THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKflOX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909. TIMBER FIRES DO DAMAGE EAST OF COTTAGE GROVE COTTAHK (IHOVI'V Or., S.M.I 10, Hun l'itclioi', i'i'iiliii(,' on tlio Orn Kon & HniillicriioiiMli'i'it mil mini, 18 luih'rt CMHl (if Hl'lH ilaic-t, Hltt (lilt II lil'ii tu hum hliibliinu'K Inst I'riiluy. 'J'hn riiiini'H hiiiin nnl liryuuil conl rot, mill t I to llii linn Imvi Iniriii'il In Din toil, lIl'Hll'oyillK HI'VI'I'Ill Nllllll'0 lllill'H of fini' liinlii'r, mill lor n limn lliri'iil I'lihiK lo Itu in llii' Hitwinill mill nth vf ImililiiiK it that plni'i'. Tlio 1'iro in Mill liiiriniiK In-rci'ly ami rim War ili'ii lli'oiiilimicli Iiiim lnlii'ii a Iiii'ko Jori'd of men to i'ilil tint flaiiit'H, An nlliiT I'irottt tlio Wii'kx mill, t'ilit lllill'H I'llhl III' lll'I'l', llill I'llllhilllTlllllll iIiiiiiiihh a I'i'W iImvk ugii, IiiiI llii) form III' llll'll M-lll Ollt M'IMII'I'll I'Olllrill of I lto llmni'H mill tin' nii'ii liiivo lii'i'ii Kent to tlio Dixton fire, wliii'li in imw in llii' litnlx-r of lliii lluiilli-Ki'lly emu puny anil tln Wr.virliiii'iiner Mnli. PACIFIC COAST'ELK LARGER THAN ANY OTHERS TNIVKHSITY OK OHWION', Kn 1,'i'iK', Sept. 1 J. Thitt llm elk or Cur ry I'Oiinly, Ciiiim anil lloiiyhiH roiinlii's mill oilier ()ri'jiin count I'liunlii'S ami tlniHo of wi'nti'rn WiiHliinjiloii nri) larger anil luiviir tlian tin- i-ll; of Wyoming ami Colorailo i.-i tin Imlii-f of J. A. Sawyer, manly tri'iiMiivr of DihiuIiii I'oinity, nail an iinlhority on ili'iT, rlk anil ollior ( 1 1 1 r n of llm llro mil i'ont-t ilibtrirl, riTupuizi'iI by tin' iliii'f linnliiij; joarnaW of tin I'aili'il Sliiti-x. Tin1 linll elk of tlio coast rnii;c4 MUncliiiH". vcinli " much iih 1'JIIO Hiiinin, while ihiiM1 of Wyoming mill Ciiliiiailii rarely exceeil 1011(1 ioiiiiim. The ilil fereiice in weight of tin' average elk of lhc two ivjiiotiH is nlioilt 'JIMI puttml-i, DEER HUNTING FOOD IN GOLD HILL DISTRICT S. d. Iloile-. .1. Ditviilson ami CliarlcH Kell lirmiulil in 11 J"ine five poinl liiick Weilnchilay iiiorninf', which they hail killeil near Hock l'oint, Hiiyii the (iolil Hill Neuh. Ojiiti a nnni lier of ileer have lieen killeil in the lieichlmrliiiiiil nl' lliis ilaee fciiiri 111' Heason oieneil, in fact, the local hunt er h have heea even nmre snceeshfnl than lliosi who have pine tu tin tall limber. I, like Ji'imiiiH ami Ral)li Darling eaptnreil a )oiiil-Hi.eil buck on the lllaekwell IiIIIh Wi'ilni'Uilay. Several ilcor have been killeil in anil ahont (iolil llill lately ami the lniiilini; wi'ins to he iih kihiiI 11I11111I homo as anywhere .so. N0RMALADDITI0NS FOR R0SEBURG HIGH ItOSKl.l'KO. Or., Sept. 10. He emise of the iliMconliiiiinnci of the Hlnli normal schools there has boon aildi'il ln the hitfh school in this city n teachers' IraiaiiiK i1eiiirtiaent for Hie fiirllieiimiiiK I 'lit. Tlio ori;ai)i,a lion of a class in this ilepaiiiaent ile pcnils, however, upon the entrance of n mifficioiit nnmlier to justify Ihe expense of eoiiiliicliiiK it. Schoiil opens in this city on Sep tember l.'l. There will be 'J 4 touchers employed in the schools this year, 11 of which liiiiclit last year. ' PRUNE ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED IIOSKIil'IfO, Or., Kept. HI.