THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKCIKOX, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, ' 900. V WHITE WRITES OF NEW YORK MARKET K.dilor Trilmuc: ' Vour vuriotH uipfrx of I lie iunl wiM'k duly P'CfiviMl. notion ymi (nililihlii'il mir ti-li'grnni. Wii iilrto imlicc I li hIiiIcimciiIw iiiiiiIi by Homo of our 'iiili'iiiinl'iiriiiN, hut tliny did nut givn liny rciiMoim or oxpluiu the why iiml wlinrc foro. They nppi'iir 1 inn In lin like I In- iiiim when UHki'd nlioiit I hi! wi-iitlii-r P'plii'il "if it ilim't ruin it will lui fiim wciilhrr." Any lillln Imy could Iiiivi- iniiili' tlio tmiiic iiiiKwi-r mill Mt ill In' tlx wind im the llllllir fl'lloW. Wit llolil'd tllllt 1)11(1 New York n-ccivor sini-a a frii'iiil of his Iiiih lutrii buying ill Muilford Iiiih xtoppml liiw iiuiitiitiiiiiH, Thnl shows thi'.V (iro liniiiiil to iiiiikn, bolter prims thi your Ihiin they iliil hint; ttim wiih well known from the lime Out (limrgiu pciii'hi'K en inn. Their crop IImh MiMiHon lm bci-u not. only i'oii hidrnilily Ii-hh Ihmi IiikI your, hit of very M)ir iiiality. 1 .11 si yenr every one who hoiii-hl them onen wanted Inore iiikI when pem-ln- lire plentiful anil ehenp, (he puhlie prefers lluit kiml uf fruit lo liny olheK 1'eiieheK Hum yeiir heinu very poor in quality 11 nil (inutility anil 111 nil the npplc eropN in the eimt me a forlninlil to three weekx lnlo, pears louk the lend llinl they being of good iiinlily, de I1111111I was very heavy. We notiec the prieeM yu nt lit ft penix were Mild nt in ('liieiiuo. IIiul thone peinK fonie on to New York they wouhl hne iiiiule iiinrn money II11111 they iliil in Chiii'.'o. There win 11 good opening for prime green fruit The bulk of the CulifomiiiiiH were very ripe mill I1111I to go into emi mituption imiiieilinli-ly on arrival. IIiikIoii iliil tiiueh $1.00 iih week. Vp lo lite pre-enl time there Iiiih only been a few Medford peart 011 thit ninrkel. We imagine frail from Meilfori is 1 ii 1 1 sent forward ipiile mi speedily it from California. No ilniibt when you gel opposition railways you will have belter M'rviee. We iioliee your remark eoneern ing the Knglish reports which must Mill be elimsed in the ealegory "if it.ilon'l rain il will be fine wonlher." The gentlemnii from Knglnnd who talkeil about your Ilartlett pears go ing to England, lint over-lookeil the faet of the rieliuetH of the Meilfnril Boil which produces a much larger penr than other districts, more par ticularly the !( torn land. T should not be very anxious to nhip Medford Hurtled s to Kurope as T would not witiTinit their lauding in good order and probably I have had more experience with cold stored fruil than any other person in the .business. Further on I notice you say, that lie expecls to make more money for apples I his venr than he did last, lie did not tell you what he made Inst JUST Woods year. Ilelievu 11111 lie wants to make more for the apples this year than III) did IiikI. Lots of Medford N'ow lown Pippins were sold in London Inst year that did not realize net buck 01111 dollar per box and Keeing miollii'i' Kiiglishiunii who was new in the business paid for Ibe balance of the crop, the seller of those ap plet last year must have beim very hnive in calling around to see men who received those accounts. In my telegram to you lust week, 1 mention ed the fact that reil apples would sell well here in September. I did not mention that our eroptt were a fort night lo three weeks Into und that the very earliest of our red apples e.iiiuint appear on thti market in any quantity until the middle of or this end of October. We shall huve hern during the thiri or fourth week in September, Ihl IIiidsoii-Fiilton celebration which to my mind is likely to bring n very largo number of people to New York, outside of Iho regular floating pop ulation, perhaps 2,000,000 more mouths to feed, so that it is right to expect a good trade hern the third am fourth week in September, and anything in the shape of good fruit should realize considerably more money on that account. ' We notice the remarks aliout Bal four tlnllirie'u hover offcrincr $1.25 for the crop and that your folks de cided lo hold for $2.00. We would' point out Unit California has as large a crop of NYulowiis this year as she bad last and laht there is con siderably more Xewtowns in Oregon this year than there was last, not withstanding the shorlage that it at Hood Kiver. That Nova Scotia has the largest crop in its history. That Ontario has got a good crop. That these Cal ifornia NVwIoiviis, Nova Scotinn and Ontario apples have to go to Kng lanil, being grown for that purpose. That the tpiiuilily of N'ewtowns grown in Oregon will not in our opin ion be marketed in any way at the prices you say they are now held nt. Your growers may say, that it al right. White is talking for his own purpose. Tfiat is not the case be cause the crop in Oregon is now