Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 09, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Oreyon Caves Probably Have Two
Entrances, Seven Miles
(i WANTS l'ANS, Or., Ncj.t. 0.
.Inhii II. Kinriiirl ill' WilliiuiiH ttllH in
C j I'll 1 1 1 M I'llHK II eollll lf (IliyH lllHt
week, mill related in tin' Ohnerver the
result ill' an ulli'ipl n emile of
wicI(h ii(i' lo explore it ni'W euvo en
Irunee it In ii t ki'Vimi iiiilim from I he
ircKi-n I enlriniee. Tlh' hi i'l y eonHintiid
(if J. II. Kiiiruiil iiiul lillln hum Jnliiiny,
J. K Hartley ami f li - of the Winn
man iii-i uliljur-j. They found llio new
enve in the enst hide uf Cl'HKK.V
tllOlllllllillK, nbont two tnilen liclnw
the Hiiimnil, anil MiulheiiHl f rum tiro
tiri'Hi'nt enve entwine.
They went in nlmut 1)0 feel, having
In crawl part uf tin way, anil then
Hie piiNHiiuu nurrnwed In a himiiII hole..
It u'iih ileeiileil In let little Johnnie
Kineaiil k" through Hum hole, whieh
lie diil, and found thai the puHHiign
enlarged iiyiiin and he wiih idile lo
Hliuid lip and see ipiito a dihtnnee
ahead hy the lijjht (if liin enmlle, when
Inn father enlled liim buck fur fear of
accident. A peculiarity of thirt new
cave im that there i a heavy mietion
of air inward. In the raven now
kniiwn the dm ft i- outward. 'I'lii'-c
fiielx Hcein (o indicate n conneclloll
lielwiicn the two ciivck, or rather that
Ihn two are one, Mr. Kineaiil and
liin iiiMii inlcM contemplate reluming'
to the Crusty iieiik 'raven n noon n
practicalile with eipiipment lo eiiliire
the piih-nM,. mi iiw to extend the ex
ploration. The present riiw, nn far a" known,
nre not nearlv a eNlensive iim (jencr
iilly reported. Mr. Kineaiil know all
the piitniiucx anil chamhciH inliinale
Iv mid has probably hecn Ihroiiuh
llivm a thousand t linen as yniile for
vaiioim parlii"! and otherwise. Year
au'n i u-iic he mid hit neighbor, J. N'.
Hull, who iiimle the Windy I'hhsiico
practicabli' for visitor. While there
are ninny windinc. the farthest
chmnber known is not more Hum half
n mile directly back from the en
trance. Hut there are two unexplored
paHNiiccs leu l in r out of back cham
bers, and Mr. Kineaiil intends to in
veRtiiriite these, us he believes (hero
is a connection with the ('ray Peak
entrance, seven miles dihlmil.
For sale, nl n irreat lmrnnin. two
of the finest residence lots. fi0cl2.'i,
feel each. Wide allcv in the roar.
Close to end of the pnvement. Iliuh-'
est elevation in the city. Apply 3."i
Soiilh Central avenue, or telephone
171. MS
You haven't rend nil (ho iiowh un
less you lmvo rend the mis Homo in
teresting items for your purse in ev
ery issue.
Methodist Dolnus. .
I,ast Snbbalh was "reception day"
at the ,M i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i h t Kpiscopul clnii'ch in
this l ily. A I the iimrniiiK hour llcv.
Kculer preached on "Jobn Wrslry,"
lakinjj for his text ; "There was a imiii
sent froiii (Ind whohe niiuie wax
.IiIiii," (.John's () l-IJ) and "he
was a hiiriiiui; mid u shining liclil"
(.lnlin Tt-'."i. After deseribiiiK Jnliu
WcHley's work as a preacher, reform
er mid author, lie (pmled the following
"lllocirs oil the (jl'iMit 111(1 ii :
The Historian (ireeu Hays: "He re
created KiikIuihI."
I'hilip Sehaff, the riuineiit I'rcsby
leriiiu professor of Union theological
seminary, New York city, culls Wes
ley "the iiiohI npjoMolie man that
ever rime in liiiKlnud."
The historians, Lucky, Lord, Muc
auley, Iltickee, Haiieroft (mil (Hail
stone, say siibhtnutiiilly if not in
so many words "Hlessins so great
have ri-Millcd from no other life since
apostolic times."
In 18(11 (he luidon Times said:
"John Wesley still remains the great
est, the most potent, the most far
reaching spiritual influence which
Ancjo-Kiixon Christianity has felt
since the day of the reformat ion." At
the close of the senium ten persons
united with certificates. A large eon
gri'L'dtion wiih present nt the morning
service, and in the evening, in spile
of the warm weather a good congre
gation gathered and heard n sermon
on Isjiih ??', "Hearken diligently
unto me and eat ye that which is
stood, iiml let your soul deliijht itself
in fulness."
Key. Heuler has taken no vacation
this summer. While some congrega
tion in cities dwindle down to almost
nothing, the pastor of this church has
preached to a good congregation ev
ery Snbbiilh this summer. The pas
tor is now closing his third year with
the Medford church. During his pas
torate there have been IK!) accessions
lo the church. Deducting the loss by
removals and other cnuscs, there lias
been a net gain of llfi members.
