THE A1EDF0RD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OUKGO.V, Tl? ICS DAY, HFiPTEMBKR 14, 1009. 3 NEWS FROM MINING JAMES FAY RETIRES DISTRICT OF JOSEPHINE, FROM GOLD HILL NEWS (llrmitH 1'iihh Outlook) Tim l'irkult Cri'ck ('njipiir com iutiy, wliirli wnn rerun! y ini!orioriit ihI iiinl Iiiih liikoii uvor tlm rii'li ilin I'livciii'K iiiiiili) on tli I'ii'ki-ll I'rcnk, luis iii'unixnl mill elected llio fol lowing iil'lici'i':.!. M. r'nrmcr, pri'M iilioil ; ('. ('. Overton, vii'n-iri-Hiilnt ; V. 'I'. IYit.v, Secretary; 1.111I 1. I,. Smith, (iviiMiivr. KxtilliHivii. tlevcl oiiiiciit work in pliiiini'il which will open up iropcrl,v for iliMtiwco of HOW) felt on tint tiu in IimIk copper urn, cnrryinif liiuli vnluim in liolli copper unit K'M, from all Mll'I'llCIt Wlllk Kll fill" llCCOIIlplirlllClI, apparently in at Icimt liTty foot in width, llitjli KiliiU- hhippin oro Iiiib bee iiHtnu-k inn! ttliippiiiit to tlm Millili ter will Infill lit kooii uh tlm i'""1' whii'h i within u ball' a mile "f properly w cninplctcil. Tlm copper Mmnlnril H wlmt i Ki'iiornlly known tit llio Ibmy Month property on I'ickrll "r.ek nml it owncil hy ti stuck i ipiiny of locul people, Henry Itooth heinn the I"'" eipnl owner. Thin property hut been homleil to It. II. Hoiley f 'hieii,'o, hy A., II. fliiinii'll. Mr. liniley him been miikinn H Htmly of the properly for the putt three week. Not only hut he examined (hit plirtienlur pioM ily lint he hut triieid the (too ertylou'ieiil foniitilioil from Ihlm Ito lieiii'ni ditlriet down to thit properly. He hut tludied the I'm niatiim for hcv rnil inoiilliM mid hot followed it wny lulu California, lie think thi it the hctt miner: I hi lt in the I'nitml Klti I en nml it very tmiynine lit to the property. lie li "ow cone ciist to iniike ni'iiiiiuenieiit- to develop the fame. W. II. Himi-iy of Wonder, the di eoverer of the Itnekiye u'leiip of mp per claim nml nniny other prosper! lint recently mi do a rich diteovi iy, 11 mine eoiitninin platinum nnd lilto free (-old- H'1 wan in town recently nnd showed us samples of rock from hit new discovery which contains free cold nnd pn:it from 5 to 'J.'i eentt to it pun. The vein it four feet nnd of it yreyish Hnphvrv or-, nnd (he claim it loeuleil about In If u mile west of the Huckeye yreup. While in tow. i .Mr. llaniscy IiihI lonie of the rock atsiiycd hy nssriyer Johnson l;.id hit return showed S ounces of piutliium to the ton valued at ifHM.fiO. Mr. Itanisey it having other assays Hindu nt Tenver nnd other eiliet, to will toon know what the rock fully conlaiim. ((lold Mill News) r'ivo iiioulht hj 1 took chinyc of J he (iold Hill Newt full confidence ill Hid future of tlm puper mid the town, I have not chunked my mind in ro linril to thu t ill me, it it further nwiiy Ihuii I anticiputed mid my financial circuinslniieet will not Hermit me to awiiit il. I have endeavored In give my suhscriliert mid patroiiN ns good service lit 1 cculd. Some lnive said thai I printed u good paper, other Iiiivii said otherwise. Kuril however i the lot of ii newspiiper mini, nnd I mn accustomed to it. Tlm people of (lold Hill have treated mn us well at I have deserved hut t lie husinest was not here am lit il conseipieucc I havn turned the paper to the people who are fiiiuuceeriiig it, nnd will seek another joh in order to pay up what pei'Monal ohligatioiit 1 have incurred. James I). Kay DARLING STOCK CO. PROVES A WINNNER Wcgiil shoe at Daniels for Dud. Rcgnt timet nt Daniels for Duds. BORN. CKOITH - Saturday, September 1. to the wife of K. It. Crouch, u daugh ter. KDOKRTON'--Thursday. Septem ber 0. lo the wife of Arthur h. Kd gcrtoii, u son. YKACII Thursday. September 0, lo the wife of K. S. Veneh, u daughter. Hegal shoes nt Daniels for Duds LIST OF JURORS FOR JOSEPHINE FALL TERM Following it a lit of jurors drawn for Iho fall term of the circuit court which conviuet Keplembir Charlct Agce, (Iraiilt I'nst. Charles Smith, Wildorvillc. Ilenunn Horning, Irani s I 'us. Frank Dnket, (irantt Vn':. K. V. I'.igiill-, (ininls 'vn. Hnydon Dean, Cirautt l"i:st. II. 1?. Alvorsou. (Iriints Murtin Ang.-'l, Grants Pnso .1. T. liliviii. Murphy. William l.ighl. Lclaud. (i. V.. Ilolluiiil, (iraiits I'nst. .1. T. Robert sou, (ialiee. W. II. Kainsiy, Wonder. Knbcrl Huck, (irniilt I'att. W. K. Dowler, Williams. , F.d Litter, firi.uts .1. M. Chihtt, (iranin l'nst. .1. F. Kei.ncdy, William.'