THE MKDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OJlEdON, TUESDAY. KEL'TEMHER 7, 1900. LENGTHY DOCKET FDR SEPTEMBER TERM (('iiiiliniii'il rniiii yi'Mi'i'iluy'x TriliiiiH') IiiIiii I., Mil mill 1!, I I !a mm v'm, City of AkIiIiiiiiI; notice nl' appeal; I'. M. Ciill;iiiH, attorney lor jiliiintUT. (I. K AiiiniiH vh, KiuiiNiiii Carter; Hiiit t'nr pint ion; 1(, (1. Sinilli, attor ney for iliiinlirr. HiiiiliiiiKor vh. City of AmIi ImihI; nppi'itl from cotinciil AhIiIiiimI; C(ilvi mill Ki'iiini'H, attorneys for plaintiff. II. V. Itrown vh. r'rnnz Kchirmbnck ; Hiiil to iiiii't title; O. (', Houh, atlor. ney for pliiintilT. I'clcr Appli'K'ilo el l .vh. W. (J. .Jones mid ('. V. Kvihihv "nil for In jiinctiiiii ; Kcnmcx & Kennies, nttor ncy for plninliff. In thn matter of tlm KuariliuiiHliip of Jiiiiich V. Conn, Sr. from order of court of IiickHon county; notice of nppciil; Win. M. Colvijr, attorney for plaintiff; WitliiiiKlon & Kcllcy, at torncyH for defendant. .lolni flricvo vs. Kohi' Ilimnonil ; unit to compel delivery of deed; (Jus Newbury, uttorney for pluintiff. August KrniiH vh. W. H. Sherman; Miiit. to refonn contract; Oolvi mid KomncM, uttorney for pluintiff; If. I). Norton, iitlorucy for defendant. H. darter vh. Klmcr Carter; HiVil to fpiict title; II. 1). Norton, attorney for plaintiff. . C. IlieliH mid M. K. Heal vh. I,e under Dolliirliide; suit for injunction; fi W. Trefien, attorney for plain tiff; A. ,K. 'Ilcnines attorney for dc fi'iidiint, O. Ij. Si'licnni'iliriin vh. John II. I.itey; suit to rvnmvp cloud from ti tle; ().' ('. Mol'k, attorney for plain lift'. fieoie Cliiii-eluuiin, nuiinlian Klor enee fii'ore McCarthy, minor, vs. I Jill la II, Clarilnei", fuit to foreclose liiiirlvaue; Yiiwlcr and I'lirdin, attor neys for plninliff. Hcllc Nickcll vh. W. T. UwU; Hiiil to oiiiel title; (). ('. tofjn, attorney for plaintiff. Krnest K. Winkler vs. W. C. Xoon, Jr., et nl; Knit to iiict title; Colvig Jc Heniiii'H, attorney for plaintiff. Win. Ilartinmi vh. Anna Woller, et nl; unit to cancel deed; (lus Ncw liury, attorney for pluintiff; Colvijj lieaineK. attorney for defendant. Havid Mayhem vh. Joseph C. May liem; Hint to net aside deed and can cel contract ; (iiit Ncwlmry. attorney for plaintiff. ' WooiIh Lumber Co., vh. Chan. I,y oiih; suit to forceloKC linn; W. K. l'hipps. attorney for plaintiff. Kiltie I,. Wehh vh. Knlhii Ann Smith: Hiiit to quiet title; Vnwtcr & I'ardin. iillornev for plaintiff. K. V. Carter vh. JackHon county. K. V. Winkler vh. C. M. Oslnirn; lorneysDIICt-.wlivsr enee WvV & Hiiit for partition ;-Colviir & IJcniueH, attorneys for plaintiff. Tterthn S. Tlnrnnin vs. Oropon TraiiHeoiitinental Co.. suit to quiet title; riniH. Vrim, nllnniev for plaintiff. (tan Turner vh. Howard Turner; Hiiit. for divorce; I'orler J,.Xeff, at torney for plaintiff. Smiili K. King vh. Huvid Kinc;; Hiiit for divorce; (leo. W. Treficn, attor ney for plaintiff. Wailii) Howard vh. Jiiiiich M. How itrd; divorce W. K. I'hippH, attorney for iainlil'f. Myrtle Painter vh. Albert Painter; divorce; (Iiih Newbury, attorney for plninliff. J. K. O'Hrien vh. I.uey M. OT.ricn; divorce; Co) viff & ItuamcH, uttorneyH for plaintiff. Mary K. Harris vh, David I. Har ris, divorce; Harvey & Miles, and C. It. WiiIhoii, attorncyH for plaintiff. Tlaniel Whetstone vh. Hokc Whct Htonn; divorce; If. K. Iliiiiiin, Jr., at torney for plaintiff. Divorce Suits. Wm. Khurp vh. Win., I). Sharp; J. A. I.emery, attorney for plaintiff. Onenr llnllou vh. K. M. Rallou; J, A. Lemery, uttorney for plaintiff. Hoho K. Lour vh. Charles I'. Ixmr; Vnwlcr & I'tirdin, attorneys for plaintiff. Henry Triplett vh. Mubel Triplelt ; Oliver S. Hrowii,- attorney for plain tiff. (JeorRO Van Nutta vs. Kthel B. Van Nulla; P. M. Culkinx, attorney for plaintiff. II. If. Thompson, Jr. vKCrytdal ThompHon; Witliitifftun & Kelly, at torncyH for plaintiff. JoHcoltiinn Sargent vs. Henry H. KnrKcnt; Oiih Newhury, attorney for plaintiff. II. K. Whetstone vh. Olive Whet stone: Oiih Newhury, attorney for plaintiff. V. W. (iainos vh. Klin (mines; W. I-'.. 1'liipph, uttorney for plaintiff. Oden and John Odon. Stain of Oregon vk. JaincH Wilon. SI l of Oregon vh. KIIi'h Keynolds and John Ooodwyn. Statu of Oregon vh. I'mil Ooodwjii. State of Oregon vh. Wm. Hazidri'. Statu of Oregon vh. C. O. Tinker. Slain of Oregon vh. Kobcrt Kay hawld. Slnto of Oreyon vh, Fred Hend rieks, wife, healing. Stale of Oregon vh. Oahriel Oinder Hon. Slate of Orej;nn vh. W. J. BooBey, contempt of court. Stale of Oregon vh. Geo. Putnam, lihcl. State of Oregon vh. IT. M. Cass, rape. rKrt' ration of title; M. I'lirdiu, at torney for plaintiff. (.'Iiiih. K. Carpenter vh. to ull whom it may concern; O. C. Hokih; attor ney for plaintiff. Chan. (!. Johnson, ct nl vs Henry Hart, et nl; O. C. HoggH, attorney for plaintiff. Merrill and Caroline Bellinger vh. JoHeph Charlton, ct al; H. WilhiiiK tou, attorney for plaintiff. Kerdinniid OHsenhrnpijc vh. Alex ander 0. IlawcH, et