Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 06, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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il t
A. HoiikIi f (InililH I'uhih was
it viilr ill Mi'ilfunl Monday mi luiu-ini'HK.
Doil'l ful'Ki'l of next (lulicii it I
ilm Wiuwiuii, Tui-Niliiy, SfiiiMnliifr 7.
(', li. Miller of .Mi'UiiikI in Hpund
init u l'nw iluyi in Mmll'ord.
JiimuH lluimon, the wull known
farmer, H'iit Saturday in Mmlfonl.
You I'lin gut n muni to unlit r lit the
SiihIi Orill Oliy limfl between 0 o'clock
in thn morning nnd midnight. Open ut
all bourn. ,
I). Hurnetl Inn returned from mi
(.xli-niliiil ciiiiipini; trip in tlui neiifli
hurluHid of Cruter I -like unit over into
tliO Kliimiitli vidley. lie wan iu'coiii
punicd by Court Hull nml family.
K. '. V. Uromley of Cliii'iik'o Iiiih
PUI-cIiiimmI lu lO-acrn loU on KiiI
I ImirhtM or Urown Miikclwiii, i on
Kiilerntion $2!00.
. SoinethinK every binMnmui man
wnntH llw merchant' Inneh at tint
NiibIi k1'" efk,!" noon un uluhornle
ninnu. I'riei) 35 cent.
Medford hi'IiooIh opened for llio
fall term Monday and judging from
the llirt'e number of children on tin:
MlreeU on their way t' wbool Ihi
vcnr'H utlcndiiiien will break all ree-
Mr. John T. Allen of Kne Point,
who hai lieen her old liouin
in Cuboid. Mo., in eviceted to arrive
home in llie n.-ar future. Mri. Al
len' brother, Tlmmm Uyiui, died on
Annual A '"lire circle of friend
extend their ynimlby.
Snb tirill oen all llw lime.
Kd Andrew of Ito-icburg, formerly
of thi eily. i .wniliii a few day
in Medford on lnoiiien. Mr. An
drews report" that the oil eommny
in which be i inlere-led will bore for
oil ngiiin near iielmrtf and uUo in
the Con !"' country, where J. V.
IVrkii.H i at' present in the interi-nt
of the eoinpany.
Mr. 1. H. Allen i- victim; fneniln
in A-dilnnd.
Table d'hote dinner at the
drill Sunday evening. Mumc by Ito
maiioff'i orrhmtrn.
There will be a enl gin HkIi
iiwiiv free tomorrow nmhl I"
one of Medford' in-l popular young:
ladii'H nt the Wigwam, j
Mi Hertba Hiundenbmg has left
for a vilt in Seattle nt the fair
Sliimer & Downing have pnrehns
,.,1 O. M. MurphyV inlcrcKt in the
new saloon whieh in to go ill wi
ry V old eKlabliHlunei.t mid have np-
olied for a license.
Tiilihi d'hote dinner ut thn Nash
fiiill Sundiiy evening. Mumc by Uo
iiinnol'f'n orcheHlni.
I'. (!. )ieke!'Min of Kaleui is ill
Med Cord on a short IniHiiiexH trip.
You'll meet your friend at thu box
hull lilley.
K. I', (lili'lirist of Knglu l'oint
upeiil Huiiilay in MeiU'ord.
i no miiiid old story but it n
good one. No belter plueo in town for
a Hipiuro men) tliiui llio Spot enfe.
I'.ddie King and Henry Hates left
Sundiiy morning for un extended
limping trin on Shovel creek. They
expeet to he absent threo weeks or
it month.
A eut glass dish will be (riven uway
five to u oopular young lady who
dunces on tomorrow ninhl ut tbo
Wigwam. 115
Kor Halo ut u (.'rent bargain, two
of the finest rcHidenett IoIk, 5(1x125,
feet eaeh. Wide alley in tho rear.
