4 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1f)0f). Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokqr Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by innil . . . .$5.00 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferry News Etand, San Franeiseo, Cal. PRACTICAL ADVERTISING NEEDED. The suggestions offered by Hon. Charles- II. Carey of Portland, published in another column, regarding Crater Lake are timely and well. Judge Carey suggests that more attention be paid to advertising the practical side of a trip to the lake ; that information be sent out broadcast as to the cost, hotel rates, stopping places, time needed and the like, so that, when a stranger wishes to make the trip, he will be able to know something of the conditions sur rounding it before he leaves his home. During the past few years Crater Lake has been adver tised extensively as one of the greatest natural wonders of America. This advertising will be done more extensively in the future. The American people are coming in greater numbers to visit it each year- But so far no attempt has been made to furnish in a convenient form the information that the traveler wishes. He finds himself much in the same box as did Judge Carey when he visited the Southern Pacific offices in Portland and was only able to learn of the beauty of the lake and its location. He was unable to determine the best way in which to make the trip, where he could stop while en route, and something of the cost after he had -reached' Medford. And in consequence he abandoned the trip until chance made it possible, for him to stand upon its brink. Doubtless there are many others who have wished to make the trip, and owing to the lack of information along practical lines have given it up or indefinitely postponed the trip. It would be well for the Coinmereial club to take steps itasee that such information is disseminated. Probably by compiling it and furnishing it to the Southern Pacific company it would be incorporated in their advertising mat ter, where it will no doubt result in a greater influx of tourists. . ' The incorporation of a fourth' bank for Medford shows the growth of the city and its importance as a financial center. The bank deposits of Medford already exceed $1,500,000 and are increasing rapidly. There is much de mand for money on account of the rapid development of this section and still more money, is needed to carry out plans under Avay. A million dollars additional could bo loaned here on good security and high interest. The capital I's in Peary's narrative string out like telegraph poles on a railroad journey, indicating the writ er's excessive modesty. The new fountain at Main and Central avenue, consist ing of a plain block of granite, will not be complete un less surmounted with a statue of Mike Hanley and has reliefs of Judge Hanna and A. E. Reames to eommorate their assistance in securing Medford 's new water supply. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. MAKES NEW TERMS ON LOTS On Account of. the rapid sale of lots in. our additions on the marline, the installing of a new motor with better service and new bungalows be ing erected, we have decided to in crease the price of these lots from $2f)0 to $260. Sixty-six of these lots are already sold. Many people do not appreciate the splendid mountain views from this part of Medford. The elevation be ing nearly one hundred feet higher than the business section of the city. Think what it menus in the rainy season to walk a few blocks and what a difl'erenccto step aboard the cars and arrive in town with clean shoes and dry feel. Experience and observation in oili er cities and towns teaches Hint resi dence lots lying close to a carline will sell for nearly double those lots lying at a distance Hint will neeesi tnto walking. We can't. all own automobiles, but we can ufford 5c carfare. Wo will One mouth by mail or carrior. .