more llitul any one or two people can buy mid however much one may know the business in distributing and feed ing the various markets, unless that distributor can control the situation his ideas at any moment is likely to be upset by the other fellow "hut ting" in and spoiling well laid plans before they have been properly ma tured. One can buy and take chances on a Inrgu quantity of medi um priced apples all of which will go (o the masses, but when a certain quantity hns been used for the class es, the balance, no matter how good ir-is, has to go to the masses. To quote another saying, "If dia monds were as plentiful as coals, thev would have to be sold by Iho toil'." for this long letter and trusting you will find space for the same, I remain Yours faithfully. W. X. WI1ITK & CO. When in the Market for LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, MOULDING, SCREENS, DOORS, WINDOWS, RUBBER ROOFING, CEMENT, or HARD WALL PLASTERS, See : : : : ASK FOR DISMISSAL OF HEINZES INDICTMENT XKW YOHK, Kept, (i.- CoiiiimjI for I''. AiigusliiH. Ilcinze linked .liide Hough in the Coiled Stales circuit court today to dismiss the indict ment against lliun.e, which charged him with misapplication of $2,500, 000 of (he funds of the Mercaiitilo National bank of this city, of which ho was formerly present. Mr. Ilcinze's counsel asserted the indict ment did not show that the alleged application was unlawful, nor did it show intent to defraud the bank. The United States District Attorney de clared that a willful attempt to de fraud ho bank for personal gain was charged. Judge Hough reserved de cision. . COTTAGE GROVE WANTS GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM COTTAOK GKOVK, Or., Sept. 0. A citizens' mass meeting was called here Wednesday night 'by Mayor B. H. Job, M. 1). A vote was carried to call an election during the next few weeks to increase the bonded indebtedness to $150,000, to finance the bringing down of the gravity water system from Lank creek, a distance of about 18 miles, with 12-ineh pipe. This water is as pure as Bull Run and will supply a city of 150,000 people. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or oide interest to the public generally and which is nerhnps not generally ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By mcnnH of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and moil ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same tilD." Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit lnnd near railroad station, $80 per acre, '2 cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of the best orchard land in the vallev; ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, 4150 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at." 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice oi-chord land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if yon 'neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 largo city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the ahove proper' ies purchased them four years agj before the odvanco in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. Office in Palm Block, Upstairs A REMINDER Lumber Why allow your eyes lo use more than their normal supply of ner vous energy? Kven a Alight saving each day may mean milch to you for future health. We .ever presrihe lenses un til we have taken .nerve mea s u r e m e nt h under pressure and with pres- 'arc removed to prove accuracy of our findings when relief is sure to follow. Improper adjustments of lenses not only ds traets from appearance but adds much to eye strain. MtCormiek methods used exclusively. Brief ' consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eye Specialist. Kast Main St., over Xicholson's Hardware. J.C.BROWN Medford, Oregon Bijou Entire Change of Program Illustrated Songs Prof. Nick Young and bis Trained Dogs All This Week BUGLE BOY Military Drama. . THE TRUANT High Class. Comedy Drama. THE SLAVE Beautiful Roman Drama.' ' ' . ,' ' ' Ikli WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. l" i Come and see for yourself. Why pay 10 cents for a few moving pictures when for 5 cents more you can see a high grade vaudeville net. hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a fuil picture program. Admission10c and 15c P.C.Hansen. Tom Moffat .We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. ' Medford Sash & Door Co. I Medford Iron Works f J E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist All Hrn" of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-I tchinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for 1 FAIRBANKS, Conip'y Theatre GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very mnch, either. If you haven't one, we can fix you up i na short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our line in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION TO M0PSE & CO. I -