Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 14, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    I'liono 3:i03 for Inn or ooffoo.
L. H. Wnkomiui luft Tuesday for
11 week's bunions trip to l'ortliiiid.
k If tlni KiikI Hide will wurko up now
Oukdttln uvcnuo niiil Wimt KikIiIIi
street won't lnivo it all their own way,
11 h tlio luml ruidcuco il'mtrii'lH of (he
' .lun Itmini, tlio populur representa
tive of KloiHchunr, Mitynr & Co. of
I'ni'tlnnd, returned to Mmlford Tues
day after n visrt to nciuhhoriiK
towns. , ,
It wouldu't bo HiirpriiiiK to seo an
epidemic of street improvement break
out 011 tlio KiiHt Kido at any time
Thoro nro a few follows over llifiro
Unit ran ho that it will double and
triple tlio value of their property.
Mix Klmirn Shiirjui of Ashland
wiih u recent Medford vixitorfl Hho
loaves Wednesday to viHt llin Scut
tle fair.
Tlio Spot Cnft) don't serve quail on
,tvt or liuminiiiK bird pot pin, but
I hey do Mon o thn best dinner ever
eaten in Mod ford for tlio prion.
In tlio .eiiKii of Charles K. Konipp
vs. Wnrren Nichols, an notion to rc
eover money, thn jury returned n vor
disl for thn plaintiff in thn Hum of
at Jacksonville.
Orders for sweet nremn or butter
milk promptly fillnd. Phone tho
In the oiim' of thn Klatn of Oregon
vs. Juinos Wilson thn defendant plead
I'd not guilty to the ohurge of bur
glary at Jiiekiuivill Monday.
Hegnl hIiiich at DanielH for" Duds.
Work in being puKhnd rapidly on
thn futility road north of Hyhee
Teas and coffees at 3(5 So. 0 st.
In the ene of the slate of Ora
(,'on vs. flnlirii'l (itindernon, the de
fendant pleaded not guilly to the
charge of iixkiiiiU at .Tacknoiivillp on
You'll liko boxbull. Try it.
The eiiHO of the Mate of Oregon
vs. Hilli' wub dismissed Monday.
A game overvbody enn piny box
bnll. In thn eoi-c of the slate of Ore
gon vh. II. II. Harris the indielment
wiih returned to thn grand jury for
Kiln Onnnyaw, public, stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
In the ciimc of the state of Oregon
vs. L. Cornish and Mollic Kelley thn
defendants pleaded pttilty and were
fined $.10 and cohIm onoli at Jackson
villa Monday.
Ilegnl Hhoes at DunirU for Duds.
rniperial addition Stop right now
and look up the Imperial addition ml -vei'tisemeut
ill tliiw issue.
In the ease of (1 llituil T. Kitchen
'vs. Warren N'ehr.i'i, ease was dis
missed at .IiH ksonville Monday.
NiihIi drill open all tho time.
The ean of Kniest H. (lilslrap vs.
Warren Xiehnl was dismissed at
Jacksonville Monday.
You'll meet your friend lit tho box
ball alley. '
In the ease of Aliuirn I.. Whelstone
vs. Rogue River Valley linilroad com
pany demurrer was withdrawn and
nn answer filed at laeksnnville Mon
day. ' Southern Oregon Ten and Coffee
Co., 3 So. O street.
Tn tho easo of the slate of Oregon
vs.' l'Yod Honald the defeudant plead
ed guilty and wns fined $75.
Tho Jacksonville high school enm-
.moticod work Monday morning- with
tho following teachers: A. 0. .Toy.
principal; Clam Elmer, vice-principal;
.Tosophino rioncgnn, fifth and
sixth grades; Mildred Neil, third nnd
I'ourlh grniles; Klsie Wright, primary.
Spices and extrnclH nl 30 So. (I
si reel.
Mrs. H. T. llurnell and dnughler'.of
Jacksonville spent Snlnrday and Sun
day wiih Mrs. I.. .7. Seal's of Ibis
Ilejral shoos al Daniels for Duds.
(!. I'. Hriggs, S. M. Clevenger and
Scott t'lnspill of llulln Kails were nl
the county seal and in Mod ford on
Mui i day. ;
f "'"
FOR SAI.K Kirst-class rnilronil
lieket ti San Francisco tit reduced
price. Addi'essJlox AH. 11
WAN'i'KD Carpenlers, lour good
finishers. H. K. (ludehers. 1'il
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weudl of Jack
Honvillo bavo returned from a few
WcclisTi visit nt l'ortliiiid and Sum 1 1 Id.