$0.50 build you a home in this desirable district on easy payment. Our solic itor will gladly call on you at your request and explain our plans in de tail and show you the lots. Ilcmcnihor the price is only $250 now, until September 15, when they will be advanced to $200, and we firmly believe under the conditions now existing in Medford, that they will sell for $ 100 or more. Ten dollars down and $10 per month makes you the owner of one of these beautiful lVMdciieo lots. Our telephone ni.i.vier is .OOT.'l and our uddren s Main i-trcel. I5:i-5:i I i K X SO T INVESTMENT CO. Hegnl shoes at Daniels' for Duds. MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 1000 Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder trouble offer doctor-, failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend -it. .Mrs. L. I,. Wilson, 135 Bartlett St." Sold by Hnskins' Drug Store. ' Regal shoes al Daniels for Duds. He Dodged Cold Mutton. (Jrecn, I In) ICiirIIsIi historian, ono day asked a friend which of all the inventions of their day luul done thu mqsl for the people as u whole. Ills friend guessed this and that, hut the answer was: "lteyond iloubl. sixpenny photo graphs." A reply involving quite as 'grout an absurdity as that was made by Cecil Ii bodes lu answer to n Imly who, seeking to draw hiih out, suggested that he owed his phenomenal rise to the Impetus of nohle sentiments. "Madam." returned Mr. Ithodes, "I owe my fortune simply and solely to cold mutton." - . . : "Cold million!" gasped i the lady. i'Oh. Mr. lthcdes, what do you mean?" "When I was young," continued the South African millionaire, "I was so dosed with cold mutton mid I hated It so cordially that I resolved to grow rlcb in order to put it on one side for the rest of my life. Yes, madam, cold mutton was at the root of my success. Noble sentiments had nothing to do with it." , Preparing For a "Dewel." One of the most remarkable docu ments that have ever come under our observation, snys a law journal, is lo be found lu the Case of ex parte Soog (tin. 0 Tex. App., Ml!. Mr. Scoggln was under Indictment for the murder of one William Gerrard, and an extract from a memorandum book In defend ant's handwriting and found near tlio body rati as follows: Jolmwn Co.. Tx.. Jan. 24. ItiTS. As it may boo the lust penciling that 1 may ever do on earth May heveti Mess me and the man thut ! am golnv to lite, for we hnve been truvling to geiithcr some time nml luiv fell out a bought tho sum of I'JTi nml - have agreed to Msht n dewct this Butlful night of our lord, nod as one of us has to die Mny hcven bless us. us this Is the Inst hnlf hour on earth with one of up. heven Preserve me now and forever. Written by Jesse dcog , Bornd and niseU tn Tx. Slned by Williuin Jlrod, Bornd in Illinois. Mr. Scoggln's piety apparently brought victory to him tn the "dewel," for his adversary when found apiiear ed to have been struck behind the ear by a thirteen inch 'shell. A Substitute.' . The young lawyer, having been nom inated for the olilce of county attor ney, thought to surprise an eccentric genius of the name of SI who was working as n hired man on t lie young lawyer's father's. farm. "Well, SI. -what do you think?" the young man began, "Sometimes one thing, Lenny, nil' sometimes 'notlier." "But, Sr. they have nominated tne for county attorney." "They might 'a' done worse, , I.onny. Howsotnever, don't holler till you're out of the woods." The young attorney was duly elect ed and on his next visit to tin; farm announced the fact unctuously, to SI, who was at the wood pile, saw in hand. "Well, SI. I am elected by a large majority. What do you think of Hint?" "Well, I.onny, down III our parts, where I was raised, when we wanted a stopper nn' hadn't any cork we gen erally took a corncob." Exchange. Practicing on Wooden Legs. Of the Ave cases In the accident ward that were pronounced cured lit the same time three remained in the hospital more than a week after the other two had gone home. "They hud to stay," said an Interne, "to get used to their wooden legs. It takes some time to learn to manage them, and most men who will hnfc lo peg along with them for the rest of their natural lives slay in the hospital several days after they get well to practice stumping around on I heir new legs. Of course they can learn out side, but the man who lias just ac quired a wooden leg feels so awkward and is so likely to fail, down and break the other leg or an arm or maylie ills neck that we prefer to keep lilui here so be can take his first lessons tinder our supervision." New York Press. Thousand Islands. The Iako of the Thousand Islands Is forty miles long and varies from four to seven miles iu width. It is both a continuation of Lake Ontario and the beginning of the St. I,awrencc