8 THE -MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORG EON; MONDAY, SEPTEMBER (5, 1900. LENGTHY DOCKET FOR , SEPTEMBER TERM (Con tinned from Page 1.) B. F. Mulkey, attorney for defcnd-unts. II. V. Demi vs. J. H. Johnson and IS. A. Seahorg; Wtiwtor & fimlin, at torneys for plaintiff. Southern Pacific Co.. vs. J. S Parker mul Parker; Colvig & Xuniin Tnvlor Co.. vsW. R. Stan-'Reames, attorneys for i.laintiff; Cms uell; H. K. ilannn, Jr., attorney fori Xewbury. aliorney for defendants. plaintiff. Win. M. Ulrii'H, assignee, of Estate of T. J. Kenney, insolvent vs. W. T. Campbell and G. E. Xouber; Colvig nml Retimes, attorneys for plaintiff. (iold Hill Bank vs. Gold Hill Canal Co.; J. Ij. Ilanuncrsly, Wm. Colvig and Reames and Reames, attorneys for .plaintiff; W. J. Vawter, attor ney for defendant. D. H. Jaekson, as trustee of the O. E. Nouhor estate, a bankrupt, vs. ; flattie. Xeubcr, action in replevin; Colvig and Keame.s, attorneys for plaintiff. Wm. Jennings vsl ,T. J. Kenney; Gus Xewbury, nttoniey for plaintiff. Almira Whetstone vs. Rogue River Valley R R. Co., action for damages. W. E. Phipps, attorney for plaintiff; A. E. Reames, attorneys for defend ant. Geo. Benz & Sons vs. I;. F. Reddi rliffe; Vawter and Purdin, attomeys for plaintiff. S. J. Majors, limited, vs. Joseph T. Gngnon, et al; O. C. Boggs, attorney for plaintiff; A. Q. Hough for Jas. T. Gaguon. R. L. Salrin vs. James Stewart; Vawter and Purdin, . attorneys for plaintiff. ' i J. F. Mcikle and C. A. Payne vj. C. F. Arant: J. A. Lemery, attorney for plaintiff; J. A. Harvey, attorney "for defendant. Crater Lake Lumber Co., vs. Fred erick Wolff and Geo. F. King; W. E. John Harrington vs. W. E. Phipps, J. R. Xiiil and Frances M. Snyder; A. C. Hough, attorney for plaintiff. Win. Ulrirh, assignee T. J. Kenney insolvent, vs. Robert S. Towito. do ing business under name of Blue Ledge Mine; Colvig & heames, at torneys fur plaintiff ; W. G. Estep. attorney for defendant W. A. Carter vs. J. M. Taylor; Cms Xewbury and Carter & Dufur, at tornevs for olaintiff. Win. 1'lrich, assignee T. J. Ken nev, insolvent, vs. Sterling Mining Co.; Colvig & Reames. attorneys for plaintiff. Charles Xiekell vs. F. M. Thomp son; J. R. Xeil, attorney for plain tiff. W. II. Ken worthy -vs. The Pacific American; J. L. Hommersly. attor ney for plaintiff. Mullen & Co., vs. A. K. Xettleblnd: Gus Xewbury, attorney for plaintiff, Robert MeClanahan vs. T. K, Met?.; ATtiwter & Purdin. attorneys for plaintiff. Jackson County Bank vs. Weston . nmett and J. S. arnett; M. Pur din, attorney for plaintiff. Thomas lades vs. M. E. Abbott; Colvig" ' & ' Reames. at tornevs for plaintiff. "Charles K. Komfip vs. Warren Xiehols; Thompson & Hardy, Wood cock & Potter, attorneys for plain tiff; T. H. Grecnman, attorney for defendant. Gilliam T. Kite len vs. Warren Phipps. attorney for plaintiff: Vow- j Nichols: Thompson & nardy. Wood ter and Pnrdin, attorneys for de- cock & Potter, attorneys for plain fendants. jtiff; F. H. Greenman, attorney for Crater Lake Lumber Co. vs. John ; defendant. Wolff and Geo. T. King: W..E.! Ernest R. Gilstrap vs. Warren Phipps, attorney for plaintiff; Vaw-1 Xiehols; Thompson & Hardy. Wood ter & Purdin for King. ' coek & Potter, attorneys for plain- The Store That Saves You Money Tablets If you want the best tablet at 5 and 10c to be found in the cit)', we have ;t, in fact our 5c pencil tablets are 10c in most places. 1006 Post Cards Local views, Southern Oregon, Northern Califor nia, Comics. Floral, Bh'th .day, etc.. The largest as sortment of post cards in Medfoi'd, and the ' same quality others ask 2 for a nickel for. Here at. lc Each - ". . 