('loHA'to end of the puvnmctit. Hitch-
ent elevation in the city. Aply 135
South Centriil nvemin, or telepbonn
171. 118
HYAN At hU honm in Cubool,
Mo., Anifiint 21, ThninuH Itymi,
lilolher of Ml'K. John T. Allen, of
Kncltt Point.
JACKSON At Omul l'litfs Fri
dav. Seiiteniber H. to M'r. and Mr.
Arthur .Iiiekson, a daughter.
I'lNIH.KY At (Irauts I'iisk, TIiiiih
dav. Seiiteuiher to Mr. mid Mm,
Fred F. Fimlley, a pirl.
Il KAHMOND At (JrnntM I'uss on
Weibii-kibiy, September , to Mr. and
Mi-i, Vernon lIcAnnond, a mm.
Lavndr Oil. I
kt fourftftliii of the oil extracted
from lavonder I concealed In tuo i
l)loomllio Imrvciit take piuco Juhi w
fore llio Dower hogUm to fade at tbe
end of AiiKUHt. The oil la cllMtlllecl uy j
uieuiiN of Htcuin. wlileb U coiupellea to
penetrate tbe clonely paclted luvendcr.
ufterwurd belii drawn off In plpef
Unit run tliiouuli cold wuter. In tul
maimer the Mcam lit rcconverttfd Into
water, but tho proccM of panning
tliroiiKh the lavender bus extracted tbo
oil. wblcb flout on the aurfucc of tbe
water u h It runs Into Klimn Jnr down
below. TbeHe Jurs liuvo nproutu In tbe
center, thus (nublliiK tbe water to rua
out while the oil collect uupve tbe
level of, the exit. In till tbe Orst
Htiitfo tho oil In of a brownmn diuo
tint, ond It now bus to bo rennea tJ
paitHlne onco inoro tbrougb water.
Tbn all Impurities aro removed, ana
tbo oil run out while, aavo for a very
pnle bluo color almtlar to that observed
In paruflln. Three pounds of oil will
make thirty eallons of tbo perfume.
Tho majority of ladles would bo sur
prised if they were , Informed tbnt a
bottle of lavender water contains but
about a thimbleful of pure oil, for a
larger proportion would not only ren
der tbo water too strong for use, bat
would burn boles tbrougb tbo band
kerchief wborcver tbo scent touched It
London Standard.
III s..
The funeral of Hoy Thaleher will
he held from the reidenee of Wal
ter Kitto, Jacksonville, Or., at 10
o'eloek Tuesday. Hcv. W. F. ShieldM
will officiate.
Nash Orill open all the t.u.e.
.T. V.. I'er.lne of Central l'oint was
nt visitor in .Meuioro.
riL-ell. Durham, lb" ell known
Pass attorney, i" h. Medlord
is hereby (,'iven that the iiiiilersiniied
will apply at the regular meet'uiK of
the city council of Medford, Oregon,
on September tl. 11KHI, for license to
sell malt, vinous and spiritous
li.ninrs in less nuantilies than one
gallon for six months lit lot 12,
hloel; '(). in Medlord. Orei; lor n
period of six months.
Ths Poor Bridgroom.
"Even tho Kngllsb language empha
sizes the InslgulUcance of a man at bis
own wedding," said tbe prospective
bridegroom disconsolately. There Isn't
an Independent word to designate him.
lie Is merely called tbe groom of tbe
bride as If be were Just about on a
level with flic bridesmaids and a lit
tle below tbe maid of booor. Best
roan, of course, means the bridegroom's
best man, but the phrase itself tends to
exalt this Individual at tb expense of
his superior.
"Then there's no udjccllvo to de
scribe what pertains to the male bait
of tho affair. You can't speak of the
'brldegrooinar trousers or necktie. On
tho other bund, 'bridal' applies not only
to the possessions of the girl, but to
what relates to both of tlicm equally,
like the trip and the-bridal chamber.
The very words 'matrimony' and 'mat
rimonial' urc from the feminine side
only. 'Patrimony' has nothing to do
with the nuptials. It applies only to
wealth and sigiillles that a man's part
in the nffnlr Is to get out and bustle
for the cash." Philadelphia Ledger.