The membership has increased over
Ml per cent. For benevolent and re
ligious purposes Hie offerings of the
church have increased between (50
and 8(1 per cent. In the spring a base
ment accommodating several hundred
persons was constructed under the
church. This enterprise the Metho
dist lirotheihnod took the initiative.
During his pastorate Up v. Ifeuter has
made 1000 pastoral calls and visits.
On next Tuesday he starls north to
attend the session of. the Oregon an
nual confc'.'-e, v'm'I' -us Sep
tember 1").
Methorikt Bulletin.
Tonight at the prayer service the
pastor will speak in Hebrews Xll:i.
Theme, "The Foundation of the Chris
tian's Faith." The pastor will il
lustrate this lopie with a pyramid
sketch. Choir practice following the
prayer service. On Friday 7::i(l p.
m. the fourth and last iUarlerly con
ference of the year. The district su
perintendent, li. F. Diiulap, will
preside. I.ct all the presidents of
the various organizations be ready
lo report.
he Pacific Indiai
Have demonstrated the quality of our Guns
National Association Will Raise
Enormous Fund to Prevent
Repressive Law's
CIllCAdO, Sept. 8. Twenty-five
representative of the largest to
bacco maiiufiiclurcrs, dealers and
allied interests in the United Stales
met here today and completed tho
organization of Ihn National Allied
Tobacco Trades Association, which
which will inuka u-national fight in
the interests of the tobueeo trade.
The association, it was announced,
will undertake lit once a campaign to
create sentiment against reformers
who are planning state legislation
against the manufacturers and sale
of tobacco and will do battle with the
W. ('. T. LV An 6pen fight against
the prohibition of tobacco is to be
waged in Florida, where a stutc-wido
prohibition amendment to the slate
constition will come before the voters
n year from next full.
Fvery manufiictiirer will furnish
to the ussociarlon u list of jobbers
with whom lie deals. These in turn
will furnish lists of the retailer utid
the bitter will compile a directory of
the users of tobacco. Within two
mouths it is expected that the asso
ciation will have the names of 2,000,
000 customers of the tohaecij trades
and within a year the names of near
ly every customer in the United
State organisations will be formed
at once in Now York, Michigan, Ohio,
Florida and Kentucky,' where the re
form element has threatened the in
dustry of tobacco. Other states will
follow. A finance committee wus
appointed to collect nu enormous
fund promised by the delegates, and
it expeets lo bank $00,000 within u
few days.
In many states, and in Michigan in
particular, the W. C. T. U. and allied
organizations have declared open
warfare uikui Hie tobacco trade,"
srtys Secretary Clrau.. "In these
slates we will fight them to n finish.
We will attempt to prevent the use in
schools of text -books which falsely
picture the evils of tobacco, and we
will go into the courts to tost exrry
point. Interests representing many
millions of dollars are behind this
move, and every delegate pledged his
company to go the limil in the fight."
Good for Biliousness.
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stom
ach nnd T.iver Tablets last night, nnd
I feel fifty per cent better than I
hnve for weeks," says. J. J. Fire
stono of Allegan, Mich. "They nre
certainly n fine nrtielo for bilious- j
ness." For sale by Leon H. Ilaskins'
Fhnrmncy. j
i1 ;
Their expert judgement is our testimonial
Shrill .b,nc was in CM Tj!
Thursday morning with a bmich of
iiliHinias for a number of under
age boy-, win, have been accumulat
ing more or Ir s of the stuff Hint not
only exhilerate but intoxicates of
late, sa.ys the News. A determined ef
fort will he made lo stop the sale of
liquor to minors at this term of court.
In .justice to the saloon men it ih to
be suid that they do not ullow minors
to frequent their places of business at
nil. The liquor the boks get is cur
ried out to them by others and the
saloon men buve no wav of rrirulut-
ing this procedure. The minor who
gets u drink at a bar in dold Hi
must lie in order to do so.
Why ullow your eyes,
(o use more than their
normal supply of ncr
i'oiih energy 7 Even a
Alight saving each day
. may nienn much to you
. for future health. We
sever prcsrihe lenses un
. til we have taken nerve
men s ii r e m e nt s under
pressure and with pres
'urc removed to prove
accuracy of our findings
whin relief is sure to
Improper adjustments
of lenses not only da
tracts from appearance
but adds much to eye
McCormiek methods
used exclusively. Brief
consultation free.
Eye Specialist.
East Main St., over Nicholson's
Paul de Anna
4 4
-i WH' &'VJ
Mr. Investor Have you seen
space and cost of four rooms;
and dressers; cabinet kitchen.
J. A. McINTOSH, Architect,
X Third Floor Medford National Bank Building.
Prof. Nick Young and his Trained Dogs
Admission -
t. C. Hansen.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
44'-4 4.44.44 444444
t Medford Iron Works
I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
J Foundry and Machinist
4 All ft'Tf' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t
jchincry. Agents in Southern Oregon for
4444444 444 444 444 4444444
and Ammunition
' K&J
the modern home seven rooms in thef
iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets!
10c and 15c
Tom Moffat