THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MKDVORI). ORKOONT, SATURDAY, 'SKPTKMHKR U, 19C)0. LOW PRICE FOR FRUIT , IN PORTLAND. MARKET henvily loiided, ore to be had any where at 10 to l." rents a dor.en. By the box they an quoted ut 75 cents to $1.75 and nt these figures they are going actively. Grapes took a sharp drop in the wholesale market yesterday, and to day at the retail stores they are go ilarly low figures by tho crate. Fresh nriineM nrt nlsn tmniinir in I freely now, and the best offerings are selling nt 'JO cents a basket of about six Huiids. In the new apples now coming to market the Oravenstein and Wrallliy from southern Oregon hold first place with the public, but with the short season fruits so much in evidence for the time, the demand for -tipples is not what it will be a month hence. Tim best offerings now in tint market are going at 15 to 125 cents a dozen. 8 The Harvest Sale And What It Means Many of you remember our last Harvest Sale and how we sold goods, and many ot you who bouyhl the goods know how perfect they proved and how satisfactory. Right'at the beginning of the fall season, when most every woman and child Is needing new clothing, this store opens the Harvest Sale and offers everything at very close prices, and a lot of things at a mere song, In order to clean them out. . SOME SPECIAL CLEANUPS PORTLAND, Sept. 11. reaches, pears nml grapes are the big factors in tho fruit market and in the qual ity and cost of the fruits there, is no ground for complaint. Big, lis cious southern Oregon Crawford peaches are selling at the retail stores nt 15 to 23 cents a dozen, and ut cor respondingly low prices by tho box, while jwars, with which the market is ing at the lowest prices known since ' the opening of the season, fancy To days, Unseats, Malagas and Blacks selling at 5 cejts a pound, or 15 cents a basket of four pounds, and nt sini-, IMPERIAL ADDITION Imperial addition was opened in May. We have sold 45 lots, a great, many of theni to people who expect to build oii them in the near future. "When we opened the addition we advertised that we would give away one lot to the purchasers of the first 23. This we have done.' The lot owners deciding it by a drawing, Phil L y being the lucky man. Now we are going to .make the same offer on the next 25 lots sold. We .are also going to commence building a neat modern bungalow in this addition to sell on easy terms, and will continue to build them as long as there is a demand for houses. . In our judgment, MEDFORD WILL DOUBLE IN POPULATION in the next two years. Next summer East Main street will be paved and East Side values will double up. Now is the time to buy a lot in Imperial addition a small amount of - cash down and your own time on the balance. -v. - - ANDERSON-GREEN CO., or . . V. . . . RAY TOFT Medford - - - - Oregon TAN AND WHITE HOSIERY SILK AND LAWN DRESSES SOME NEW FALL SUITS ALL SILK GLOVES SOME SUMMER VESTS CHILDREN'S DRESSES SOME STYLISH WAISTS SOME STYLISH SKIRTS All Qo At Exactly HALF What They Formerly Sold For We invite you to inspect all lines of new Fall Goods, and you will be in a posltlo nto know that THIS IS YOUR TRADING PLACE The Hutchason Co. Successor to Baker Hutchason Company MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 1909 Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder trouble ofter docton failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recomraond it. Mrs. L. I,. Wilson. 135 Bartlott St. Sold by Haskins' Drug Store. Something every bitvuiess ma;) wants tho merchants' lunch ot the Nash grill each noon an oluborato menu. Price 35 cents. DISSOLUTION' OF I'AlfTXF.KSIIII'. N'otiee is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing by aiul between W. J. Beacon and '. II. Cameron, under the firm name and', style of the II. &'C. Grocery, is, byi mutual consent, this day dissolved, ! Mr. Cameron retiring. All accounts due to firm are payable to Mr. Bea con, and nil accounts owed by the firm will be paid by Mr. Beacon. Dated this 9th day of September, 1909. l.'il W. .1. BF.ACOM, C. 11. CAMF.KOX. THE... NASH LIVERY GO. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You are treated right, tho price is right, the team is right in fact, everything is right. Como and bco. THE NASH LIVERY CO. $1 50 Acre Per 70 Acres, 4 1-2 miles from Medford. New 6 Room Bungalow, 800 Fruit Trees. If you want good fruit land at a reasonable price why not look at this Benson Investment Opposite Hotel Moore Gomp 1 12 W Main St. Y