Ctty Hall " JA $1,000 REWARD! ONB THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD WILL UK PAID BY THK VKVERSlGSTa TO ANT PERSON WHO CAN SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES- TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OR TOWN IN THE UNITED-STATES, OUTSIDE OF THE ROGUE RIVER VLLEY. HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT WITHIN A 10-MILE RADIUS, A 20-MILE RADIUS, A 30-MILE RADIUS OR A 40-MILE RADIUS. AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MKDFORD, OREGON. HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING RADIUS. MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Medford Daily Tribune FOUKTU YEAR. MEDFOUD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1909. "No. 153. TUFT LEAVES BOSTON FOR WOOLY WEST Off for Chicago in Private Car on the Albany Exprfess Thirteen Thousand Mile Jaunt. ' THOUSANDS CHEER HIM AS HIS TRAIN PULLS OUT Will Reach Seattle on September 30 Will Travel Over Southern Pa cific to San Francisco. BOSTON, Scpt 15. President Tal't loft hop this illuming on the first liip of'hin western trip. Tim prHtiIrnt'M privuto cur wiih attached to th Albany express. He wuh cheered liy thousands us bus triiin de parted. Tliv presidential tour in;rohh tlio trout iuuiiV mid ret urn by the southern route, beginning today and ending oil November 10, amount practically to a wide swing iimimd the United States covering Approximately 13,000 miles. Chicago will bu the president's firnt slop. Denver will be reached during the afternoon of September 21. leav ing Denver September 22, the presi dent mid bis party will continue west President Tuft will spend two days, September 110 mid October 1, "do ing" the Alaska -Yukon-Pucific ex position, leaving Scuttlo lute on the cwntiug of the second day and Mr- rivhi ut l'oi'tluud, Or., October 2, at 7 a. in. Two days will be spoilt in t'm-Hnnd, the party leaving there at (1 p. m. Sunday, Oiitober 3, for u trip - down the famous Shasta route, through the Siskiyou mountains and in view of Mount Shasta, to San Kruncisco. He will thou start cast ..through the south, urrivins in Wash inglon Novomber 10. EUGENE MAN BUYS, BUSINESS HERE The Nimh Grill has been purcha:- d by Otto Reirhman, who him been in Medford for Hcvoral duuys looking over tho valley. Ho will tako ohnrgc at onee, remodel the plaeo through- out, and handle the plaee in the fi ture. Mr. Reiehiiian is oneo f tho bet known caterers on the count and Ins praises havo been sung far and wido hy tho traveling men, who mudo his place of business their headquarters when in that eily. Mr. Reielnnan re cently disposed of lii.s interests in Eugene, and hearing of Medford enme Hiniply to look the valley over and remained to enter business. The new management will retain all of the present foreo in tho prill and intend to plaeo it upon a plane untouched by any other eafe in Ore pon. In Eugono Mr. Reiehman eondueled the Otto eufo, one of the most popu lar plneos in that city. As soon us iPoHiblc a new bill of fare will be issued by tho Nash Grill and improve meats in service and diOmg room made. Popular prices will be charged and a specialty inado of banquets and private dinner parties. . Henry Thomson, a famous , chef from the east, recently chef of the Hotol Oregon", will preside over the culinary department. Only white help will bo employed. FLOUR MILLS IN PORTLAND BURN L0SSj250,000 Largest Plant of Its Kind Burns to Ground Early This Morning Fire Started From Explosion. BELIEVED THAT ALL MILL HANDS WERE UNINJURED Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Grain Destroyed Raged From 9 o'clock Until Noon. PORTLAND, Sept. I"). Alter des- ri yiiij; Hie Portland flour mills,' the largest plant of its kind in the north west, uml spoiling thousands of dol lars' worth of grain, a fire which started from an explosion in the mill this morning was controlled ut nnoii today. So far as could be learned no employes