1 '.- Cr.-Jznd When II First
' i J : , 1 Faohion.
i: ! ii i.f wcn-lnjr inmt.'iehcH
I .' ..ii! l.i IVuiirc iiulll the
' !.'.!'. v.liin It he
.".".';'., In ti c whole 1'rcneh
I ! tiiiiij tile inuxia-.-lse was
'. 'ii' 'ii lifter the peace of
! I'. v.- n t i':i:il the Iw
"i i that J-:--r:i: 'i civil
v. us nic:1! Ii K:)!rtlcrz In gen
r,' Ii Ir on I In- lip.
v'.'y r.fiir t ic mil l.ichc cunic In
h .:'. r:-. je::Mi'):ir-n Howe
T.i; !." v.:r ; r.x i:ig ihroiigli a:i i'.;r;-li-..
i.'.'.hlrj- town aud w.m l.mic-ilintc.
ly ir '. "1 nf.d r.l.'owcd by a small n;i
of r'lllilicn. win polntel to his lip and
(tilled out itcrlslvel;':
"He's got whiskers nnilcr his snout!
lie's cot whMiers under his snout:"
For ii Ions the mustache was
the i-iihject of raillery, even after It
was becoming cominon. and the fa
mous caricaturist I'ech printed In
Punch a picture of two old fnslilond
women who, when they were spoken
to by bearded railway guards, fell on
their knees and cried out: ,
"Take all that we bare, gentlemen.
but spare our lives:" Westminster
No. 20Rosebnrg Pass..
No. 12Shasta LimiUd..
No. lOiOrcgon Express.
No. 14Port1nnd Express.
An Ancltnt Sky Pilot.
From Garnetfs "Anthology." volume
7, page 48, I copy tho following, taken
from the "Writings of Luclan," a
Greek born about 100 A. D.:
"We were suddenly caught by a
whirlwind, which turned our vessel
levernl times iirounil in a circle wltb
tremendous velocity and lifted It
ll n't foritet thai nn abovo 3.000 stadia iu the air. not set-
i ,i. i...t ..lief in the stiilf I iIIiil' It down ukiiIii on thu sea, but
,,.,, HuecinltV "f '"' ,"rKe kepi it suspended above the water ut
dinner parties
(Inints Fuss
t litisinnss.
on proicssnMi,,, -..:n
in" . above 3,000 stadia
How Standing Armies Originated.
The earliest European standing army
was ' that of Macedonia, established
about 33S U. O. by Philip, father of
Alexander tho Ureal. It was the sec
ond lu tbe world's history, having been
receded only by tbnt of Sosotris Pha
raoh of Kgypt. who organized a mili
tary caste ubout 1000 li. O. Of mod
ern standiug iirmles. that formed by
tho Turkish janizaries was llrsf. being
fully organized iu 1.1H2. It was a cen
tury later that the standing army of
France, the curliest In western Europe,
was established by Charles Vll. In tbe
shape of "compagnles d'ordounance."
numbering 0.000 men. Rivalry there
upon compelled the nations to adopt
similar means of defense. In Eng
land a standing army proper was lirst
established by Cromwell, but was dis
banded under Charles II.. with tbe ex
ception of a few regiments called the
guards, or household brigade. This
was the nucleus of England's present
n rmy.
7:41 a. nt
025 a. a.
5 -24 p. m.
8 :39 p. m.
Experts From Agricultural College
Will Give Local Packers
As the applications ure reeived the
students will be enrolled and will re
ceive instructions in turn. Orchnrd
ists are asked to contribute tho ap
ples to be used in thn school.
This is the first time in the hibtory
of the valley that such a course has
been offered to local packers. Never
before were outside instructor
brought into the Rogue Hiver valley
to teach local packers how to prop
erly pack fruit and thereby assure
highest returns for local fruit.
