5 I A ( i of j it I I i w i 1 1 n tilling lint Mifi't (' li 1 1 1 1 ii t -i( in lii-lmiKiiiK In .1. A. Martin Friday. Twitlvu-yiiiir-ulil I.iiiiih Mili'ludl (if Jiii'ltKuuvillu wim liulilinj; lli li'iim, wliirli (IiihIiihI iimili on t till uvi'Iiiki mid wuh hloiii'd at tint junction of lliij (.'(Mi tral I'oiul n 1 1 1 1 1 witliout wriniiH diini iiKO. Will iidviincc Hi'iitiiiiilicr 1.1, all ro inuiniiiK lotM in Wooillawn 1 Infill H, Oak Oruv, Ltmrt'l Park, Motiiilnin Viow mid Siithnrliii Tcrrncu nilili liotm. Oct unii today at prow-nt prints. lll'IIMIII lllVI'Htllll'Ilt Co. 101 Fred 11. llupliiiiH and Mr. llopkiim linvt rcliiriK'd from l'orllanil, wlutro tlu'.V atti-ndi-d tlm iitm-riil of Mr. J. II. Woodward, iimtln-r of Mix. Hop kiiiN. Ti'ii-acro Inn;! cIomi in at icaKim ablu print. Yon will find tlii'in jiiHt mh ri'prvrtKiitad. 1'rii-pn rijjhl. Hi-iihoii liivc'Mlincnt Co. 1"1 Stipi'rinliniilt-iit Ciiriiulmii and Mr. Oiirniilmn of th Hlim Iodi! niinH am HpcndiiiK f' day in Mi'dfnrd. Wmiti'd Sonu! vacant lioitHds, Hunt Hid or WiiKt Sidi-i Imvc pnrtito wnit uiK for tin-in. fall and hi-p ns. lli'ii tion invi'KtniiMit Co., 112 Main ht. Ml Cliarli'H II. WnUwortli mid liw hoii Norvnl ore lie'iiitf lironlit Inn-It to .lucliKonvilli' for trial m'xl wi.-ck on a ri'ln-ariiiK ' I In Mnaliiii innrdiT rharcn. Deputy Sheriff William l.'l ricli and J. I.. leiiiiiier liavc tin ae ciiKi'd iiK'ii in custody. Sniiill rnneli a few mile from eity; will trade for innidi property; n.'ii honalilc priee mid lurniH. Itenson In vexlnient Co. 1.11 Mr. II. I.. MoniKoniery of Mont KoineryV Indies' wnxiriinii returned today from a tlirec weekw' buying tour in New York and Chicago. Twciity-KcviMi acres four niileK Koutli of Medford, with Iioiim, hum, nine Here purs, vei'talilii (jartlen, cte., for only iflllMIO. HeilHon Invest ment Co. Ill Profenitor .1. W. Shirh'V. I'urinor in- hlrnelor in the North Hi'lnwd. who for the pant year Iiiik been near Albany, in moving with bin family to Medford, when be will herenltor rennlu. '" K. K. Miner of Central I'oint in a reeent Medford visitor. Antoinobili! insurance -Have your machine insured against theft, fire and accident. Ilenson Investment Co. 151 Miss .Martha Hovt of Portland is visitim? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mears at their now bungalow at Tabzle Rook, as arn Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs of San Kranciseo. Lots in Laurel Park addition mm be bought for if'J.I cash and $10 monthly payn Is. I!ennn Invest inenl Co. HI .Inhn DoiiL'lierlv and wife vcturued tiivllinir Siskiyou borne Friday after ii vinil w lili Oris While and family. Seventy neres four and one-bulf miles from Medford; new (i-room liun- (jabitv: Hurt fruit Ii only l"'r acre. InveMiiiiito Ibis. Ilenson In vestment Co. 131 K. C. Ireland and T. W. Anllo will occupy the wel room of tho new Piilm-Ortli building on West Main as u complete oie;iir and tobacco store. A lot in the beautiful Ouk Ornvo addition will please you and inaku von money. Benson Investment Co. 1.11 Vincent & linker have purchased the Palm lot near tho Medford ico plant and will erect a stomjjo ware house. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTKD To exehaiiRe, n ridinu: pony for ft Konlln driviiiR puny. W. H. Pollard, li. R. .1, Box 7'J. II" FOR SALE flood learn of mares, one with coll. at side, 7 yours old, weight belweon 11100 unci 1101) pounds, a fine work team and splen did walkers; three .Tersoy milch cows, H nice shoals of about HO pounds .weight. Inquire of F. Ii. Dtt, on Hie old ynn ITorderburg place, 2','a miles below Central Point or Rort A'ndovsou, Medford, Or. FOR SAT-K Fight or ten rods of good picket fence, in seclions, nil ready lo put up. Tmiuirn of Horl Anderson, Medl'ord, Or. FOR SATF.