TIIE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOOX, W KDNESDAY, BEPTEMBER 8, 1909. iSOGUL AID PERSONAL C, A. Wt'hxli-i- of Tilt is in Modl'ord on u short liiiciiicHH trip. Thorn will Ihi mi Iniliuii diineo nl 'J'lm Wigwam Tlnii-hiluy evening. l'H ' J; V. IvIwiwiIh of Spring Creek is at llio Muuro. Something every buHtnoHH innn wnnt tliu merchants' lunch nt tlio Nash erill oui'h noon an elaborate timim. Price 33 cetiU. Mi'm. Miiiiiiiiii; of , Talent, wan a visitor in .Mod ford VYedneKdiiy, Eleven now stylos of (ho famous Weber hhoes for men nt $3, $3.50 mid ju4 roeejvud ill, the "Ward robe." 147 A. Pniikcy of Coutrul, I'oint Hpont WedneKiluy in MoiU'ord on business. ' Nush 0 rill ope n nil tlm time. , L. K. Pullman, K. 11. Gilstrnp, 0. K. Koinpp. C. M. Collier mid K. O. 1'iitton of Kngene nro visitor in Medford. Konhern Origin Ton nnd Coffee Co. S. Q street. . V. V. Jkuiick. in allowing u few lriuhdH-.thu beauty of the. neighboring country nnd nlmi whore to eutcli Ibo lurgest fihb. NiihIi drill oM!ii nil tlio time. .Ion Prown bu I'mnplotuly rcinod clod bin residence in West .Modl'ord mid Iiiih it refilled in nil excellent tusto, Ordorn for nweel crcnin or butter milk tirnmntlv filled. Phone thto creamery. Tin1 window f Done! & Kentnor nro tastefully decorated in accord willi tin' welcome extended by this .'itv to tin? "Pacific liidiiins." A hilf II. !'..(. K. banner is also exhibited A I'm morn lots loft in Wooilhiwn Ilokht addition. Kim' locution; cur service; will be worth more next full Huv ono now. Honson Investment Co.. 112 V. Main street. 118 Mi Kulu .luoulis left Tni'-diiy for ii trip mirth. She will visit tin Kent 1 to exposition. A gnmo everybody enn piny box bull. Dr. W. O. (infl'e left a huge basket of Sweetwater gnfpos nt Tho Tribnno of lien Tuesday. They wore not for exhibition nt least none 'e" ,,,fl Th grupos wore very fhje. Phone for ton or offiM. ' Mm. 1. O. Porter is visiting friends in rortliunl for u fw days. vKlltt Oiuinynw, pnhlie Monographer, room 4, Pnhn building. ' Mrs. Walter Hoover is spending a few weeks in Portland with friends. Open' nil tlm timn tho Nnsh Grill. W. H. (irnnt in in Portland on a hhort hiiKincKS trip. Whi'i'it inonoy (frown Invcstml in Biibiirbnii lotn in a prowinij rity. I.i't iih show yon ours i-nsh, $10 pr month. Ili'iison Invi-KliniMit Co. 118 M'ihh Hello f'ochinn bus left for a visit in Portlnnd. Do yon lmvo Rood broad? Why not hoo Slrinnor, Wost Sido (Irooory. 151 .1. ('. Hrown is ovor on' lh Applo (jnto on n short business trip. Tons nnd ooffoos nt 2(1 S. O st. Kd Anilrows bus returned to liis homo in Rosebuifr. Riidio Pholtz, the most enthusins . ' tin ball fan nnd stnr player of Bontb orn OroRon, bns left for Mt. Angel to enter school there. Mr. and Mrs. F. If. Fin rnr of Oold Uny spent Tuesday jn Modl'ord on n . short business trip. ' Wear Chippewa shoos, sold at "The Wardrobe.'., ; ' ' U7 Todd Cl'inioron of Jueksonville .spent Wednesday in Modl'ord. A fresh sliipmont of tea direct from tho -orient nf the ..Southern Oregon Ton and Coffco Co., 30 S. Ornpe St. Plmno 3303. II. von dor Uollon of Wellon was a -Mod ford visitor Wednesday. You'll jneet jonr friend nt tho box bull nlloy. Martin .T. lWiio. formerly oity nt- lornov of Modl'ord, now a resident of IjiiUeview. passed lhroii!;b Modl'ord Tuesday on route to Portland. A new home for $15(1. We will build you one for that and a month ly payment of $35--your own plans. Itonson Investment Co. 1 18 . I. C, V. Astbury