THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO OX", TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901). GOLD HILL ITEMS. FIRES DAMAGE FORESTS IN WEST FORK DISTRICT (Tho News.) Mrs. John Urown of Kmies Creek was in town Friday. Misses Ivn and Daisy Dungey vis ited .lueksonvillo Friday. William Fliiin, tho. Koek Point rancher, was in town Wednesday. James MeDougal and wife were in town from their ranch on Waekwell 1 1 ill Thursday. Andrew Hooten, a successful end entcrprisian ranner of Sams Valley, was in town Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Harvey of Portland is here visit in- her parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey. A. J. T. Smith, the carpenter, has heen pnttine on a new roof on Mrs. Boll's residence this week. C. C. Mc.Clendmi is recovering from a severe accident received some lime iijio. James Taylor of Happy Camp. Cal., a former resident of this vi cinity, returned a few days siga for a short visit with friends and rela tives. G. F. Yose of Fort Klamath, a for mer townsman of Gold Hill. sjent a few days in town this week visiting old friends. C. X. Stiuehring was in from the Braden mines Thursday. Lewis Smith of Sams Valley visit ed in our midst Thursday. Joe Dusenberry was down from his sawmill on Sardine creek Thurs day. Miss Dora Caine, the "hello" girl . of this city, visited Ashland Wednes day. John Ponncgnn of Foots Creek tar ried in Gold iliil awhile Wednesday. William Morris of Rock Point a veteran of the civil war, gave us a pleasant call Friday. Elura Gall of upper Sams Valley was doing business in our city the fore part of the week. William Blackert, the pioneer pla cer miner of Galls creek, was trading , with our merchants Monday. C. S. Drake of Beagle, who is ex tensively engaged in the goat busi ness, was in town Wednesday. James U. Smith passed through Gold Hill a few days ago from his Sardine creek ranch on his return from Jacksonville after being ex cused from jury dnty. James Childcrs of the Gold Hill planing mill returned a few days ago from a hunting trip on Evans creek, and while encamped at Gooloway Gap succeeded in killing two black bear. Mrs. A. B. Anderson of Foots Creek was trading with our mer chants Thursday. Our new sewerage system is pro gressing nicely under the manage ment and contractorship of Stickcl Brothers. The excavations having almost heen completed, "hence" with in 30 days Gold'Hill will have a sew-j erage system equal to many towns surrounding it of a much larger pop ulation. ft T, TT.iff. Mm lmrlier. while cast ing the bait to induce the finny tribe' to become an inmate or ins DasKei had the misfortune' to. hook himself in the jaw. J. H. Beeman came down from the mines on Sardine creek Tuesday and reports everything looking encour aging in that district. Mr. Beeman also informed a Xcws representative that he had been repairing the Sar- dine creek wagon road from the j schoolhouse to the Oregon Gold Hillj mining properties. This is something that has been bndly needed for years and with a small outlay of capital expended judiciously can be made a good road. Vernon Anderson of the forest ser ice who has been out in the field for some lime has returned to Grants Pass, bringiug with bin: his partner. Charles Lewis, who was made death ly sick with plomaino poison, vuused from eating canned corn. Tho were camping at the head of Murphy Creek at the tiim, and a long way from settlers, and Anderson had to make a long tramp to the nearest camp, to get a lig with which to bring the sick man. who was suffering ter ribly , in to this city, where he could he en red for by a doctor. Anderson reports fires raging in the West Fork district, for the paM two weeks. Hj slates that the entire country is being burr.jd vcr. d . stiv.ying some of the finest timber in southern Oregon. The flames have crossed and recrossed Cow Crci"sre peatedly and have gradually been working toward the natiira 1 forest. On this neeouril he has called out all the assistance available hero to guard the tract. .All the laborers that could be picked up have been drafted in to fight the flames; which will do incalculable damage. It was re ported that tho fire was set by three Grants Pass beys. Uegnl shoes at Daniels for Puds. NOTICE. Pythian Sisters are requested to meet at the K. of P. ball Wednesday evening, September 15, 1909. ALICE E. TROWBRIDGE. 153 M. R. and C. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, that uotiee is hereby given that it is in the opinion of the city council, nec essary and the city council hereby requires that a cement sidewalk 5 feet in width be constructed on both sides of Ivy street from Main street to Fourth street. Resolved, further. That the sev eral owners of adjneent and contigu ous lots areereby required to con struct said sidewalk in said manner within thirty days after service of this resolution upon them, in the man ner provided by ordinance No. 3!) of said city, passed and approved Sep tember 2d, 1902. Resolved. That copies of this res olution be served upon the respective owners of said property in the man ner provided by said ordinance with in five days .from date, or as soon thereafter as is practicable by the city recorder or under his direction. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford. Oregon, on the 7th day of September, 1909, by the following vote: Merrick aye, Welch aye, Emer ick ..... Wortman aye, Eifert aye. Pemmer aye. Approved September 7th, 1909. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: . ROBT W. TELFER. . City Recorder. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER Sin P. Regal shoes at Daniels for Duds. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing by and between W. J. Beacon and C. B. Cameron, under the firm .name and style of the B. & C. Grocery, is, by mutual consent, this day dissolved, Mr. Cameron retiring. All accounts due. to firm are pnyable to Mr. Bea con, and all accounts owed by the firm will be. paid by Mr. Beacon. Dated this 9th day of September, 3909. 151 W. J. BE A COM, C. B. CAMERON. For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have !.; been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for It in easy monthly payments' and low rate of Interest. , We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a One. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburo iilBiilillrtSl Boarding and Day School For Giris and Young Ladies DEPARTMENTS PREPARATORY, GRAMMAR, HIGH SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL. MUSIC INCLUDING PIANO, VIOLIN, GUITAR. MANDOLIN", ZITHER, BANJO, 'CELLO. ART INCLUDING PEN AND INK. CHARCOAL, PASTEL, WATER COLORS. OIL, PORCELAIN. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Medford, Oregon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant ' All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give U3 a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, ' if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PBOOBfc88XVE TAZLOB Why Not ;Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. Invest in a C. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only '2c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. I have complete field notes of nil donation hind claims and a large portion of the government surveys in Jackson county. These nolo may be copied in my office for f0e a claim or section. Complete map-i of Medford, Talent, Central Point, Tolo, Gold Hill, Eagle Point. Woodville and Rutlo Falls. Surveys, maps, blue prints and des criptions of lots nnd tracts made. J. S. HOWARD. C. E. Rooms 7-8, Adklns Bldg. Medford, Or. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Pollers Golden Gate Coffee." ; It is so Kxl we ciiiinot obtain 4 belter coffee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. livery tiling about Folder" s Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive cuarantec that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure-ground possibilities. An ideal climat", diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most charnmg and popular play ground. Southern Pacific Has a "SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION I ATE TO NEWPORT OF. $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSENDAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Stnto Depositary Established 1888. Capital and Hurplu 125,000 Retourroi 1700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Uniik reaped fully solicits your ncnount, subject to your check, with tho HtrongeKt guarantee of wafcty and efficiency. We offer the liihoHt attainment in HyHtemnlio (milking nervico, which nxHitrcH tho RroatoHt enre in every financial transaction, with (hid oblig ing institution. W. 1. VAWTRW, Provident. O. R. LINDLEY, Cnxhier. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. :B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs yttvs. Ureiu 3fampton 3saac$ Instuctor of "Piano, Tlt MUtrjofc SuA at 3W6n. Jtorfh Orun Slml I