THE MTOPOBD 1MTI.Y TE1BUNK. MEIWOUD. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, MOB. I ; iSOGIAL AND PERSONAL Will advance September nil ro muiiiinir lots ' Woo.lh.wn Heights. S OrovB, Uuwl Park, Mount..... View itiil Knllmrim Tern. .. tiol.H. Get ..I." t.Mly t IMOKOllt ir Hl'IIHOll Il.VOHtllllMlt Co. J''i Mm 1'". lhiniols, win. has been visit ,,,i.iliv,.H ut .46 .Crook, Uu ro mned to her hoinu t Grunts ViM. rSon.otl.inK vry buK'.nosH nun wnntHthu niorohunU'. lunch at tl o Cl. grill. a(,h'oon-n -Inborn moml. l'rico 35 emit. UfiMirUi that minion nr.. limnB dy llullli dhiihpUK l.etwn Orn , . Lm. warden's nd in,uiry . under ascertain the perpetrators. T(m.ero tracts i" nt reaHou , , ,riesf You will I'ind them just Sv.iUsm.led. Prices ril.. lcso., Investment Co. ' l),.puly Game Warden Sum ruu.dry f Woodvillo wm Saturday visitor ,lt Medford. , J Wanted-Some vatw.t houses, Kant SldootWoHt Side; have parties win - , for lUeta. Call am h-V'"- " - Will Brown bus purchased wo M in Biskij'ou H,iKb.H from the Ore ton Orchard Syndicate. Twenty-seven acre "' in.l mulli of M-dlord, will. hsc, ban., fr .,.,! "" meul Co. ..... K .I.Nolton, puUIWarof .l...r.-ka )im,,mll .,. Monday in M-dlord. . Small ran.'h a few n..l" Lorn n., will Undo f-.r inside property; ra- vi'Htu.enl Co. ' Mm 1. I.. Ila.nilt-n and M'hk W il Hamilton I'ft Saturday lo v,h" r.; u tir Kan FrunciHoo. Seventy acres four and omi-hiiir mUe,fro.nM.Ml.'o.,l;n..w.lMmln.l...n. ..alow; HOO fruit trees; only 1" l ' ' t. Jnve.tip.te this. li-nso.Mn-vKHtnun.t Co. C, 1). Vore of Missouri is viMtintcj I 11 Tavlor. Lot in Laurel l'nrk add,!..... can bo bought for 2ft cash and 10 monthly payments. Ileiison Invert inenl Co. ' . ,)lornco Orcar of San Francisco in r XI...U' ,1 i m ii t'ishini: excursion. Autou.ul.ile Have your ,,!., iH,.r...l uBi'i-l r''" d neeident. Itennon InveHtment ' "f. HV. Jones of Api-leiJale wan a'iinr in Medford. A 0t in the heaul.lul Oak (.io ,.;n ..Ii.iish von and inaun llllillliuii " i .if',, you money. IWuho,, InveHt.ue.iM o. r,s l. K. Ue.-ves has rol.irncd r,o,n a visit to Mm. llnra-e l'elton r.l Sa.nH Valley. Take h look l he new houses la -iMK built on onr additions, .ols w.H , rapi.Uy in a short tune. Se cure yoi.M at once. . n"" a.ent Co- i:.... it......i..n f'liine.on a .' Oaunyaw visited the Cameron rnneh on Little Apple..!.; Tim' of The W,wa. will .o,-Hent. v present to; -ne on d- frd'8 lady .lan.'.-M ... ..v "to, Mildred Toft left Saturday to visit Onints Vn. . ... . Open nil the time-thc 0 . II. Bnrloy Onhriel spent Sunday at Ins , fmher'H vanel. on (he . Phono 3-J03 for ten or eoflee. TOO LATE p CLASSIFY WANTHU--.FAp.'ne,.ee.l ll nr t(, H1.l city lots. Benson Invest. ,, ro iVJW.Ma.n si. iitn't ! Huniiirtiiiir to see 11. 1 epideinie of hlreet iiiiproveniei.t break out on the ICast Side at any t"'n. There an. a few fellown oveV there 1 I'll .A that 11 hi Unit, it win uoi.o.e . triple the value of ll.eir property. 'I'l... 1'riiv.l.vli'riau Sunday sehool umliM' eliaperonaK'e of Mm. Shields and Mm. Miller enjoyed 11 pienio in Ashland Satiirdn? 11' 11... l.'.i Kliln will warke 1111 now Dniiiliilii nveiiue and West Kiubtb street won't bnvn it all their own way, iih the bust rcKideni'i. d.str.ets ot n ,.',lr ' . ... . . I Uilrt Nieholrt of Houo nver in.s ...u..a tl..! Curlldii iironerty in .lll I.IIIIT... . " - Kntilo roint, nml will remove .v, ..." ....... 