of Hold Hill spent Wednesday in Medfnrd. Nash drill open all the time. R. A. Sooll of RoH'hui'K is a visi tor in Medford. , A nine little limit much, 4 miles south of Modl'ord: bouse, burn nnd chicken bouse: it neres 3-year-old pour oroliiml i Iiii'kc vegetable garden, berries, etc; prion $5-100; tonus. Dnn- . hum Investment Co., 112 Main si. 1 18-1 Hurry Silver of Ashluiid spout lust Tuesduy in Medford. Don't i'oruct that tho Nash drill Iiiih tlm best chef in the stato and make n specialty of small or lurifo dinner parties. Fred )(0rkli-y of Poriluud, milliliter of the Pneifici Monthly, spent Tues duy in Medford. Wear a Lonuley hat, tho eipiul of any $.' hut. dm- price $3.50. Tho "Wardrobe." , M7 AlloinoyM It. d. Hmilh and A. C. Iloiiifh of (Jrants I'nsi were altend ii ii t m ut court in Jacksonville Wednes day. . HniocH and exiirncU at 20 S. O htrect. ' The north sde husljccii discoverod. ( f ROGUE RIVER PEARS BRING $2.77 A BOX ' 'ooky and PciiryhiR botob report tbut Hob. Taylor, tho pninter, pnpernd, painted nnd tinted tho polo in March, 1(108, and he also has hikiih there. 117 Insure your autoiiiohiloH ui;ainst theft, firo and accident. Henson In- vestllient Co. opposite Hotel Moore. 118 Arthur Hrown is spending a few days in tlm Willow Springs district on business You can get or good at the Nosh Grill ns you can get at the best grills in tho cition at half tho "price." bpe- cial musio every evening. John C. Ktinson of hlk Creek is visiting in Medford. Will trudii insido for outsidn prop orty; will trndn outside lor iiiskio property; will exchange prii(s-rly you do want for property you don't want ('all and see Honson Investment Co. opposite Hotel Morre. 148 Attorney Dnrliiim ol lirants nisx is in Modl'ord on businoKS. lie sure and come to Tho Wigwnin Thursday eve and have a good time Will Keen of Ashland is visiting in Medford Frank Wilbur of Trail Creek was a recent visitor in Medford Henry Willis of Grants Pass spent Wednesday in this oity, Chiiiiiown shoes at' the "Ward robe." 147 f -f NKW YORK, Kept. 8 . A ear of Rogue River liurtlctts consigned by the Rogue River Friiilgroweih' union sold here Tuesday for $2.(14 a box. A ear consigned by Kstop sold for $2.77. Hear Creek CliMrgemis Hold for $2.02. ALLEN TO BUILD ROAD FROM IDAHO TO SEA? (Continued from Page 1.) GRANTS PASS IS SHOCKED Grants Pass Canning Company, Own ed by Prohibitionists, Retails Hard Cider. for tho Oregon Central & Enstern from Hrownsvillo east. , Proposed Railroad Route. Tho lino will pass through the ccn ter of tho Calupooin valey, touching Crnwfordsville and Halley, and tho promoters say tbut construction work will commence as soon as it is possi ble to iirrangemntters for work to begin.' It is (imposed to begin eon- slruetion work at Hrownsvilla and build cast as rapidly as possible. Franklin T. Griffith stated recently that the propoHod road is to run from Albany to Ontario, on the 0. R. & N. in eastern Oregon. Tho three men named in tho direc torate of the company are Franklin T. Griffith, Dorsey H. Smith and C. II. Warner. Griffith bus bandied tho railroad end of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power eompuny'B legal business for somo years. Smith wus lormerly assistant general siienn-1 (undent of the O. R. & N". company mid is now genernl malinger for the Open Rivor Transportation company in close sympathy with a project for a railroad from Ontario to Coos Hay. Through Calapooia Pass. It is a fact known to