The school is not extablished for
Medford alone. Packers from all of
the cities in the valley are invited to
take the course, tuition free.
Under the direction or two experts
from tbe Oregon agricultural college
a school for packers under state su
pervision will open next Monday, Sep
tember 13, and continue until Scptem
her 2. The school will be conducted
in the Cos warehouse on South D
No fee will be charged students,
the expense of the institution being
borne by local fruit growers. Twenty
students will be handled in a 'class,
the course of instruction to extend Ton haven't read all the news tin-
over three days. Application to en-(less you have read the ads some in
ter the school either by letter of card teresting items for yonr purse in.ev
should be addressed to C. E, Whisler. ery issue.
Good for Biliousness.
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets last night, and
I feel fifty per cent better than I
have for weeks," says J.' J. Fire
stone of Allegan, Mich. "They are
certainly a fine article for bilious
ness." For sale by Leon B. Raskins'
No. llSShasta Limited..
No. 15'California Express 10 :35 a. m. j
No. 13'iS. F. Express.
5 :50 a. m. I
3:32 p. m.
Medford to Jacksonville.
Motor car leaves
Train leaves
Train leaves
Trnin leaves
Motor car leaves .
8:00 a. m.
10:45 a. in.
3 :35 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
9 :30 p. ro.
Jacksonville to Medford.
, i...n, nd ('. V. Hulk I'"'
Po'r'llnnd on n "hort business tnp.
You'll like boxbull. Try i
.1 W. Hicks of Cenlml V"' ,w
a r lit visitor in Mc-lford.
Mrs. forp'c I'Visk of I'hoenix wns
a recent visitor in Medlord.
i the .misii
K. 1). r.iwnoii, mi,
.Judge K.K. Kelly spent Snmlny fiJ-
ink-on Rogue river, nu i
good lluc.k.
n II ll... i:..,A
open in. no- ' i
spent Sunday IihU
r. They veport verj
linen. ....
Don't forgl Hi" """ 1
wain tomorrow night.
Kiln Onunynw. public Hlenogniph-.
. , ... i...:i.i:,w
room J'liun om
TT IT. CoM of Ashland wns a
cent visitov in Medford
' A pnma everybody can plny-Dcx-
ball. . .
t.'...j t lttutnlnv arrived
from Rosebnrg on a short business
'"o'rdnrs for sweet orentn or butter
milk promptly HN. Phone tto
erenmnry. . i
nr:i..l..,ll . . I'. '
it 1 1 1 , I , I .1
..... x nrci in. "
IT. V.
lay of Ashland
Monro nn Rundny.
that height and carried us on,
swelled sails, above the clouds."
Iu these days of air conquest this
quotation might be r utmost Interest
to aeronauts and also literary meu.
This ancient Gulliver loug preceded
Swift, and as for outdistancing Jules
Verne another (imitation is added:
"Having thus continued our course
through the sky for n space of Bcven
days and us miiuy nights, ou tbe clgbtb
day we described a sort of earth In the
air," etc. (which proved to be tho
The thoroughly fuiulllur vernacular
expression "going some" applies with
original vigor to this early and per
haps ntsl sky pllot.-Ncw York Times.
Motor ieaves
Train leaves .,
Train leaves
Trnin leaves
Motor car leaves
No. 1 Leaves Medford . . .
No. 3Lenves Medford . . .
No. 2Arrives Medford..
No. 4lArnves Medford. ..
No. l Arrive Eagle Pt....
No. 2Leavcs Englo Pt...
No. 3Ariives Eagle Pt...
No. 4!Leavcs Eagle Pt.. . .
7 :00 a. m.
8 :45 a. id.
2 :30 p. m i
4:30 p.m. ;
7:30 p. m. !
8:00 a. m
250 p.m.
10:10 a. m
5:00 p.m.
8 :45 a. m.
9 :05 a. if
3 :05 p. m.
4 :15 p. m.
Northbound .
Southbound '.
Eagle Point.
8:.r)5 a. m.