1 1 1 .l.n flixt nf Oetober. I1I!W IIIMIII1 WlWU. The exaet eons'idf ration is not Ihk.wii. but is said lo havo been in me neiKn borhood of $3000. . Vm, n rri.t a menl to order nt the Ninth Grill liny timo betweon 0 o'eloek in tho morning nnd midniyht. Operant fill in.u.nt A nieiiiV tiurty noiuM.He(l 01 nml Mm, K. J. of Berkeley, Cnl., Mrs. Henry Kreneh and ehildren, Mr. and Mm. (Hi Mi-iioih aim m... drcn, Mr. and Mm. L. K. WhitiK '"'! Korman Whitinc, spent Sunday en, ean.ped on tho banks of the Bonne, enlii.K n picnic dinner. Tho Spot Cttfo don't servo qimil on I.., r.r liniuininir bird pot pie, but they do servo tho best dinner ever eaten in Medford for tho prie.c. Ilorueo l'elton and wife and Mrs. fi irt Snt.irdav for Se- lllllliTn i..'. - , altle. Mr. Kini! will join his wile there and they will reside in l'ort- On Tuesday eveuint; at H10 wir atn the mnnaceinent will present a daneer absolutely free a pres- Jul cut. ., , ' 1 ii..i.r.pu nml l'ninilv have rn- .,....,.'.,i'iiv..n a visit l the Seattle Kill. , . . hm.- t.r- 11 mini's heart is via his ritomaeh. such being the case, tho IMiero enfo is entitled to the tlmnks hnKe friend or relu- 111 tivo has ever Bat at its lahlo- t.s a plensnre to cat tliero. Jink Kvai.s 01 i iioeii.A s,.v,.i 1 !.. r...ii'...l UIIV 1.1 iiu:iii- . The 'Nash Grill is open day nml :i,tl, finest sorvieo butween 'n -11... ..1 .....1 mi FrnnoisCO. ; 1 -oruam' , , .... t':n:..... lM.'il us ili'.Kis.l.'.l J" ii 111111111 ' 1 1 .1 r ll SulWlIiV M)l'OC. I IM" ... A 75 show for only a n.cKei mom than the reuhir iiirfvinjs picture piircs ut the Bijou from-now on. Come and j.iditc. for yourself. J. M. Wriyht left for Lakeview C In it mi n linsiness trip. George Hordcan.v aceoinpanied bin; to Kla.n utb. where be will shoot ducks. in .( lin host lirenu on kuiui JL villi n l...- tl.n Wist Side Oro- seo r.i . ."H , 11 11 p., inn! wilViOC Coos .. .. '.....,'..v.i..,.1.l here within a week )llk drove n? - ; . ,, residence in A! ml nl' . Mm. " .Bulge W. f. Colv.H. - Nash drill "pen all the time. Knpid pros-'ress in pavinK- r ... :.....i :u i.i.'inir miiile. Iheeuro .Maui fui' i . I is half completed and will be fm- ifhed this week. U.e Kru.i. .p - , l.h.nennd the water mains w.ll he ltn.l I ,(ixl week. ., Don't forncl the narl.n!.' ' " at the Bijou touinht. Al a meeti.H.' of the Fpecal coni )lli(,( ,' ,lu, Uorlicultural soe.ctes Satnrdav sleps were taken to insure belter protection against fruit pests. Aid was asked from the California . . 1 1 .. li..i.iiniillnve to on- staie nonro I- :.. 11 n,f out he fruit (lis- Ol.e.n.i' i" ' (r' . rt nLo in northern California conn- ,,' tii,..,. ,li llm nnlv first -pIiii "o.;' sv--- ... ..i,;,n,.v sween. is in memo.-.. week. ' Kveryonn should Rot their , 1 nno I'lcaned whilo they ',. net 'it done riirbl. ns the old man "m O l Leave on.ers ni, . .iHt" north of poslorriee. 0eorCe 'Sloimh. ' , , 1 Mrs Van Wallers has relurned lo lis ,.iV Boise. Idaho. Mrs., ...1, ,.wl,. ll.c Irin to Boise for ll( ' qc of paekintj and shippi.W ', ... ..1...1.1 ,ls lo their new Vi..... c.p,t "iViiit tiin Nash Grill bos tho host ohef in tho Btate and amkoH a Hpec.ialty of hitiiiII or mrgo dinner parties. Al McDo.iahl iiikI wile 01. jenii.r, Ari,., an. Medford visitors. Wo are oini; to petition tho city council to open up two more streets from Main into Imperial nuiiiuon i...u J11 y water mains on all streets into it. ti.; hI,,i. u.. Ill in 1 t 01 i- lars to the value of the property. Lot