Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 09, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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jMIhh l'Viuikiii OlTutt wiw K'v" u
ciil kIiihh ijiilnry (IihIi on Tuowliiy
ni(lit ly Hi" mniiinjinnnnt of Tlio
Wixwiiiii (Inure jmrlorn.
ttiintlicrn Ofi-Kiiii Tim Hiid (Ui'i'vo
Co., Ho. (I utrcel. p
O. II. Blnimlmrtl, lliu flriinlH 1'iihk
nttonii"y, wiih n biihiiiuMH nullor Wed
tii)Hliiy, A. Pnnkoy of Centrul Point Hpoiit
Wedni'Hiliiy in Mlfonl on bummum.
J. ). liolton of I.ukcport, Cnl., wax
Hltiimlinn court thin week it Juck
Honvilln. lf' vinitid friontlH in Mud
ford. ' ' '
' :
rinuli Grill opn nil the tiino.
Tonight iM'tlin night of tlio ln-
dinnidiiiK-o lit Tim Wiwtuii. . i io
Mm.. A. C. Wilhon of tliu Boy' mid
ClirlH Aid Ho'ity ut Portlnml ?
Ini'tml Minn KNtlmr Silvu to JiickKon
ville, llm luttor bniiii; Mibjoi'imcd ho-
for tlio grand jury.
SmnnlllillL' (SVCrV bllHMHiWH mall
wants tlio merchant' lunch at the
Kush (trill each noonan aluhoralo
menu. Price 35 ceuln..
Mm. Manic Trixrh of Jiiirliwmvillo
left for SUickton lifter KpeniliiiK the
Hinimier with In r futlier, P. Donegal)
There will lie an Imlian dunce at
Tlio WiKWiun Tliurndiiy evening. 1-18
. r.. . If It I low tM helniiiL' in I he
iimkchWh office wriliiiK np the iik
HCHstnent roll. '
' Phone 3.I0H for leu or coffee.
Krcd Ileirin of Ashland in in .Tack-
Honvillo HerviiiK on the jury.
A gnmo everybody can play box-
A. I. Irvin, chief of police at Anil
land. wn in Medford recently.
Don't fail to attend tlio big Indian
dance at The Wiirwmn tnnUjht. 118
A few more IoIh left in Wooilliiwn
IleighlH addilion. Fine local ion; car
Korvice; will he worth morr next fall.
Buy one now. Penson InvcHtnient
Co,', 112 V. Main Ktrcet. J48
Itcn.janiiii Collins fonnerly rityrc
conlcr, ban accepted a poult ion iik
ciiHliier in the Hank of .lacknonville.
He will lake chai'iio of the hank there
while Mr. Dav'w will look after the
new hunk in this city.
Orders for sweet cremn or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone the
A nice little fruit ranch, 4 miles
south of Medford; house, barn and
hicken house; II acres 3-ycar-old;
pear orchard; largo vegetable garden,
berries, etc; prim f.VKIO; terms. Hen-
hoii InvcKtriieiit Co., 1 VI Main st. 118
Ground was broken Thursday for
the new (larnctl-Corey building on
WcHt Main street. The building will
have a fcruiiitn front mid be a re
markably liiinnVomi! structure.
Nash Grill orr. all the timo.
Ilememher tomorrow is fish day
and the Itoguo Kiver .Fish Co. hm
plimly. Krish xhipmimt today and
also tomorrow. Smelt, salmon, hal
ibut, ling cod, tlio deep water fish.
Plenty dressed chicken, lelcpliono
voiir orders Phone 3()0:i. city general
delivery four times u day. We want
you all to send or come. nn
A new home for $150. Wo will
build you one for that and u month
ly puyinent of $35 -your own plans.
Hen Hon Investment Co. 148
The biguest dunce of the season
tonight at The Wigwum. Don't fuil to
he there. MS
Miss Anna Towne of Phoenix is
visiting her xixter, Miss Mollin B.
Towne, in Jacksonville.
You'll meet your friend ot the box
ball nlloy.
Mrs. Potter ami son of Ashland are
the guests of Mi's. D. F. Mulkey in
Jacksonville this week.
Dun't forget that tlio Nnsh Grill
has the best chef in the state and
makes a specialty of small or largo
dinner parties..
A fishing party composed of If. B.
Dow, Dr. If. T. Burnt-It and V. If.
Coleman spent Sunday and Monday
at Put to creek.
You can get as good at the NuhIi
Grill as you can get nt tlio best grills
in the cities nt half the "price." Spe
cial mmtia every evening.
George Gilseou mid wife of Lewis
ton, lduho, are visiting relatives living
in this vicinity.
Insure your automobiles against
theft, firo and accident. Benson In
vestment Co. opisisite Hotel Moore.
J. A. Woslerlund Ami party, Dr.
Coiiroy and party and Julius lleeniail
and party of Portland and B. P.
('lark comprise an automobile brig
ade I It it t will start for Crater Lake
next Sunday.
The north pole lias been discovered.
Cooky and Pcarying botoh report
that Hob Taylor, the painter, papered,
painted and tinted the pule in March,
!H)8, and he also has signs there. 1 17
Open all the time the Xash Grill.
