THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, 8EPTEMBER 8, 1909. CAR SHORTAGE MAY BE SERIOUS LATER Complaints Already Reard Regarding Movement of New Crop of Grain. 1'OUTI.ANH, Kept. H. "If, willi tlm niovi'iiH'iit ill' grain from tint in terior tn tidewiiler iiiciikci- lis com pared with tlm nolivity of this pe riod a yenr hk". Iliu milroiids uru ul rendy tnxed In meet I lie j pii r;;illl!lit h nl' KhippoiH, what is tint nit nation like ly In In a inmilli in two heuee, in I lio I'vi'iit nf anything like Knonil hi;lliti mi tlm part (if the farmers anil mi inereimcd demand hero I'm' rin'K'i hip monts?" ' That is Ihe (iii'hlinpi propounded liy a local K'ain man today, llu said: "('(iniiluiiitH have already been hoard uf tlm inability nl' tliu roads In iiiiivii (jriiiu at tlm rati) ruiroil, lliiinuli iih yet tlm demands Hindu iimn tlm ruilrnailH hiivo been small lis ooiu iai'i'il with a year nyo, and a (,'nud deal nf talk is lii-ul'il nf a serious far kIhiiIii).'!. developing in tlm Hour In line. For tlm prvM-nt I liuliitvn tlm trouble willi tin' railroad in lint main in lai'k nf lower ralher than nf earn, and tlm iniiiMially heavy ih-itimid thu punt inniilh nr two fur loenmntives for liinvintf iiismmiit trains, tu 110-iitirMtIitt- tin' extraordinary lonrixl and riilimi-t InilTm, has boon fur the iiinxl part rjienKi!;l4 fur thin. "Neverlhelet, the iiiilii'iitiniiH art? that there ix trouble ahead, fur Ihoro in a treinciidntiM iiiiiuiint nf wlmiit and nlhi'r grunt in tlm Inland Kuipiie wh'ndi will hne to he brought tu the enlist, all nf Ml) per cent more than at this lime in 'M)H, ami that tlm mads will hi- Imnvily taxed to moot th situation miiHt 1"' rh'iir to all." HOOD RIVER MAY HAVE DAILY PAPER HOOD KIVKIi, Or., Sept. 8.Vnrd bus boon given mit llial llnnil Hivor will soon have a daily paper. l'nrtii'K interested in tin- matter would neith er di'iiy r affinn the reiorls. One uf thn interested parties Mates that In- thought Ilnnd Itiver n good field, especially wi mi iii'i'iinnt nf tin- fart Dial tho democratic party in five or hix contiguous counties wax without n party organ, and that llmro had lii'i'ii a growing di'imiiid in thin sco 1 ion for a partv paper. It was fur (Imr slated that Hood Hivor was one of the best cities in eastern Oregon for advert isiug nml that it would lie eord a daily paper a liberaf patronage. BUTTE FALL ITEMS A very refreshing shower uf rain lireompaiiii'd hy nil electric storm visited Until) I''hIIh and its vicinity un Munilay liiiht. It looks an if wn would Iiiivii more ami which would he very welcome. Lightning Hlrnek several plni-cs in tlm ImIIh near town nml Hlnrled fires among tlm limber during lint bile Htoriii. Tlm fniiiira! services of Mrs. Cor delia llaiTi-tt were held on Tuesday being I'ondtieled by lr. I'cnU of Hullo Kails. Mr. I Iih) of Aleilford wan in i n t to -Kitllt TueHiliiy nml took a (rip Ihrough the hills lu Ifaiieheria anil ! Willow Creek sections. Mil Cowden has taken his leinii anil! gone to grading work on the railroad. llnlle 1'iilliles are expooluig to be subpoenaed before tlm grand jury in Septeinber iih there tiro several mat tern to be investigated by the district attorney. John Obenehuin and wife were vis iting their daughter, Mrs. ChnrleH Kilmnudson on Tuesday. Mr. Kttu Hates, Knginoer Mills and wife ami B. K. Hildrelh, all nf whom have boon vivilinn in or near Hullo Falls, tuuk the kIhk WeilueB day moi'iiiii); for Medford. Wanii 1'arker mid family will move lo I'.utte Kails for the winter in order that the odiildmi may have the ben efit of our Heboid. Mr. and MrH. I turret I will reside in Unite Kails dining the Heboid term. Mrs. 1 1n net I will have ehiirue of the kindeiiiarleii lie pnrtumnt nf our sehool. Although neveriil nf our towiisnu'ii have been out ill the woods limiting', 'Ihey reMii t that n.i deer are i:i t-iuht. The weather has been tun dry, but with the prr:.:ut Hhnwers Ihe prospeel iwll uiiii'h improve. The work on the railroad is being pushed anil the yniiliiiK beini; dune is now only 12 miles distant from the fulls. A lare loi.d uf jriilj;e tim ber was Hoiil out frniii our loenl men on Wrilnesdav to be imciI in bridge eoiislrueliuii near tho Ayers- and Johnson rauelies. ('.. O. IJaker and Luther Hughes who have been in Klninnth mid ad llliiining eiumtieH fur the last month returned lo Unite Kails un Tuesday. V. ,1. Ilotehkiss. W. II. llamiltun, Kdgar Hafer ami I'resiilent John H. Allen with Dr. Keddy muile up a par ty railroad offieials who visitiil our section on Saturday and remained over tint il Monday noun. They were well pleased nml assured onr people of the early completion nf the rail rnad. Mr. Allen was delighted with what he saw and predicted n great future in Kturo for Unite Falls. BIG TRACT IS RESTORED TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT More IIiiiii llllll urrcH of the land involved in Hie famous "11-7" land fraud eases were yeslerday restored lo government, owncivhip by a deei sum of Judge liean. Titile to Ibis Irnel as altnekeil on llm ground nf I'rn ml in aerpiisiliuii, Ihe