iiiimy railroad men that the most leasinie pass across the Cnscade mountains from central Oregon is what is known ns the CaliiKioia pass. It is also equally as well known that this pass has been tliornnghly investigated and is now subject lor the thoughts ot the men wbo are at present laying the foundations for future railroad build ing in Oregon. The construction of this line would open up a rich field of timber ,iu eastern Linn county nnd Lane comity, and would give the Hluc River mining district the impetus that h needs to bring it to the front ns one of the great districts of -weseni Ore gon. HOTEL ARRIVALS. , ! At the Xush-H. K. Kiser, W. P. Smilli, C. A. Hoycc, (,'. I). Hade, Port land; J. K. lieid urn! wife, Chicago; R. A. Scott, KoHoburg; (. K. Melcalf Kugeiie; C. J. Hal way, Chicago; Iton iel Huff, Sun Francisco; N. Sham- be, Taeoma; Harry Silver, Ashland; L. HouxhurHt, Sun Fruncisco; M. d. Murray, Chicago; Fred Iicklcv. Portland; Z. Scbuckraiil, San Fran- Cisco; J. 0. Smith, Grunt Puss; F. A. Schluiper. Sun Francisco; O. dlcnn and wife, city; W. G. Bricrly, I'ullman; R. C. F. Astbury, Gold Hill At the Moore Mrs. MManning, Talent; Frank George, W. E. Frazic-r, Portland; A. M. Gctz, John Koch and wife, Lillian Vurth, Peoria; A. I'ankey, Central Point; II. C. Cohn, Chicago; Theodore Lovendnle and wife, Salt Lake; II. C. Williams, Fair field; L. E. Hclhrmn, E. R. Wilstrnp, Eugene; G. K. Kitchen, I'alsey; C. K. Kornpp, Eugene; ('. M. Collier, E. O. Patten, Eugene; F, C. Johnson, Tucson; J. I). I'olton, Luke Port; F. A. JJriggs, Portland; F. A. Halle- baugh, Scuttle; C. A. Webster, Hilt; J. W. Edwards, Spring Creek; J. A. Gillespie, Itrisbee; W. Bryant Vilas Ranch; Mrs. J. P. White, New York; R. W. McLeod, Suoknne; S. Strom- berg, SKkane; E. V. Foster and wife, Chicago. William B. Glceson of Glendnle is a Medford visitor. If you want the best bread on earth see Stringer, the West Side Gro cer. 151 Roy. Crane of Hilt is a Medford visitor. ; : Stringer has 1be White Rive Hour, the best flour on earth. ' 151 The iiiMiinL'or of the Grants Pnss Canning company has boon arrested charged with retailing hard cider. And Grants Puss has been severely shock ed thereby. The cannery is owned by a num ber of the most prominent prohibi tionists of that city. A lnrge stock of hard cider was on blind, and it wns retailed in the city. The mnnnger wns arrested Tuesday on a charge of selling Hipinr without a license. Interesting developments nre expected. DR. LOWELL PLANS , A GREATER HARVARD CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Sept. 8. Willi tho induction of A. Lawrence Lowell ns Harvard university's bend next month several potent 'reforms will he begun. Most of these will he outlined in Dr. Swell's address, which will bo delivered from, a mon ster rostrum erected in front of the university offices October 0. He purposes to secure world-wide recognition "for tho Harvard degree, his idea being that tho sheepskin moiins something more thnn a high percentage in athletic achievement or a luxurious recreation for rich men's sons with uimlcss ambitions. He wants the Harvard degree to stand supremo in the educational world, mid his host efforts will bo put forth to niuke it so. He is hint n dreamer and his views nre directed at all times toward the practical side. Let Hull dj your scenic work, such as a photo of your orchard, borne, etc, 331 E. Main street. NELSON IS AFTER 1910 SHOOT OF PACIFIC INDIANS (Continued 1'ron p-pe i ) Out of 100: Johnson Out of SO: Mrs. Enynrt 33. Tonight the big Indian pnrnde will be pulled off, the hour being et at 7:30. Those takiinr part will meet nt the bull park nt 0:30 p. m. A large attendance on the part of Medford ladies enlivened the day. ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight, fine, lots loeatefl on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be- mir naved, water mains are beincr laid, sewer is in. ce ment walks going in, cross street 60 feet wide. Lots are o0.137, front lots 70x14.0. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets- Building line 2-'5 feet from front of lots. Therv is no -question but what one will make 50 to It'll) per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Med fowl is growing wry rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius or anything in the oity today. The price and the terms are reasonable. (Vane, and look this over and be con- i . vinced. A "We tilso have -a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price wTll look cheap in a year's time. ' ' Also "have 40 acres first-class Trait land that can le traded for ritv, proiert v. This is some distance out. well located, easily cleared and no ivtiste or steep land Now Vhat haTe you to off or! J, W. Dressier Agency "West Main St. THREATS TO KILL TAFT ROUSE CHICAGO POLICE V I CHICAGO. Sept. 8. Two tellers llneule.iing the life of .President Tuft during his visit in this city, now in the bunds of Captain Porter of the seerel service, have stirred up tlio latter, and the police officials of the oity, with the result thai efforts will be liinde to make the chief executive of tho nation Ihe 'most, carefully guarded president that ever oanie lo Chicago.- - : " . The following is the score for Tues day, out of a issiblc 180: Poston 172, l'.nynrt l.VJ, Seclcy 1 I. "ili, Xuqiiim 170, Thorpe 3(54, Wills 13!). llolohun (!(!,' Ellis 108, lieid. L. II. . 3 HO. Heyo 144. Hordeanx 134. Mhuird l.Vi, Miles 353, Hnmon I'iS, liidon 343. Hilniaii 103. Vnn Dyke 12.'), lliiight' l.Vi, Uiohl 108, Con verse 10-1, Miller lfi), Adctmim 107. King 300, Friedncr 100, Hnfer 147, Dillon 303. Hoard 340, Oilbert 370, Willed 107, Parklcy 171. Gottlieb 148, Marshall 370, Cullison 371. Korbos 170, Abraham 100. See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrinn em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar nnd mnndoKn. Leave orders nt Nash hotel. Tuesday's Scores. Xorlhwesl leau'iie Portland .")-10-2. Vancouver 10-101: Spokane 0-13-0, Taeoma 0-4-4; Aberdeen-Seattle gnino postponed. Coast league Vernon 4-0-1. Onk lund 8-12-1: I.os Angeles 3-.V2, Sun I'ancisco 5-0-3: Saorninehnlo 2-1-1, Portlnnd 01515. National league Pittsburg 0. Chi cago 2; Hrooklyn 2, Philadolphin 7: Now York 3. I.oston 1. Anievionn league Philadelphia 0, New York 8; Detroit 0, Cleveland 4: Washington .11, Poston (i. . Keniombor the Indian dance at Tho Wigwam Thursday ovenine. 148 Economy When In Need Ol Anytning in The Line Of ? Fresh and Salt Meats q J Sausage O g Lard Poultry Call and see our stock. Noth- " ing but the best carried. -THE ECONOMY MARKET l ASHPOLE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. ! - Opposite Postonlce Phone 461. ! Economy CD UOg 5 Jog p Sti g' O CD O B H m SB as cog CD CD O O z2 CD CD H t3- CD CD o PS CD 5s CD CD P P P CD P. 3 CD JT CD 2Sp o Pi H S P o 4 P err; P o Q & P tr1 CD tr1 cd tP pi'O 2 CD- P. CD M O c hi Q B K H O w o bo tyo O p CT9 xn in I P GO Tfl CD o o i CD O d- O I