-;A pel. burro Iwo years old. Call a'l Dr. Helms' stable.. 151. NASH GRIILL ,Talile d'Hote Dinner, Sunday, September 12. Celery en Hninclio Olives Salted Kuts lloiilliou en Tiihhi; Filet of Chicken Halibut ail vin Hlnnn l'omtueH Ivauhon Snbid Waldorf , Spring Lamb Chops, Fnrcie NcIhoii Stuffed Tomatoes Maraschino Punch Nabisco Wafers Stuffed Young Turkey Oardeu Peas Creamed Potatoes Vanilla !'' t-'ream Assorted Fancy Cake Koouefort Cbecso Hcnt'H Crackers. Cul'u Noir Onlv five davs Ml to Hciire u lot in our additions in West Medford at present prices. Itenson Invest ment Co. HI A. Pankey of Central Point spent Friday in Medford. West Medford for building lots; good ones from fJIO to $1011. Wc will build your house. Henson In vestment Co. 151 Mrs. K. M. I.umsden, mother of II. U. Lumsden, left Friday for Pacific Grove. Take a look al the new houses be ing built on our additions. Iots will advance rapidly in a short time. Se cure yours at once. Ilenson Invest ment Co. HI Will Aldenhagen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldeiihacen. who have been visiting him, returned to their San Francisco home Iriday. Give us your insurance. We will place it in good companion -and look carefully after it. Fire, plate glass, automobile. Henson Investment Co. 151 ' K. J. Howling and wife left for St. Charles. Minn., Friday after a visit here with K. L. Halsom. A few more lots left in Woodlawii Heights. Will soon be closed out Henson Investment Co. HI . William Duttmi, one of Hugh Poit's prominent ranchers, was a Medford visitor Saturday. George. Stough, tlm only first -class chimney sweep, will be here tho first of next week. F.veryono should get their chimneys and flues cleaned while they can get it done right, as the old man is O. K. Leave orders at Ibis office at once. George Stough. Mrs. J. F. Keddy leaves Tuesday to visit relatives in Spokane. Dr. H ed dy, who is now in Portland, will ac company her. On Monday. September VI, at 10 a. ni. .10 ladies and 100 school chil dren at 4:1.1 p. ni. are wauled at The Wigwam, where Medford's new gym nasium will !' opened for the sea son. 150 Colonel George P. Minis of Central Point spent Saturday in Medford. Iicniember. on September 13, nt 10 a. in. .10 Indies are wanted at the new o-vmnasiuni. which will be opened nt The Wigwam. At 4:1.1 p. ni. 100 school children are urged to lie pres ent. Don't forget timo and place. 1.10 .lames Fay, editor of the Gold Hill News, spent Saturday with bis fam ily in Medford. ' On Tuesday evening at The Wig wam the inanngeinent. will present u lady dancer absolutely free a pres ent. 351 George Daniels of Prospect seiit Fridny in Medford. t Another present will, bo given away free Tuesday night to one of Med ford's lady dancers. HI K, V. Foster and wife left Friday for Hedlnnds. The management of The Wigwain will present a present to one of Med ford's lady dancers on Tuesday eve ning. . ' -'l Kite & Hatfield sold Friday in New York one car of Kogue Hiver Hait lells at .2.!)'J. belonging lo the liogue Hiver Fruitgrowers' union. At Cbi ca'.'o a car of llartlctts from Ihe Hour Creek orchards sold for 'lXt'- and one from Ohvoll for $2.2:1. liolh ears wore over-ripe. Will I rude small ranch for city properly; good value. Henson Invest ment Co. ' ' nt Chlo Mosden and wife and 1). K. Wilcox and wife of Lcnovn, Kan., are valley visitors. . , . K. L. Jones of Seattle is spending ii few days in the city. Klin Gitunyaw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. I. W. MoOee. and wife of Ashland are Medford visitors.