Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 07, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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You'll lilm boxbull. Try it.
llcin't forgcl Ill'1 dunce nl til" Wig
wam ton i lit . IM
1 ton II lerson of Kuril Hpmit Mon
day in Mud ford.
Cards receive! locally niinoiitii'n tlm
marriage, Sunday, September t, ft
Professor 0. 0. Vincent ot the Ujr
vallis Airriuudlturul college stuff nnd
Miss Alien (). Homing (it tlm home of
ii... i.,-;,l' inii'i.iitH nt Tiiiilutin. 'J'lm
Conlii will Tiwidii at Itlimm, N. Y.,
where both will take post-gruduate
Kiii'Hi-K at Cornell university. Tliu
bride wiih formerly imhiuIiii teuehor
in Mudford piinli"! schools.
F. 0. Dickcrson of Salem is in
Medford on a short business trip.
Arthur ltiown returned from a trip
to Wimer district Tuesday. Ho ro
portK hundreds of quail in tluit soo
tion. Mrs. William Ooffo . of Control
Viiinl spent Monday in Medford with
Don't forgot that tho Nash Grill
liit K tlm best chef in tho stute and
makes n specialty of small or largo
dinner parties. .
John C. 1'nn'tt of Klamath Kails is
spending few ''"'" M''l'rl w'''h
There will lie given nwiiy free to
noun' lady dancer tonight at Ho' Wig
wain n Pill glass dish. 14(1
Oik of the most attractive views
of Crater Lake ever shown in Mud
ford is now on cxhiihtion in the show
u'iltilflW of Kdincndcs Hro.' shoo
Morn. It in i" tho nature of n painted , friends.
photograph originally having been
taken hv C. It. Miller of MeClond,
Cal., with his oir-c.ut camera, then
being painted ill colors.
Let Hull (l. your scenic work," such
iim u photo of your oreliard, hoic, etc,.
331 K. Main street.
Will lluiii'tiii and T. .1. Carney cumc
up from AhIiIiuhI Siiinlay on u visit
in Ibis eity.
.Mr. and Mm. Will Stewart have re
turned from a visit in Kent lie.
, You havim't road all thn new un
less you hnvo read tho uds some In
teresting ileum for your purso in ev
ery iHHiui,
Colonel Ouorgo 1'. Miiiib of Central
Point wiih a visitor in Medford' Tues-day.
.1. 1'. Hews of Bulln Fulls hpent
Monday in Medford.
Oreluwtrii music, durinif dinner each
evening nt tbe Vnwh Orill.
T. K. l'oltnnger of the Applegnto
spent u few duys in Mcdlord recent
Judge K. K. Tent, of Hullo Kails
is spending a few days in Medford on
Komuthine every business man
wants tho merehunts' lunch lit the
Snub (trill each noon an idabornte
menu. Prieo 35 cents.
John C. Cookmm of firuiils 1'a"
spout Tuesday in Medford on biiM-
Henry C. Kelly of Yreka i in Mi d
ford on a short business trip.
lhi yon have good bread f Why not
see Stringer. Went Side (irocery. 1"1
If yon want the best bread on enrth
co Stringer, the Went Side Gro-
A 9f Method.
ASIII.ANI), Sept. 7. The foreHl
lire which raned for Heveral weekn
in llie Keenii I reeK region nhi or
AhIiIiuhI in portionH of townshipM 40,
I and 4 eiist, wiih pretty well drown
ed mil liv a lieavv downiioiir of rain
liml Monday ni(;lit, whieh (iroved more i
effeelive lliau Iho work of the firo
l'iflili'i'H in controlling the J'lameH,
which beforo they were stopped did
on immeiiHii amount of damnif) to
limber in tho territory in W!Htion,
Home of which i in private owner
ship, but much of which van tho
property of corporutioiiH, including
the lar(fe odd-section holding of the
railroad company.
It in rumored that the fires were
set out with the intention of binn
iiiff the country over to make the
(Truss j;row, by interested parties and
it is even claimed that admissions to
this effect have been made, tho fucts
of whieh will doubtless bo investigat
ed in dun time.
Stout -
Ashland Going Ahead With Prepara
tions for Coming District
Mr. and Mrs. A.
seniliiiK a few day'
1'. Talent are
in Talent with
Homer Khvood spent Sunday in
Ashland with a number of friends.
Tho way to a man's heart is via
his stomach, such bciii thn enso, tho
l,ouero cafo is entitled to tho thnnkn
of every woman whoso friend or rnla
tivo has ever. sat at its tablo 'tis a
pleasure ,to eat there.
Henry Johnson of Ashland is visit
ing in Medford.
