2 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OWK(!ON TUKKDAY, KM I'TEM HER 7.' 1!)0!). TALENT NOTES. Tho new mlililiou In I ho school hrmsc in the l.nuni! Hill district, west of Talent is completed. V. X. Cun ningham had (ho contract. Itnieo Me.Rridu is over in the Ap plegotc section looking out for the contract of painting the Timieoui school liouso. ' It is estimated that as many as two hundred persons went from Tal ent to the circus at Medford on Sat urday. The Japanese section pang, who arc working at Talent, on Saturday quit work and went to the circus. Sat urday morning llio Japs in Talent demonstrated the characteristic of the race to "get there first." A good sized crowd awaited the 7:15 train. Tho train arrived on time already crowded. There was a rush for the car doors. The Japs succeeded in getting there first and rode in the coaches first-class, most of the crowd could not get in and some of 'them rode in the baggage cars. A lady with a white dress rode behind the cngino. . Mrs. Chas. Iloldridgc recently re turned to Talent from a visit to Iowa. Krs. Iloldridgc expressed herself as heing pleased to return to Oregon, ran sleep and not be bothered with mosquitoes. , J. E. Steele is quite a nimrod. Last week he was successful in killing a cortple of fine bucks. On Wednesday of last week Ed Cochrane suffered the loss of his fore-finger of his right hand. Sam Netherland and Mr. Cochrane were being raised from the well of Frank Oatman with the electric hoist. Mr. Cochrane had hold of the cable with his hands. The hoist was not stop ped in time and his hand was drawn into the iron pulley completely sev ering his fore finger which dropped into the hoisting tub. oFilowing are the names of the persons from outside districts who have registered at the Bell ITouse dur ing the week: S. P. Barneburg and wife of Medford, J. Davis. Boston; Mr. Thomas, Eagle Point; I. C. Dono van, Albany, Oregon; A. P. McClel land, Treka, Calif.; Milton Palmer, Yreka, Calif. W. F. Dunn bought a fifty-acre tract of laud east of Talent and lo cated on it some time in April. Since then he bad been doing things. He has built a house aud barn, cleared eight aeres of land, and is having an irrigation well dug. Mr. Dunn esti mates that the weed he gets' of the hind will more than pay the expenses of clearing it. The friends of Jay Willison are pleased, to learn that he is rapidly recovering from a siege of the tv plioid fever. Mrs. Ida Seaton of oPrtlnnd is vis iting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Schneider.. , Ado ih Naylor of Grants Pass and Frank 'Hughes of Olendale. were spending Sunday at the Valley Ho tel. Frank Maness, the station agent of Taient, stales Unit there will be about twice as many peaches shipped from this station this year as last year. , From the Buckeye orchard of eight acres in .pears, owned by II. Estop, so v fur this season has been shipod four carloads and there will be . several more yet to ship. E. Clemmcns is the foreman. POSTAL CLERKS AFTER AN EIGHT-HOUR DAY ST. LOUIS, Sept., 7. ;The. Fourth annual convention of the 'Federation of Postof'fic.c'' Clerks begun here tb Ydov. . How to obtain an eight-hour : i-orkdfry1 '.was. discussed,-:.' '; . '.'.) " i ' ' NORTHWEST WANTS MORE FACTORIES SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 7. In quiries sent broadcast show (hat all conununilii'S in the northwest want factories. This is a good sign and shows that each municipality is alive to the importance of local industries. The slogan '"Buy home-nmde goods" is being adopted everywhere and it will prove to be one of the best fac tory stimulators ever conceived. Man ufacturers looking for new sites will prefer those localities where they are certain of home support. Governor M. E. Hay in approving the ''inade-in-Washingtou campaign inaugurated recently, recalled an Abraham Lincoln story, according to which the great emancipator is credited with saying that it is always best to keep as much money in your own family as possi ble, so as to have it in case of an emergency. If the present energy to obtain more factories is continued during the next decade, there is no reason why the northwest will not be come the center of as many industries as are found in New England today. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Callie Jones to Adam Enig. SO acres in section 4, township 36. range 2 W , . . 3300 Henry Laws to Hariet A. Laws, land in section 22, township ' 30. range 4 W 1100 A. P. Stoner to William S. Crowell, power of nttorucy . . Daniel A. Quayle to Williuin S. Crowel, power of attorney. . J. A. Mo rev to Scott V; Davis, Morey's addition to Medford 100 Frank M. Amy to Marita March block 72, town of Central ' Point . ........ 