river. The Thousand islands are really about 1,700 In number, big and little. Many of them are favorite summer resorts, with hotels lind boarding houses of rich Americans and Canadlnns. The voyage through them Is picturesque, and many of I he islands are Illumi nated 'at night. Who Voted? Benjamin I'riinklln once discussed the property ipialluonOau for voting in Pennsylvania. A muii owned a don key of sulliclent value to enable him to vole, but before the next election the donkey died, and the man's vote was refused. "Now," asked Franklin, "wly voted at Hie previous election, the inn ii or Hie donkey?" A Tribute. Waller They do say ye're a great hand al a Welsh ruUbil, sir. The Clubman They do. eh',' 'Hie Waller Yis, sir. Ol lieerd wan mu say ye made wan thai whs worth nJJ Die Miroiiblo II gov him nfther he ale It. The Descending Scale. "The first letter John ever wrote tn tne," said a married woman lo her friend, "was shortly after we had be come iictpiulutcd and before Ihcro wan really anything .like an understanding between us. This Is the way lie signed It: "Voura, my dour Miss Went on, most dneerely, JOHN HAMILTON KAHTON. "There, you see, were ten words inougli for a telegram-Just to bring n ;omnioupluco friendly letter to an end. Rut after we became engaged his tlrst letter to me was signed in this way: "Yours, my darling, uffcetluimtcly, JOHN. "That, you will observe, was a re duction of 50 per ceut from his conclu sion as u mere friend. Tho tlrst letter he ever wrote to me after wo were married was signed: 'Yours, JOHN." She Htopiicd for n moment uud sighed and then continued: "We havo heeu married seventeen years now. Yesterday 1 received a let ter from Ul tn. Here Is the way it was signed: Settled the Duel. Lord March, afterward the Marquis of Queensberry, was not accustomed to view u duel with unbecoming ap prehension ami usually attended an affair with an air of enjoyment that often was decidedly displeasing and embarrassing to bis adversary. Hut he was served at last with (lint sauce which the proverb explains Is for tho gander as well as for tho goose. It was when he was challenged to fight air Irish simrtsmiin. Lord March ap peared ou the ground accompanied by a second, surgeon and other witnesses. Ills opponent nrrlved soon afterward with a similar retinue, but added to by a person who staggered under the weight or n polished oak colllu, which he deposited ou the ground, end up, with its lid facing Lord March uud bis party. Lord March became decidedly uncomfortable when ho read the In scription plate, engraved with his own name and title and the date and year of death, and pence was patched up. Scaring the Conscience. Of alt her curious customs Loudon cannot boast of a more singular ono than that formerly so strictly adhered to at Holland House, one of tho most historic old mansions In the British capital. The last of the Lords Holland shot himself during a fit of despond ency. Everything pointed to a clear case of self murder, yet the Holland family could never be dissuaded from the notion that the old man had been murdered by some unknown assassin. Accordingly every night for years it was the custom for one of the family to go to the rear of the hotiso punctu ally at 11 o'clock and lire a gnu for the purpose, it is said, of "scaring the con science" of the murderer. This curi ous practice is a relic of mediaeval days in continental Kuropc, and the case in point Is probably the only in stance where it lias lieen noticed since the days of the cmsudes. Pigeons' Air Sacks. , Tlie air sacks of tho pigeon, says Bruno Muller, constitute u system of Interspaces Hie, value of which lies In their emptiness that Is, absence of weight and resistance. Flying is pos sible only to n body of high mechan ical efliclcncy, and we attain tills with machines divested of all siiiciiltious material. Just so the original reptiles, which by evolution became birds, were divested of superfluous material, and the body spaces "thus obtained were filled with air sacks. The body wall, adapting Itself to the mechanical re quirements, became a hollow cylinder serving as a support for the organs of movement, the mobility of whoso parts was assured by tho surrounding air sacks. The air cavities In the bones of birds arc similarly explained. Tonsorial Triumph. "W'hat was Hie best Job you ever