wen- injured, although the police lire now scurchmg the nuns. The flames started at 0 o'clock and did damage to uu annum! of $250,- (100. Adjacent elevators and wharves on which was piled thou sands ot bushels ol wheat were threaleiied, but saved. PAYS $25,000 FOR 113 ACRES Utica Man Buys the Tennessee Smith Place Near Phoenix Will Be Planted to Fruit. Chester Fitch of Utiou, N. Y., has purchased the ranch known us the Tennessee Smith place west of Phoe- m., paying $20,000 eush. . Tho place consists of 113 ncres Of this acreage six arc in bearing Ncwtowns and this years crop is es timated at -1000 boxes. Forty acres will be pluntcd to fruit this full. The remainder of tho tract will eventually bo set out to commercial orchards. Mr. Fitch will not tako personal churuc until next year. R. W. North- rup, who made the deal, will oversee the place. J. F. Smith of San Francisco is in the city. Mm, J. T. Savlo of Ashland canio down Wednesday for a short visit in Medford. Mrs O. T. West, of Hornbroolc, Oil., is a lato arrival in Medford. A. Rugmnn of Portland is a busi ness caller in Medford. F. A- Ruchert of Sacramento is one of Medford's new arrivals. . ' E. Dnggnrlt of Washington is in the city 'on business mutters. A; H. Isboll of Champaign, 111., is investigating tlio possibilities of the Rogue River vulloy. One of Sun Francisco's latest ar rivals in Medford is T. C. Van. ' Art Hurtled of Portland is here for a few days. M. S. Kniery of Ashluiid recently visited our city. Thomns Irving. Phil Flood and Jo seph Harbinger of Portland are visit ors in the city for a few days. , The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Thursday after noon of this week at 2:30 o'clock at tho ltnptist church. All members are urged to be present. FIRST GAR OP D'ANJOU PEARS OFF FOR EAST Rogue River Fruit Growers' Union Sends Out First Car Others Loading Throughout the Valley. ABOUT 15 CARS OF DANJ0US COMPRISE ROGUE RIVER CROP Nearly All the Bartletts Have Been Heard From Car of Burrels Or chard Pears Average $2.71. The first ear of d'Anjou pears from the Rogue River valley was shipped east Tuesday evening by the Rogue River Fruitgrowers association. Oth ers are louding and shipments will be made during the next few days. It is expected that ubout If) cars will comprise the d'Anjou crop of the valley. ' , NEW YORK, Sept. 15. (Special.) Rue & Hatfield sold one car Tues day of Kogue River Iiurtlctts eon signed by the Hurt-ell orchards. They uveniged $2.71. Fruit prices in markets cast av eraged as follows on Tuesday: . Boston Tokays, $1.30; 'Malagas, 11.10; Bartletts, $2; Germans, $L12; Strawberry Clings, 85c; Colorado El liertas, $1.10; Oregon Italians, $1.25. Chicago Tokays, ' $1 ; MnlagnsJ fl.'ic: Italians, 80c; Silvers. $1.15. I H0N0RE PALMER AND PARTY ARRIVE IN THIS VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. HonOro Palmer of Chicago accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Oirrol Brown of Baltimore arrived Tuesday in Medford to look over tho valley and inspect Mr. Palmer's hold ings hero, which are quite extensive, including tho old Weeks orchard ad joining the Hear Creek orchards, ond the Modoc orchards, formerly the By !iee ranch. Mr. Palmer, who is a son of Airs. Potter Pnlmer, tho Chicago society queen, is a great believer in both Medford and tho Rogue River valley. Whether or not. ho makes additional investments depends upon circum stances. ' While hero Mr. Palmer will decide the future of Modoc orchard, wheth er it will bo cut up'into small tracts uflor planting to on-hard or wheth er hold intact as one of the model orchards of the vallov. HOOD RIVER PROPERTY INCREASES IN VALUE HOOD RIVKR, Or., Sept. 15. The assessments for the city ami county have been completed, and indicate a very large increase over last year, which is mainly due to the fact of improvements made in tho city anil valley. I.asl year's assessment for the city was $800,000. and this year it is $1,585,770. Last year's assess ment for the county was $28,870,280 and tho assessment for this year will be $(5,000,000. This places Hood Riv er county, although tho smallest, in the state, pretty well up toward (he toj). ' Rev. Robert McLean of Grants Pass was in Medford Tuesday on his way to attend the veterans' re union ill Jacksonville. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Woodford hnvo returned from a visit to their old home in Illinois. Regal shoes nt Daniels for Duds. WATER SYSTEM . CRATER LAKE : IS JMPLETE Piping Is Completed and Now Drink of Cold Water Can Be Had After Climb.- STEEL HERE ON WAY TO LAKE FROM PORTLAND WorkStarts Immediately on Build - - i ings on Rim Over 3000 Visitors So Far. Water may now be had by the thirsty on the rim of Crater Lake, for the new water system is completed and work will start at once on the buildings on the riin of the lake. " Vill G. Steel arrived today in Med ford from Portland, where he was tainjd last week on business. Mr. Stcefr states that everything is going ahead lively and another season will work a great chnnge in affairs at the camp. It is now possible to stand on the rim of tho lake and telephone to all parts of the country. SOUTHERN STATES FAVOR GOOD ROADS ,r , GALVESTON", Tex., Sept. 15. Ait-uggrgoate of more than $15,000, 000 has been voted in the form of special bond issues in the southern states within the last five months for the purpose of road betterments. Thnl is n concrete answer to ef forts that have been made to arouse southern sentiment in favor of su perior highways. The. figures cited are not collated by a newspaper. They are the official figures of the South ern Commercial congress. RUSH RAILROAD WORK ON NEHALEM LINE NEIIALEM, Or., Sept. 15. Rail road work is in full swing on the line from Garnbnldi on Tillamook bay to ten miles above Nehulcm City. Along this stretch of road are 13 camps and about 800 men employed. A wagon rond is being built up the sonth fork of tho Nchalem river, on which supplies are being carried to the camps. The Wakefield contract of 20 miles from Tillamook City to the mouth of tho Nchalem river at Nchalem Bay park will bo completed by Novom bor 1. CONFERENCE MEETS AT COTTAGE GROVE COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Sept. 15. A number of distinguished gentle men, who will participate in tho Meth odist conference hei-e this week hnvo arrived. Citizens of Cottage Grove have nrrunged for the entertainment of the visiting ministers nnd church workers nnd a splendid program has been arranged for each day. Prelim inary meetings were held this morn ing and special arrangements were made for the week, opening Wednes day morning. The carpenters of the city gather ed in the Redmen hall on Tuesday evening and heard an address by the state organizer. The Women of Woodcraft held a most enjoyable social evening in their hall Tuesday evening. PEARY SAYS HE CAN PROVE COOK IS LIAR Met by Canadian Cable Ship Bearing a Large Number of Corre spondents for Newspapers. SAYS HE WILL LET COOK TELL STORY FIRST Claims to Have Absolute Proof That Dr. Cook Did Not Reach the Pole. POINT RICHIE, N. F., Sept. 15. (Marconi Wireless vio Cape Rav.) The Canadian cable ship "Tyrian" en route to. meet Commander Peary arrived here today, bearing a large delegation of newspaper men. Cap tain Dickson wired Peary as follows: Been ordered to meet you at Butte Harbor. Please accept my con gratulations. May slip ctaoinffijffi gratulations. My ship is at your dis posal if you care to return to Sydney aboard of it." The Tynan was rushed to the dis posal of Peary when it was announc ed that the Roosevelt had been dis abled and would not make more than five miles a day. ; . A message was received from Peary as tollows: ''I am the only white man who has ever reached the north pole, and 1 am prepared to prove it at the proper time. I have already stated publicly that Cook has not