THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON'. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMIJKR 15. 100!). SMALL ARMY TO TAFT DAY BIG DAY IN SEATTLE IT THE FAMILY Over 65,000 Men Needed to Do Actual Counting of Uncle Sam's Family. Record Attendance Is Expected in Seattle on Day of President's Visit. 21, . PlT ''T a It flJJ". s ;:'f-''.- '.' . T ' -'. .m WASHINGTON, 1. C. Sept. 15. About Gfi.OOO enumerators will be needed for the thirteenth decennial census of the. United States, and also of Hawaii and Porto Rion, ueeording to estimates prepared for Census Director Durand ly Geographer Charles P. Sloane of the census bur eau in whoso dvision the. enumerators districts arc defined and fixed. This is an increase of about 11,000 over the number carriers in the census of li00. ' . The present census law requires that the enumeration of the popula tion shall be taken as of the fifteenth day of April, 1910, and the enumer ators must forward their returns to the suMTvisors within thirty days from the commencement of the enum eration, except that iu any city Lav ing 5000 inhabitants or more at the preceding census, the enumeration shall be completed within two weeks. In looking into the details of the estimates, Oklahoma aud Washing ton, are conspieous, as they will call for about n 300 per cent increase over the 1900 force of enumerators. Pennsylvania will continue in the leadership having slightly the largest number of enumerators; the 1910 .force being estimated as 5200 against 4720 in 1900.. New York is second with u probable 5000 for 1910 as eompiired with 4541 in 1900. Next will come Illinois, the Ohio. Texas, Missouri,'' Massachusetts, Indiana. Michigan, Minuosotr, and California; all needing 2000 or more enumerators each. In .Oregon 400 enumerators will be needed. . EVIDENCE OF OIL FOUND IN COTTAGE GROVE WELL COTTAGE GKOVE, Or., Sept. 15. Frequently in the past, when deep wells were drilled here, small veins of coal we're found, and recently signs of oil have been discovered. In drill ing a. well for Isaac Taylor on Fourth street, this city, recently, Ralston & Spears passed through a 43-foot vein of peculiar sand, this being encoun tered about GO feet below the sur face. I'lider this sand water was found, but it contains so much oil that it is unfit for use. Samples of it have been sent away to be analyzed, and it is thought. that possibly this may be the Jong hoped for discovery of petroleum. The project will be thoroughtly investigated. Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds. PROFITABLE ORCHARD IN THE YAKIMA VALLEY XOKTH YAKIMA,-Wash., Sept. 15. W. P. Sawyer of Parker, owner of one of the most profitable pear or chards in the valley, figures his net returns ut $1000 an acre. He mar keted seven cnrloads of fruit, 3528 boxes picked from 616 trees. Three carloads went to New York and four to Minneapolis. The fruit netted at Wnpato, the shipping station, $1.88 a box. The total receipts were $0039.48. SEATTLE, Sept. 15. Now that Seattle day and its record breaking attendance of 117,013 is a thing of the past, the exposition officials are looking forward to Taft Day festiv ities, Sept. 30, when it is thought -that the turnstiles will register the great est number of daily visitors yet seen at the big fair. President Taft has no rival in pop ularity in the northwest. When ho visited Washington state in 1907, he was greeted by record breaking crowds all along his line of travel. Husincss was suspended iu Seattle and every one made it a point to see the big good nat tired "Hill" Taft. His consent to spoak iu the natural amphitheatre and to spend the ' day looking over the fair grounds will prove a valuable drawing card, as it will give evry fair visitor opportunity to see and hear the high executive of the United States. The Seattlo Chamber of Commerce is combining with the exposition authorities in r.n effort to make the president visit an event which he will never forget. All civil and frater nal bodies will be called out in a par ade; a regiment of tato troops will lake part as well as several compan ies of marines, bluejackets and sol diers. The entire city will vie with the exposition in its decorations and President Taft will be led to think that he is a "conquering hero" rather than the president of a peaceful na tion on n pleasure hunt. All Marriages Are Love Marriages. "Was It n love marriage, do you tliiuU?" ,. "Certainly. All marriuges are love marriages." "Isn't that rather a Hweeplng state ment?."' "Not at all. There Is a love of ad venture, you know; love of luxury, love of advertising aud various other kinds of love. There Is no need of go ing into details when one speaks of a love marriage.'' Chicago Post. As to Luolc. "I wonder it anybody's as unlucky ns I am," grumbled the first pessimist. "I never have any luck at all." "Uuh!" snorted the other. "You're lucky. It's better to never have any luck nt nil lli.'in lo be always having bad luck like inc."