9 :00 p. m.
8 :10 p. m.
3 :00 p. tn.
2 :00 p. m.
When In Need
Anvtnine: in The Line
Fresh and Salt Meats
Lard Poultry
Call and see our stock,
ing but the best carried.
4- JzZJZZ--
r...".;t mmi would
irivpi'h-i voiimr man
hon nl 'iiii '
Address A. J-
like room nno
f ili-
uii vine hi - ...
' n m..:i nfriee. H
care 111 illinium - -
WAN'l'kn"--Oiiirnr" lo hidy Icne h-
bo.iv.l wilh rnniiiy o,
elosrl, ni'iir
monlh. Hut
ers to
front hedvonin.
snliool. Rnto $20 per
An Obliging Pretldtnt.
During u short lived revolution, says
Harper's Weekly, there cumo to bo
the head or the government In a little
Central American republic a man who
was abovo all thiugs courteous and
..i v,m. moreover, very anxious to
gain the good will of the foreign con
unis One of the Intter, having heard
that a certain connU;vman of hlB hod
died, addressed a note to the Iieod of
llio new government. In which be slat
ed Hint his own government would bo
grateful for n cerlillcate of death of
thu Individual In question. A few
.1...,. iiiier the consul received this I
ljHteonicil Sonor-I Wash to guy that I
(linnet nt turnout comply with your ex
cellency request for ft dentil cortttlcate
or tin, iiiih miiiieit. 1 sent my nolillers,
hut no got nwny, to my sIiiiiub. 1 sliull
imo overy effort to cnlcli htm. howovnr,
nn,l hon to bh1 your excellency tho do-
Ircil coitltlcntn nt ml oarly iluto.
Needless to say, the consul lost no
time In communicating to tho obliging
president the Iu forum Hon that tho cer
tlllcnle was undeslrcil, lu vlcw(of the
fact that the Individual was nblo to
"get away."
A Girl's Preparcdnesi.
There Is something very pitiful about
a girl. She wears calico, but talks
knowingly about the latest styles In
silks. Uer home is furnished plainly,
hut she knows the latest styles 'in
furniture; she knows how the' silver
ware should be arranged ut dinners,
the latest stitch for the marking of
monogrums on the llnest table dam
ask, the etiquette to be observed at a
dinner, a reception or a bull, although
she never attended anything more
than u neighborhood party iu her life.
Iter father's monthly income is uot as
large us the pin money a rich girl
would spend In a day. but she kuows
what the rich girl should wear and
buy to be In touch with the times.
She Is, In short, prepured at uuy time
to marry a rich man and become a so
ciety lender. Atchison tilobe.
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 1909
Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis,
cured my daughter of a severe kidney
and bladder trouble ofter doctor",
failed to give any relief, and I enn
cheerfully rceommenu it. Mrs. L. I..
Wilson. 135 Bartlctt St. Sold by
llaskins' Drug Store.
ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.
.f4..i, ,M,,f. -'l'
: : 1 I
Harness Saddles
Whips Robes
Tents Blankets
Wagon Sheets
Axle Grease and
Gall Cure
J. C Smith
314 E. Main
i Hr.r i'.ji"'., '; -
- 'i'AJll t s: .V'-.trf'2 a. w ' -
Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the
space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets
and dressers; cabinet kitchen.
Portland Fair
Oregon's Biggest Show
Sept. 20-25
Admission SO Cents
FIREWORKS will bo the most gorgeous ami mag
nificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this Coast.
This will interest tho whole family.
J. A. McINTOSlI, Architect,
Third Floor Medford National Bank Building.
Swedenburg Block.
Here is a year's Work for yoil. An earnest and enthusiustic young
nun or woiuitn pun jeuure nil excellent course of business training.
Splendid lOunn. in the Swedenburg block, individual instruction, iti
creascd faculty. Everything up-to-date.
Enter September (ilh and sceuro tbe best year's work of your life.
including) our full course in gymnasium work.
P. RITNER. A. M., President.