- I'rutio (fi-owi.TM il JMyrtle Creek havu met mid foiininl 1111 association for thu sale of Until' crops. They elccteil J. J. Chailwick proniilonl mid V. N. Monro secretary. They also elected it com 111 i t toe of five to receive offers and do I ho helling for tint Jftiol. i They hnvo ihMiicd an invitnlioii to all growers to join the pool. The fruit will all io sold together, and whoever buys the pool gets all tlio fruit. Tim growers havo agreed to dry I tic; prunes in a good marketable condi tion. Tin) amoiioiit of fruit signed up at llio mccliag amounts to about Ii.i0,l)ll0 pounds. It is expected that many others will eater their crops, bringing I ho total up to 1,000,000 pounds. OPENING Fall Millinery Mrs. W. I. Brown invites the ladies of MtdtonI rnd vicinity to inspect display of French patterns and shapes at DUEUL & KENTNER Saturday, September 11, 1909 Bijou Theatre FOUR CUTTINGS OF At FALFA AT MILTON .MllfiiX. Or., Sept 10. Jiimes T. Kirk. 011,1 of ihe most successful al falfa gi'jiters in Ihe Walla Walla valley, is in the midst of Ihe third alfalfa harvest, and the presenl' cul ling is practically as good in ialily ami 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i I ' ixh was the second. In dications nl the present time assure the farmers thai an excellent fourth crop of hav will be harvested, savs Mr. Kirk. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Somolhiiig which is of eonsider known' is the system of prepaid or 1I1I0 interest to the public generally and which is uorimp not generally dorn now in effect between stations nC the Southern Pacific company nnd nil points in tlio United States. By means of this system tickets mny be purchased at Mcdfotd from any place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing fo coma here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash In connection with these tickets may also be foiwardud at the same HKSOLUTION'. Ho it resolved, hit the city council of Ihe cily cf Mod ford: K.very property owner of the oily of Modford is hereby required within thirty days from this dato to cause every building within said city used for residence purposes past which sewer mid water mains hnvo boon laid lo bo connected with said sewer. The city recorder is hereby direct ed to pause this resolution to bo pub lished in the daily papers of said city for three days.' The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of tlio city of Modford on September 7th. 100!), by the following vote: Welch. Merrick, Kil'ert, Detinuer, Worlnian, aye; liny, none. Approved September 7th. 1000. W. II., CANOX. Mayor. Attest: liOHT. W. TKLFKU. 100 Recorder. FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street (iO feet wide. Lots arc 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel tin account of paved streets- Building line 2o feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make ;"50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a yem Med ford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vince!. We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a year's time. : Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This-is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to offer ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St. Entire Change of pictures Special Matinee for school children tomorrow after noon, 2:30. ADMISSION TO SCHOOL CHILDREN, ONLY 5c. SB t4-t4.t x - ' . 1 X ' ' ' ''Jln. X Mr. Investor Have you seen the mdern home seven rooms in the snnoe iinrl rnst nf fnur rnnmc !cpIoc rpfrinprntnr hnitf.In huffate , a. ..vw t and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Medford Xational Bank Building.. Medford Iron Works X E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. i Foundry and Machinist X All Wr of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma tchincry. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, ' Medford Depot: Medford I or & Storage Co. 3 We Are EADOUA R TE R S For STANDARD PORTLAND CEMENT, and HARD WALL PLASTERS, (hair fibre,) and BUILD ING FELT, as well as carrying a stock of LUM BER, SHINGLES, DOORS, SASHES, ETC., ETC., Second to none in Southern Oregon LUJIMtBMIIWIHIMH M " 1 mm 1 ',1 Woods Lumber Comp'y i x 44