TITE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL F. V. Taylor ui' l,os Allude in k( icik I i 1 1 tc few iIiivh in Miidford. Dii-hHi'il chickens alway on liiiml nl I lit' lti(ii River Fish Co. I I!) II. K. Emerson of Cleveland, ()., is ii recent arrival from lliu east. Kiln. Ouimyaw, publio Htciiotjrnphor, room 4, Fiilm building. 71. II. Lowell of Sacramento in in Medford on IniHineHH. Open nil tlio time-tho Xosh Grill.t t. K. WilliiiinH of Anncondn, Mont., ih nt (lio Moore. Don't forgot that the Nash Grill Iiiih tlio best chef in the Htnto and inukoM a iniinlty of small or large dinner piirlion. Willinm I!. Stead of Portland it) visiting frii'ndH in Mt'dfurd. Nash Orill open nil the time. You'll moot your friend ut the box ball alley. Mr. I. It. Davis of lH AllgclcH Iiiih left for lier. lion.. nfler vihiI inu with her parent, Mr. mid Mm. J. K. Toll, of thin eity. Do you Imvo good bread t Why not Hue Stringer, West Side Grocery, Mr. and Mm. William lloekcnyoH, wilh a parly of friends, Imvo return ed from n trip to ('rater Lake. I. J. Itutlrfield expects to leave mooii on an extended tour of the northwest. OrderH for sweet ereum or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the dreamer?. J. A. Wcsterliind lenves nt day break Saturday for ('rater Lake. He will bo aliHent several days. NEW MEMBERS ARE ELECTED TO INDIANS (Continued from Page 1.) If you want the best bread on earth neo Strinuer.' the West Side Oro- cer. 151 F. D. Barney of Went field. X. Y., on hi way lo San Diego, Cal., slop jied for a few hour and found a preal many of hi eastern friend whom he tmppnscd did not. live west of the Rookies. Mr. Harney i iiiueh (nken up wilh McdfonUnnd Ihe Rogue liiver valley. Sco Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly nourt violinist of AuKtrinn em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar and mandolin hotel. I.envo order at NiihIi Mrt. Frank Chile hH left for her home in Klamath Falls after a vital in Med ford. The NiihIi Orill is open day and night tho finest scrvico between Portland nnd San Francisco. The eity conned meet in special tsCMsion thin cvitiing. The Spot Cafe don't serve quail on tost or humming bird pot pie, hut they do serve the best dinner ever eaten ill Medford for the price. Mr. mid Mrs. Polk Hull of tins' city have lefl for a visit in Seattle. Yon can get a meal to order at the Nash Orill any time between C o'clock Hi the morning and midnight. Open at all hours. Mr. and Mr .. V. W. Cariiahan of the Hltm Ledge are visitors in Med ford. Yes; Ihe other fellow read this, sol did his wife. Moral Advertise. F. I IT. Ti. Kelley of Medford visitor. Trail fishery is a Best paper in southern Oregon The Tribune. P. II. Dnilv of Eagle Point wns n visitor in Medford on Thursday. You'll liko boxball. Try it. Mrs. P. H. Kirby of Ashland, who has been visiting in Medford, relumed lo her home on Thursday. Nash Grill open all tho time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Adams have left for their home in Denver lifter a visit in Medford with relatives. Southern Oregon Ten and Coffee Co., So. 0 street. Miss Pearl Hal has left for LaUe view after a short visit in Medford. A Rhino everybody enn'plny box ball. Mrs. Claude Miles, who has been very ill of late is rapidly recover ing. Phone H:t03 for lea or coffee. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F Kslep have lefl for n visit in Los Angeles. tournament as shooters could be elect ed to the tribe. A resolution of thanks was voted to the officials. of thn organization, especially tho statistical force in charge of the shoot, K. S. McColl, and to Chief Make 'Km Fly Churlio North, who kept the traps and target force running smoothly, nnd espec ially to the newspapers and people of Medford for their. warm reception nnd entertainment while here. To Frank Hiclil is due the thanks of the organization, for it was due to his untiring efforts that the Pa cific Indians was organized and car ried to success. He organized a sim ilar hand l'i years ago in the east, which is still u flourishing organiza tion. A very fluttering offer to hold the next annual meet nt Xclson, 15. C, was madu l Ihe club by George Wel les of that cily. However, it was not definitely decided upon and will not be unlil oilier clubs can be heard from. The Winners. Lee It. Bnrkley of Seattle and Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake, la., both pro fessional shooters and representa tives of tho Winchester Repealing Arms company, lied for high score in the Indian shool, breaking 410 birds of a possible -1(10. while second and third place by professionals were won by Frank Richl of lacoina and H. K. Poslen of San Francisco. In the iimatenr sliools first place was won by J. 1 1. Xaquin of Globe, Rriz., with 4'.W birds, and second and third places by J. K. Cullison of Port land, and Ifcllman of Ashland, I2. In Ihe medal event in all classes Ihe winners made possible scores, break ing 50 straight, and