W. S. Crowcll is
dnvs in Medford.
spendinjr a few
You can get as good at the Nash
Grill as you can got nt the host grills
in tho cities at half tho "price." Spe
cial inusio every evening.
Frank Wilbur of Trail Creek was
n recent visitor in Medford.
Another one of the popular dances
will be given at tho Wigwam tonight,
at which lime there will be given away
free to ouo of Medford's popular lady
dancers n cut glass dish. 140
Thn funeral of Hoy Thai chcr was
held in Jacksonville Tuesday. ' In
terment in the Jacksonville cemetery.
See. Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
merly court violinist (if Austrian om
pcror, for lessons on violin, guitar
Kash Orill open all tho time.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). II. Itaniebnrg utter
spending a few days in Ibis city have
returned to their Ashland home.
ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 7. Messrs.
Spencer Boyl and It. II. Kirby of
OreejiHburg, Ind., have iiiirehased the
Southern Oregon laundry from
Messrs. Morgan and Iteed. Mr. and
Mrs. Hoyl are experienced laundry
people and have unrated laundries
in the east for 18 years. .Mr. Hoyl
and Mr. Kirby have been living im
Medford. but they are very much
pleased with Ashland. They proKse
adding some new machinery to the
plant thev have purchased and pust
ns soon as they can adjust themselves
to (he new situation the people will
get prompt and good service. They
will also put on new wagons and in
every way possible make the business
a creditable one The public is asked
to bear with the new management
until they can adjust their new methods.
How illil Fox get the reputa
tion of l-1nj kiicIi n profound tblnkcrt
Hllm-fly talking on subjects that no
body iiiinVrHtiiiidH and thereby avoid
ing the chnncc of having big arffo-uif-nlx
dellultely refuted.
From Gam tp Gam.
Dp was afraid to tell her right out
and out Hint be loved her. ao bo began
Id a roundabout way, hoping sbe would
catch his drift, then be I ray. by ber
cuufuiion. her own fcelluga. He didn't
dream but that gbe loved blm, but
thought that lie. like himself, waa
afraid to demonstrate It
"Heart trouble." she repealed. "Are
yon sure you've heart trouble. Alfred?
Xou kaow Indigestion Is very like It
at times."
"Oh, I know I've got heart trouble,
all right. 1 can't you ace It yourself?'
"Why. how silly. Alfred! No ouo
can see heart trouble. They have to
feel It. Have you in Leo anything for
"No. not yet. Hut I I want to, don't
you kaow."
"Then why don't you?"
"1-1 would-thot is, If I could get
"Cun t you get it. Alfred?"
"I I don't know."
"Uavo you iriedi"
"No. not yet."
(Silence for two provoking moments.)
"Alfred:" (coldly).
"Let's have a game of checkers."
Boston Uerald.
and mandolin,
Mrs. M. J.
Leave orders at Nnsh
Brndlev is visiting in
Stringer has thn While Hiver flour,
the best flour on enrlh. IM
William 0. Calloway of Ashland
is spending a few days in Medford.
J. A Torney has returned from a
business I rip to Seillllo.
S'asb Orill open all the time.
Judge K. I. Uriggs. l-'red Hc'irin.
I'Vank Jordan and Melviu Yanilta of
Ashland were among those attending
court nt Jacksonville Tuesday.
Orders for sweet cream or butter
milk promptly filled. Phono tho
Court Hull. Charles Young nnd
I'Vank Wilsim and families have re
turned from a fishing and hunting
trip in the Klamath country.
A gamn everybody can play bos
ball. Dr. J. V. lieddv. J. K. Allen and
W. H. Hamilton left Monday for the
Hawley mine on tho Umpiiin divide,
but returned on account of an au
tomobile mishap.
Kiln Gaunynw, public stenographer,
room 4, Palm building. '
C. K. Undo of Portland, manager of
Jacobscn-Hade company, spent Tues
day in Medford on business.
Open all tho limethe Kash Grill.
I,. It. Hank of Kngln Point spent
Tuesday in Medford.
ASHLAND, Or.. Sept. 7. David
Presley, who was so severely injured
here in a recent railway crossing ac
cident, is slowly on the way to re
covery in a Portland hospital. Mr.
Hubert Neil went to sec him not long
since, anil rcimrts ins coiuuuon im-
pro vhig. but llial he will be compelled
to remain in hospital surroundings
for weeks to come.