al; O. C. Bokh, attorney for plaintiff. ' Ida S'lewart vh. Kwnrt Stewart ; M. I'm din, attorney for plaintiff. Margaret Denrdorff vs. C. I). WroI verton; O. C. Boggn, attorney for plaintiff. Ida. Stewart vh. Louisa M. Toldl ; M. I'lii'din, attorney for plaintiff. Ferdinand Oscuhruuue vs. Olle K. Standlcy; 0. C. BogH, attorney for plaintiff. Geo. W. Hownrd vs. Amanda Crane et al; W. T. Vnwtcr, nttorney for plaintiff. J. K. Wright vs. T,. C. Windoin; Giih Xewhury, attorney for plaintiff. Bertha M. Kddy vs. Arthur L. Kd dy; Gus Kewhnry, uttorney for plain tiff. Criminal Cases. Slate, of Oregon vs. AVm. D. Monro. Stale of Oregon vs. W. Grnndvillo Why Druggists Recommend Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank ('. Hanrahun, a promi nent druggist of PortHnioiith, Va., siiyn: "For Iho piiHt mx yearn 1 have sold and recommended Cliiimhcrlniu't; Colic, Cholera mid Binrrhoen Remedy. It ih a great remedy and ono of the hest patent medieincH on tho market. I hanille Homn other for the same purpoHes that pay me u larger profit, hut thin remedy 'm ho Hiiro to effect a cure, and my customer so certain lo appreciate in recommending it to him, llmt I give it the preference." For sale hy Leon B. Hank'nm' I'hnr umey, Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of conmder known is the system of prepaid or ohlo interest to the public generally mid which is uerhaps not generally ders ,iow in effect between stations df the Southern Pacific company and all point in tho United States. CANADIANS AFTER A LITTLE NAVY OF THEIR OWN OTTAWA, Out., Kept. 7. Canada is extrciiMlv nnxiotiri lo possess a war fleet of its own and effort are being put forth lo induce. British shin- builderH to locate plants on Canadian soil. It h mid three world-fnmoiiH -hiphliildi iv me now considering; pro posal lo locate branch yards in the Dominion and have been assured that the Canadian government will grant every eonc(-ioii in the way of u tar iff or in liny other line possible. Bijou Theatre Win IT. Hover vs. David Ball, ;t nl; By mcnnH of this system tickets may be purchased nt Medford from any place in the United States and mail -ed or telegrnphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts, of cash in conneotion with these tickets may also be forwarded at the name timo." Why allow your eyes to use morn than their normal supply of tier voim energy 1 Kven a Alight saving each day may mean much to you for future health. We jevcr prcsriho Icr.scs un til we have taken nerve measurements under pressure and with prcs 'u ro removed to prove accuracy of our findings when relief is sure to follow. 1 Improper adjustments of lenses not . only de tracts from appearance but adds much to eye fit rain. McCormick methods used exclusively. Brief consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eye Specialist. East Main St., over Nicholson's Hardware. Entire Change of Program Illustrated Songs Prof. Nick Young and his Trained Dogs All This Week Full Change of Pictures WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. Come and see .for yourself. Why pay 10 cents for a few moving pictures when for 5 cents more yon can see a high grade vaudeville act. hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a full picture program. Admission10c and 15c Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for ytfu 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, !?S0 per acre, cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 ocres of the best orohord land in the vnllev, OXE MILE FROM KAH.ROAD STATION, $b0 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres, of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if you neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Mcdfo.-d joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. Tho owner of the above properties purchnscd them four years ag before the advance in prices and will sell at n vcrV moderate profit. Considering quality of land and locution, these nre among the cheapest buvs in Iho market today. J.C.BROWN Office in Palm Block, Upstairs M&tlford, Oregon GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, either. If yon haven't one, we can fix yon np i na short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our line in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. We carry - glass of any 'size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. t Medford Iron Works 1 E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. J 4. 1 w mm r uunury ana lYiacninisi t All Ir:.' nf rnninnc ISnr9uinn ft'ttfltc Dumnr Dnlln. u n.i - ..- w. ..i.i..j, viuiiny uuiHU, I Ullipa, OUIIGI3 dllU Wu' chincry. Agents in Southern Oregon for J T - . . A. T r AlKBAIMKo, MW5E. & CO. .-.i..M..i- IF IT IS AMMUNT flON you need, regardless of brand (if it is a good one) We Can Supply You although to be sure we delivered 30,000 Selby and Peters loaded shells at the club grounds yes terday for the use of the Pacific Indians. Medford Hardware Go