes nt Dnnielo for linl. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main Bijou Theatre Hilly Van, manager. Last Performance of "MY UNCLE FROM JAPAN '; TONIGKT Beginning Thursday evening "THE COUNTRY GIRL" A beautiful pastoral comedy drama in four acts. MK. IIKNKY GUN SON in illustrated hong. IIIfiH-CLASS MOVING PICT ITiKS. ADMISSION ! 20fi nnd lOo First show 7:40 p. m. sharp. Second show 9 n. m. . DON'T GAMBLE Kxpcriinents am often costly. No one can afford to experi ment with that which so vitally roneeniK both their own and their family's future. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK is NOT an experiment. It is the oldest uctivc life insurance company iu America and is a MUTUAL, not a STOCK COMPANY. It bus paid to members nud now holds FOR THEM nearly one hundred mid twenty-five million dollars MORE than paid by members. In !lt)S the total benefits to policyholders EXCEEDED payments BY THEM of nearly seven million dollars. OREGON POLICYHOLDERS PARTICIPATED IN THIS. Meforc placing insurance, ascertain the difference between a STOCK and a MUTUAL company. J. H. COCHRAN, DISTRIST MANAGER, TIIK MLTUAIj l.IFK 1XS. CO. OF XF.W YORK. Medford, Oregon. ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district'. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lots are 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and he con vinced. "We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The .present price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. iSow what have you to offer ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St. For Whom are You Sowing If you pay hquse rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or nay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small..' We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms" suit you, call and see us at the Real , Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg The Last Word In .Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes. Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street' Medford, Oregon Economy When In Need Of Anything in the Line of Fresh and Salt Meats g Sausage q Lard Poultry g rV Okll And See Our Stock. Nothing But The Best Carried THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice . Phone 461. 1 ' Economy ' j 4 t.H-4 h : 1 f ti :l:iii J " V ' . "! . i ill. Tk .JJT 1 4A i t Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the t space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets and dressers; cabinet kitchen. ! J. A. MclNTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. $ f aw mm v 1 memora iron wopks t E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist X All k'rit" of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t chincry. Agents in Southern Oregon for T FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t eks hix'i'