' -
WAXTKD - Hoard and room by n
young man in strictly private fam
ily. Address tor letters, P. K Tri
biinojiffien. 147
FOR SALK--Cheap, a good all pur
nose mare, weiiihl I'-'OO. Address
WASHINGTON, Repl. 7. Briga
dier General Arthur A. Murray, chief
of the const artillery corps, who has
been making an inspection of the for
tificalions in the Philippines nnd Ha
waii nnd on tho Pacific coast, and
who has just arrived here, will ,sub
Init a report recommending an in
crease of Iho forces nt the posts in
the islands, lie proposes that the
force in Hawaii be increased to 20,
0(10. His reason for Ibis is that there
are HO miles of const to be defended,
along 'JO miles of which there 'are
ninny landing places convenient for
an invading arinv.
ST. 1,01'IS, Sept. 7.-Kleven per
sons were reported killed in a wri
on a Puvlinglon passenger I rain near
St. Joseph early (oday," A washotil
A 8triking Attituda.
it ii mxwts
The ordinary mnu who Is employed
Indoors throughout the dny does not
walk enough. He needs the fresb air
and sunshine of the outdoors, auu. no
matter bow tired be may be. a abort
time la the open air will rest blm. If
he has no opponuuity to walk duriug
the evening, be ougbt to do it la tbe
morning. There is do better tonic
than a two mile walk before going to
work. Some business men wbo live
some distance from tbelr offices or
stores walk down regularly every
morning and are greatly benefited
thereby. No matter bow sluggish
tbey may feel on nrislug. tbe morning
walk puts tbein In good trim for tbe
day's work. Exercise in tbe open air
starts tbe blood to clrculatiu;,- In every
artery and vein In the entire system,
oieus up tbe pores of the skin, so that
the wasic matter In the body may be
set free, IIuiImts up the- joints and
muscles ami puts one In shape for tbe
duties of the day. St. Joseph Gazette.
The. Inquirer Hut svhut Is It you
Bicn lmve struck for?
Tho Striker Well. I'm blest If 1
know, but we ain't goiu' back till
we've got It.
The Meredith Cocoanut.
George Meredith may not have beeu
a u altogether familiar author to tbe
i ordinary reader who craves for quick
Iseusation. lie never came down to
' the simplicity of Sherlock Lloliuvs or
1 Captain Kettle. Meredith required an
1 acute uud trained intellect before he
'could be appreciated.
It was mice uieulioued. iu referring
to tbe difficulty which some people ex
perience In rending Meredith's novels,
that tbe Meredith "cocoauul" was
very bnrd. but that tbe milk when
reached proved to be very sweet
This Joke got Into the papers.
Two days afterward a well known
Brm of fruiterers had au Inquiry after
these cocoanuts from a country cus
tomer: The letter was to the effect
that, having read somewhere that
Meredith's cocoanuts have had a large
sale lately and that ' the milk was
fashionable, the -writer would like to j
have a few to try. Loudou Tatler.
Tbe district agricultural fair- will
tlus next attraction held in the
valley, nnd the dales are set for
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
October 6, 7 and 8. This fair is
held yearly insuccession at Grants
'ass, Mcdfcrd or.d Ashland, and this
season the Granite City will assume
tho management.
The list of premiums is now out and
embraces a lengthy schedule of
amounts offarcd on stock or articles
raised or owned in Jackson and Jo-
ephine counties.
The following officers have tho di
rcctoruto this year:
E. T. Staples, president; J. A. Per
ry, vice-president; J. M. Potter, sec
retary; J. W. CcCoy, treasurer.
Board of commissioners E. T,
Staples, Ashland, Jackson county;
J. A. Pcitv, John D. Olwcll, Medford,
Jackson comity; L. B. Hall, Grants
Pass, Josephine county; Charles Me
Finance committee J. D. Olwell,
E. T. Staples, J. A. Perry.
Executive committee J. A. Perry,
E. T. Staples, J. D. Olwell.
C. B. Lamkin, superintendent of
The management has issued the
following "rules worth observing" to
patrons and exhibitors:
1 If you have entries to make
attend to (hem at once, and when
your stock and articles are entered
see to it that they arc in time and
place for examination by the commit
2 Exhibits must be in place by
noon of the first day of the fair, and
shall not be removed until the morn
ing following the last day of the fair.
.1 Take no ruinous in regard to
the business of the fair. If you l
do not know what to do. inquire of
those whose duty it is to tell vou. One
half the disapiMiintmeiit. nnd trouble
at the fair is occasioned by relyin:
on hearsay. Attend to your business
yourself. If it is done wrong, you
will know where tbe blame lies,
4 If you arc a superintendent or
committeeman, report nt the secre
tary's office at (i o'clock p. m. Trans
act your business before doing any
thing else. The public will be better
pleased, and the business of the fair
will pogress with greater satisfaction
.") Head the rules and by evnm
nle at least assist in enforcing them
but don't forset that mistakes will
occur where tliotisnmfs of people are
congregated. Tbe board will endeav
or lo do justice to all.