Dr. J. F. Ueddy left Wednesday on
n business trip to Portland.
Isaac Doniherg of Spokano was
attending circuit court Wednesday.
Xash Grill open all tlio timo.
Frank Xeil, the Rutin Falls ranch
er, is visiting his father. Judge J. R.
Neil, in Jacksonville.
Teas ami coffees nt 2(1 So. G si. V
Alius Minnie Cronciniller arrived
from Orescent City recently on an
extended visit with relatives living in
Do you have good bread? Why not
see Stringer, West Side Grocery. To J
Attorneys E. I'.. Kelly and W. K.
Philips of this city have been attend
ing court this week.
Where money grows -Invested in
suburban lots in n growing cily. T.ct
us show you ours- .fJ." cash, 1 per
month. Itcnson Investment Co. 1 18
(Ml. (iillell me down from Ash
land Wednesday on business.
"Forest Inn' is Hie nnnin of a new
mountain retreat on Hie Little Unite
nt the Tool of Ml. McLaughlin, on
George Fry's ranch. 11. F. Clark.
Will Keys and Mr. Poller have re
turned from an nulo (rip .there, where
they hnill an automobile road lo (he
place, which is designed lis n sum
mer inn for those who would spend
vacations In (he mountains.
J. 0. Ail kin, horticultural inspec
tor for tlio Woodvillo district, spent
Thursday in Medford. He stales that
orchiinlisls generally are obeying the
law and diseased trees are being rap
idly cut down.'
ltemember the Indian dance lit The
Wigwam Thursday evenine. 118
C. K. Powers of Unite Falls is
spending a few days in Medford.
See Prof. Anton Romnnoff, for
merly court violinist of Austrian em
peror, for lessons on violin, guitar
and mandolin. Leave orders at Nash
hotel. '
('. G. Henly of Kugene is making
Medford a business call.
If you want the best bread on earth
seo Stringer, the West Side Gro
cer. . 151
Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. York who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
York of this city, huve left for their
Michigan home.
The way to a man's heart is via
his stomach, such being the case, the
Loiiere cafe is entitled to the thanks
of every woman whose friend or rela
tive has ever sat at its table 'tis a
pleasure to cat there.
The Spot Cafe don't serve quail on
tost or humming bird pot pie, but
(hev do serve the best dinner ever
eaten in Medford for the price.
J. F. Murphy has left for a visit
in Portland, lie wns accompanied
by his daughter, who will soon re
sumo her duties as an instructor in
the cily schools in The Dalles.
The Nash Grill is open day and
nicht the finest sen-ice between
Portlnnd and Son Francisco.
I. J. Kelso of Cenlral Point was n
recent visitor in Medford. '
You'll like boxbnll. Try it.
Mrs. John Italliuger has returned
from a visit of some weeks in Raker
Yes; the other fellow read this, so
dhl his wife. Morul Advertise. K
Rest paH'r in southern Oregon
The Tribune,
Always Picking.
An aniuhini; hi my U told of the an
swer glt en ly n lndou lvulf to a
vatlon Army runtaln. The zealous oltl
cer bod nuked the boy whnt work lie
did to provide It I in Willi food. etc.. and
tbe reply wn. "I pick strawberries In
tbe summer, 1 pick hops In the au
tumn, I pick pockets In the winter, and
oakum for the rest ot the year."
"Why. Puss, you eople here dor.'i
know anything about fruit. Out In
Oregon we raise apples aa big aa your
"Do you raise peaches na big aa l
am, Unele I'hlir
"Wby-er-ab:"-Cbleago Tribune.'
Progret Imptded.
First Member-Mrs. tie Streak didn't
have ber way nt lliedren reform meet
ing tbls afternoon, did she? Seenml
Member No; tier gown fitted ber so
tightly that rIic couldn't make n mo
tion. Pock.
Sweden-burg Block.
Here Is a year's Work for you. An earnest and enthusiastic young
man or woman can secure an excellent course of business training.
Splendid rooms in the Swcdenbnrg block, individnnl instruction, in
creased faculty. Everything tip-to-date. '
Enter September Cth and secure the best year's work of your life,
including our full course in gymnasium work.
, P. RITNER. A. M., President.
Egotistical. i
P.folibs-Wlint nil egotistical fellow j
Talknlot Is! When you are with him '
be expeela yon lo be ull eara. Slobbs
Yea: and you find dim to bo all "l a " '
Philadelphia Itecord. I
Never Judge a town by tbe alie of
the type Willi which Its name Is print
ed on the nmp of a mil road that doesn't
paas through ll.-Cbic-ngo Record-Herald,
Assist yourself and liearcn will av
alst you.-I.utln Proverb.
Th. Wrack.
Fortune Teller I can read tbat there
la to be a wreck In your borne, aud It
will Iw caused by a blond woman.
Pntron-Oh. tbat haa already occurred.
Our new Swedish maid let the Omnb
waller fall and broke all the dhibes.
Unit I more American.
Ella Gaunynw, public stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
F. R. Kdginglon of Ashland is
spending a few days' in Medford.
