Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 13, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Money Saving' Day
; We are closing out many linos of goods hero at less
than one-half the maker's cost." Look tomorrow's list
20 dozen Ladies, Hose
3 pairs for 50c
j'AVe have ahont 20 .dozen ladies' extra fine quality
lisle finish Hose;. 33d retailers in most stores; that we
are cleaning ioyjt here, in lace. stripe and dropstich;
any $ize; colors'! blacky tan and brown; at, your choice,
3 pairs for 50c, '
' '2Q ; dozen ladies full
bleached Jersey ; iibbed
Vests; "taped neck and
sleeve ; our regular 10c and
13e quality,; closing out
3 for 25c
Choice of all our ladies'
25c quality, short sleeve
summer vests and they
are most stores' 35c qual
ity here this week in all
sizes up to 9,- the extra
large are
2 for 25c
We are showing the finest line of genuine imported
Hand Painted and Japanese China ever shown in Med
ford, and you should see the low prices.'..
At the Nash J. O. Mtii'l'lierson,
Orand Rapids; Miss H. Moorhoutw,
N. C. Moorhonse, oily; J. F. Dash
nell, Fort Worth; C. K. Vim Olindn,
San Francisco; K. It. Sawyer, city;
J. A. Forbes, Seattle; F.liot Dnjyjott,:
Minneapolis; Williaia F. Tysing, Sun j
Francisco: Miss Fnrrisee, Chicago;
J. Ketch, Ifosehurg; F. llcrimiM, Ne-.j
tittle: ('. J. Price, Topckn ; C. II..
Krithel, Snn Francisco; A. W. Khun i
and wile, II. I,. Middlctoii, Fruit-j
vale: A. S. lhiiigh, Grunts Pass; II.
W. Hendricks and wit'o. Kiccville; J. I
A. (liny, K. J. Morton, l.os Angeles;!
O. A. Mintoyne, Coquille; August
Hummel, Miko Flunkolt, Vida; M.
Abrahams, Now York; Alonzo Morri
son, Portland.
At the Moo iv G. Armilnge, Fort
land; It. V. Parker and wife, Co
lmiibus; George W. Marshall, Taro-.
ma; Mrs, J. Anderson and faiuilv.
W. II. Kolti. Uavward-; Mrs. (. M.
liordenux, eily; II. lioodmau, Los An-1
Seles; F. It. lirowu, William Kiituseyl
and wife, t'orvallis; A( McDonald and
wife. Temple; Kay A-dipole, Tom ('ml!
ton, F.uglo I'oint ; S. S. Morgan. Mis j
K. I.. Morrison, William Massey and 1
wife, Indianapolis.
The Harvest Sale
The Chance to Save on New Goods
Every woman in Jackson county should attend this Harvest Sale. II you attended Inst year and
purchased any of our goods you know that what we sell gives satisfaction. If you ever liought any
thing here that did not give entire satisfaction we stand ready to make good. It's up to you to let us know
and give us a chance to right ourselves.
Everything for women and the best for the least price.
Gibbon's Qreat History of Rome.
Altbougti Hie Idea was conceived
when Ulbbou was twenty -seven, lie
was thirty-otic befotv tie set himself
seriously ut work to .study bis mate
rial. At tbirty-six be began ttie com
position, ami be was thirty-uiue wheu.
In February, 17.7U. ibe first iprarto vol
ume was published. The history had
an Immediate success.. ".My book." lie
wrote, "wus ou every table; the bis
torlan' wiis crowned by tile taste or
fashion of the day." The first edition
was exhausted in n few days, a second
was printed 1TTU. mid nest year a
third. The second mid third volumes,
which ended the history of "the west
ern empire, were published In 1781,
and seven years later the three vol
umes devoted to the eastern empire
saw the light. The last sentence of
the work, written lu the summer house
at Lausanne, Is: "It was among tin)
ruins of the capltol that I first con
ceived the Idea of a work which' tins
! amused and exercised nearly twenty
years of my life, and which, however
Inadequate to eiy own wishes. I fiuully
deliver to the curiosity and candor of
i the public." Scrlbner's Magazine.
Our Exclusive Specialties
Gage Hats fine dress fabrics Redfern & Warner Bros.
Tailoried Suits
American Ladies Tailoring Co. System of Made to; Measure Garments
The Hutch a son Co.