us sell ,ou a lot now ui.U you wm " ..... .....w.t'il ni' 1I111 ruiso. ltay Asbpolo nnd Tom Curlton of Katfle I'oint spent wimiuy m "- ford. Imperiul additionStop JU'ht now uiul look up tho Imperial addition ad vertisement in this issue. H. H. Morgan, Miss K. L. Morunn mid William Massey and wife of In dianapolis are Medlorrt vis.iois. Kiln Oniinvaw. wulllio 8ieiioKip... room 4, Palm building. .' N. C. Moorbouso and Miss B. Moor house were, visitors in 'Medford Snil-,1,... Nnsh Orih open all the timc. K. B. Sawyer ol tno v. r m.. vey corps seiit Sunday with his family in Medford. Stringer has tho Wuito mver nour, tho best flour on earth. . '151 A C. Handall of Talent was a Medford visitor Monday. Don't forget tho present given away free to some young lady at The Wig wam tomorrow night. 11 I. Keith o Iiosehurg is a Medril .'.u;i,i iri . ... . Another present will no given i.j free Tuesday night to one of Mud - ford's lady dancers. A W. I'-lam nnd wife anU 11. i Mi.ldlclon of Krnilvale. Cal., are rc- vtu Medford arrivals.' A game everybody can play nox- ball. '. It W. Hendricks ami .Mis. nen dricks of .Biceville. la., arc newcom ers seeing the valley. V..lll liln h.iYhllll. JrV ll. 1 on 11 " - , , P t i-i,.i. in..! E. J. Morton ol Iis Angeles are recent Medford ar rivals. . . Teas and coffees nt .10 o. u hi; O A. Minlonvo of Coipiille arriv ed in Medford Sunday. August Hummel and Mike T'lunkett of Vida, 111., are sightseers in Med ford.' 1 tnr awpnt e.reum or butter- VIIV.U." .v - milk promptly filled. Phone th. dreamery. . Nice present for some young t The Wigwam Tuesday night. !! .. .., fnim Missouri T ""i i....L- 1 ! ,.m-servinaii, would' like nil .'...'..:.. 1,. timiv vou. -r0 Oj.Hiriuiiii.. " - uiai lira RIIVR PASS FOR RAILROAD UUtllSIUW ' ,. M1NNEA 1'OLIS, -Sept. 13. TV B. Walker today admitted that ho had bought lands in northern California to gain control ol rrcilonia pass, nui denied that he had purchased them! either for Hill or Hiirriman uiterests. Walker is reputed a 11.11 man and ins purchase gave rise to tho rumor that Hill was seeking to control the gate between 11 n Oregon nnd California in land route as a continuation of the DeschotCB Central Oregon route. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Hint Maud lUlluv I" ih:i.;i.j Snmiicls, the wife of the undersigned, huf left his home, nnd that he will not bo responsible for any debts or ob ligutionH contracted or incurred by ti nfter this date. Dated September 2, 1000. 150 ' JOHN D. ' SAMUELS. WHAT KIND OF NAILS WERE USED ON NORTH POLE? Kx-President Staples oC tho Ash land Commercial club I111 sent the following telegram to Herbert1 L. Bridgman, secretary of the Peary Arctic club, Sydney, Cape Breton: "Aiient Peary's clean-cut, uiifrill- ed narrative nnd nailing of tho flag to the pole, please publish whetner the nails were cut or wire. (Signed) "K. T. STAPLES." I .,-,.(.,, n nt eourse is interested par tii'iilnrlv 11s to the kind of wood coin- If Oregon pine, it I will last many generations of explor ers, says the uii 1 PR nillTS CHINA TO GO TO 5CUI LANU SHERMAN COUNTY TO HAVE DRY FARM S.Aiiun MORO. Or.. Sept. 13. The court of Skennuii county today approved and voted an appropriation for $10,- 220 for the purchase or land to do used by state and federal authori ties for a dry experimental fann. Land near Moro has been taken by Professor Umherger of Washington, I). C, who wilt become president uun superintendent of the farm, which comprises 23-t acres, the county hold inu an option for more land if need ed. . NOTICE. Euphonious FmU Nmti. ReferrlnK 10 a recent Dote od eopbo oloui female onmea. It may be sold that tbo cceeotrlc Christian name nt. tains Its ripest vigor In the highlands. There the natives have a few naines natural to the sex. sucb as "Barbae" -though Barbae may be tbe name ot .. fomiiv .