500 dozen Boys' and Misses VSchool Hosiery, Knit Waists, Hose Supporters, Ribbon, etc.r Remember that in the Popular Price Store we give you fchtother store qualities at the Hussey popular price. Forty dozen Genuine Imported Japanese Cups and Saucers, at first val ue. Here per set of 6 cups and saucers 75c per Set We are closing out our entire line of Ladies' sum mer weight Jersey Ribljed Vests, Pants, Union Suits, etc., at a big reduction from ordinary prices.' See the big line of Ladies' Fancy Side and Back Combs, Shopping Bags, Purses, etc., mostly samples that we arc closing out at about one-half price. THE BUSY STORE tiff; T. II. Grctmmnu, attorney for defendant. Jospch Miller vs. Jess Stonu and Clevo Storm; Colvig & Reames, nt tornevs lor plaintiff. Western Electric Works vs. .1. II. l'lizgernld, et al; Porter .1. Xnff. at torney for plaintiff. 11. . Grant. R. L. Itiiidic and '.. T. Staples vs. Rogue River Valley Or chards Co., 1. Y. hidings ami E. Bronx: F. M. Calkins, attornev for plaintiffs; Marshall Xuchoils, attor ney for defendants. J. B. Woo.l vs. W. W. Gregory; Porter J. Ncl'f, attorney for plaintiff. C. W. Wolters vs. T. W. Hill and Estella Hill; F. M. Calkins, attorney for plaintiff. Richard eswick vs. B. R. Kings bury; h. R Bnggs. uttorucv for plaintiff. J. H. Gniee vs. Robert S. McKow ell: Colvig & Realties, nltnriicvs for plaintiff ; Porter J. Xeff, attorney for defendant. Silas J. Day vs. Adolph Seliul.fl II. K. Haunn, Jr., attornev for plain liff. Suits in Equity. Edgar Hafor vs. Medl'ord and Crater Lake R. R. Co., et al; Reames & Reames, attorneys for plaintiff: Colvig. & Durham, attorneys for de fendant. In the matter of the assignment of T. J. Kenney. nil insolvent debtor. Wm. Ulrieh assignee. F. Y. Allen vs. The Pearl Mining Co., mi Oregon cnrixirntion and Pctor Applegate. et til; suit to fore close lien; Colvig & Durham, attor neys for plaintiff; Realties & Reames. attorneys for defendants.! Ashland Electric Powvr and Light Co.. vs. The City of Ashland ; A. C. Hough and A. E. Reames, attorneys for plaintiff; Williams. Wood. Litch ieuni and Briggs, attorneys for de fendant. W. Mendenliall vs. Roaring' Gim let Gold Mining Co.; W. I. Vawter. nttoniey for plaintiff; ('has. S. Parker, Reames & Reames, attor neys for defendant. J. F. Reddy. receiver Medford & Crater Lake R. R. Co. vs. J. A. Mc Call; Reames & Reames. attorneys for plaintiff: Fenton, Colvig and Durham, attorneys for defendant. W. H. Clement vs. T. H. Mansfield and Mury Brnnier, suit to foreclose lien; A. E. Rcnmes. attorney for plaintiff; R. G. Smith, nttoniey for defendant. Andrew Cantrall vs. Sterling Min ing lo.; suit lor injunction; tins Xewbury, attorney for plaintiff: A. E. Reames and R. G. Smith, attor neys for defendant. Elmer S. Morton vs. James Odea and Emmeline Odcn, et nl; injunc tion; Colvig & Reames, attorneys for plaintiff. Dave Pence and Edward Pence vs. E. E. Morrison, et al: injunction; Colvig & Reames. ottorneys for plaintiff. Harry Silver mid James Bailey vs. Wm. Tnylor and Jennie M. Taylor; cific performance of con tract- Geo. W. T.cfrcn, nttornev for plaintiff. Melissa E. Knighton vs. Ernest M. Goddnrd. et al: suit to quiet title and correct deed; Colvig & Reames, at- hhza J. Lewis vs. C. W. Palm, el al; suit for partition; O. C. Boggs, attorney for plaintiff. Wm. L. Brewster, administrator estate Geo. Baldwin vs. Martin El lis and A. J. Xorton; suit to cancel deed; Wm. T. Muir and A. E. Reames, attorneys tor plaintiff. Clara S. Birdseye and Edw. X. Tilton vs. Malcolm McDonald and W. M. Hiatt; suit for injunction; Colvig ' & Durhom, uttonieys for plaintiff. E. X. Provolt vs. Lola Bailey, el al; injunction; R. G. Smith, attorney for plaintiff; Reames & Reames, attor neys for defendant. A. W. Shearer vs. Frank Mixter; injunction; A. C. Hough, attorney for plaintiff; Gus . .ewbury, attor ney for defendant. B. S. Rndcliffe vs. R. X. Knell, may