Successor to Baker Hutchason Company
Medford, Oregon Near Post Office
, You'll meet your friend nt the box , Only live days left to sci-iirc n lot J West Medford for building Iota;
bnll alley. , " 1 in our additions m West Medford ht
Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee ' present prions. Benson Investment
Co.. .'tfi So. O street. i Co. 15
good ones from $2."0 to if -10(1. We
will build your house. IleiiHon In
vestment Co. 151
County Court News.
Order made approving plat o Em
ig's addition to Medford.
In the matter of the petition of
Theodore A. Glass et til. for the es
tablishment of ' county road; order
made appointing Frank A. Grisez, I.
B. McDonald and K. C. Washburn
viewers. ''
In the matter of the petition of
Wilbur W. Cameron for the change
I of a county road; order made ap-
pointing Frank A. Grisez, A. Throck
morton mid Miles Cantrall viewers.
I Order made approving plat of Ren-
shaw subdivision.
j Are yotl uarticular? If so, it will
pay you to figure with Cook, the
' nurseryman, before placing your or
! tier for trees or shrubbery- -50
Nash Grill open all the time.
If not, will you make it a p int to do so the nest time you are
in our neighborhood?
It will pay you, we know.
Here's n picture of one of the
WALK-OVER shoes in our win
dow. Come and see how much
better the shoe looks than the
Gun Metal Calf
Blucher Boot
Hytoe Model
Price $3.50
$4-00 $5-
jEdmeades Bros.
Useful Diversions. "
There Is an affection in every em
ployment, and It gives tue spirit ener
gy and keeps the mind intent upon Its
work or study.- This, If it be not re
laxed, becomes dull, and its earnest
ness lings as salt that has lost its
savor, so that it has no pungency or
relish: or a tt bended bow, which, un
less it be tiubeut. loses the power that
it derives from its elasticity, .lust so
the mind, kept from day to day in the
same Ideas, without variety. So the
eyes, when they look ouly at one ob
ject or continually upon one color.
For. to look continually at a thing
which Is black, or continually nt red
or at white, destroys the sight. Thin
if one looks continually nt the snow
the sight is destroyed, but it is en
livened If he looks in succession or nt
the same t tit to .upon ittauy colors.
F.very form delights by Its varieties
as a garland of roses of different" cokirs
arranged in beautiful order. Hence It
is that the rainbow Is more cluirining
than the light itself. Kmannel Swe
denborg. The King of Rom.
To teach bis son obedience to nurs
ery rules Napoleon gave strict orders
that be never be admitted to bis apart
ments if lie came thither alone. One
morning the little king of Rome came
trotting along the .corridor ami. look
ing up at tile titll officer on guard, im
periously ordered: "Open the door for
me. 1 want lo see papa."
The officer, true to bis Instructions,
answered gcutly. but firmly, "Sire.! I
cannot open the ' door lb your maj
esty." .
"Why not?" demanded the little
autocrat. "1 am the little king."
At lite genlle reminder. "But your
majesty is ail alone," the goldeu hair
ed cherub seemed some what non
plused, but, his governess appearing n
moment later, he seized her hand and.
thus protected, stamped his tiny foot
and cried: "Open the door! The king
wishes it!"
Tills time, all being in order, the tall
ollicer fliniK the door wide open, sol
emnly niiiiauiieiiig, "Tlie king of
Dr. Johnson on Good Breeding. j
When Roswell suggested to Johnson j
that "General Paoll," whom they bad ;
llldt loft lt.l,l 4f.A r.ft lr.a ,.,. 9 I
man he had ever seen." Johnson de
nied that military men were always
the best bred we. "Perfect good
breeding." ho snld, " la having
no particular murk of nny profeswd-o,
but a general elegance of iniiiiiii'is.
whereas In a military niau you can
commonly: distinguish the brand of
soldier." t "' " '
Imperial addition was opened in May. We have sold
43 lots, a groat many of them to people who expect to
build on them in (he near future. When we opened the
addition we advertised (hat we would give away one lot
' to the purchasers of the first 2."). This we Jiave done. The
lot owners deciding it by a drawiug, Phil Loosly being the
, lucky man. Now we are going to make the same offer on
the ne.vt 23 lots sold. We are also going to commence
building a neat modern bungalow in this addition to sell
on easy terms, and will continue to build them as long as
there is a demand for houses. In our judgment,
in the next two years. Next summer East Main street will
be paved and East Side values will double up. Now is the
time to .buy a lot in Imperial addition a small amount of
cash down and your own time on the balance.
Medford - - -. - Oregon