(i Head the program. If superin
tendents nnd committeemen are lot
always ready nt the hour, keep your
stock and articles where you can
command them at any, lime.
The sub-classificulion of premiums
ffered is comprehensive, and under
ivision A embraces horses; B, cat
tle; C, sheep; J), swine; V., farm
products. Poultry couiun in for u
generous allotment in the way of premiums.
In the women's department divi
sion 1 embraces tho domestic pro
cesses, including preserving, pickling,
sewing, etc. There ore also flora!,
art, children's and old ladies' sec
tions connected with this department.
Division L per tuins to green fruits,
either in tho way of commercial pack
or plate exhibits, and includes all
the standard varieties.
Division P includes a wide runge of
minerals, both quartz and placer
specimens, as well as manufactured
and rough specimens of building
stone, etc.
The fair management will be ably
seconded in this enterprise by the
efforts of the Ladies' Civic Improve
ment club. It is expected that a loan
exhibit will be made a part of the at
traction, a prominent feature that will
commend itself to many.
Details as to buildings are now
being arranged, and due notice will
be given of reduction of freight nnd
fares on transportation lines. The
matter of concessions will also soon
be in order of adjustment, and inter
ested parties should mage arrange
ments in this particular nt an early
MAKSIIFIELD. Or., Sept. 7. Help
for mills and logging camps is scarce
here now. The Simpson mill, at
North Bend, resumed operations to
day, hut only with a small crew, as
millmeii could not be secured. There
is also a scarcity of men in the lum
ber camps around Coos Bay and in
the Coqnille valley.
Tho lumber business is reviving
generally hi this, county. The Simp
son company at North Bend will now
run both of its mills. Tbe Myrtle
Point mill has received a large order
and will resume, and the Beynolds
mill nt North Bend has been reopen- .
ed. The rebuilding of the Codv mill
will be hurried and the Lyons & John
son mill nt Bandon is cutting the
lumber for the new Cody mill to re
place the one which was burned. Re
ports from ajl parts of the county
are encourngiug for the lumbermen.
ASHLAND. Or., Sept. 7. G. F.
Billings brought in a barket of choice
Crawford peaches to the exhibit
building today which were picked
from a rt5-year-nld tree in his or
card in the northern suburb of Ash
land. They were as large and fino
looking as if grown on a tree of onc
ienth the number of veins.
No Uia For Him.
"Mildred," murmured a fasblounble
young mnu. sinking on one kuee. "for
your birthday gift 1 offer ' you my
arlf "
"Thank vou." was the cold reply, j ""r P"'1 Training.
"But 1 only accept useful .presents."- : China whoever wishes to enter the
Philadelphia Inquirer. 'postal service must give evideuce of
' courage, robustness, power of eudnr-
Hi Pun i once, ability to traverse great dls-
She (watching tbe steerage passen j ,ances' ver mountains and valleys and
,..q... c..r,n,.i. iriri' I through dangerous forests frequented
., - - C '...,, .........1.1 If.,.-, hi. ;
have' Now1 u" onisit, uu iwuwio. .-m... ....o -
the applicant is sent mio uucwiuj i
places, which are considered to be the j
abodes of ( vil spirits. When the Chi-
nnmnu has satlslled the authorities lu j
regard to these matters he Is appoint- !
ed a letter carrier. !
What lovely hair lliey
that's what 1 call real golden hair. :
He Nonsense. Can't you see It's
plaited? Philadelphia Press. i
A Novel Dialogue.
Man (under the bni'eaui If I get
hold of Unit collar button I'll
Collar lluttou (from under tue bed
Quite so. And you'll get It In the
neck! Brooklyn Life.
A Matter of Mind.
"I have a grcitl mind to go to the,
club tonight." said Mr. J. to his wife.
"What';" she replied with surprise.
"1 have a great mind to go to the
No Doubt About It. ; cUi,1m,it:i:., "1
"Was be wounded seriously?" asked j "W. ,osc? .,sl't'..!,sked'
the affray.
"He was," briefly answered the po
liceman. "Did vei think It was In
fun?" Rxclmnge.
"Whose great mind?"
"Why. ui.v own. of course, madam."
"Oh!"' and the rislug Inflection she
j gave the ejaculation was very provok
When In Need
Oi Anytning- in The Line Of
b Fresh and Salt Meats W
S ft
q Sausage O
g Lard Poultry q
8 3
r Call and see our stock. Noth-
ing but the best carried.
ASHPOLE & NICHOLS, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.
box 7.' l, Medt'ovd, Or.
is said to have been llie cause.
ing to n iiuiii of hue feeling.