been to the pole. This I reaffirm and I will stand by it but I decline to discuss the details of the matter. These will come on later. I have said that Cook's state ment that he had reached the pole should not be taken seriously and that I have him nailed by the concrete proof to support my statement. In six months you probably will get the whole story. It would not be policy for me to enter upon a full debate with the subject as it now stands.' To do so I would be giving out much in formation of which other uses could be made. I intend to wait until Cook hns issued his full authorized state ments." - I' ' One stretch of road on the way to Crater Lake has been kept up by J. S. Tucker, who lives above Trail. Auto drivers appreciate his efforts greatly. Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds. B. II. Harris has returned from a trip to Portland. Phone 3303 for tea or coffee. HOTEL ARRIVALS. George II. West, Gridley; H. L. Kelly Jr., Trtail; II. L. Holgate. Sa lem ; J. R. Hoover, Gulicc ; W. B. Brad ford and wife. Son Francisco: F. E. Blanchfield, San Francisco; Joe Whitney, city; F. M. Smith, Spokane; C. I. Nesslcr, Portland ; P, Anderson, Oakdalc: Earl Anderson. Oakdalc: W. .1. Hatfield. Portland: R. 1). Pel ton, Denver: Henry Folz, Portland: F. J. Smith. San Francisco: Mrs. J. T. Suyles. Ashland: Mrs. O. T. West, Honihrook. At the Moore A. Buyman, Port land; F. A. Ruchert, Sacramento; E. II. Cunningham, Newell; W. G. Hat field, Portland; E. Duggurtt. Wash ington; O. .11. Tsbell, Champaign; T. C. Van, San Francisco; Art Bnrtlett. Portland; M. E. Emery. Ashland: Thomas Irving, Portland; Phil Flood, Portland; Joseph Harbinger, Port land. SECOND STRIKE IS UNDER WAY IN PITTSBURG No Soonon Did 5000 Men Return to Work Than Fresh Trouble Broke ' , , A Out. 3000 MEN THREATEN TO WALK OUT TONIGHT - Dissatisfaction Expressed Regarding Bosses Strikers Demand Their Discharge. PITTSBURG", Sept. 15. The Press ed Steel Car companyare again con- ' fronted with another strike. ' Three " thousand employes threaten to walk out tonight unless several bosses and sub-bosses are discharged. Recently 5000 men returned to work after a two months' strike, dur ing which many riots took place and much blood was shed. DYNAMITE HERE FOR ME. Advance Shipment of Construction Material Other Equipment will Follow Shortly. A carload of dynamite arrived in the city Wednesday for use of tho contractors on tho P. & E. railroad. This is the advance guard of the large quantity of equipment and ma terial for use on the constructors on this road. SPORTSMEN ASSIST IN PROTECTING WILD GAME EUGENE, Or., Sept. 15. The Lane County Game and Fish association has several deputy game wardens em ployed in the county to enforce 'the game laws and frequent arrests are made. A number have recently been arrested for having untagged deer hides in their possession and fines of $25 have been enforced. Two promi nent residents of Los Angeles were arrested here some time ago for.il-.. licit fishing and fined $25 each. One of the game wardens is said to have made a living this summer from fees paid him for enforcement of the law. The aim of the association is the protection of game from slaughter, and it is succeeding. The Gibson Duck club, owning 1300 acres near here, is aiding in this and hns pro hibited the shooting of Mongolian pheasants on its preserve, for two years in thet hope of this way in creasing the birds in this part of tho vallcv. FIVE BRICK BLOCKS AT COTTAGE GROVE COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Sept. 15. CottageGrove now has five brick business buildings under construction and another is to be started in a short time. Ed Venske, who recently pur chased a lot on Main street,- is pro paring to erect a modern structure 50x00 feet, one story, with arrange ments four an additional slory to be added when needed. This building is to be occupied by n largo furniture store as soon ns completed.