Attorneys ('. L Homiics, I'ortiir J.
N'eff nnd K. K. Kelley of Mmlford
were iitteniliug court on Monday.
John Itanium of tho II. It. V. rail
road is spending a few weeks in San
Miss N'cllio Kennies of I'hoenix was
the guest of Mrs. W. II. ('olciuiill of
Jacksonville several days last week.
Attorneys It. O. Smith and A. ('.
Hough of (Jrauls I'ass were in Jack
sonville Monday al lending to court
W. K. Hrook, siiperintcidlcnl of I tin
Snowy Hulle orchard,' spent Monday
in Medford.
Kcgal t-.liooK at Daniels for Duds.
John D. Olwell and wll'e arn tn
jiiyihg an nxeursiou to Alaska.
Tho Medford Klks urn having their
program for thn installation of thn
new lodge printed in Portland.
Thn steam shovel for rebuilding thn
Pacific Si Kastern left Vancouver
Monday for Medford.
Itemerber thn diinco tonight at The
Wigwam, flood iiiumc and u good time
for all.
. Charles Thorpo of Omahii, tho cel
ebrated jockey-banker, and bis wife
have rcmainnd over for a few days
from the shoot to enjoy fishing.
Kegul shoes at Daniels for Dads.
Mr. Haker of the firm of Haker &
Hamilton of San Krancisco arrived
Tuesday to Siend a few days fishing
on the Rogue.
O. M. Keller of Crescent Pity is
registered at the N'ash.
Among roc-ont Medford
are J. If. Drown and wife
ma, Wash.
K. S. Green and 0. P.
Portland arc spending n few days inland mandolin. Leave orders at Nnsh
Medford, guests at the Nash. hotel.
J. Kgli, Jr., of Rome, In,, is ss-ndt The Iridic.- Aid of the Christian
ing some time in tho city. I chiireb will meet at the home of Mrs.
W. A. Riimincl of (Irnnts Pass was' t-ii Ournclt Wednesday afleruoon at
n recent Medford visitor. ! 2 o'clock.
W. S. Marion anil wife of I5ostu,l Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds.
l i . I - i ll . VT.. I. !
.miss., were retisicicii it i uie .usn oi
Among Sun Francisco visitors in
Medford are W. J. Slallery and John
C. M. 1 of Ashlnnil was
in Medford on Monday.
C. Itrinkennan of New Haven,
Conn., bos crossed the continent to
view tho wonders nnd beauty of Med
ford and the Rogue River valley.
Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds.
A. P. Donahue. F. A. Daly, and
Alonxo Morrison, all of Porllnuil, nre
visiting in Medford.
A present will be given nwny free
tonight at The Wigwam to one of
Medford's young ladies.
O. X. Hall of New York city has
arrived in the city for a few days.
Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds.
W. T. Shive, wife, and Miss Roxn
Shivo of Klunmlli Kails nre visiting
in our midst.
A. T. Davis of Denver. Col., is
registered nt the Moore.
M. S. Amerv of Ashland visited the
eil v Mondnv. . I
Regal shoes nt Daniels for Duds.
K. Meyer. II. Cahbott, and C. C.
Clark of Portland are business visi
tors in Medford.
C. P. Buggs of Unite. Falls arrived
in Medford Monday.
IT. D. Tilswnrth of El Paso, Tex.,
is registered nl thn Monro."
John T.ell oT Ashland wos down on
Monday on business.
L. R. Wenlworth of of Portland
is in the city trnnsoeting business.
Myrtle K. Pcnse of Portland is n
Regal shoes nt Daniels for Duds,
guest a I the Mooro. '
J. IT. Wnddln of Portland is visit
ing in Medford.
S. S. Morgan and Mrs. K D. Mor
gan of Tndinmipnlis, 1 ml., nro look
ing over the Rogue liiyer valley and
Tom CnHton and Roy Ashpolo of
Kaglc Point are enjoying Ihe sights
and pleasures of our oily.
H. (loodmnn of Los Angeles is reg
islered at Ihe Moore.
Don't Toluol Ihe dunce nl The Wig
(tain litis evening.
Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds.
.T..,Klilhvel Yilns is Irving lite Shov
el ('fuel; springs for .rheumatism.
Alvin Iteilierslndl and Ray Sinn
ley and olher Hullo crook I'tinncrs
have sold 12 carloads of oaltle to
H. Mitchell and Robert Noil, whieh
were shipped south.
Mrs. Wesley Kennedy is ill from
lyphoid fever.
Miss 1 felon Walt has returned to
SI. Helen's Hall at Portland to fin
ish her studios.
J. X. Ilockftl'sinith and family left
Monday for Ihe Sulem fair.
Kegul shoes at Danicln for Duds.
.Mrs. V. J. Kmcrick and Allhcu
Kmcrick arc visiting relatives in Ash
land. .Mis. C. K. Davis left for Red liluf'f
Monday after a visit to her uncle, J.
0. Mm lin.
Mrs. W. II. Johnson left Monday
to visit Miss Kinily Kinney nt Ash
land. Krank Mcucfcc, an attorney of The
Dalles, is hern appraising the eslnle
of Ihe lain Mrs. Sarah l. Grazer.
Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds.
Mrs. T. II. Ooodpasturii left Mon
day to visit friends at San Francisco.
Mrs. Peter Knsley has relurncd
from Kugniin. '
II. V.. Sniilli and wife mid K. II.
Smith mid wife, who have been vis
iting C. W. McDonald, have ml urn -nd
to their easlern homes.
J. M. and (',. Harris and J. Wilkins
and wife, who huvo been guests of
W. y.immer, bnvn returned to their
homes in Nebraska.
Judge M. Pnrdin and Mrs. Purdin
ii ro nntcrtainiiur Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as Fitch of Oakland, Cal.
Among those from Oriints Puss
I intending the veterans' reunion nre
K. A. Wade. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. u Dis
brow nnd Christian (jonnmel.
V. Miller has purchased for 1000
the interest of Charles Spray in the
Lever orchard and Ihe latter will re
turn to Des Moines, In.
Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds.
Mrs. O. P. Hyde and daughter are
visiting in Calcxico, Cal.
Ween) shoes nt Daniels f"r Duds.
I Mrs. Itcsnie Monro left for Klam
arrivals 1 nth Kails Monday,
of Taeo-; Sen Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
, mcrly court violinist of Austrian em
Slorv (ifirteror. for lessons on violin, guitar
William von dor Ilellen to Wil
liam II. lirown, land in D L
C -1.1, township 30. range 5
W 185
.1. W. Kinney to C. L Hutchi
son et al., !M0 acres in town
ship 37,' range 3 E 1
Knifed States to Belle E. Win
ner, S E Vi section 30. town
ship 30, range 3 K '. patent
John W. Keiztir to Willier Le
roy Wiildon, land in DL C
fil'. township 37, range 2 W 10
J. M. Casehoer to Mary S.
.Wilson, I.S.'i acres in Ash
land 100
Maggie llitrroiuibs to Oeorgc P.
Lindlcy, lots 12, 13 and 14.
block 2. Queen Anne addi
tion to Medford ."00
CluuTos II. Pierce to E. X.
Warner, lot ."i, block 8, Ross
' addition to Medford 2"0
F. W. Giiinos to E. X. Warner.
2I1.7A acres in township 37,
range 2 W 1500
L. 0. Simon to t 'Italics Ii. Gay,
lot 12, block 1. lrk addition
to Medford 10
C. A. IJoordniiin. to Margaret
Daily, property in Cottage
addition to Medford 10
C. E. Glover to C. S. Coggins.
et. nl., 200 neres in township
41, range IE , 10
Thomas W. Conwny to Nancy
A. Conwnv, land in township
- 30, range I W 1
C. K. Nininger to Mary T.
Wilson, land in township 38.
range 1 W 7."iQ
Juno Hooker to Daniel Hilkey,
lot 1, block 2, Palm's nddi- '
lion to Motif oiid .1
,T. W. Hamlin to Daniel llilkey,
lot, 1, bhfk 2, Palm's addi
tion to Medford ."i00
L. Ii. Drown to Harriet E. Ew
himk, 34.34 neres in township
37, rango 1 W 1
William Davis to ' Albert V.
Whilney. l.'i acres in township
37. rniigo 2 W . . , 1
Trail Lumber company to Flora
MoNabb, property in Xickell
addition to Medford 1"
PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. I I. K. 15.