.. Herman Hulliert, (irnnts l's. .1. .W. Stringer, Murphy. X. Hcynolds. (Irir.ils l';.ss. V'.. T. llathiiway, Dryden flcorge Crawford, (iriiutt Pats, .lames Haven, Merlin. M. Andrews, Cirauls I'asr.. C. II. McCi:nn, Wildervillo A. .1. Admus. Waldo. I'hil Ilrown. Wildervillo. Kd Holland, Holland. "My t'ncle From Japan" arrived lit I lie I'.ijoii last uijit mid from the jammed and crowded house be bad more nieect mid nephews than Car ter hud outs, and lo judge from the cordial reception tendered him he is likely to use bis own words, "live and die with them" unlet a few of them die first from n ruptured blood vessel. 41' the first appearance of the Darling Stock e.oiiipiiny is to be acccpled as it criterion of future performances, the mauugeinent may as well prepare lo hang "standing I room only" signs as w ithout it doubt I they give the best show for the price that has ever been seen in this or, any oilier town. It would he a banl( mutter to pick stars, but judging from the' applauso "I'ncle ' himself would carry away the cake. RIGHT TO USE WATER FOR POWDER VALLEY PROJECT KA MOM, (i.e. Sept. l.X Nolhing now ulmi'l in (he way of the. reelam itiou of the .Vi.OdO acres in the Pow der valley hy Hie Finklcbnr interests under the Carev net. An order was madi! by (he hoard of control at Salem., granting to O. i. Fiiikleburg Salem., grafting to (). (. Finklebiirg the right to use the waters of the Powder liver to reclaim a large Sr tion of the Powder valley. The pro ject in one of the biggest mill most important in ibe history of eastern Oregon. Kqgal shoes at Daniels for Duds. Kegnl shoes at Daniels for Duds. Ludwig Piano. This famous instrument has heen sold nil over this country hy our for mer representative, und for informa tion as to thn satisfaction it gives, ask your neighbors, Chen follow tlmir advice and see Sherman, Clay & Co. for terms, etc. Halley block. 152 4- We are Growen Bny direct from ns MO ASKNTS Our Tre-e are rrown alrlctlT WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ f'T frta emUlox. Large auyk of verUtitftraltalilulormmtiMirtjialorcbarue Cbeb Fill, Nat Mi Ornamental Tren. 6npa u: il t t . uki. I'lIM IlAT.r.VN NfTltKKItlFM I Mala Office, Grind Ain,Vonluti,On. I Kegal shoes at Daniels for Duds. Why Druggists Recommend Chamber lain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank ('. Haurahan, a promi neut druggist of Porttinouth. Va says: "For the past six years I have told and recommended Chamberlain's Colie.'Cholera and Diarrhoea, Itemedv It is a great remedy and one of the best patent medicines on the market. I bundle some others for the same purposes that pay me a larger profit, but this remedy is so sure to effect a cure, Nnd my customer so certain to appreciate m recommending it to him, that I give it the preference." For sale by I.eon It. Ilaskins' Pharmacy. ! i I 1 1 ;' ' .... yyfK; St-t r xn. ;. -.. ,v..r .f t :t. ?: m a WTflV. ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves '. tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mins are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lota are 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what onewill make 50 to 100 per cint on the investment in the course of a year. Med ford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. "NVe also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a j-ear's time. Also have 40 acres first-class , fruit land that can be trailed for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easihr cleared and no waste or steep land. Xow what have you to of fer ? J. ,W. Dress I er Agency West Main St. X Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms In the space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets ana aressers; caotnei Kitcnen. 4 t J. A. McINTOSII, Architect, T rm.' i j vr.: 1 t t. t..:i,i: t t IK aw m-m r 1 .a. T 111 L WW '. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist t All kirn' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t Jchlncry. Agents In Southern Oregon for , FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. t The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes. Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon AilvertisiiiL' i the lircnlli of life for. ITnw can I secure information con- weak 'oiiMiiess Inn;:-. now eernini; the liest lrnit sention on is? P. earth? Subscribe for the Tribune V "Be Fair To Yourself II DON'T ALWAYS PAY RENT. OWN A HOME OF YOVU OWNa. WE STILL HAVE A FEW LOTS UNSOLD IN THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONS. Wood lawn, - Mountain View Laurel Heights and Oak Grove ''ONLY 2fX) AM) .f.KK).i 25 DOWN AM) 10 I'Ett MONTH; NO INTEREST. Do It Now While You Think of It . Beiison Investment : Comp'y