were won by Itiehl of Tneoma, King of San Jose and Hellmnu of Ashland, respective ly. Gilbert made the highest run dur ing Ihe shoot, breaking 132 straight, with Xaipiin second, 127, and Park ley third with 121. Gilbert and llarklcy, Ihe tuy high gnus, have been shooting together all ibis season and al the last four regu lar shoots they have lied on two and in one liarkley won one shoot by one target and the other Gilbert won by one target, so that this shoot ties them in their last 1200 targets shot at. These men were on Ihe team that made the world's record Xoveinbcr 21, 11)07, at Leasburg, Flu., breaking 4IHI birds out of a possible oOO.' Playsd It to ih Limit. Many writers have 1 coin red that an Irish Kenllcmuu'M hospitality Is unlim ited,' but tills Is a slight exaggeration, as Is shown by a story borrowed from n book of Irish memories. Jerry MeCarlle was often the guest of friends who on account of his pleas ant ways extended lo biui that sort of old Irish hospitality which enabled a visitor in my own family who came for a fortnight lo stay for nix year. In MeOnrttc'R case the visit stretched to nearly dotiblu that lime. After eight or nine years, however, his kins man gut u little 1 1 rod of Ills guest uml let 111 in know -of ills old mansion's pro posed renovation mid that lie hud sign ed u contract for liming It painted from garret to cellar. "By lioorgv," said Jerry, "It's for tunate that I don't object, to the snicll of pnlut, and It will be well to have dome one to keep an eye on the paint ers now that the wall fruit la ripen ing." Some months passed. Then his lkost Informed him tlmt he wan going to bo married, adding, "1 thought. .I'd tell you In good I lino, so that you could make leisurely preparations to go, as the Indy and you may not hit It off as well as you ijnd I do." Willi tearful eyes Jerry grasped his cousin's tut ml . saying: "Oh, Dan, dear, you have my hearty thanks for your consideration; ,1ml, dear, dear boy, surely if you can put up with her I can." WIT0UT SHOW OR POMP TO LAY MASTER AT REST (( 'mi tinned f roinjngq ) isolated desert si retches or moun tain defiles, today are showing a bit of crepe in token of Ihe passing of the masler hand. The orders went forth from th'i central offices Thurs day evening mid today a mark of respect is everywhere shown. Only a bit of crepe, rpiiet and unpretentious is to bo shown. LOCAL SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICE IS DRAPED WITH CREPE Tim local office of the Southern Pacific company is today draped with erec over each entrance out of re spect to Kdwurd If. Harrimun. Or ders were received by Agent Rosen banm Friday morning to that effect. The order was given to have only a bit of crepe shown, as one of Har rimon's trails wan u love of (juietude. CAUSE OF DEATH WILL PROBABLY REMAIN A SECRET FOR ALL TIME TURXKHS, X. Y.. Sept. 10. The cause of llnrriman'n death will prob ably remain a secret, as his physician and family refuse to give out any in formation. It is announced that an autopsy will not be permitted. Cancer talk has been revived by the great secrecy. It is knowii that Harriman knew his end was near, ns he prepar ed his private papers. AMERICAN SECURITIES IN LONDON REMAINED WITHOUT A BREAK LOXDOX, Sept. 10. American se curities did not break today following (he announcement of Harr'unnn's death.. American financiers in New York, who clinic to the rescue of tho market, cabled London, and ns a re ! suit the market remained steady. Succcct of On Piece of Music. Very few know anything ubout Sup- pe. tho composer of "Kntlrillza" ond several other operas anil the father of the "I'oel and Pennant" overture. The latter was composed to an entirely dif ferent piece nnd fell fiat. The author then tried It at Intervals of sir months and a year with two other plays and oo one found II pretty. Lastly, be cause there was not time to write a new overture, it was used with a lone forgotten farce called "Poet and Peas ant." The farce was successful and people endured the overture Then somebody asked permission to publish It in a Journal, arranged for tbe piano. Soon everybody was playing It Then a music firm bought of Suppe for $22 ihe right and published tbe score. They made a clear 00,000 with It. . In Mourning. A peer, who was tbe master of a lino hunting puck. died, and nig widow refused to let the bounds go out. Wbereuoon n friend asked a former cbief Justice of England, who was himself n huntsman, whether any barm would lie done if tbe bounds were allowed to run with pieces of crape round their necks. "I can hard ly think that even crape Is necessary." was the reply. "It would tie suftlcicnt If tbe hounds were in full cry." Ijiii- dou News. I. J. Cinderson of Redding is vis iting in Medford. George Morrison has returned from a trip to Crater Lake. Nash Grill open all tho time. LUMBERMEN OWE BACK FREIGHT TO RAILROADS SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 10. Four hundred and four firms, represented by the Pacific Const Lumber Manu facturers' association and the Shingle Mills bureau in the slate of Wash ington, owe the Great Northern, North ern Pacific and Canadian Pacific railways $.'l.'i8,!IG for rato differ ence undercharges, due the carriers from shiiiiw-rs on shipments movine between November 1 1007, and Oc-' tuber 14, 1908. The liability of the' Let Hull d yonr scenic work, such .