Piperf managing editor of the Ore
gonian. who was operated on yester
day at. the Good Samarilan hospital
for appendicitis, passed a good night
and is resting well today. Tho sur
geons predict that, be will he out of
Ihe hospital within two weeks.
An inaeptndtnt Millar. I
When F'rciiei-ielc Imllt IiIh famous I
palace of Sum, m.h,- (hero happened J
to ben mill ilmt greatly hampered him
In-tljo i xi-i tiiion of hlH pliiim, anil be
aiiked tin, miller for bow much he
would m il n. 'j'ho miner m,ieA (hnt
for a long kitIi-h of j t-nre hlH family j
had ownd ihe mill, which had panged
from rather i(, ,,, nij tmt he wou,j !
not ell If for any ,,rcc, 'j'be ,,IK
used every nollcliallou, offered to build
him a mill In n boiler place and pay
blin. boHldi-H. uny Hum ho might de
mand, hut l he ohHtlnatc miller still pcr
ls(td In hlH determination to preaerve
tho liilierltaiieo of hi ancestor.
Irritated m mat by hla conduct the
king 'nt for hi tn nnd Bald la au an
gry tone:
"Why do you rcfuae to Bell your mill
ootwttliKtniiillng all the advantages I
htre offered you?"
The miller repeated his reasons.
"Do you know," continued the klDg,
"that I could take It without giving
yon a penny?"
"Ye," returned tbe miller calmly. "If
It were not for the chamlwr of Justice
at Berlin."
The king wus so flattered by this an
swer, whieh showed that be was Inca
pable of an act of Injustice, that be
dlfimlhfced Ih mlttpr K'tlhnnr fnrflinr
entreaty and changed the plan of bis
A Philosopher's Fsbls.
Arthur Aull Is responsible for this
one: .
"Folly, l.'enlus nud Common Sense
once went walking and came to a
stream. Genius, baring bis head in
tbe clouds, naturally started to wade
across, paying no attention to the
depth. The waters soon went over bis
head, and he was drowned. Common
Sense hunted for a safe way to get
across, and finally be found a foot log.
As be got out about the center of the
stream the log swayed, and he fell Into
the water anil, stink to rise no more.
Folly stopped ut the bauk of tbe
stream to aimiKc himself by throwing
pebbles Into the water and watching
the waves. He ant upon the moist,
cold l)ii nk until he caught a cold which
developed Into pneumonia, of which
he soon died. Moral. It doesn't make
uiueli difference, after all. whether
you arc a genius, a sage or a fool
You'll get It sooner or later anyway."
Told to Earn His Own Salary.
Commodore Vanderbllt discovered In
James II. Itutier. then in the employ
of the Erie railroad, a man he believed
the freight department of the Central
needed, says the Hultlmore News. It
Is related that some time after he took
charge of the Ceutrai's traffic office
Hotter called on the commodore to
submit a plan for Improvement. When
he bud stated the case the president
looked at him sharply and asked:
"Rutter. what does the New Tork
Central pay you Sl.'i.OOO n year for?"
The reply wns. "For managing the
freight traffic department." .
And then the commodore said. "Well,
you don't expect me to earn your sal
ary for you. do you?"
Kutter went out nnd carried through
bis plan on his owu judgment. The re
sult was. highly satisfactory, flutter
became president of the Central.
Up to Snuff. ,
A man If workman's gajb one day
called nt a local dentist's, and the door
was opened by n innid.
Workman Is the gout in that draws
Servant No. sir. tint I expect he will
be in shortly.
Workman (pausing on doorstep)
Poes he give gas?
"What does he charge?"
"One dollar."
"What one dollar! Do you mean to
say. miss, a fellow's got to swallow
over 1.000 feet of gas to have one
tooth pulled out? No fear. I reckon
I knows a bit about it. for I work
down at the gas works myself. I'll
go to auother dentist and have It.
pulled out without gas." Exchange.
Not Interested.
"I have called." said the book agent,
"to see if I can Interest you in a tittle
"Young man." snapped the woman
who nnfsworcd tho door, "just now I
urn Interested In washing my dishes,
Justing, cleaning up nfter the paper
liaugcr, making six beds, polishing the
hardwood doors. Ironing my husband's
shirts, getting two more meals today,
ttarnlng nine pairs of stocklugs. nnd
bringing my sweet peas, mid I might
say that Hint's more work than you
men ever thought of doing.. No: you
can't Interest mo In any more." De
troit Free Press.