or of Ashland; mandamus suit; R. (i. Smith, attorney for plaintiff: F. M. Calkins, attorney lor defendant. O. & C. II. If. Co. vs. Tims. ( Knlilcr. executor of ('. W. Kahlct I estate: suit to quiet title; Win. I). Fenton. Colvig mid Reames, attor neys for plaintiff. Ashland Klcetric Power and Light Co. vs. The City of Ashland, ct al; injunction; A. C. Hough, Ronnie & Kennies, attorneys for plaintiff; Williams. Wood and l.ithicum, at torneys for defendant. In the matter of the assignment of J. Tolburg. L. L. Angle vs. John W. Smith, et al; suit for' injunction,; Gus Xew bury, attorney for plaintiff; Ono. W. Trcfern,' attorney for defendant. Alfred Smith vs. City of Medford; Alfred Smith, Retimes & Reames, at torneys for plaintiff; Colvig & Dur ham mid H. . Witliitigtou, attorneys for defendant. Efl'in May Teriill, el al vs. W. It. Jaekson, et til; suit to quiet title; A. E. Retimes, attorney for plaintiff; Colvig anil Reames, attomeys for defendant.. F. V. M'mlynski vs. It. P. Theiss; W. I. Vawter and O. C. Hoggs, - at torneys for plaintiff: Mark Applegate vs. C, V. Evans; suit to foreclose lieu; Gus Xewbury. attorney for plaintiff; Cokig & Dur ham, attorneys for defendant. Win. Uricli, assignee estate T. J. Kenney, insolvent, vs. G. E. Neither nml Htittie Xenber; suit to foreclose mortgage; Colvig and Riimnes, at torneys for plaintiff; H. I). Xorton, nttoniey. for defendant. . . . Revenue Mining Co. vs. T. E. Hop kins; Wm. Vawter and Olius. Prim, attornev s for plaintiff; Colvig ft Durham, attorneys for defendant. E. C. Sherman vs. E. C. Bagley, Retimes & Retimes, attorneys for plaintiff ; A. C. Hough, attorney for defendant. J. F. Reddy. receiver vs. Terence Fee, R. E. Fee. known as Fee Bros.; Realties & Kennies, attorneys for plaintiff. W. E. Pago vs. Win. M. Floyd and W. I), llliugsworlh; Colvig and Keames, attorneys for plaintiff., William IVybeo vs. William Louisa, suit for injunction; II. K. Hunan. Jr., attorney for plaintiff; W. E. Phipps and J.' L. llamiiierhly, attorneys for defendant. Appeal of (1. T. Salesliiiry from the survey of the County Surveyor; F. M. Calkins, attorney for plaintiff. J. D. Whitman vs. W. A. Jones, sheriff of Jackson Co., and C. W. Wolters; Kennies & Kennies, attor neys for plaintiff; W. E. Phipps, at torney for defendant. Sterling Mining Co. vs. Edward A. Spanldiiig; Kennies & Reames, at torneys, for plaintiff; Vawter & Pur din and Chun. Prim, attorneys for defendant. Volnii Webster vs. F. W. Wait and Katerine Wait; suit to foreclose mortgage; W. I. Vawter, attorney for plaintiff. . The remainder of the court docket will be published in the Tribune of Tuesday. WEATHER BUREAU CHIEF FALLS AND BREAKS ARM WASHINGTON, ?KPT. (I. While alighting from a car yesterday Pro fessor Willis L: Moore, chief of the weather bureau, fell and suffered the fracture of an arm. He was convey ed to the office of a physician, whore the injured member was set, and (hen, much to tlto scurprise of his friends, ho proceeded to his own office and performed his customary duties. . Xnsh Grill open nil the tinio. Watch This Space IT WILL PAY YOU It Will con tain Noiue thing o !' great in terest to morrow and later will grow with the descrip tions of powc r f a 1 bargains . SEE WINDOWS The Hutchasoa Co. Successors to BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES (E INVITE COMPARISON OF OUR 5c AND 10c TABLET VALUES WITH THOSE SOU) BY ANY OTHER .FIRM IN MEDFORD. OUR ASSORT MENT THROUGHOUT OF PENCILS, PEN POINTS, PEN HOLDERS, ETC., IN ' FACT EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO SCHOOL WORK IS THE IRG EST AND MOST COMPLETE JN SOUTHERN ORE GON. BETTER THAN HAS EVER BEEN CARRID IN MEDFORD HRETOFOR, SY" "" " rW SCHOOL BOOKS 6 SUPPLIES ARE SOLD FOR CASH ONLY M&SJ 3 Medford Book Store