THE MEDF0R1) DAllA Till HUNK, ME U FOl 1 1), 01 I 1'XJ ON, SATURDAY, HEI'TEMBKK 11, 1009. ARE UNCLE SAM'S ROADSJBO WIDE? German Rnatts Are Much Nnrrowar, hut Are In Butter Condition. 'I'll" following iiil'oriiiulinii concern ing I hit Kiipcriniily of 1 hit highway of (li'iiiiuny, km cninpiiri'd with llioxii of llm I'nili'il SlntiH, in I'm nUlii'il liy Hnliorl J. Tliiiiiiimni, Cniimil uL Han over: (Ii'I'Iiiiiii i'hihIh 11 1- Mrliiim kiiIiJim'I- I'll III II Illllldl'Cll linn's mnri! ll'lllT'lC limn similar mini in llm ' I'mlcd SI ii (. Tlic.c roads rniigo frimi "JO In Ml) feet in width, while in our mid dle mill western slutcs, where traffic in cniupiirnlively light, we lake loud il' mi iivenigc value of $11111 pir line Hint I'll! it ii wild i'oiiiIwiivh (ill feel in width; jirni'lii-nllv Iwo-lliirds of llm hiiiui- being given vi-r In weeds, W 1 1 1 -1 1 I'lll'lli'-ll III! illl'llllllslilllll )-1 1 1 1 - ply of seeds I'm' llm nil joining fiinii lands. Tim funnel" in (ii'iiiiiiily who has cnuinicrcil tin weeds on his ground n 1 have no thought of llii'tn being started ll'.-Mlll from Ulldcll'lllti vnli'il or iinri't-i"! for Inml along llii' roadways. There ere no weeds, no iiiiiiI, no I'liiii'Klinli'-. no Miinl stretches in III" i-onilu. One of llic wimplc-l mill most i mm -tii'nl iiieiisiires ilinl could In- Inl.i'ii for III" ln'1 ti-niii'iil of muds .in llm I'nili'il Sliih'N would In lo reduce llii'ir width lioin oni'-lliinl lo oiic liulf of ulnil lln-y now inc. In 1 1 1 I'nili'il Sluli-. 1 1 1 1 1 i c - high ways in III" -lutes given below may III' 1'Hlilllllll'll l- flllloHS: MIlllll'sOlll, HII, (1(1(1; Wisconsin, 110,1111(1; Michigan, (in.llllll; town. VM.niH) ; Kansas, 70, (1110; N'i'Iii'iikI.ii. ."iO,(IIIII; Missouri HII, 11(11); Indiana. Tii.iiiiii; (Hiio, HII, 0(1(1; total, Vlin.OIMI. I f .-.1 1 1 . i 1 li- width of llir-i' iililii' lituliu n ys, which now average (ill feet, to feel would give hncl; to tin fanners of these states for I'liiiivnlion l',.'i(l(l,000 acres of generally tillable Inml, which nt mi llVCI'llgl" Vllllllllioll of .I(I0 ll'f IICIC would ini'iin I lie restoration to tilt! producing values of tlir bliilcs niinii'il of ir'J.MI.IIOO.IIIII). ALBANY ARRANGING FOl i THIRD ANNUAL APPLE FAIR ! AI.UANY, dr., Kept. 11. Ai-liv.- I u i' I H ra I i 1 1 i m urn being made for I liu Iliird i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Allimiy apple" fnir, which will In' lii'ld in this ril.V October 'Si, M mill till, Willi. Tim association IH KCIIllitlg Olll printed pI'Cluilllll I inl H In nil tipple grower of western Ore gon north of mid including liiimi enmity, iiccniiipiinied by Idler ho liriliii iixliiliiu for llu I'M'iil. Tim iriiii'iuil pii'iniiiiii ol'IVrnil iri for tint liiiHf I'omity cxliiliil (l.iim I'oiinty I ii !')'- 1 ) . I'oiiHiiitiii); of 20 lioxrM of fivo or mori! vnrii'lii'X, lor wliiidi tin- first piizo will In- a $100 cup mid $."i0 1', tin- mtoihI piiz", .fril) 1'iisli, mid III') lliiid piizi' U0 i-iihli. Othi-r prizi'X riui!i! from $.0. $:i(, ifL'.'i, '-'0, $l'ri, If 10, $') mill I'llhll, lll".illl'H IIIIIIIIM'Oim I'lipM mill Otll- i;r viiliuilili' nrlii'li'H. Tin- iiiilromls will jrniiit n rnli- of oiii! in re iiihi ii 1 1 i in lor mr rouui trip, wliirli ouulit In lirini; it lnrj.' nl' Ii-iiiIiii from all poinln in tin- ti-rri- tory of I In- fair. i CROWDS FILL LAKEVIEW ' FOR LAND OPENING I.AIsKVll'AV, Or., Si-pl. 1 1.- - U"p-ri'-i'iilnliviM of I'onlrni'l lioldi-rs in llm Ori'L'oii Yiilliy l.mid iMinpnuyV Mile of tin- old (Iri'ijoii inililiiry l.'riinl i'i i n 1 1 1 1 in' to pour in, inin li di' Ihv liiivinj; oi'i'iirii'd, nttiut: to tnn .iliift I run 'poi'lntion liii'ilitii". v.liirli. wi'i'i- tin' only wny i--il!- for loiir- ui in On' ri'ntt'il. ,'flii' in il i'ukI liniv from lii'im nortli tt I'oninli'ii'il only In Altiirn mid is t-lill .10' inili s I nun ' l.ukc h'W. 1 liu ili'lc'iitioo an i'. i il toiiiulil I'rom Ni lii iislwi, Kiinii-. Iowii mid (Hiio. i 'flu' I'lowd miuilii'i'i'il ovi'i' l.'iiio to-: liny. TruP'i'.-- Ifiinkin of N'lu';!'