- Imperial addition Slop right now and look up the Imperial addition ad vertisement in (his issue. C. A. Colo of Corvillns is in tho city. Wu lire going to petition tho eity council to open up two more streets from Maui into ImH-rial addition and lay water mains on nil streets into it. This alone will add thousands of dol lars to the vuliio of tho propertyi Let us sell you u lot now and you will get the benefit of the raise. W. J. Iligham of Stockton, Col., is looking over the valley. Don't forget that tho Nush Grill bus tho best chef in the state and aiukes a specialty of small or large dinner parties. It. K. C'olwcll of Portland is a re cent Medford arrival. Nash Grill open all the time. It. C. Astbury of Gold Hill is spend ing a few days in Medford. If you want the best bread on earth see Stringer, tho West Sido Gro cer. 151 J. H. I.eggett of Portland arrived recently in the city. See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar and mandolin. Leave orders at Nash hotel. A. I.. Wilson and wife of Oakland are Medford visitors. The Nash Grill is open day and night the finest service between Portlnnd nnd San Francisco. Mrs. Theodore Nbr of Pittsburg, is visiting-ill Medford. The Spot Cafo don't serve fjuail on tost or humming bird pot pie, but they do serve the best dinner ever eaten in Medford for tho price. W. C. ICooheii of Portland is regis tered at the Moore. You can get a men! to order nt the Nosh Grill any time between C o'clock hi tho morning nnd midnight. Open at nil hours. .1. C. Ciiiiningham of Vancouver is in the eity. If the Fast Side will warke up now Oakdale avenue and West F.ighth street won't have it all their own way, ns the best residence districts of the citv. I.. A. Murrv of Portland is visiting Medford. ' It wouldn't bo surprising to see an epidemic of street improvement break out on the F.nst Side at any time. There are u few fellows over there that can so that it will double and triple Ihe value of their property. A. M. Snvder of San Francisco is in the citv on business. Sniees nnd extracts at itti So. G street. ' .1. W. Frederick and wife of Mo desto, Cal.. are spending n few days in Medford, guests nt the Moore. Let Hull ri. your scenic work, such ns a photo of your orchard, borne, etc. 331 10. Main street. Among tho arrivals from .eastern points are M. Froeberg of New York, George A. McFarland of Valley City, N. D., C. D. Vance of Hnntsville, Mo.; K. J. Odell of Amandnle, Minn.: A. P. Whitfield. Chicago; IT. W. Mil ler. Salt Lake City Albert A. Golden Huston; Will F. Shully, nltimore; Mrs Theodore Nbr, Pittsburg: C. IT. Lnw- son nnd wife. Denver; Chlo Mosden and wife, nnd D. E. Wilcox nnd wife of Lenorn, Knn.. Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co.. 3G So. G street. E. .1. Lawrence of Berkeley, Cal., who is visiting with friends near Ea gle Point, was in the ety Saturday. You'll meet your friond nt the box ball alloy. Mrs. L. E. Whtng of Kvorvew ranch, near Eagle Pont spent a few hours n the eity Saturday. Do you have good brend? Why not see Stringer, West Sido Grocery. 