THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKOON, MONDAY, SKl'TKMUKU 1. 1i)01. Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evenine except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : i month by mail or earner.... $0.50 . One year by maU. .$8.00 TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. , A rare and salubrious climate soil of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored' with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive people such is Ihe Rogue River Valley. . .. . Average mean temperature. .-. . I . . ; . '. .............. .55 degrees Average yearly precipitation t . .. .. 21 inches 4 of .f2 a box. At $2 a box,' there is far Hivatrr profit wv a'ri than from apples at '.SO a box, as the HnrMctts air nnn'h more prolific. If a union existed here, comprising all the oivha rel ists, the pears and apple's both would be bought at fancy figures. PLANT SHADE TREES. supply all the t once to bcau-lTf residence lots. I C NECESSITY FOR ORGANISATION. Necessity for fruit growers of tlie Rogue River valley to Drganize grows more and more apparent daily. AVhat organization has done for Hood River should be done bore also. The purchaser of the Hood River crop for this year, who paid a record price, says : "It is pertinent for me to say also that the salvation of the Ilood River-Moiier district lms been iti dnhi;rowe re unions. I have come direct from Aew 1 ork to buy tins cr0p if there had been no unions I would not have-made the trip, and neither would any other apple dealer, for the, reason that none could have taken the risk of being com pelled to deal with scattered- (rowers, in place of a com pact nnion." ; , The price paid for the Hood River crop is heralded as a record one. It is $2.50 net a box. In 1907, Balfour Guthrie company paid $2.60 a box net for the bulk of the Rogue River Newtowns, a pool having been formed among the largest orchardists. ' Rogue River Bartletts have been netting an average Now that Medford 's. new water works supply all the moisture required, work should be begun at tify the city by planting shade trees on all Nothing adds more to the attractiveness of a city than an abundance 6f vegetation. Avenues lined with trees are a source of delight to the owners and the community. Late fall or early winter is the time to plant here. Trees set out in the spring do not do well, and the ladies of the Greater Medford club will add to their many useful monuments if they will make it a business to see that Med ford 's streets are lined with shade trees. " DIED. ('AHIiSO.V.iU her home on North Central avenue, in thin city, on Sep tember D, MKHI, Mih. Ida M. ('ml won, who ol' I'Yi'd ('. Ciu'Imoii, lined CI yearn, lifter an illnesH of several weeks. Funeral herviees will lie helil today, Sep(einlier 11, at tint reniilenco at '.MM . in., Hev. 0. l.eroy Hall of- fieintinn. lulerineiit in (KM F'ellown' cemetery. HAWL1NC1S At Ilia ho of In'i- parenlM on tlriffin creek, -oil Hiip teiiilior II, 11)011, KIhii A. HnwlingH, ae,ed 2'i yearn. Hnrial at Jnekxon villii cemetery Saturday. For Iioiihi grown nniHery Ktoek and a Mqtuiro dual, hco Cook. Ol'fien 'J.ri Went Main Htreet, Mudl'or.l. M) BENSON INVESTMENT CO. r MAKES NEW TERMS ON LOTS On account of the rapid .sale of lots in our additions on the carlinos, the installm of a new naSte-r ws'h better service and new lmira lows be ing reeled, we have decided to in crease the price of these lots' from $2."i0 to $2ti0. Sixty-six of these lots are already sold. Many people do not appreciate the .-Vlcndid uiouutain views from this part of Medford. Thu elevation be ing -lienrly one hundred feet higher than the business section of the city. Think, what it menus in the rainy season to wulk a few blocks mid what a diffcreneeto step aboard the ciire and arrive" in town with . clean shoes and dry feet. .Experience miU observation hi oth er cities and towns teaches that resi dence lots lying close' to n carline will sell for nearly 'double those lots lying at a distance that will iiccesi tnte walking. We can't all own automobiles, but we can afford 5c carfare. Wo will district on each payment. Our solic ilor will gladly call on you at your request and explain our plans in de- tail and show mm the lots. I Remember tho price is only $250 now, until September 15, when they i will bo advanced to $2(10, and wo ! firmly believe under the conditions! now existing in Medford, that they will sell for :? 100 or more. t Ten dollars down and $10 per : month makes you the owner of one of these beautiful iv.-idonee lots. Our telephone in.i:,',i" i- :07:t and our address is V2 W. Main Mreet. IVl-.Vt BENSON INVESTMENT CO. MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 5, 1009 1 nail's Texas Wondor, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder trouble oftcr donton failed to give nny relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. I- Wilson. 135 Bnrtlctt St. Sold by Ilaskins' Drue Store. m KEWANEE System of Water Supply j'jl$$$ 7A y.i With m the I I system, Kewanee Pneumatic Tank it placed in the cellar. Water w i . . i . v I' -iM -- TI'A , ciivcrea io me nxiurcs cy au imwmff& provide! an absolutely tafe and lalitfao, tory water service, equal to that 'offered by any city water worlu. An ahiindarit suntitv nl wnti.r , J?y always available and deliv ered under strong pressure -jr an air-tight, steel, pneu- M throughout the house, barn JT matic tank, called the M, or grounds. Affords Absolute " w X pressure, rrotec- tion. lNo Attic I anlc to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 per cent belter service and will last a lifetime. ' Over Nine Thoiiiin4 Kawanca ft WUIIHl in 3UCCCMIUI WyK&'il ' ' Operation. MM .A TllK III uik r j a ii i ii r- j a "m r V J I mi ll ll' J fnl ' M ! ffT I ! Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. build you a home in this desirable hotel. See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror,' for lessons on violin, iruitnr and mandoKn. Leave orders nt Nnsh E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford. Oreeon ' r 2L BIJOU THEATRE BILLY & VAN,' Mgr., Presents the RICHARD DARLING STOCK IN U J- '-jlVA- Jif Beginning XQ V Tonight My Uncle From Japan" A ROARING FARCE COMEDY ::Mii.y noi.zi'i;. I This company'has been engaged for the coming fall and winter by the management of the Bijou and at two performances every 'eve ning they will present some of the best comedy acts ever shown in southern Oregon something, new every week. Two performances daily 7:45 p. m. and 9 p. m. September n innn JMCn HS) TA Ii J IVO, IlillM'lo', In addition to this strong com edy feature, the music loving pub lic of Medford will have an on portiinity of, hearing HENRY GUNNISON in illustrated songs. The same high class moving pic tures that have always been a fea ture of tho Bijou will be contin ued. Three changes per week. Admission Adults 20c, chil dren 10c. CO. ',v I j W V KKIC KLKIMiN'. JA M Y DIIIS OL. a 3G