-uii, U'itlii't'M of lri'i;on mid Wyiill of Missouri, who wi'i'' I'li'rti-d tin uiorii- ! lilo.' si'-sion, tool, I'tiiirtfP of tin Ii li- - ini'-'S of tin- opi'iiim; n'ssion. ' OPENING Fall Millinery Mrs. W. I. Brown invites the ladies of Mtdfunl :nd vicinity to inspect display of French patterns and shapes at DUEUL & KENTNER Saturday, September II, 1909 1 Bijou Theatre SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Hiyh Class Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. Last chance to see Prof. Nick Young and his trained dogs ADMISSION IOANDI5o Nrf MORE CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AS PAYMENT WASHINGTON', Si'pt. 10. The hiTivtnry of tin- interior lias dii'idid not lo iipprovc nny iiinri ('(liifii'ntos issui'il liy tlu ii'i'liinuilioii si'i'vii'i' in piiynii'iil for work doni- on rci'liiinii lion proji'i'tn mid wliirli lii'ri'lofoip Imvi! Iii'i'ii ri'i'i'iv i'il ns part payiiu'iil mi entrii'H iiihIit lliosc proji'i'lu. ' Tim division was iuadi on advice from Hie Illlollll'V Kl'lll'llll. You haven't rend nil lho nows uti lejiR you have, read (ho ads some, in teresting ileum for your purse in ev ery i.SHIIO. FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS . ; , ; ' I! KLINE OF C0RVALLIS . CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE Simon Ij. Kline, one of forvnlli' proMiiiieiil liusiness men and tending I'iti.ens, died Thilivilay lifter a i-liorl illness of one week, of mi nltai'li of pleurisy, the result of illness. Mr. Kline win president of the State (! Aie vers' association and Ore gon Meri'liiinls' iissoeiation. He re eenlly oraui.ed the Medl'ord Mer eluinls' assoeiiilion. He was promi nent in polities and a candidate for governor. He was also chairman of the water coniinission of the city of Corvnllis, upon which lie has served since the originnl act crentiinr lho Mime, and was named liy the legis lative nssemlily. lie was u ll'Jd de trree Mason and a iiieinhi'r of the Woodmen mid A. O. V. W. MARRIED. HlMI'IIKKY-rATCII In .lack Sonvitle, on Scpteniher i), by Jiulfje J. . Neil, Alie llinuphrev and (Initio Hell Puloh. ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eitflit fitio lots located on Main street, six i lilocks west of the business district. Main street' is be ing paved, wafer mains arc being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lois are ."OxlUT, front lots 70x1-10. Always accessible, either on font or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. . There is no (jnestion but what one will make ;0 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Med ford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. , "Ve also have a splendid business property, of large si.e, that will stand investigation;. The present price '-"-on-.a will look cheap in a year's time. ' , Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to of f er ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St. 1 if -' 4 -. 4 - Mr. Investor Have you seen t he modern home seven rooms in the space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets ; and Uressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSII, Architect, Third Floor Me.dford National Bank Building. 11 t Medford Iron Works I s . - i 3 E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Wrv of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers, and Ma- I cliincry Agents in Southern Oregon for j FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. -t--l- i- --4-4- -f -HM-4- ' KKSOLUTIOX. lie it resolved, bu the city council of the city rf Medl'ord: Kvery roiierty owner of the city of Medford is hereby required within thirty days from this date to cause every building within said eity used for residence purposes past which sewer and water mains have been laid to be connected with said sewer. The eity recorder is hereby direct ed to cause this resolution to he pub lished in the daily papers of said city for three days. . The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford on September 7th, 1009, by the following vote: Welch, Merrick, Kifert. Demmer, Wprtman, aye ; nays, none. .Approved September 7th, 1909. W. II. CAXOX, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFF.R. l'jO Recorder. For news, while it is news, read The Tribune. F. . t..f The ery Best 0f Materials Manufactured with the Best of Care and the Best of Satisfaction to you is What We Offer : : : : : Pines Lmnber Go Bisr