--Philadelphia Press The Average. "Pa, what's an average nianV" "One who thinks his employer's busi ness would lie run a good deal better If ho could have incire to say In the mailer himself." . -'For news, while it is news, read BENSON INVESTMENT CO. MAKES NEW TERMS ON LOTS On account of the -rapid sale . of lots in our additions on the carline. the installing of a new motor with better service and new bungalows be ing erected, we have decided to in crease the price of these lots from $250 to $260. . ' . Sixty-six of these lots are already- sold. Many people do not appreciate the splendid mountain views from this part of Medford. . The elevation be ing nearly one hundred feet higher than the busmess section of the city. Think what it means in the rainy season to walk a few blocks and what a differenceto step aboard the cars and arrive in town with clean shoes and dry feet. Experience and observation in oth er cities and towns teaches that resi dence lots lying close to a . carline will sell for nearly double those lots lying at a distance that will nccesi tate walking. We can't all own automobiles, but we can afford 5c . carfare. We will build vou a home in this desirable district on easy payment. Our solic itor will gladly call on you at your request and explain our plans in de tail and show you the lots. Remember the price is only $250 now, until September 15, .when they will be advanced to $260,' and we firmly believe under the conditions now existing in Medford, that they will sell for $400 or more. Ten dollars down and $10 per month makes you the pwner of one of these beautiful r.-Mdence lots. Our telephone ni.i:,'.?r i- 3073 and our address is V2 W. Main street. 153-.".:) liENSON INVESTMENT CO. JUDGE TO NAME FEES . IN RAILWAY TRANSFER The Medford and Crater Lake Railroad company's trouble bequest to the present was heard again in the federal district court in Portland Monday, when W. D. Fen ton and W. B. Griffith, attorneys for respective interests during early days of the railway, submitted to Judge lienn's fees. Judne I'eiui took the matter under advisement and will recom mend the amount of fees to be paid at. an earlv date. ' ' Notice. is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on September 6, 1909, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for six months at lot 12, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for n period of six months. S LINGER & DOWNING. u Boarding and Day School For Girls and Young Ladies DEPARTMENTS PREPARATORY, GRAMMAR, HIGH SCHOOL. COMMERCIAL. MUSIC INCLUDING PIANO, VIOLIN. Gl'lTAR. MANDOLIN, ZITHER, IUNJO, 'CELLO. ART INCLUDING TEN AND INK. CHARCOAL. PASTEL, WATER COLORS, OIL, PORCELAIN. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. EfeSWR ' WIS'!?''' ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Medford, Oregon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant " All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. "For you particular customers who demand th best groceries, wc recommend Ivolgcrs Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a belter coffee not if we paid SI a pound (or it. . ' Everything about Poller's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, we sell it with the positive cuarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCL.JES, C1IINAWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. RESOLVED Tlio best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wo do the best work and clinrgo the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOQBfcSSrVE TAXLOE Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that wiil last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 12c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. .Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. : r I hnve complete field notes of nil donation bind claims tint n lurj;ij portion of the government Btirveys in Jackson county. These note may be copied in my office for ijOc a claim or auction. Complete nuip-t of Medford, Talent, Central Point, 'Tolo, Gold Hill, Knle Point, Woodvillo nnd liuttc Falls. Surveys, maps, blue prints and des criptions of lots and tracts made. J. S. HOWARD, C. E. Rooms 7-8, Adkins Bldg. Medford, Or. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal elimat", diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most chaining and popular play ground. Southern Pacific -Has a- SPEOIAL SUMMER EXCURSION' RATI'. TO NEWPORT OF. . $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." "A. S. TvOSENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. ijl msdtobs. ouoor m. Stiito Oepnoitary Established 1888. Capital and Surplus 126,000 Hetoarroi (700,000' HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE i The JaeltHon County Hank respeet fully HoliciU your account, Hubjoct to your check, with the Htrongftttt guarantee of HiifotT itiul efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in ByHtematin banking wirviee, which Hsmires the preateHt earn iu every financial truiiHnction, with thix oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTKR. I'renident. Q. R. LlNDI-KY.'CiiHhior. WANTED Timber arid Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs yCtrs. Unrne Ifampton, Isaacs "3ntuctor of "Piano, TLlt'5Ketr)o6', SluModt Mlnc, Slorlh Orun StrxlJ ,Thc Tribunc.-r-F.