testimony uf the lalter being thai used for Ihe con viction of Hornee (i. McKinley anil others in the eases proseeuled by f raiieis J. Money. There will be lit) other eases of liku nature up fur deeisinn Himn, involving lillo to ;J20U neroH of hind in thu mime dislriel. The entries wero to Hoeuro scrip which was to be uhcJ for loca tions elsewhere. Hy sottiiijj aside the loentioiiH at this time, double the amount of land indicated in saved to Ihe government, iih tho actual laud it self is kept for the forest reserve, and Ihe scrip is invalidated, ho that it can not be used elsewhere. District At torney McCourt will press the re maining cases with all possible dis patch fur eerly decision. BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. Von haven't rend nil tho news un less you have rend tho nds somo in tercHling items for your purso in ev ery issuo. I For hiiIu at a grent bargain, two of the finest residence lots, "10x12."), .feet each. Wide alley in the rear. C,'loso to end of tho pavement. High est elevation in tho city. Apply 135 South Central uvenne, or telephone 171. 118 REACHING THE SPOT It Can Bo Done. So Bcotei of Medford Citizens Buy To euro an ncliing Kick. Tbo palm of rhcumatlrm, The tired ont fcolinfti, You muat reach tbo knit get nt the cause. i In moat caaci 'tis the kidneys. Dean's Kidney Pills ore for the kid neys. 0. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C streets, Medford, Or., soys: "I was troubled with "rheumatism when I first begun using Dean's Kidney Pills. I did net think tbey -foiiM do me any good, hut fionny f.-'rnrrd a bnx at 1'rikins' drug store. They proved to be the remedy I required " My kidneys were restored to their normal condition, and tho poins and aches in my back woro removed. Donn'a Kidney Pills lived up to their representations in my cas?." For sale hy all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United Rtnteg. Romomber the namo Doan's and take no other. 48 JOHN F.I STEVENS TAKES CHARGE FOR J. J. HILL SKATTI.K, Wash., Kept. H. -John F. Stc ens has been elected president of the Oregon Trunk railroad com pany, Hie Mill line building into con- ' Iral Oregon. Sleveus is one 'of tho best I'.iiowii engineers in the country, having been in charge of nonstruction ' on the 1'anama canal. Mis election' place.-' him in charge of tho Hill oper- ! litions in Oregon, where it would ' seem likely large operations are plan-l lied. Bijou Theatre HIGH GRADE VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES Prof. Nick Younj? and his Trained Dogs Admission - 10c and 15c Why allow your eyes to use more than their normal supply of ner vous energy? Even a Might Having each day may mean much to you for future health. We jever presribe ler.sos un til we have taken nerve mea surcments under iresiiiire and with pres sure removed to prove accuracy of our findings when relief is sure to follow. Improper adjustments of lenses not only da tracts from appearance but adds much to eye fclrnin. MeCormiek methods used exclusively. Brief consultation free. ' DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eye Specialist. 1 East Main St., over Nicholson's Hardware. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT A GEORGIA WEDDING Full of fun. THE ARTIST GETS EVEN A funnygraph. TRACED BY A KODAK A strong drama. No breakdowns or long, tiresome waits at The Savoy. ONE DIME Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 oores fine fruit land nenr rnilroad station, $80 per acre, y2 cash, . .. easy terms on balance at 0 per cejxt interest. 100 acres of the best orchard lnnd in the vnllev, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, $30 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at G per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTn BUYS THIS. You will regret it if yo-i neglect to secure this ton acres on the above terms. 4 largo city lots in West Medfo.-d joining Kenwood addition, 200 ea. Tho owner of the above properties purchased them four years agj before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market todnv. J. C. BROWN Office In Palm Block, Upstairs Medford. Oregon GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very ranch, either. If you haven't one, we can fix you up i na short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our line in the mos thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windowa. We cany glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. i Medford Iron Works I J E. G. TR0V;BRIDGE, Proprietor. f Foundry and Machinist X All tir..- of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- Jchincry. Agents In Southern Oregon for J FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. t -H-4.t.)....?' Small Ranch For Little Money 40 Acres, 16 Miles north of Medford. One half mile west of Beagle: Eight acres cultivated, barn, woodshed, vegetable house, two wells: No waste land, 25 acres enclosed in woven wire fence. Price Only $1500. $600 Cash. Balance, one year at 6 per cent. Benson Investment Comp'y 112 W. Main Street, opposite Hotel Moore