did?" Inquired the first barber. "I once shaved a ninti," replied tho second ditto. , "Well?" "Well, then I persuaded him to have a hair cut. singe, shampoo, face mas sage, sea foam, electric buz., tar spray and finally u tonic rub." "What then?" "Hy that time," concluded barber No. 2, "he needed another shave." London Answers. Live Spidere Food For Young Wasps. The young of some wasps con live only on live spiders, nud the mother wasp Ihereforo readers Hie spider powerless by her sting, afler which It call live a ul Is. and llieu deposits it In Hie cocoon where she lias laid her egg. Ou hatching out. the wasp grubs feed on the bodies of the living spi ders. Another wasp deposits her egg In I be body of Hie spider, which Is Ihi'ii burled alive and Is led upon by Hie wasp grub.- London Standard. ' On the Fence, "Thai, woman won'l lake ell her side of the social dispute tinlil she Is rea sonably sure which one is going lo win. She's a en I !" "Ah. Ibcn lluil accounts for her be ing on I he fence!"-Biillimore Anieii c mi. ' Buttered Bread With Hie Thumb. (.'ill's meat Is tho only survival of n way of serving meat Hint prevailed lu Ibis country before the Inlroiluctlou of forks, for It was I lie custom In mediaeval I lines lo serve roast meal on a spll and to pass II around the table for each guest lo cut off what ha liked, a method that did not allow one person only lo secure the carver's tit bits. In France ono still finds chicken livers uud bacon served on small splls, ami to Hut Britisher It tilwuys suggests at first sight the food of the domestic cat. It is probablo that many people continued to prefer lingers to tublo utensils, even after these wero perfect ed and In general use, for knives wero certainly Invented at the period when Charles XII. chose to butter his bread with Ids royal thumb. London Chron icle. A Wave of Water. There Is no uecessury connection be tween tho advance of u wave and the forward movement of tho wuter com posing It, ns limy be seen by running tho fingers nloug the keys of a pluno. An Inverted wave travels uloug, but the keys merely move up and dowu. Similarly a wave may often bo ob served running along the ripe ems of golden grain, while the stalks oro firm ly rooted In tho soil. Tho ouward progress of a sen wave Is easily per ceptible, and by wutchlug sumo light substance floating ou tho surface tho fact Is revealed that the water Is not moving with the same velocity. Chandlers' Journal. , See Tomorrow's Issue of The Tribune For Our Opening Alnnouncement Bijou Hilly Van, manager, presents Richard Darling Stock Company in a roaring two-act comedy, "MY UNCLE FROM JAPAN"; also MIL IIKNIiY (ilWKOX in illslralc.l'so..g. 11K1II-CLASS MOYIXU I'KTl li KS. ADMISSION LMIc and lile JVLH.S. Hat Pins and Stick Pins Hand Made By Carence Crafters Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler . Nun'- Pfistofflce SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to he the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem heer If you wish to he convinced, ask for Salem beer and djlnk It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. The Sixteenth Century Cerver. . At thu formal banquet of the six leoiilh ccnlury I lie iiinii who curved I he meat was bound Willi the red lape of precedent. When can lug for dlrf lliigulNlieit guests he bad lo remem ber that certain parts of the birds or meat must be set aside. In curving for his lord nml lady ho was expected to exercise great discretion In the slr.o of tho pieces he sent round, "for ladles will be soon angry and their thoughts soon changed, and some lords are soon pleased ami some not, as they ho of complexion." Ho was expected to havo tha rules both of the kite hen and Die peerage at bis knife's end. A pike, for Instance, must lie dished up whole for a lord and lu slices for commoner folk. Thu rank of his din ers, too, determined whether a pig was to lie served up whole, sliced, plii In or wllh gold leuf or whether new bread or bread three days oki should bo eaten. More In His Line. "Do yuii think I will make n play er?" asked a sluggish applicant for football. "You may make a chess player," slid the coach, "'You are slow enough in moving." The morose man takes both narrow and setllsb views of life and tho world. Ho Is either envious of the happiness of others or denies its existence. Simmons. Theatre