THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORI), OREGON", TIIUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER H.IOOO. Medeord daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor aud Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : month by mail or carrier.... 10.50 One year by mail $5.00 TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer, ., ., A, rare aud salubrious climate soil of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive ' people such is the Rogue River Valley. ri t Average mean temperature. .'I......... .55 degrees Average yearly precipitation .'. ,. .J Ji.V'i.J 21 inches Jim. NORTH POLE DISPUTE. ' More or less supercilious arrogance and snobbishness tinctures the army -.aidiiavyj '. Not' all the officers arc affected, but many seem to think that they are made of better clay than the rest of humanity. The intolerant attitude assumed by Commander Peary towards Dr. Cook is probably due largely to the atmosphere breathed in his naval associations. ' According to his own account, Peary reached the north pole a year later than Cook. "Without awaiting even to ascertain the merits of Cook's claims, Peary brands Cook as a liar and a fakir, and this even before he has submit' ted any proofs of his own success. . Peary's disappointment and chagrin that someone beat him to the pole is natural, but he Avill not enhance his own fame by attempting to knock the record of a rival. It only proves his own littleness. His attitude contrasts poorlv with that of Cook, and will lose him the sympathy he would otherwise have secured. Upon the actual achievements of both explorers, upon the proof they submit to scientists, will their claims to fame rest, not upon sensational newspaper attacks by one upon the other. . As both claim to have found the north pole on a field of moving ice, the pole of 'this year might be a thousand miles away from the pole of next year, hence the flag planted by Cook be hundreds of miles from the flag plant ed by Peary, and a third expedition might find no traces of either explorer. The claims ot both might be true and both might be fakirs, though hardly probable. PRECOOLING FRESH FRUIT. as well as better preserve the fruit shipped to eastern markets. This year the railroad companies have given poor serv ice on perishable fruit from Medford. Jn contrast with the time from California, Oregon's output lias suffered i severely. A week lousier than usual lms been m-fimiixl in transit, with the result that the fruit ripened on the way and arrived in poorer condition, and was sold on poorer markets than prompt delivery would have met. It is true that in every sale made in every market, Rogue River pears got higher prices than were paid for any other fruit, topping California, "Washington and Colo rado products, ;lmt this is due to the wonderful keeping qualities ol the local fruit. A preeooliug plant here will eliminate the possibility of loss in transit through tardy delivery and over-ripened mm. uy precooimg is meant the reduction of the temper ature of the fruit to the desired point before, or immediate ly after, it is placed in the car. By that means the fruit starts on its. journey : a $ cool as is desired, while by the old method ot refrigeration it may be half across the conti nent before, getting cooled off. . The process consists in introducing cold air into the car; withdrawing it as'soon as it becomes heated, and then introducing more cold air." "Within three or four horn's the fruit is sufficiently cool, and the ice then put in the bunk ers may last to the end of the journey. Therq is no saving of expense in the process) the gain being in getting the fruit through in better condition than formerlv. "Within a' few years there will be precooling plants at all important shipping stations, aud Medford should lead. The machinery for doing this work is patented, though" the government is trying to f bid a better device upon which there will be no patent. MEOFORDS FRIENDS TO HER ASSISTANCE In Connection With Securing of Li brary, Prominent Men Write Library Board. "Precooling" fruit before shipment will greatly in crease the profits of Rogue River pear growers, as it will enable them to place their products in European markets, Medford has ninny powerful friends to conic to her aid when in need of assistnnce, as the following correspondence-. will ,diow. In order to assist the ladies of the Greater Med ford club in securing a Carnegie li brary. V. I. Vawtcr wrote to William McMurray as follows: Medford. Aug. 23 Mr. Win. Mc Murray, General Passenger Agent Southern Pacific, Portland rDear Sir: The ladies of the Greater Med ford dull have made application to Andrew Carnegie for n public libra ry building and have asked for the sum of .