-no "the dear one, tbe LI1U ... . - dun one.". Tho great majonry 01 i: hnwpvpr. . frankly mute wo " o - - compoonded from male equivalents. "Wilhelmina" is Known iu iu and on tbe same principle Andrew . 1 ..... finds Its female counterpart iu drewlna." while "MalcolmlDas" and "Donaldlnas" are as thick as blackber ries. One unhappy child among the relations of the present writer was mercifully known as "Ava," and Ava i she will be all her life. Her real name. ! a.iin incLTiiilfciitlv set forth. Is "AJex- andrlnn Victoria AndreWlna." and ihe abbreviation is formed from tbe lultlal letters. Ijndou Standard. It I'. Miller, formerly of Grants well known in Medford, United States consul general at Yo kohama, Japan, has given up his post there and accepted the post of con ..i .,t R..lf!i. Ireland, the change having been made at bis own request on account of his health being very He and his family are now rusticating at McKenzie Bridge in the Cascade mountains east 01 Eugene. Mr. Millor will leave for his new post 111 a few weeks. Pythian Sistera are requested to meet at the K. of P. hall Wednesday evening, September 15, 1909. ALICE E. TROWBIUDGE, 153 M. R. and C. Detirsble. iniiv lust arrived from Australia was recently negotiating with an agent In London Tor a uouse in oue u " newer, districts of Kensington. She asked if it was a nice oelgliborbood. "It is thoroughly iies.rao.e, liiauum, replied the house agent. "They are. without exception, soup aua nsn ium-llies." Spice; street. and extracts at 36 So. G Wanted No Trimmingt. ...I.. Iltll.. .."IU tlllll'll frlcliteneit at . .' ii..H i,,.,vi.r. mat her father told her she sliouldirt Ins as the rain was good for the grass and flowers. t..i.i., .... ii,ri,ii.'h her lears. Ollie ..i. 11 win. e-ciint we have Ham. - v .. J.Jus'l plain r-min':"- Kxchange. The Intricacies ef lt. t "Wov don't vou study the time ta ami you woul.urt have miss ed vour 1 rainy I -Thai was I lie trouble. While 1 was I trying to translate the time table the j train pulled out. -.New lor, nt-...... At His Best. .l.ii'tor told Guzzler ' drinking was the very worst thing he could do. Slobbs-l guess didn't know Guzzler or lie woum .... HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. MaiVi Why allow your eyes to use more than ' their' normal supply of ner vous energy! Even a Alight saving each day may mean much to you for future health. We -ever presribe lenses un til we have, taken nerve mea s u r e m c nt s under pressure and with pres sure removed to prove accuracy of onr findings . when relief is sure to follow. Improper adjustments of lenses not only tracts from appearance but adds much to eye . btrain. McCormick methods used exclusively. Brief eonsulUotion free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eye Specialist. East Main St.,' over Nicholson's Hardware. ,p.M.rtiinit,V to snow you. .didn't know unzzicr 01 ..u Do vou have good bread? Why not 1 roallzed ,i,,u drinking is the best thing , see Stringer. West Side Grocery. 151 j lie ,mes.