THE MED FOR I) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, J 909. PACIFIC & EASTERN. J (Continued from Togo 1.) ll'i'Kin Trunk lino. At llifil lime .loliti J' SduiMiK, now proKiilfiit of llin (ri'K'iii Trunk, wiih InivcliiiK over "iitoii in mi niilniiHiliilci nnilor Ihii niuiH- ill' .laini'H K. Siiiiiiixiiii. Iln nl llml lime Iniil in f. icct llni 1'iiririi! & nnil Innl h'Hki iliinn llm lti'Mclinlim river, nnil, nll h lhi" riirmwcri' piililislinl in July, it wiih mil mi 1 il wi'..(H hi I.t t" . ""ii iiimiI wiih hiiiiIk liy Mr. Slo ven llml. .Iiitm-M J, Mill wiih per funnily interested in i Oi'kkhii I rnnk Inn1. Price of Bonds Jumps. Al III" tinin llin IiiiiiiIh of llin I'll cifie & KitHlmu were inioliciilly 1111-Hiili-iililii nnil went, hfux'mu on llin imirknl. Sinn- then .Inlm . Allen nf New York Iihh liiM'iinii!' llin oMoiiHible iiiri'liiiHir nf lint rmnl. . 1(10,000 in IiiiiiiIh nf llio mini held by the !. funrl Oi'i'hiiii Trust & Kiiviii(fH com I niny linvi' been Mirrciiilcretl to him in tixi-luiiiKii fr JfHlLriOO of cerlil'i ciiIch of deposit on In, Inink lii'lil by the former receiver of the Mcdl'ind & Crater I.iikc roml. Tim bnniU of tlic I'ni'iliii & Kiml o rn . is in now asserted, have been miIiI in Kiokmn nt it nii'i- hii fur in advance over their market vn I no of n frw week iijjn llml il i clearly demons! rated llml inner finmieiiil cir cled know Hint there in now ample eiiiilnl Imckinir Hie l'acil'ie & Kiist ern railway. Extension to Bend. Ivxtcndinjj iiorlheiihleily from Meil f' nil, the iroioxei road eonlil take n eross-luli route In I'end, to which liiiinl the drenii Trunk line i.-i now building:. When Hie link were eon neeleil the Ure'.'iin Trunk wonlil have n line to ('ruler I, like imtiiinnl park, which, with lninsinrtiitimi facilities, will li mie il iiieei'ii for lollli-ls, mil would tup a limber belt on whieh Mauds IJ.IMIO, 0110.000 feet of as fine timber ns cro ' tiiiibin' Hint is now wholly milonelieil by riiilroml linen. It is into this timber belt thill the I'n- eifie I'limlern is now extending from Hie west. One of the feasible ronteH iIim'ox ereil by the early rnilroml sur veyors skirts Hie si'iilherii huso of Mounl Mrl.aiitlilin mid drops down into the Khimiith I. nke eonntry. The oilier route mentioned leaven Mount M-1 .ii null I in to (he smith and skirl the Honlhern base of tlm mniinlain, on whieh in loealed Crater Lake, ami KaiiiS the Hend eomilry by easy grades. May Tap Mining District. Southwesterly from .Med I'. nil, in Siskiyou comity, ('nliforiiin, on the projected route, lies the I'.liiu l.cdifc mining diKlriel, in whieh $300,0no lias already been expended for smel ters. N'o pnielieahle rnilwiiy millet over tho mountain ranee in Ciilifor liiu (o the Southern I'aeifie line is obtainable from this mining distriet. The loiinnno of the district, if sent mil by rail, uiiisl eome northward into Oregon. The country between Med fo nl nml Crescent City abounds in timber resources. If il is trim that Hill is headed for Crescent. City, this would be taken to mean that the, railroad in to bo ex tended on down llin count to Sun I'Vaneiseo. Sued u road, with feed- crs, il is pointed out, would draw toiiiine from ii country iilmnM un boliuileil in reiiniirees mid uuloiU'lied except in few places by railroad lines. All of central On-iron's stock, wheal anil irrigated lauds, Hie Southern Oregon mier and yellow pine district, the Uiihuu Kivcr valley, northern Cal ifornia's limber belt, and one of llui most proinisiii),' of wohIci'ii minim; districts would full tributary to the new railroad. Ah on oilier oecriKioiiH when the ni diealious in railrouil aclivilics point ed toward tlu empire builder, the rep resentatives of tlm Hill interests arc reticent. When asked concerning tlm piireliiise of tlm J'aeil'ie. & Kiistcrn, John Stevens, president of -11111 ()rvioii Trunk line, said : I Recommended Porter Bros. "f met Mr. Allen when he was hero and Im asked me to recommend it (nod railroad coiitmctiuK firm. I inent ioncd I'orlor Krolhcrs, and 1 now milieu in the newspapers that they havn been uwarded the contract for an extension of the road. "Tlm I'aeifie it Kastern is not ft pari of the, Oregon Trunk line. I am 'mil saying, however, thai il will not bo Homo day." (Inn of the persons most fuiniliar with southwestern Oregon in the mut ter of feasible railway routes, is (leorge Kceles of Hie Portland Fuel compiiuy, who was' one of the orig inal nrgauixcrs of the rnilwiiy prop erly recently sold to Mr. Allen. May Be Some Day. "If the Oregon Trunk line is to be extended into California it looks to me as if a route from Hend lhroii"h the Crater Lake country to Meilford Itlid on southwest to the coast would he just, what the railway company would want," said he. "I have (raveled nil over tlmt coun try and know that kiicIi ii route is feasible. To one who has never been there u descripl ion of its resources would be niilielievcable. The I'aeifie & Kastern as projected will tap Hie finest belt of timber now standing in llm I'liited States. I never saw its Ciiial, and 1 jinve been in every state in the I'liioii." HOTEL ARRIVALS. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following letters remain un called for at the Medford, Oregon, posloffiee, September H, 7009: J. (i. Alwa(er, Mre. J. A. Hadge, Mrs. T. M. Clink, Mrs. I.ydia Cook. Mrs. C. Cory, C. K. Davis. Krnest Dclhosco. Clinton Douglas, Mrs. A. M. Kogg, Mrs. .Tennin Fry, U. K. Cilad is, -Mrs. C. M. Hill, William Hillis, Mrs. Yiim llownrd, It. C. Jackson, Miss Margaret Kent, Josepli I.angon, Will Liiiillcv. Frank MeFurleii. Frank Mider, (ieorge M. Miller. Miss Nellie! Mel.end. Miss Kinniii Preiis, Mrs Howard True, "Trailer." F. K. Twom hly 12). C. H. West, John Carlile Wood, Mrs. S. fiooilmnn, W. M. Ziin merlie. A'chnrge of one cent will he made upon the delivery of liny of the above letters. A. M. WOODFOHD, 1'. M. At the Nash - K. !. Jones, Seal He; J. W. Mi-lice and wife, Ashland; M. Frieberg, New York; A. 1'. Whilf'onl, Chicago; ('. ,. Cole, Corvallis; W. J. Ifigliiim, Stockloii; It. K. Colwell. Portland; II. W. Mills, Sail Lake City j (i. C. l,c.on, New York; C. I,. (Iraec, liulTnlo; It. C. Aslbury, (fold Hill; J j. J, Mook, San Francisco. At llm Moore J. II. I.cggctl, i'ort laml; M. Ficeherg, New York; Geo. A. McFarlaiiil, . Valley City; C. D. Vance, lluiitsville; K. J. Odell, Amiiu lale; Albert A. (lolden, HohIoii; Will F. Shiilly, llallimorc: J. C. Cimnincr- ham, Vancouver: r. ( Koeheii. Porllaiid; Mrs. Tlmoilorc Nhr. Pitts burg; C. II. l.awson dud wife, Den ver; A. S. WilHon and wife. Oafland:- Chlo Mosden and wife, I). K. Wilcox! nml wife, Lenora ; J. W. Frederick ami w-itc, Modesto; M. W. McCnrty, Portland; A. M. Snyder, San Kriin ciseo; T. W. Osgood, city; L. A. Mur ry, Portland; M. Leggett,' Kugenc; Nina Carter, Oold Hill; May Hatch elder, I.akeview; C. Jlrowstcin, Salem. Ludwltj Piano. This famous imtriimcnt has been sold nil over this country by our for mer representative, nnil for informa tion u to the satisfaction it gives, ask your neighbors, then follow their advii-n and see Sherman, Clay & Co. for terms, etc. Hulley block. l.VJ BORN. COLBY Friday, September 10, to Mrs. Helen Coss-Colby, u daughter. Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping,' Mathematics, Penmanship, Business Cor respondence, Legal Forms and Commercial Law by expert teachers. Terms very reasonable. No busi ness college methods. Afternoon session 3:30 to 8 p. m. Night session, '7 to 9:30 p. m. Apply 135 Bartlett Street. Opposite High School 44 f.f .f.t.f...4t4 A. t . Mr. Investor Have vou seen t he modern hnmp;puin mnmc in thai space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets! and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, X Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. 4 I Medford Iron Works X E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. J Foundry and Machinist I Jchincry All Hr of Ennlnes. Snravinn Outfits. Plimns Rnllpre anH Hi.T Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRRANKS MHRCr I rn 4 I ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves- tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots Ideated on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lots are 50x137, front lots 70x140. . Always accessible, cither on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The. present price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Xow what have you to offer ? J. W. Dress fer Agency West Main St. The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes. Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at ill r D AT A XT T) n n XX JJy IV 1VX n.i'N DiVUo. Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon AI'ortisiiiir is the lircatli ut' lit'p fur; How can I semire information con wenk '.iiisiiit'ss lungs how i j certiing the best fruit section on vn nrs? P. ' earth?' Subscribe for the Tribune F 66 LEST YE FORGE r WE AGAIN REMIND YOU THAT WE HAVE LATKLY RECEIVED A CAR OF STRICTLY FRESH HARD WALL PLASTER HAIR FIBER AND THAT, AS USUAL, OUR STOCK OF LUM BER IS THE BEST TO BE HAD ANYWHERE; BUT IN ORDER TO MAKE YARD ROOM, AVE ARE SACRIFICING A LOT OF ODD LENGTH OF 1 x 12 SURFACED COMMON LUMBER NOT TUEUEST, OF COURSE, BUT SOMETHING YOU CAN READILY FIND USE FOR NEARLY EVERYDAY IN THE YEAR. COME AND LOOK IT 0 VER. I 1 I Wood. nber Coixip'y