$20,000. The ladies feel that in order to se cure this amount it will be necessary to have a number of letters from those who have a knowledge of Med- ford's growth and thu prospective future. I have been requested to usk from you a statement giving some infor mation concerning the growth and de velopment of Medford and vicinity from the viewpoint of increase, in railroad earnings, etc., and how the future is regarded. This letter should bo uddressed to James Hertrum, secretary. No. 2 Kast 91st street, New York, aud may bo sent to me. When I procure a num ber ot letters I will forwurd them all to that address. I trust that in asking this favor on behalf of the club that I have not gone too far in the way of requests . McMurray's Answer. .nr. .uc.unrroys answer was as follows : Mr. William I. Vawter, Medford, Oregon Dear Sir: It gives mo great pleasure to write to Mr. James Ber tram in regard' to the bestowal of n Carnegie library upon Medford. I sincerely hope that the applica tion of the ladies of the Greater Med ford club to Mr. Carnegie will meet with the success which it so greatly deserves. The letter to Air. ricrlrnm is here with enclosed. Yours truly, WM. M. MeMl'ItRAY. P. S. If you will send one of the , Medford eouiinunily booklets to Mr. llerlrnm 1 believe il will afford an endorsement of the merits of your community greater than anything else. Following is thu letter addressed by Mr. McMurray to Secretary Her trum: Portland, Or., Sept. J. Mr. James Hurt ram, Secretary, New York, N. Y. Pear Sir: With reference to the ap plication of the Ladies Greater Med ford club to Mr. Andrew Carnegie for u public library building for Med ford, Oregon, it affords mo great pleasure to be ablo to say something of the splendid progress Medford is making in every department of civic life. : ' " : " ' The industrial and commercial de velopment of Medford during recent years, as indicated by the traffic of the railroad to and from that point has been most remarkable, and thin U characteristic of the solidity and en during nature of the intelligent pro gression along all lines, which Med ford is experiencing in the making of a city. The bestowal of a library would be a fitting recognition of the excel lent work of the people of Medford for the betterment of their splendid city. Yours vurv trulv, WM. M'MlTltHAY. Chamberlain Aids. Senator Chamberlain has also loaned his aid lis the following let ter shows: . ' ; Portland. Or., Kept. 4. lion. W. I. Vawter, Medford, Oregon My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your favor of the 23d tilt., on mv return to Portland. mid I take pleasure in enclosing you herewith such a letter ns the ladies of the Greater Medford rluh desire to have me furnish ilium. I hope .you are well aud that I may have the peasure of meeting you in the very near future. With kindest personal regards, 1 am, yours very sincerely. GKO. K. CHAMISKKi.AIN. COLONY AT DALLAS BUYS 1000 ACRES DALLAS, Or., Sept. II. Twenty German families are colonizing 000 acres of land near Dallas. The fam ilies hail from New Mexico, and are in fairly well to do circumstance. They arc particularly well impressed with the soil and climate hero as compared with the dry, barren lands they havo been tilling, and urn pre. pared to settle permanently, Thu members of the colony a I'd nil film stoekraiscrs, and aro bringing u lot of blooded animals with them to im prove the strain of already good stock. The placo they have chosen us a settlement, comprises some of the best lands in Polk county. , Why do Ihey advertise in The Tri bune T Knsy. They get result i. K. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main GOLD HILL SHIPPING CONSIDERABLE FRUIT Gold Hill is regarded by outsiders us primarily u mining town, yet some of the wise ones would bo surprised to see the amount of fruit and pro duce that is shipKMl from here. Wed nesday, for instance, 210 boxes of peaches were shipped by express to Portland 'and Seattle, and Thursday nearly ns many more were sent out. These came from the Shipley and Mil ler orchards in Sams Valley, and the crop is expected to reach the neigh borhood of 4000 boxes. Captain Ast bury will ship several carloads of apples from his orchard this fall, so that for a town that don't make any pretensions as a fruit growing center. Gobi Hill averages with some others. News. " DF0RD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound. No, 20 Koseburg Pass... No. 12 Shasta Limited.. . No. 10 Oregon Express.. No. Mll'orlluiid Kxpress. Southbound. 7:41 . m. 9:25 . m. 5:24 p. m. 8 :3I1 p. m. No. lliShostii Limited... No. 15!Cnliforniii Expross No. 13S. F. Express.... Medford to Jacksonville. 5 :50 n. in. 10:35 n. m. 3:32 p. m. Motor car leaves Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves Motor ear leaves . MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 5. 1000 Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a sovcro kidney and bladder trouble ofter doctor-? failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson. nr Burtlctt St.' Sold bv Ilaskins' Drue Storn. Jacksonville to Medford.' 8:00 a. in. 10:45 n. in. 3 :35 p. m. 6 :00 p. in. 9 :30 p. n. Motor icaves Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves Motor car leaves PACIFIC & EASTERN" So. iTr .eaves Medford.. No. 3Lcaves Medford.. No. 2lArrivos Medford.. No. 4Arrivcs Medford . . No. llArrivo Facie Pt. .. No. 2lLeavcH Euglo Pt.. No. 3Arrivcs Eagle Pt.. No. 4lLcavcn Eagle Pt.. . MAIL CLOSES. 7:00 n. m. 8 :45 u. m. 2:30 p. m. 4 :30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. RAILWAY. 8:00n. m 2:20 p. m. 10:10 a. m 5 :00 p. m. 8:45 n. m. 0 :05 n. m. 3 :05 p. m. 4 :15 p. m. Northbound Southbound Eaglo Point.. 8:55 a. m. 8 :10 p. jn. 0:00 p.m. 3 :00 p. m. 2:00 p. in. The preliminary survey of Block No. 1 ... . . Siskiyou Heights Subdivision COMPLETED! This block when cut up will make 21 large tradts.l These sites command thesightliest view in the city. J If you are planning to acquire any of this splendid property you may . have your choice notw.Jbefore the individual lot lines are staked Oregon Orchards Selling Agents Syndicate Rogue River Valley