-I'blladeli.hla Kewrd. Burke e Bore. carefully nrcmircd bcforeliand wheu delivered 1 . ... . . ..triu iiinu I by one winning me oiuiui Strong Proof. '. '" "Sue.1 for a l.rencfc of promise, ehr "Yep." "Anv lcfensV" ..r...... insiinltr. ami I expect Burke ! to pwve it by the 've letters I wrote." ', - AVashlngton Herald. ., .1 1 1....... 1 hi- an utter failure. it... mi.ut slriuim; eiuiuim.- of this, lie simply drove cverybod) Contempt. away. This Is wen aim a..,..uK , , ( wouldn't marry me ir scribed by Lord isrsume 10 . , - .' ie onlv m 011 earth r ican ambassador. Mr. U. who bad I ' ; iu t0 vo1... asked hi... about Iturkes delivery. " ' . ,.lf you vvere the It was execrable, s.uu ne. , nf ,,.,. reSl,rt." 1..: i.niiL-a nt r-ntnmoua ff IPn u . Say py Theatre lnvcst- 151 a, 1 Miss 111 l. IV made his great speech on American conciliation, the greatest ue eei lie drove everybody away. 1 wanted to go out with tlie rest, urn wus u 1.1 n. nn.l llfmlll to act up. So I squeezed myself down and crawled un- 1 .... .. .a ....III I nr dcr the benches iikc. u uus to the dour without his seeing me, re lolclng In my escape. Next day 1 went to tue lsie 01 n,,i tiwwp 1 rond it over and IWIIUitCM int.- - - ... nr nr.i. 1 could hardly thinlc ot anything else sas City Journal. I TONIGHT HIS LITTLE GIRL Comedy. SHE WOULD BE AN ACtRESS Comedy. STORY OF MEND0N Film d'Arte. ONE DIME Angry rnreut-Anotuer thousand? Not auother penny. I'm tired of yoiir extravagance, young man. It will do vou uo good to hang around here, for my mind is made up and I'm a man of iron. You made your mistake by not realizing the truth of the "take care of , c .i.if, SnnNo. sir.' I made my OI11U uaruiy iuu.u. v.. . ein-uu....... . , carried It with nie j ;udslake.l.v bene u.g " " "- , , and thumbed It until It got like wad ding for my Bun.'-wesimmsiei- ui. Kette. ' UUMlutii:.!'.' ...... - . . ... n.n irr.ii Is hot. Bohe- StriKing wmii ... 1 mlan Macaxine. Economy WANTKD-Small, eneriiclic younj: nim to" .ell "i'V 't'urtn vcslmcnl Co.. opposite lVtcl M.u,.... WAN'rKl)--V ,irl ror iten.,,.! -,w,,rl, in I'nuul'.v of ll.reo. Adding V. O. l'.nx OR 1. VOU KXCUAN(iK-..-0 Los An- ,il,. suburban home mimnif ""'ans, 1 ;,'i 1 niu much home. want improve.. . , sound val.-, vicinily grow. a. k II, liol.t. . ."'- i."""' " .. , , home at r.02 Soul I. ixew.. w n,,.-.. which Ihoy pnrcl.nse.l nuer ..y uniM'tinn of the many and varied r s'liirccs of Ihe. lioirae Kiver valley. chimney sweep, will he hero the firs m.x week, Everyone shou .1 pe their chimneys and J'lues cleaned while Ihcv can trel il done n;J.I. as lh( I old man i,.C. K. Leave ordeiv.a , Ticc at once, (leovge Slou,.!.. ! .. ii..i...... nml w fe ol Colum- . . 1. i. . in''. hufi.. In.l.. is a re. "Lest Ye Forget" mmi 1 i..i. The Sale of Ladies' and Children's Shoes is now 1 sou coiinly low hanihrn, Cnl. l,Hlt SALIv'-l'-Thend slock sheep and lift yountr turkeys. ,W on 6. W. Dewey, Talent, Or. .nil arrival in Med- A inspection ol' nnr imrsoij wil ,,.,. (he most ( all o n,i, vnur list ol' wants nml M li ve J!' -5o"'" scries. Office, 25 V. 1,0 WARDRO a o fi o u The Same Old Story Order Now A NUM11KR OF OL'K CUSTOMERS NVE15H DISAPPOINTED LAST WI'.l'.:. IX NOT GET TING THEIR .CHICKENS.. FTC. IE YOU WKRK OM.; OK THEM, .PROFIT UY . YOUK EXVKKI KNCE AND ORDER NOW. THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postofficc Phone 461 Economy in o o S3 o 3 r vitauu at o. If. Depot. '1' V J ,..