1.11 C. Hrownstein of Salem was a Sat urday visitor in Medford. Orders for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the Mreamer?. Nina Carter of Gold Hill was in tho city on Saturday. Dressed chickens always on hand at the liogue Hiver Fish Co. 1 10 Tens nud coffees at 3(1 So. 0 st. Mrs. C. L. Mnrey, who bus boon confined lo the hospital for several davs past, is convalescing. You'll like boxbnll. Try it. S. .1. Mook of San Francisco is a recent Medford arrival. A gnmo everybody can play box ball. . A. P. .Whit ford of Chicngo is in the eity. .. LOUVRE 8peclal Sunday Dinner, 75c. Celery Olive Salted Nuts Chicken a In Heine Consomme with Spaghetti linked Halibut, Sauce Vin Marie. Cucumbers Persian Potatoes Spring Lamb Chops a la Christine Stuffed Tomatoes Lonvre Special Punch Stuffed Young Capon Celery Dressing Mashed Potatoes Green Peas Fruit Salad, Whipped Cream lee Cream and Cuko Roquefort Cheese " Sailed Wufers Demi Tasse 110 The way to a man's heart is via his stomach, such being the case, the Loucre cafe is entitled to the thanks of every womnrt whose friend or rela tive has ever sat at its table 'tis a pleasure to eat there. PROGRAM RENDERED AT DEUEL & (CENTNER'S The following was the program by the Medford bund nt Deuel & Kent ner's store Friday evening: March "Diuilap Comma ndory'' Selection .."41 Minutes From Broadway" Romaiiza, 'Evening Star" (Tannbnu ser), trombone solo, Mr. Fay Lane. Waltzes "Ln Serenata" Characteristic "South Carolina Sunshine' Intermezzo "Kisses" Overture "Grand American Fantasia" March "National Fcucibles" Table d'hote dinner at the Nash Grill Sunday evening. Music by Ro manoff's orchestra. ' Table d'hote dinner nt the Nash Grill Sunday evening. Music by Ro manoff's orchestra. Table d'hote dinner ct the Nash Grill Sunday evening. Music by Ro manoffs orchestra. Nash Grill open nil the time. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main THE PRBLIMNARY SURVEY OF BLOCK No. 1. SISKIYOU HEIGHTS SUB-DIVISION C O M PLE T E D This block when cut up will make twenty-one large lots, These building sites command the sightliest view in the city II: ymi iitc vliiituhi to jiciiuii-o nny of this siilenlil pi-oiK-i-ty you iiuiy liavo youi ' rlmi.-o now liot'oj-c (lie iii.tiviclu;.! lot. lilies arc staked1. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SKI, I. ING AGENTS Special matinee ut tho Bijou the ater Saturday afternoon at 5:30 p in. for the benefit of the school chil dren. All school children will be ad milted fur the small sum of 5 cents. This is done by the management in order to give the children a chance to see Professor Nick Young's trained dog show... The Bijou will run a chil dren's matinee every Saturday from now on. Admission 5c. 149 Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Mathematics, Penmanship, Business Cor respondence. Legal Forms and Commercial Law by expert teachers. Terms very reasonable. No busi ness college methods. Afternoon session 3:30 to 6 p. m. Night session, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Apply 135 Bartlett Street, Opposite High School Economy The Same Old Story Order Now A NUMBER OF OUR CUSTOMERS WERE DISAPPOINTED LAST WEITC IN NOT GET TING THEIR CTICKEXS.i-rrO.ilF YOU WERE ONI;: OF THEM, PROFIT BY YOUR EXPERI ENCE 4ND ORDER N0Wi3 THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.- s o a o u Economy Why allow your eyes , to use more than their normal supply of ner vous energy T Even a Alight saving each day may mean much to you for future health. We ever presriba lenses un til we have taken norve mea s u r e m e nt s nnder pressure and with pres ure removed to prove accuracy of our findings wh-.fi relief is sure to follow. Improper adjustments of lenses not only ds . tracts from appearance but adds much to eye strain. McCormick methods . nsed exclusively. Brief consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eye Specialist. East Main St., over Nicholson's Hardware. o o o UOOITU 1UVKK VALLEY