-drippers has been approved by tho as a photo of yonr orchard, home, etc accounting officers of the carriers 331 E. Main street. nnd by A. F. Specht, secretary ol the lumbermen's freight rata com mittee, for the purpose of adjustment and release of bonds to which the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufactur ers' association and tbe Shingle Mills bureau arc parties, as well as n few supplementary bonds. The total of $358,100 owed by lumber and shingle shippers is divided among the rail roads as follows: Northern Pncifie, $203,751.40; Great Northern, $147, 311.75; Canadian Pacific, $7,1.'M,.51. HARRIMAN'S DEATH REMOVED GREATEST OBSTACLE TO HILL POUT LA XI), Or., Sept. 10. Tho death of K. II. Harriiiinn has removed from the path of J. .1. Hill the greatest opponent the empire builder ever had in the northwest, and has thrown a heavy weight in the Hill side of the scales in the battle for control of central Oregon and central Cnlifor nia. It has given Mill incalculable advantage in the northwest, where a railroad war is predicted. Although llarriinan's death will not result in n recession on the part of the Union Pncifie svslem or its subsidiary west ern lines either in its operating or legal battles, it will be followed by a decided lack of impetus on the part of the renowned Harriman lines. As a leading legal adviser of Ihe 0. R. & X. said todav. "The machine will go on irresistably, even though its principal parts all were broken." ENTIRE SYSTEM TO BE SILENT AS DEAD CHIEF IS CARRIED TO GRAVE SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. 10. For one minutes on Sunday afternoon during the funeral of Hamnion, the activities of nil tho Harriman lines will cease. Kvcry train, steamship and telegraph instrument nlong the 40,774 miles of tho system will he silent while the dead chief is carried to his grave. Orders to this effect were issued today by Julius Knitlschnill to nil officers. All trains will stop nt 3:30 Sunday, New York time, all propel lers will cease to revolve and Ihe ships will drift in mid-ocean for 1)0 seconds. All the offices of Ihe sys tem will remain closed tomorrow. PALMER ESTATE PAYS A TAX OF $75,000 COLORADO SPRINGS. Col., Sept. 10. The slate inheritance tax on the estate of General William J. Palmer, pioneer railroad builder in the west and founder of Colorado Springs, was presented yesterday to Ihe enmity treasurer. The tax anioinils to $75, 410, tho second largest ever paid in Ihe slate. The largest lax ever paid was thai on the W. S. StrnUon es lalc, amounting lo ,f2!lO,(IOO. Something ovory business man wants tho merchants' lunch at the Xash prill cneh noon an elaborate menu. Prieo 35 cents. Why allow yonr eyes to use more than their normal supply of ner vous energy? Even a ' Might saving .each day may mean much to you for future health. We :cver prcsribc lenses un til we have taken nerve nma s u r c m e nt s under pressure and with pres-:'- are removed to prove accuracy of our findings t, when relief' is sure to i follow, .' Improper adjustments of lenses not only ds tracts from appearance but adds much to eye . strain. McConnick methods used exclusively. Brief consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eye Specialist. East Main. St., over Nicholson's Hardware. -S o a o v Economy The Same Old Story Order Now A NUMBER OF OUR CUSTOMERS WERE DISAPPOINTED LAST WEFL. IN NOT GET TING THEIR CHICKENS,, FTC. IF YOU WERE ONE OF THEM, PROFIT BY YOUR EXPERI ENCE 4ND ORDER NOW. THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE &NICH0LS, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.- Economy o S3 O ASHLAND . . Swedenburg Block; - 1 Here IS a year's work for you. An earnest aud enthusiastic young man or woman can secure an excellent course of business training. Splendid rooms in the Swedenburg block, individual instruction, in creased faculty.- Everything up-to-date. Enter September Glh and secure the best year's work of your life, including our full course in gymnasium work. P. RITNER. A. M., President. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED To buy, G-room modem bungalow and 2 lots, good location; price must be right. Address B. F., cave Tribune. 104 WANTED Experienced (piiirry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT All Comedy Bill THE MUSTARD PLASTER MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING P0MPEY DREAM THE SACRIFICE ONE it DIME rr M r: v k & & ra A Word To The Wise Attend all the MILLINERY OPENINGS possible, but before you buy , . . . Wait For The Quality Store 1