Getting an Early Start.
"Father, what do you wish me to
m" when 1 grow up?"
"The same as I am. my sou a law
.or." "Then Instead of wasting any more
Ime on arithmetic, geography and
inch tank I'd heller be getting nt the
lypothetical question, hadn't I?"
The owl may not be as wise as he
looks, but he Is wise enough' not to
try to work both Hie night and y
shifts. A tell' ion lilobe.
OX NAM), Cal. Sept. 11. Fire is
sweeping tho bills and cunyona of the
Ios Posns vulley, doing great dam
age. Several buildings have been bnrn
ed. A telephone message from Mrs.
Jiimes J. Hitch said that tho flames
had reached her borne and that she
had sent her hired girl down the can
yon and was preparing to flee for her
life. Valuable crops have been des
t royed.
Orrin M. Wilson, who has a home
stead in the Siskiyous across the
Wagner gup, in whit is known as the
Glade crock country, says the need of
that section is a wagon road leading
out to vulley points by way of Wag
ner creek, and that those having in
terests in that section are laying pre
liminary plans to secure such com
munication. A Hungry Rabbit.
"I do not think I was ever so non
plused in my life," said a conjurer,
"as once when performing my card
and nilililt trick. I ask n member of
the audience to tear a card Into small
pieces and give them all to me except
one ' loiter In the trick I produce a
rabbit from u Ikix. and tied round its
neck Is a card wit It a piece missing. It
Is then round that the piece which tbe
member or the audience holds exactly
fits and completes I lie second card. On
this particular occasion I allowed tbe
rabbit to renin In In the box too long
ami when 1 produced him found that
he had chewed the curd round bis neck
to bits. Needless to say, the laughter
when the audience grasped the trick
the nniinnl had played on me wns load
and long."
As Walt.- Saw It.
Waller: 'aged seven, is a wise son
who "knows not only bis own father,
lint his own mother likewise.
"Now. Walter," said the teacher, "if
your fatlier could do a piece of work in
one hour and your mother could also
do It in one hour, bow long would It
take both of them to do it together?"
"Three hours:" replied the scholar
without hesitation.
"Wrong'." said the teacher. "How
do you make that?" '
"Three hours," rciieated Walter stol
idly, "counting the time they'd waste
arguing about bow It should be done.'
London Scraps.
Harness Saddles
f Whips Robes
j Tents Blankets
I Wagon Sheets
Axle Grease and
! Gall Cure
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main
When In Need
Of Anything in the Line ot
Fresh and Salt Meats
Lard Poultry
Call And See Our Stock.
Nothing But The Best Carried
ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 14. Articles of
incorporation of the Iloise & West
ern railway were filed in the office
of the secretary of statu yesterday.
Tbe purpose of tho corporation is to
construct a railroad from Hoise, Ida
ho, to Mnrshfield, Or. The incorpo
rators arc C. W. Mallott, William X.
Ilanloy nnd J. W. MeCullocb. Power
is conferred upon the new corpora
tion to condemn rights of way, to
acquire property and to contract for
the construction of a railroad and
operate it after it has been construct
ed. The capital stock of the enter
prise is $50,000. The managing of
fices, of the railroad are to be in
COXXELLY At Grunts Pass, on
Wednesday, September 8, the 4-months-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
James Connelly of Edwood, Cal.'
LAWTOX At Grants Pass, Sep
tember 6, Mrs. Harriet A. Lawton,
aged 47 years, 4 months and 22 days.
JOY At Grants Pass, September
7, tlfe infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
H. Joy.
EDGERTOX At Grants Pass, on
September ii, the infant son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Arthur L. Edgerton..
Why allow your eyes
to use more than their
normal supply of ner
vous energy t Even n
flight saving each Liy
may mean much to you
for future health.. We
;ever-presribe un
til we have taken nerve
mca sureinents under
pressure and with, pres
sure removed to prove
accuracy of our findings
whtu relief is sure to
. Improper adjustments
. of lenses not only da
tracts from appearance
but adds much to eye
MeCormick methods
used exclusively. Brief
consultation free.
Eye Specialist.
Eat Main St., over Xieholson's