Spices and extracts at 'Hi So. G
W. S. Zimmerman. C. It. Nicholson
II. E. Kizer, Frank Woodward, E. W.
Wolfe and II. X. Starr of Portland
are in Medford on business.
lie sure and conic to The Wigwam
Thursday eve and have n good time.
Fred L. Chiimpliii, owner of tlio
Chiinipinn ' dredge, operating near
Gold Hill, is in Medford on business.
Will trade inside for outside prop
erly; will trndo outside for inside I
properly; will exchange property you
do wiini for property you don't want, i
Cull mid sec Reason Investment
opposite Hotel Morrn. .1 18 j
Attorney Robert G. Smith of Grinils
Puss spent Wednesday in Medford
on business. Incidentally Boll bought
n few dozen lags for the park fund, j
Let Hull d.i your, scenic work, such j
as a photo of your orchard, home, etc.
3.'!l E. Main street.
U. C. F. Astliury of Gold Hill is nt
(ho Nnsh.
SI ringer has (ho While River flour,
thn best flour on earth. 151
' A Cheerful Letter.
Tbe following wns sent by a country
man to bis son In college not many
years ago:
My Dear Son-I write to und you two
pair ot old brooches, that you may have
a new coat made of them: also some new
socks, which your mother knit by cutting
down some of mine, your mother sends
you I0 without my knowledge, and for fear
you will not spend it wisely 1 have kept
back half and only send five. Tour moth
er and I are well, except your sister An
nie has not the measles, which we think
would spread anions other girls It Tom
had not had them before, and he Is tbe
only one left. 1 hope you are well and
will do honor to my teachings, tf you
do not you are an ass. aod your mother
and myself ore your affectionate parents.
Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror.
h A Nice Bird. '-
"Do you like n nice bird ':" asked tbe
host ns they sat down to tbe table.
Ob. yes!" responded the. guest iui-
Taxlesa Towns.
No fewer than 1.M0 towns and Til- I me(ilaTcly aud enthusiastically.
You ought to call ou my sister," er-
lagea In Germany still own. und have
owned, dowu from tbe middle ages, so
much common land ibnt tbelr Inhab
itants pay neither rates nor taxes.
Five hundred of tbese townships and
villages derive so ureat n rental from
their lauds that they are able, In addi
tion, to pay every citizen on New
Year's day. a bonus of from $23 to
$100 ns bis share of the surplus revenue.
plained the other. "She's got one of
the finest canaries you ever saw. Welt,
what kind of a sandwicb do you think
you can eat':" London Telegraph.
Had No More Time.
"1 can't wait any' further for you.
What arc yon reading, nnyhow?"
"Henry James. Walt until I finish
this chapter."
"I'll wait until you get to tbe next
comma and no longer." Louisville
An Arbitrary Classification.
"So you think every patriot has a
more or less clearly defined ambition
to hold public office?"
"Yes," answered Senntor Sorghum.
"As a ruli, patiiots may be divided
Into two classes tra v?olnted and the
disappointed." Washington Star.
They Adjourned.
"Sine? you have Insisted on trying
on my bat. Miss Mabel, I shall cer
tainly claim the forfeit."
"1 don't know whnt you mean, sir;
liuu ueaioes, turn isu i ii &vuu iiui-ir, - ... . , .
they can see us from tUe hotel."-L!fe. men8 of,th's e.m ie.kets may
Prepaid Raiiroao Orders.
"Something which is of consider
known is the system of prepaid or
uhle interest to the public generally
and which is nerhnps not generally
ders now iu effect between stations
of the Southern Pacific company
and all points in the United States.
Quite Rare. -
Gns What did you think ot our
amateur theatricals. Miss Mamie?
Rather a rare entertainment, was It
not? Miss Mamie Well er yes; It
wasn't very well done, to be sure.
Harper's Bazar.
be purchased at Medford from any
place in the United States nnd mau
ed or telegraphed direct to the party
wishing to come here. Sleeper ac
commodations Riid small amounts of
cash In connection with these tickets
may also be forwarded at the same
Fall Millinery
Mrs. W. I. Brown invites the ladies
of Mtdlunl and vicinity to inspect
display of French patterns and
sliaprs nt
Saturday, September 11, 1909
The Same
Old Story
Order Now
ASHPOLE & NICHOLS, Proprietors.
Opposite PostofRce Phone 461.
Those who are looking for good invest
. ments can do no better than to inves
tigate this beautiful property ,
Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six
blocks west of the business district. Main street is be
inj"' paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce
ment walks going in, cross street 60 feet wide. Lots
are 50x137, front lots TOxUO. Always accessible, either
on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building
line 23 feet from front of lots.
There is no question but what one will make 50 to
100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year.,
Medford is growing very rapidly and without question
this is the cheapest property within the same radius
of anything in the city today. The price and the terms
are reasonable. Ohio and look this over and be con
vinced. "We also have a splendid business property, of large
size, that will stand investigation. The present price
will look cheap in a year's time. i
Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can
beraded for city property. ,This is some distance out,
well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land.
Xow what have you to offer ?
J. W. Dressier Agency
West Main St.
See The Daily Tribune For
Commercial Job Printing