400 Kcllie M. Walker to William J. Harvey, 17 acres in town ship 37. range 2 W 350 C. W. Palm et al. to Orvis Ste phenson, lot C, block 1, Whitman Park 2.")0 J. G. Rogers et ux. to F. M. Amy, land in Park addition to Medford 1230 W. I. Vnwter et ux. to Ethel II.. Carter, lots 10 and 11, block 14, town of Gold Hill .1 George P. Jester to Kaspar Gertsch, lots 11 and 12. block 10. town of Butte Falls 27o NEW CASES. J. E. Wright and M. M. Wright vs. O.'Windom; suit to quiet title; Gus Newbury attorney for plaintiff..' . Silas J. Dav vs. Adolph Schulz; ac tion to recover money; H. K. Hunna, Jr., attorney for plaintiff. Bertha M. Eddy vs. Arthur L. Ed dy; suit for divorce; Gus. Newbury, attorney for plaintiff. Probate..., ... Estate of T'phenrin Hedberg, ad ministratrix bond filed. Estate Nancy Steuber; order made appointing F. M. Suyder administra tor and Wm. Trieu, John Dugan and Owen Dugan appraisers; bond filed. Guardian of Lotta and Eva and Alice Owens; order made to sell real estate. ' ' ' '. Estate of Lucy'V. Chandler; order to vacate the proceedings, in said matter incident to the petition for order of sale of real estate and to strike from the files. ' BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. For sale at a great bargain.' two of the finest residence lots, 50x125, feet each. Wide alley in the rear. Close to end of the pavement. High est elevation in the city. Apply 135 South Central avenue, or telephone 171. 148 For Whom are You Sowing if you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. . . Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance . payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes , , without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay- . . ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of; WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel, S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg if ilrPlili;:1I;:; i Tniiirl Boarding and Day School For Girls and Young Ladies DEPARTMENTS PHEPAltATOltY, GUAMMAH, HIGH SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL. ' . . MUSIC INCLl'DIXO PIANO. VIOLIN', GUITAR, MANDOLIN', ZITHER, BAN'JO, 'CELLO. ART INCLUDING PEN" AND INK, CHARCOAL. PASTEL, WATER COLORS. OIL, PORCELAIN. ". J&fl SEND FOR CATAI.OGLK. ESS&fiBSfctt! ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Medford, Oregon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had . , At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your next suit, if yo.i want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOOEfcSSrVE TAILOB TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. . I have complete field notes of all donation land claims and a lru portion of tlio government surveys in Jackson connly. These, Holes may be copied in my office for fiOc n claim or section. Complete irmp-i of Medford, Talei,1, Central Point, Tolo, Gold' Hill, Eiifrlc Point. Woodvilic and lint to Falls. Surveys, maps, blue prints , and des criptions of lots and tracts made. '' "7-J.S. HOWARD, C. E. ; Rooms 7-8, Adkins Bldg. Medford, Or, Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only y2c. to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. ' . ' Siurossors to Condor Water & Power Co. " For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, wo recommend Pollers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not If we paid l a pound for it. , Everything admit Folder's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, ka4 we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal elimat", diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most charmng and popular play ground. -Southern Pacific Has a- SL'ECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION' RATH TO NEWPORT OF $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSENIUUM, Agent, Medford. , ' WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. 1 Coimtg in 'medtobo, euooir W Slntn Depositary Efitabliabed 1888. Capital and Burplui. 125,000 Hcioirooi 1700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE Tho JnokHon County Bunk respect fully solicits your account, Hubjeot to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safoty and efficiency. Wo offer tho highest attainment in 1 systematic banking service, which' assured tho. greatest core in oVcry financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. " W. I. VAWTER, President. ' 0. It. LIOT1LEY, Cushior. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MfDFORb OREGON Officein Jackson County Bank Upstairs yttrs, Ureru Ifdmpton 3saacs Institctor of "plane. "Tlt 5ttctljo6